Monday, September 16, 2024

Cyber Security Questions To Ask In An Interview

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What Is The Difference Between Https Ssl And Tls

Cyber Security Interview Questions And Answers | Cyber Security Interview Preparation | Simplilearn

Ans: A hiring manager would want to understand the theoretical clarity of the aspirant. So, it is no brainer that you would need to depict clarity here.

HTTPS is hypertext transfer protocol which secures communications over a given network. SSL is quite different from it. SSL is a standard security technology which helps in creating an encrypted link between a server and a client. The clients, in this case, are mostly web browsers and web servers. A successor to SSL is the TLS. TLS is a name given to transport layer security.

Now, you would need to add that knowing about the differences in HTTPS, SSL and TSL would help a cybersecurity analyst to understand the inherent risks involved in each phase of data transmission.

Is Encryption Different From Hashing

Encryption is a two-way function in which plaintext is converted into illegible ciphertext and then restored to its original plaintext form using a key. Hashing, on the other hand, is a keyless one-way function that converts information into a hash key. This hash key cannot be reversed, meaning that the original information is irretrievable.

How Do You Differentiate Between Viruses And Worms

While viruses attach to a file or program, worms exploit network vulnerabilities to enter a network. Viruses only replicate when activated by a host, and will remain dormant in a system until an action is taken to trigger execution. Conversely, worms propagate independently after breaching a system and can spread without human interaction or the assistance of a host.

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Importance Of Cyber Security

Our society is more technologically reliant than ever before in this digital era because the internet, computing devices, including laptops, tablets, and electronic gadgets and software programs, are essential parts of our daily lives.

Whether youre an individual, company or a multinational organization such as banking systems, hospitals and governments, you can never ignore the importance of computing to run your business activities. When they manipulate or store important data such as customers details, intellectual property, or credit card details are vulnerable to hackers, which could result in severe penalties.

All businesses are already shifted on the internet or plan to maintain their presence and ROI value soon. But they have to implement vulnerability management techniques to secure their online business.

There are many reasons that attackers steal the data they can use this valuable information to sell it on the dark web, penetrate them for financial gain, political reasons, extortion or simply destruction. Whatever the reason is, you can implement tight networking security and follow proper guidelines to avoid security breaches.

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You Are Remoted In To A Headless System In A Remote Area You Have No Physical Access To The Hardware And You Need To Perform An Os Installation What Do You Do


There are a couple of different ways to do this, but the most like scenario you will run into is this: What you would want to do is setup a network-based installer capable of network-booting via PXE . Environments that have very large numbers of systems more often than not have the capability of pushing out images via the network. This reduces the amount of hands-on time that is required on each system, and keeps the installs more consistent.

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Q: How Would You Set Up A Firewall

A:These are the steps I would follow to set up a firewall:

1. For the username and password: We’ll need to change the default password for a firewall device.

2.For remote administration: We’ll need to disable this feature.

3. For port forwarding: We’ll have to configure the correct port forwarding to ensure that applications, like a web server or an FTP server, work properly.

4. We’ll need to ensure that the network’s DHCP server is disabled before installing the firewall. Otherwise, it will cause a conflict.

5. We’ll need to make sure that logging is enabled so that we can troubleshoot any firewall issues or possible attacks.

6. In terms of policies, we should have clear security policies. The firewall should enforce those policies.

What Is The Difference Between A Black Hat And A White Hat

This particular question can lead into a major philosophical debate about freedom of information, and if something is implemented in a deliberately broken way it isnt actually breaking into it, etc. The one Ive heard the most is the classic Jedi example same tools, different ideologies. Personally, the people I know that have worked on both sides of the line it comes down to this the difference between a black hat and a white hat is who is signing the check.

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What Is A Ddos Attack And How To Stop And Prevent Them

A DDOS is a malicious attempt of disrupting regular traffic of a network by flooding with a large number of requests and making the server unavailable to the appropriate requests. The requests come from several unauthorized sources and hence called distributed denial of service attacks.

The following methods will help you to stop and prevent DDOS attacks:

  • Build a denial of service response plan
  • Protect your network infrastructure
  • Consider DDoS as a service

What Is The Difference Between Ids And Ips Solutions

Cyber Security Interview Questions And Answers | Cyber Security Interview Preparation | Intellipaat

Intrusion detection systems, commonly known as IDS, monitor the traffic passing through organizational networks to detect signs that an attack is underway. IDS can give advanced signals that threat actors are trying to steal sensitive information or otherwise infiltrate the network using known attack vectors. An IDS system detects activities such as malware attacks, security policy violations, and port scanners by comparing the suspicious activity against familiar threat footprints.

Conversely, intrusion prevention systems, often shortened to IPS, are placed between the enterprise network and the internet at large, much like a firewall. If an approaching packet contains a known threat, the IPS will intercept and block it.

IDS is a monitoring system that does not modify network packets in any form. On the other hand, IPS is a control system that will block the delivery of malicious packets depending on their contents.

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What Is Forward Secrecy And How Does It Work

  • Forward secrecy is a feature of specific key agreement protocols which gives assurance that even if the private key of the server is compromised the session keys will not be compromised. It is also known as perfect forward secrecy.
  • The Algorithm that helps in achieving this is called “DiffieHellman key exchange”.

What Is The Difference Between Virus And Worm

A virus is a piece of harmful executable code that is attached to another executable file and can modify or erase data. When a virus-infected computer application executes, it takes action such as removing a file from the computer system. Viruses can’t be managed from afar.Worms are comparable to viruses in that they do not alter the program. It continues to multiply itself, causing the computer system to slow down. Worms can be manipulated with remote control. Worms’ primary goal is to consume system resources.

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Top 50 Information Security Interview Questions

Lets face it, theres no shortage in potential questions at any given interview across a wide variety of topics in information security. On top of that, InfoSec means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. For example, information security covers everyone from the guy at Best Buy running a copy of Norton all the way up to the cryptomasters at the NSA. As a result, a single list of questions is not going to cover everything. That being said, there are tiers of possible questions that you can run into, and that is what this guide is about.

Thats not to say that these questions cannot appear in different tiers you may very well see some of the level 1 questions during a level 5 interview. Rather, this means that in order to reach level 5, you want to be comfortable with everything up to that point not necessarily remember everything by rote, but at least be able to have a resource you can get the answers from quickly. So without further ado, lets begin.

Q: Explain What Snmp Is

Cyber security analyst interview questions

A: SNMP stands for simple network management protocol, which is considered an internet standard protocol and application layer protocol.

The SNMP is used to collect and organize information for managed devices on IP networks. It’s also used to modify that information so you can change the device’s behavior.

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What Is The Difference Between Active And Passive Cyberattacks

As seen below, in an active attack, the attacker attempts to disrupt a network’s normalcy, edits data, and alters the system resources.

Whereas, in a passive attack, the hacker intercepts the data traveling through the network. Here as seen below, the intruder eavesdrops but does not modify the message.

Which Is More Reliable: Ssl Or Https

SSL stands for secure sockets layer and HTTPS stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure. HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP. SSL is a part of the HTTPS protocol. Both are encryption protocols but they have different approaches.

HTTPS protocol is a combination of HTTP and SSL protocols that encrypts data. SSL encryption online communication. SSL is more secure and reliable when compared to HTTPS. SSL works on top of HTTP in terms of providing security.

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Explain The Cia Model

CIA is a common model to develop a security policy. It consists of the following concepts:

  • Confidentiality: Ensure the confidential and private data is accessed only by the authorized users
  • Integrity: It means the information is in the right format
  • Availability: Ensure the data and other required resources are available to those users who need them

How Would Your Previous Employer Describe You

Cybersecurity Interview Questions and Answers | CyberSecurity Interview Tips | Edureka

An interviewer may want to know what kind of relationship you had with your previous employer. This question can also help them better understand what kind of employee you are to decide whether you would be a good fit for their company. If you have a good relationship with your previous employer, reconnect and ask them how they viewed you as an employee. If you aren’t as close to them or don’t have time to reach out, think about how they would describe you based on the value you brought to their company.

Example:”When I left my previous company, my manager was sad to see me go. On my last day of work, they said how much they appreciated my time with the company and that they’ve never had a more hard-working security officer. I think they would describe me as someone dedicated to my job and willing to put in extra effort during busy times.”

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Which Shells Are Used In Linux

The shells used in Linux are:

  • bash: Bourne again shell is the default for Linux distributions
  • ksh: Korn shell is a high-level programming shell that supports associative arrays and built-in operations
  • csh: C shell does spelling corrections and job control
  • zsh: Z shell provides unique features like filename generation, startup files, etc.
  • fish: Friendly interactive shell which provides features like auto-suggestions, configurations, etc.
  • What Is Forward Secrecy

    Forward secrecy is a feature of certain key agreement protocols that generates a unique session key for each transaction. Thanks to forward secrecy, an intruder cannot access data from more than one communication between a client and a servereven if the security of one communication is compromised.

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    Frequently Asked Questions On Cyber Security Interviews

    Q1. What is the average salary of a cyber security engineer in the United States?

    The average salary of a cyber security engineer in the US is around $125,000 a year. Individuals joining at entry-level earn $105,000 per year. Meanwhile, most experienced cyber security engineers earn around $164,200 each year.

    Q2. What is the minimum eligibility to become a cyber security engineer?

    You must have a degree in Computer Science, IT, Engineering, or a similar field. In addition, you would also require a 2-year work experience in this field to land a job in a reputed company.

    Q3. What are the different cyber security elements?

    A few cyber security elements are information security, application security, network security, and end-user security.

    Q4. How can I prepare well to answer cyber security interview questions?

    Experts suggest that you need to demonstrate your broad business knowledge and show your passion for the position to nail your cyber security interview. Topics you must prepare for include Applied Cryptography and Information Security, Network Security, Application and System Security, Security Themed Coding and Code Reviews, and Secure System Design and Security Policies.

    Q5. What questions should I ask at the end of a cyber security interview?

    What Are The Valuable Steps To Resolve Issues While Testing

    Top 10 information security interview questions and answers

    The following steps can be implemented to resolve issues while testing:

  • Record: Log and resolve the problems which have happened
  • Report: Report issues to the higher-level managers
  • Control: Define the issue management process
  • Let’s now proceed to the next section of this article on cybersecurity interview questions.

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    What Is Data Protection In Transit Vs Data Protection At Rest

    When data is protected while it is just sitting there in its database or on its hard drive it can be considered at rest. On the other hand, while it is going from server to client, it is in-transit. Many servers do one or the other protected SQL databases, VPN connections, etc. However, there are not many that do both, primarily because of the extra drain on resources. It is still a good practice to do both. Even if it does take a bit longer.

    Why Do You Need Dns Monitoring

    DNS monitoring is simply a way for you to test connectivity between your local connections and the rest of the internet. DNS monitoring is important because it gives you a better idea of the current state of your connections, helping you to troubleshoot issues when they occur. This is especially helpful from a cybersecurity perspective if you suspect any malicious activity.

    Why did they ask that?

    Companies that have an online presence need to know how well you understand their setup and what tools you would use to try and diagnose, troubleshoot and combat connectivity problems. If they were under attack, then they would want to know that you have the knowledge to use the appropriate countermeasures when dealing with such a threat.

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    Whats The Goal Of Information Security Within An Organization

    This is a big one. What I look for is one of two approaches the first is the über-lockdown approach, i.e. To control access to information as much as possible, sir! While admirable, this again shows a bit of immaturity. Not really in a bad way, just not quite what Im looking for. A much better answer in my view is something along the lines of, To help the organization succeed.

    This type of response shows that the individual understands that business is there to make money, and that we are there to help them do that. It is this sort of perspective that I think represents the highest level of security understanding-a realization that security is there for the company and not the other way around.

    Who Do You Look Up To Within The Field Of Information Security Why

    Cyber Security Interview Questions Part – 5 | Cryptography Interview Questions | Simplilearn

    A standard question type. All were looking for here is to see if they pay attention to the industry leaders, and to possibly glean some more insight into how they approach security. If they name a bunch of hackers/criminals thatll tell you one thing, and if they name a few of the pioneers thatll say another. If they dont know anyone in Security, well consider closely what position youre hiring them for. Hopefully it isnt a senior position.

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    What Is The Brute Force Attack And How To Prevent It

    The brute force attack is trial-and-error to guess login information, encryption keys, or PIN. In this case, hackers make all the possible ways and try to guess the credentials one by one. Brute force attacks are automated and use a password dictionary that contains millions of words that can be used as a password. So, you can try to minimize the brute force risk by adopting the following ways:

    • Set password length
    • Set limits on login failures

    What Are The Various Sniffing Tools

    Given below is a list of a few of the sniffing tools:

  • Wireshark: It is used to analyze the network in detail
  • TCPDUMP: It analyzes the packets which are transmitted
  • MSN Sniffer 2: MSN Sniffer 2 is the first chat sniffing tool
  • Ettercap: This tool is perfect for the man in the middle attack
  • Dsniff: It is a password and network analyzing tool
  • EtherApe: It displays the network activity graphically
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    What Is Traceroute Mention Its Uses

    Traceroute is a network diagnostic tool. It helps track the route taken by a packet that is sent across the IP network. It shows the IP addresses of all the routers it pinged between the source and the destination.


    • It shows the time taken by the packet for each hop during the transmission.
    • When the packet is lost during the transmission, the traceroute will identify where the point of failure is.

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