You Aced Your Interviewnow What
Youve tallied some of the above signs, and now youre feeling confident that you can expect to move forward in the process. Here are a few things you should do to make the most of that momentum:
- Take a minute to celebrateyouve earned it!
- Send a thank you note or email if you havent already. According to one survey, 80% of hiring managers find these messages at least somewhat helpful when reviewing candidates.
- Jot down some notes about the important information you received as well as some of the main points you mentioned and stories you told in the interview. If you move forward in the process, its good to have these details to refer back to.
- Avoid thinking youre a shoo-in until you get confirmation that youre moving forward. Confidence is a great thing, but you also dont want to get too far ahead of yourself and set yourself up for disappointment.
The Interviewer Introduced You To Other Team Members
When a hiring manager believes your personality, experience and skills match their team’s, they may be excited to introduce you to other employees. They could show you around the office and give you a tour of the different departments. This usually means they see you as a potential fit for the role and company. Remain courteous and professional as you meet each employee by smiling and shaking hands.
Related: Everything You Need To Know About Job Interview Etiquette
Tell Me About Yourself
One of the most common job interview questions, tell me about yourself is often the interviewers opening gambit to quickly find out what youre all about.
Your answer shouldnt be a simple recitation of your CV . Instead use this as an opportunity to make a quick pitch to sell yourself for the role, highlighting not only your primary selling points but also your personal approach to work and why you want to work in the industry. Briefly outline any relevant work experience from your current role, but of course dont go into as much detail as you do on your CV, as you will probably be asked to go into further detail about these roles later.
However, be careful not to sell yourself too hard. This question is designed to find out what youre like as a person, what your ambitions and interests are and why they relate to the role. Your answer should be short and concise , with a final sentence to summarize why you applied for the position and what youre currently looking for .
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It Lasted For A Significant Amount Of Time
Many strong interviews last for the entire time period you were scheduled for. If the interviewer seems eager to ask more questions even when the interview is over, they may invite you to a second interview to go into a deeper discussion over the points covered in the first interview.
Related:How To Succeed at Your Second Interview
Think About The Dress Code
If you have the chance to ask someone, find out what apparel is ideal for the interview. You want to be sure you hit the dress code and look as if youd easily fit into the workplace. A suit is often a good choice but not always. Research the company to be sure you make a good impression.
How It Will Help
When you look like you fit in somewhere, that can increase your chances of getting the job. If youre underdressed , it could give the hiring manager pause. No matter what you wear, make sure to be clean and well-groomed before you go to the interview.
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The Employer Asked Questions That Seemed Out
If an interviewer asked anything that seemed odd or wasnt really related to work, or the job, it could be a bad sign. Examples:
- Do you always wear ___?
- Do you normally ___?
Im not talking about making small-talk.
Its fine if they asked whether you played sports, whether you knew so-and-so at your last company, whether you had hobbies, whether you enjoyed the college you attended, etc.
But, if you did something out of the ordinary and they asked about it, then it might be because it concerned them. It might not ruin your chances at the job, but its another sign that the job interview might have gone badly.
Build Rapport With Your Interviewer
Your interview is your opportunity to create a connection with your potential employer. While the interviewer will ask questions for the majority of the meeting, you can still use each question to turn the interview into a more comfortable conversation. Try to make a personal connection with your interviewer while remaining professional.
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You Connected With The Hiring Manager
If the conversation with the interviewer felt simple and flowed well, it’s likely they felt the same way. This could be because you have a lot in common with the hiring manager, or they may enthusiastically lead and continue the conversation on their own. Connecting with the interviewer is a positive sign because it can mean you’re easy to communicate with and have a personality that fits the company culture.
Related: 8 Ways to Make an Easy Connection With Your Interviewer
What Can You Bring To This Role
This is key, because its one of a few typical interview questions that gives you a chance to really sell yourself and all your relevant skills. Regardless of whether or not you have any professional experience in a similar role, you can still talk about the skills you picked up during your degree, an internship or part-time job. Try to relate these skills to the role you are interviewing for. For example, your part time job might have taught you how to work well in a team, as well as how to build strong professional relationships with your colleagues and clients.
If youve already been offered an interview, the chances are that the interviewer is aware of what experience you have and sees potential in you. Provide examples of times when youve utilized the skills theyre looking for in a different context. If youre a new graduate, nows the chance to highlight all the transferable skills you gained during your degree, such as analytical ability, written and spoken communication skills and IT mastery, to name but a few.
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You Were Asked Follow
Interested interviewers will dig deeper into your answers with related questions. Are they asking follow-up questions that build well upon what you are saying? Or do they seem like theyre just going through their checklist of required questions? Kaplan says.
Pressing you for additional detail is a good sign, even if it feels a little intimidating in the moment. Keep in mind, though, that if theyre simply restating the same question they already asked, it could be a sign that you arent giving enough information in your initial answer.
How To Handle Inappropriate Questions
Under regulations from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , employers are barred from asking certain questions that can be considered discriminatory. These questions involve ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, family arrangements or other personal identity factors. This Business News Daily article outlines other illegal job interview questions that employers shouldn’t ask.
If you feel uncomfortable with a question or believe it’s discriminatory, you have several options for how to respond:
- Politely ask the interviewer what relevance the question has to the position or why the question is being asked.
- Redirect the conversation toward a discussion of your skills and abilities as they relate to the position.
- Answer the question.
- Refuse to answer the question.
- End the interview.
- If an employer asks something truly offensive or discriminatory, you can file a complaint with the EEOC.
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Speak Positively About Your Previous Experiences
Even if you’ve been unhappy in a previous position, or had a negative experience, avoid discussing it during a job interview. Consider ways you can focus on the positive aspects of the position and what you learned while in the role. Although it’s important to remain honest when answering interview questions, you can still word your answer in a way that shows you have a positive attitude and can learn from and appreciate any work situation.
Read more:How To Explain Your Reasons for Leaving a Job
Please Don’t Do These 9 Things In An Interview
Looking for a job can be stressful and demoralizing. I’d really like for you to succeed: it would be good for you, for the company that hires you, and for the overall economy. In fact, I want you to get the best job you possibly can – one that you enjoy, and that challenges you and makes best use of your strengths.
In the service of that, there are some actions I want to steer you away from when you’re doing a job interview, things that – trust me – will not create the impression you want to create. Of course, some approaches are a matter of taste and style – certain interviewers will like them while others won’t – but there are also ways of behaving that are pretty universally not a good idea. And, unfortunately, interviewees often get counseled to do some version of these things. So, having interviewed a great many people over the course of my career, and having spoken to hundreds of hiring managers about what they’ve liked and haven’t liked in those they’ve interviewed, here you go. If you want an interview to go well, don’t:
And if you do the opposite of these things – if you’re relaxed, open, and confident show up looking presentable are positive about your past jobs are curious about the job and knowledgeable about the company and are honest and forthright about who you are, what you think, and what you’ve done – then you’ll have an excellent shot at getting the job you really want – and at succeeding in it.
Good luck!
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You Discussed Next Steps In The Hiring Process
The interviewer may feel confident about moving you to the next stage of the process, leading them to discuss next steps with you, which could include first, second and third interviews. You may also receive information regarding who you’ll be meeting with as well, like your potential department manager, the CEO or a panel of team members.
Take The Time To Say Thank You After The Interview
Taking the time to say thank you after a job interview not only is good interview etiquette. It also reinforces your interest in the position and shows the interviewer that you have excellent follow-up skills. Use your thank you letter, as well, to address any issues and concerns that came up during the interview.
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Dive Into The Tailoring Method
Alright, the STAR Method alone is a pretty strong approach. But, by also learning the Tailoring Method, you have a secret sauce for creating delicious answers to behavioral interview questions.
The Tailoring Method is all about customization. You dont want to give the hiring manager a basic answer to a question you want to make it relevant and enticing, building an exceptional value proposition by showcasing how you can help their company thrive. Thats what the Tailoring Method helps you do.
Its an approach that makes the hiring manager and company the priority, not you. Its about positioning yourself as a solution to the problem the hiring manager is trying to solve . That makes the Tailoring Method a competitive advantage, as not all job seekers are going to go that extra mile.
However We Can Look At The Reverse Of The Signs Above To Determine If An Interview Went Well
Since we looked at 15 signs an interview went badly above, its logical that if youre going on interviews and not seeing these signs, then its likely that companies are interested in you as a candidate.
Here are the to signs your interview went well:
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Keep Your Answers Concise
Since you have a limited amount of time during the interview, deliver thoughtful but concise responses that clearly answer the question. Make sure all of you answers provide value and show the hiring manager why you would be a good fit for the job. Practicing your answers before the interview can help you stay concise.
Consider The Style And Number Of Interviewers
Interviews can happen via video, over the phone, or in person, so consider what style of interview is best and plan accordingly. You can also determine how many people you need to hold an interview, like a panel of colleagues for a prominent role or multiple rounds of interviews for a high-level position. Involving other relevant leaders in the interview process can also be useful to get different perspectives on the candidates experience and abilities.
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You’re Asked About Your Availability
When a hiring manager asks you about future availability, this can often mean they’re considering you for upcoming interviews and want to know how well your schedule aligns with theirs. They may even ask which date you’d be available to start on. This usually means they see you as a strong candidate and want to learn more about your strengths and abilities.
List Your Skills That Are Most Relevant To The Role
Now you’ve done your research on the company and sector, it’s time to start thinking about which aspects of your skillset and experience are directly relevant to the company and the job role.
Read through the job description, pull out the most important parts and make a list.
Next to each point, write down any parts of your own CV or things about yourself that come to mind that you know demonstrate you have something to offer that directly relates to each point.
It’s pretty much guaranteed that the interviewer will use the job description to direct the conversation, so preparing in this way will give you go-to responses when you hear the key buzzwords.
Prepare these in advance and read them over and over so that when it comes to interview questions about a certain competency, then an example will pop straight to mind. This can also help prevent you from repeating yourself with the same examples.
Here are some top tips on how to answer difficult interview questions:
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Read The Job Description Again
If you havent read the job description in a while, now is a good time to do so. You can even go so far as to highlight it based on the skills that the role requires. While you do so, take time to consider how youve shown these skills in the past. Youll be able to easily share those things with the employer.
How It Will Help
Before the interview, this will remind you what kind of answers you want to go with. Having an idea of which traits are preferable allows you to show those things off. Its just a quick reminder of how to phrase your answers and what traits to draw attention to.
Plan Your Journey To The Job Interview
When preparing for a job interview one of the most important things to consider is how you are going to get there. A failure to plan is a plan to fail. If you are planning on driving to the interview, make sure you fill your car with fuel the night before. You dont want to be filling up on the way dressed in your suit.
Make sure you arrive on time, or better yet, at least 15 minutes early. Ensure this by knowing the address and if you can, have a trial run a couple of days before. The morning of the interview, check the traffic reports and have a backup route planned just in case. If you are travelling by train or bus, make sure you check the weather report the night before and keep an eye on the public transport websites for any delays. Look out for track works or traffic conditions that can potentially delay your train or bus trip.
Go to bed early the night before and wake up early to give yourself plenty of time.
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Learn About Behavioral Interviewing Techniques
Behavior-based interviewing is when your interviewer asks you about how you handled past situations at work. This interviewing technique gives a potential employer valuable insight into the way you approach challenges in your job and turn them into favorable opportunities.
You can prepare for this type of interview by making a list of your skills, strengths and weaknesses. Prepare an example of a time when you displayed each of these qualities. Your example should show the employer how you successfully handled the situation.