Monday, April 15, 2024

How To Interview A Therapist

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Have You Worked With Individuals That Are Experiencing Similar Concerns

How to Interview for a Physical Therapist Job

Although a license provides assurance that the professional can provide clinical services, it is important to ensure that this individual has experience that is consistent with your presenting concerns and therapeutic goals.

This question may be less relevant for individuals looking for support related to depression, anxiety, or relationship concerns, as these are fairly commonly seen within clinical practice. However, if you are looking for something more specific such as treatment addressing insomnia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or substance-use disorders, it is recommended that you ensure your provider has experience with that population.

Fortunately, professionals are mandated by their code of ethics to remain within their realm of competence therefore, providers should comment on whether they can help you or if you would be better served by a different provider. If your therapist has not mentioned this, we recommend that you ask this question.

How To Interview A Potential Therapist

Starting therapy can be intimidating. This section provides important tips to help you through that first phone call. Dr. Gretchen-Doorly realizes the thought of telling a complete stranger your innermost thoughts and feelings often brings up a lot of emotions for people. Perhaps you feel guilty or ashamed about needing help. Maybe you are angry that you couldnt fix your problem on your own. These feelings are normal. When the first phone call you make with a therapist goes smoothly, you will feel more in control of the process. Dr. Gretchen-Doorly outlines a simple three step process to follow when you are ready to contact a potential therapist.

3 Steps To Help You Through That First Call

How Do You Help Your Patients Identify Their Triggers

    As an Addiction Therapist you help patients identify their triggers during one on one and group sessions. Tell the interviewer how you encourage your patients to identify their emotional state, physical state. Let the interviewer know that you encourage you patents to identify if their triggers happen in the presence of others.

    Heather’s Answer

    “I help my patients identify their trigger by encouraging them to talk about various stressors. One thing in particular is for them to talk about social pressure. I want to know if the patient is forced or coerced into doing things they dont want to do.”

    Heather’s Answer

    “Identifying triggers and how to move past them is something that I address during each session. New triggers show themselves on different days in different situations to addicts. We come up with a plan together to conquer them.”

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Have You Treated Any Patients With Challenging Respiratory Conditions If So What Did You Do

The aim of this question is to assess the candidate’s work experience and expertise in the field. What to look for in a successful answer:

  • Experience handling difficult respiratory conditions
  • Knowledge of appropriate treatments
  • Willingness to learn more about various conditions and treatments

Here’s an example of a strong answer:


“Treating patients with COVID-19 has been my biggest challenge to date. As there was so little information available about the disease, creating a treatment plan for new patients was difficult. I researched the disease and potential treatments as much as I could and was able to help patients with severe cases by keeping them on a ventilator until they could breathe on their own.”

How Do You Prevent Injuries When Working

Clinical Psychologist Interview Questions

The aim of this question is to assess the candidate’s ability to work safely and prevent injuries. What to look for in an answer:

  • Experience as a massage therapist
  • Understanding of techniques to prevent injuries
  • Ability to work safely


“I always warm up before the start of my shift to prevent injuries while working. I stretch the muscles in my wrists and forearms especially. I also try to take a 10 to 15-minute break between sessions so my muscles aren’t too strained. In my free time, I work out and build up the strength in my core, back and arms. This helps me work with good posture and stand for long periods of time.”

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Have You Ever Disagreed With A Colleague’s Diagnosis

The aim of this question is to understand whether the candidate can work well with other medical professionals and resolve conflicts professionally if needed. What to look for in a successful answer:

  • Ability to collaborate with other team members
  • Strong interpersonal skills

Here’s an example of a strong answer:


“Thankfully, I have never disagreed with a colleague’s diagnosis. I worked with a great team of medical professionals at my previous hospital that always worked together and made thorough decisions regarding patient care.”

Am I Going To Need Medication Forever

This is another medication-related question I get frequently, and the answer entirely depends on what your diagnosis is, how long you have had it, and how many episodes you have had. Medication for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, for example, generally will require a person to stay on their medication plan long-term or perhaps permanently. For people with these disorders, it is always my goal to help them land on a medication or combination of medications that they tolerate and truly feel like have more benefits than risks.

But for some conditions, the length of time a person stays on medication may vary greatly depending on the individual. A good example of this is someone with depression: If you have never had depression before and this is your first episode that has required medication, I may tell you that you can try coming off of the medication after you are stable in your mental health for about six months.

If, however, you have had an episode before and this is a recurrence of depression, chances are you will need to stay on that medication. In this case, I will encourage you to think of daily medication as a prevention methodtaking medication or otherwise looking after your mental health is not a sign that you or your health has failed in any way.

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I Feel Like Some People Are Not Observing The Shelter In Place Rules And By Doing So Will Spread The Virus More Resulting In More Deaths And A Longer Time Until We Can Return To Normal Should I Say Something To These People Or Just Ignore It

In a way, it’s similar to seeing people driving recklessly on the highway. Everyone has a responsibility to others when were on the road, but when we see someone putting lives at risk we want to do something, but we need to figure out what our ultimate goal is here. We all have a lot on our plates right now, so we need to decide if this is an absolutely necessary conflict to take on.

Ask yourself if something else emotionally is happening to you and where this feeling is coming from. Are you feeling powerless? Victimized? Maybe this is just a manifestation of that, and now might be the time to really practice self-care and address those feelings.

If A Client Asked You To Recommend A Massage What Would You Say


The aim of this question is to assess the candidate’s communication skills and ability to meet their clients’ needs. What to look for in an answer:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to tailor sessions to different clients
  • Knowledge of different massage techniques


“Before we start, I ask my clients to tell me about any pain they’re in and ask if they’re on any medications. I ask about their massage history to determine if they have any massage techniques they enjoy or dislike. Based on the information they give me, I will recommend a specific massage technique. For example, if they say they’ve been feeling stressed, I will recommend a hot stone or aromatherapy massage to release those feelings.”

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Other Questions You May Face In Your Message Therapist Job Interview

  • Tell us about a most difficult client youve ever massaged.
  • What is your favorite massage and why?
  • In your opinion, what role does communication with the client plays in this role?
  • Tell us about a time when you went above and beyond for the client.
  • What do you consider the most difficult aspect of this job?
  • How do you imagine a typical day in our parlor/spa/hotel/clinic?
  • How long do you want to have this job?
  • Why should we hire you , and not one of the other applicants?

Ask About Their Background

Its more than OK to ask your therapist personal questions, and as a fairly easy ice-breaker, you might inquire about their credentials. Does it matter to you that your counsellor has a PhD or another advanced degree? Do you want someone with practical social work experience? Asking them about what they studied and why and how theyve put their education to use could better inform your decision-making process, and help you glean an understanding of how they might ultimately help you.

Its also completely fair to ask about their level of experience. Given the often prohibitively expensive cost of treatment, youd be doing yourself a favour you wouldnt want to pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year to work with someone whos only just beginning to learn the ropes. Theres nothing wrong with working with a therapist with less experience, of course but their fee should be commensurate with their experience.

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What Would You Do If A Client Seemed Like They Were In Pain While You Were Massaging Them

The aim of this question is to assess the candidate’s ability to meet the client’s needs by reading their body language and communicating with them. What to look for in an answer:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to check in with the client and meet their needs
  • Understanding of different massage techniques


“If a client seemed like they were in pain, I would stop what I was doing and ask them how they’re feeling. I start every session by asking the client what their pressure preference is, but may need to adjust it still throughout the session.”

Describe Your Clinical Process Before During And After Your Session With A Client

10 Top Occupational Therapy Interview Questions and Answers

The interviewer wants to know your structuring and organization of routine and whether they benefit the client.

Tip #1: Outline your typical routine

Tip#2: Explain why you love handling roles in a given way.

Sample Answer

I review my clients notes fifteen minutes before starting a session before jotting down a few notes. I avoid writing when the session is on and instead talk my clients through an issue. After the session, I take lots of notes and file them in the clients folder.

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Can You Tell Me What Dsm Is And How Therapists Use It In Practice

Example:“DSM refers to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This is a handbook that therapists and other mental health professionals use to help diagnose clients with mental disorders. This is the first step in helping clients receive the treatment they need to lead a healthy life.”

How To Interview A Prospective Therapist

Itd be nice if finding a therapist youll like were as easy as finding someone to paint your house. In both situations, you have to shop around, but interviewing your potential counsellors is a lot tougher than just reading Yelp reviews especially because theres no guarantee a therapists methods will click for you like they do for their other patients.

In finding a therapist, youre looking to build a relationship with someone you can trust, and that trust isnt easily forged. You have to be able to ask your counsellor questions in order to understand if theyll actually be able to help you.

Heres a general overview of some of the questions you should feel comfortable posing as you play the field and search out a therapist.

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If I Spot You In Line At The Grocery Store What Should I Do

Run. KIDDING! This happens to me a lot, given that I work in a university and see a lot of my colleagues as patients. If I see someone in public, I typically dont acknowledge them until they acknowledge me. This can sometimes make a person feel like I ignored them if we did not previously discuss the possibility of this scenario, which is why I try to talk about it first with my patients and let them know I will not wave and call out their name in public and will take cues from them on how to interact.

I err on the side of caution when interacting with patients outside of our sessions in part due to the stigma associated with psychiatry and mental health issues. If, for instance, someone else on campus knows that I am a psychiatrist and sees that we know each other, I would never want this interaction to make you nervous that an outsider now assumes that you see a therapist or that you have mental health issues.

Believe me, I wish this werent a thing and that I were viewed the same way as your primary care provider, but were not there yet in our society. I also know the things you discuss with a mental health provider you may not discuss with anyone, so seeing your therapist in public can just make you feel weird or vulnerable, so I dont try to emphasize that by making you acknowledge me in a different setting.

How Do You Imagine A Typical Day In Work

Physical Therapy School Interview Questions

A typical day of a mental health counselor in one clinic can look totally different than a day of another one working somewhere else.

Two things can help you to find the right answer to this questions: The job description, and the understanding of the therapy methods they use.

If possible, go and visit the place before your interview. Perhaps all they do there is prescribing drugs, and administering electroshock therapy. In such a setting, mental health counselor is rather a secondary role.

Youd better avoid interviewing there, but if you are tempted by the salary offer, you can go on and apply.

Anyway, once you know what they do, how they treat patients, you will have a better idea of a typical day in their facility.

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How Do You Deliver Bad News To A Patient Or Their Family

The aim of this question is to gauge the candidate’s communication skills and ability to be empathetic. What to look for in a successful answer:

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to empathize with patients
  • Willingness to offer support to patients

Here’s an example of a strong answer:


“If I had to give a patient or their family bad news, I would ensure we were sitting down in a private place first. I would then be honest about their diagnosis and give them time to process it. When they had some time, I would ask if they had any questions or concerns about the next steps.”

Has A Client Ever Been Unhappy With Your Massage What Happened

The aim of this question is to assess the candidate’s ability to handle criticism and learn from it. What to look for in an answer:

  • Ability to handle criticism professionally
  • Willingness to learn from their mistakes
  • Experience working with clients


“From what I know, a client has never been unhappy with my massage. I always start the massage by asking the client about their preferences and needs. This helps me tailor the session to them. I will ask once or twice throughout the massage how the pressure is and how the client is feeling to adjust my techniques as necessary. Keeping open communication with the client is important, to have an environment they’re comfortable in so they are happy with their massage.”

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Why Are You Interested In This Role

Most people havent yet discovered that this question offers interviewers a chance to impress the interviewee.

Tip #1: Do not mention things such as money and vacations.

Tip #2: Sell yourself, but make sure that your reasons are focused on the institution.

Sample Answer

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I have been a mental health counselor for over a decade and have amassed lots of experiences that I believe I can apply to your institution.

Know Your Resume Well

8 Common Physical Therapist Interview Questions

Its surprising how many people forget what theyve written on their resumes. Be ready to talk about every bullet point youve included. Its helpful to have someone read through your interview and ask you specific questions to elaborate on your experiences. I know you wrote everything, but having someone ask you questions will force you to put your thoughts into words a valuable skill needed for your interview!

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Our Resident Beauty Salon Management Guru Liz Mckeon Tell Us What The Best Beauty Therapist Interview Questions Are To Make Sure You Attract Top Staff

Conducting job interviews can be a daunting prospect for a salon owner but if your small business is growing, the chances are that you will need to hold job interviews sooner or later.

The secret to finding the best new member for your team starts long before you hold interviews. Choosing a new member of staff has to begin with defining what skills and attributes you need in your salon, so make a list of what you need from the perfect candidate they must have experience of X, Y and Z they must also have A and B qualifications.

Then make a list of nice to have . Use these to write you advertising and job specification for the new position. This will help you attract the right candidates for interviews.

4 Things You Need To Know
  • Can they do the job?
  • Will my clients like them?
  • Will they fit into my team?
  • Can I manage them?
  • Question one can be answered very simply. Do a quick trade or practical test to determine the candidates level of skill. The last three questions will require a lot more investigation.

    • Take notes on your first impression of them.
    • Take into account their general appearance, their demeanor and even their handshake.
    • How confident are they when they are speaking and do they keep eye contact?
    • How fast do they respond and how precise are their answers
    • Have they done clear research on your salon before showing up for the interview?
    • Would they be confident sellers and are they able to close the sale?
    Areas to focus on in the interview:
  • What motivates you?
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