Thursday, September 5, 2024

Incident Management Interview Questions And Answers

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Explain Two Incident Management Tools

Top 20 Incident Manager Interview Questions and Answers for 2022

Freshservice is a common tool that allows customers to submit tickets via several channels, such as email, chat, and even through its support site, which serves as a service desk. Freshservice evaluates tickets using intelligence technology and provides the reporter with pertinent articles that can be useful in resolving their reported problem. IT department teams often use this tool because it enables them to respond to tickets automatically, which helps to quicken the incident management procedure.

Another common incident management solution is Resolver. This tool focuses on security issues that affect an organizationâs daily operations. Employees may use Resolver to report problems, and executives can address them quickly. Resolver provides additional capabilities including excellent data quality and the capacity to translate languages using artificial intelligence. That is in addition to automating the tasks traditionally involved in incident handling, such as record-keeping.

What Is The Purpose Of The Deployment Management Practice

The deployment management practice is used to move new or changed hardware, software, documentation, processes, or any other component to a live environment. They can also involve it in deploying components to other environments for the process of testing and staging.

Are you looking forward to becoming an ITIL® expert? Check out the ITIL® Foundation Certification Course and get certified.

What Operating Systems Are You Familiar With

At this level, you should ideally be proficient in Windows and Linux/Unix environments. Some organizations have a mix of different operating systems, and knowledge of how these systems are vulnerable to exploits is really important. Each operating system stores information in different ways, and log files are stored differently as well. Make sure that you are honest about your proficiency early on so that there are no false expectations.

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Why Is Incident Management Necessary

Without incident management, a business risks losing vital data. It may also lose revenues and productivity due to downtime. Even when unexpected occurrences are minimal and cause little long-term impact, IT teams must commit considerable time to research and resolve problems. Incident management is a crucial component for companies and businesses of all sizes and is required to satisfy many data regulatory standards. Incident management guarantees that IT teams can handle vulnerabilities and issues as soon as they arise. Rapid reactions enable businesses to reduce the overall effect of accidents, mitigate damages, and ensure that services and systems continue to operate as intended.

Searching A Solution / Knowledge Base

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In ServiceDesk Plus, we have provided you the convenience of searching for solution in a particular ticket based on you know, the subject of a particular email service desk search for resolution. So here you get the list of solutions available in the knowledge base, you can select the solution and copy it to the actual incident. And once it is copied, you can make use of the status to be changed over here to be resolved and as a technician I can also add the work log of how long I have been working on this particular ticket, the time spent and the troubleshooting that I have been through this particular incident.

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Why Is It Important To Incorporate Digital Forensics In Incident Response

Digital forensics is a specialized area that focuses on locating, fixing, and looking into cyber security incidents. Digital forensics involves gathering, safeguarding, and examining forensic evidence. It provides a complete, accurate picture of what happened. When incorporated in incident response, digital forensics helps to restore company operations while locating and fixing security flaws. It also provides proof a business needs to file criminal charges against the intruders who targeted its operations. Evidence from digital forensic can support a cyber-insurance claim.

Youve Been Given The Chance To Build Your Own Csirt What Would You Need

This is a fun question to answer, as it is quite open-ended. Roles that require managerial and planning experience might want to see how you envision the role of the CSIRT within an organization. The answers that you give will depend on the size of the organization, the budget for the team, how the department fits in with the SOC and CERT , and if there are any overlapping responsibilities between the teams. You can also make suggestions for threat intelligence systems and other tools that you would recommend.

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Whats The Difference Between An Incident And A Problem

An incident is a single unplanned outage event that causes a disruption in an IT service. Incident management is focused on the restoration of service.

Problem is unknown cause by one or more potential incidents. The problem is focused on the underlying cause of an incident.

What Are The Itil Models Adopted By An Organisation

Incident Management Interview Questions

The Microsoft Operations Framework is a set of instructions designed to assist IT professionals in establishing and implementing dependable, cost-effective services.

The IT Process Model defines enterprise-wide business services and procedures. It aids in the renewal and integration of existing systems.

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Why Do You Want To Work As An Incident Responder

Questions like this can sometimes come as a surprise in an interview, especially if you were getting ready to dazzle the interviewers with technical answers and not general ones like this. This is a great opportunity for you to spell out your career path so far and how your experiences in previous roles led you to where you are now.

Dont be afraid to highlight some of your achievements, either. The interviewers will be looking at what kind of work you have done that actually fits in with the role you have applied for. Keep your answers relevant to the role and dont go off on too much of an unrelated tangent.

Top 30 Incident Responder Interview Questions And Answers

As systems move into the cloud and are increasingly exposed to the Internet, incident responders are becoming more necessary in the corporate world. If you are pursuing this line of work, you will need to familiarize yourself with the kinds of questions that you can expect during the course of an interview.

There is no perfect way to prepare for such an interview, as the questions that could potentially be asked are varied and different for each role at different companies. Therefore, the questions that we have put together will touch on some general fields as well as some more technically specific ones.

What follows is a general set of potential questions that you could face if you were to apply for an incident responder role within a company, as well as a basic guide to framing your answers. There are no guarantees that any of these questions will come up, but the more practice you give yourself, the better your chances are of answering correctly and impressing your potential employer.

Questions and answers have been listed from the lowest level of difficulty to the highest. The questions ratchet up in difficulty as we progress, but the general structure and content of each one should be useful to you as part of your preparation for that dream job interview. Use this content as additional practice material before your first job interview in 2019 and give yourself some extra ammunition for your answers. Good luck!

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Top 20 Incident Responder Interview Questions And Answers

Incident responders are the first responders to cyber threats and other security incidents. As an incident responder, your responsibility will include responding to security threats and making quick decisions to mitigate the damage caused by them. There are many opportunities for these professionals worldwide as organizations are focusing more on protecting their critical information systems. Since the Incident responder is an important and responsible position within an organization, the job interview can be quite challenging.Here is a list of frequently asked incident responder interview questions that might help you in your preparation.

Question 1: What are the roles and responsibilities of an incident responder? Answer: Incident responders are the first ones to deal with a security incident. They protect an organizations valuable assets by taking immediate actions to detect, prevent, and mitigate cyber-threats. Besides this, incident responders duties also include making security policies, protocols, and reports to avoid potential security breaches.

Question 2: What type of security breaches you may encounter as an incident responder?Answer: some of the common security breaches that an incident responder may encounter in his day to day work are:

  • Cross-site scripting
  • Man in the middle attack

Question 7: What is the Difference between HIDS and NIDS?Answer: NIDS and HIDS are types of Intrusion Detection System.

  • Searching IP address in WHOIS database
  • Do You Have Any Questions

    Top 30+ Incident Management Interview Questions and Answers

    This one you can almost be assured will be asked, and you better have some ready.

    By asking questions you demonstrate initiative, and show that you care enough about the job to have done some research. Ask questions that focus on areas where you can be an asset. Beyond this, other questions may be more direct including productivity, expectations, training, and other logistics. All this being said, try and limit the questions to no more than three or four.

    Lastly youll want to ask about the next step in the process and when to expect to hear about the position.

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    Questions About Experience And Background

    As the interview progresses, hiring managers may ask questions to understand your experience level. These questions help them determine if you have the ability to complete the job duties. Here are some questions about your experience and background that you may receive as an incident responder:

  • Tell me about your work history.

  • What are your responsibilities in your current position?

  • What trait do you think is most important for incident responders?

  • Where did you receive your training?

  • Which of your previous jobs do you think best prepared you for this job?

  • Define port scanning. Why is it required?

  • How would you define the role of an incident responder?

  • What types of security breaches do you often deal with as an incident responder?

  • What is a security incident?

  • What is an incident trigger?

  • Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?

  • Tell me the difference between a host intrusion detection system and a network intrusion detection system.

  • How do you avoid a cross-site scripting attack?

  • Tell me about your greatest professional achievement as an incident responder.

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    What Is Port Scanning And Why Would You Use It

    Port scanning is a process that scans a computer or server and checks to see what communications ports are currently open, closed or active. Many network protocols use a designated port number in order to communicate, so looking at open ports will give an incident responder clues about the applications that are running in the background.

    Port scanners are used in situations where the incident responder is trying to troubleshoot why an application is not working as expected, or as a means to test if there are unauthorized connections to a server or computer. Port scanners are commonly used and give incident responders a greater view of the network state.

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    How Do You Deal With A Technical Situation That You Cannot Figure Out On Your Own

    There is no shortage of potential incident response resources, both internal and on the Internet. The first port of call would be your internal playbook and policy guides. These would assist with determining the next course of action given a specific set of failures and outcomes.

    Next would be policy frameworks and your departments incident response plan. Failing that, you could lean on other members in your department that have more direct experience with a specific threat, or if it seems to be more of a specialized issue, then you could look at collaborating with another department to get to the bottom of the problem.

    You want to show both your willingness to get your hands dirty tackling the problem while showing restraint with regards to spending too much time on a bad solution. Time is critical in this line of work, so you want to make sure that you are able to walk that fine line between the two approaches.

    What Are Hids And Nids

    Cyber Security Interview Questions and Answers | Vulnerabilities and Incident Response

    As a more senior incident responder, you will be familiar with different kinds of detection systems and which ones are used in specific scenarios. You should know that a Host Intrusion Detection System runs on servers and computers, while a Network Intrusion Detection System sifts through network traffic and sniffs out anomalies and other suspicious behavior.

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    Technical Manager & Application Manager


    The Technical manager and Application Manager are not ITIL® roles. Technical Management is a function in the Service Operations phase of the ITIL lifecycle. However, in the IT industry we use the term technical manager to denote a person who plays the role of managing a team of technicians in the infrastructure space. For the purpose of this questions below we will assume that the technical manager role is as per the above definition.

    Similarly, the role of Application Manager is attributed to a person who owns the applications. They are expected to own and drive all the activities pertaining to the application, which may include servicing the application as well, e.g. performing application management services.

    The below Q& A will help prepare the reader to answer interview questions pertaining to the latest concepts in technology.

    1. As a technical manager, what are your daily duties?

    Following is a list of the activities that a technical manager may need to do daily:

    2. What is the role of Technical Management in an ITIL organisation?

    The Technical Management function plays two major roles in an ITIL organisation:

  • It is the custodian of technical knowledge and expertise related to managing the IT infrastructure. It ensures that the knowledge required to design, test, manage and improve IT services is identified, developed and refined
  • 3. Have you heard of Technology Change Management ? What are its objectives?

    5. How would you plan for Technology Change?

    Known Errors In Problem Management

    Slide 22: Now when we do identify the key underlying cause then obviously we might and it might take many incidents to understand the work root cause, when we’ve identified that cause or factor we get what’s known as known error. Something that’s sitting there we know if we poke this particular system in a particular way it’s always going to respond in a particular way it falls over or we get a particular error message. So that is something that we know and we can publish, we can communicate that sort of thing.

    But also when we’re looking in the incident process at resolving some of these things we need to understand what those known errors already are. So that we can readily identify them, in two ways, one we can tell users about them, so that we don’t have to keep letting phone up and us tell them, but also so that we can then identify them very straightforwardly and see what’s happening. And then if possible to give people a workaround to that if one exists, and obviously if a workaround doesn’t exist then that’s what’s known in the system as a workaround and we can start using that to quickly get people back up and running if we have one of these known issues floating around. But, it must be part of the incident process, we have this thing that’s just cropped up and have we got something to resolve it.

    Slide 23: There’s our incident process again looking at the known errors and work around etc.

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    What Metrics Would You Measure Metrics Incident Response Teams Against

    Like every other aspect of a business, incident response is managed based on what is measured. Ongoing management involves creating and assessing incident response goals to ensure all stakeholders are familiar with their roles and responsibilities. Thus, some common metrics to measure the incident response team are the number of incidents detected, average remediation time, number of incidents missed, number of incidents that need action, and competitor security ratings.

    What Is The Post Implementation Review

    Sample Interview Ems

    The post-implementation review or PIL is an evaluation and analysis of the final working solution. After a change request is made, the review takes place and checks if the change and its implementation were successful. PIL helps answer questions like:

    • Did the change solve the problem it aims to address?
    • In the case of failure, did the back-out plan work?
    • Did the change impact the customers?
    • Were resources allocated effectively through the process?
    • Was the change implemented based on a budget and in a timely manner?

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    What Experience Do You Have With Respects To This Particular Incident Manager Position

    Answer tips:

    Speak about specifics that relate to the position you are applying for. If you know you do not have much experience in the job you are applying for, plan for this question ahead of time and ensure you can provide some relatable examples based on what you have done.

    Almost all interviewers will appreciate confidence and pride in the work experience you have earned and your passion in transfering these valuable skills to your future role or position.

    Answer sample

    Ever since my first paper route at age 10 Ive been doing something to keep myself busy and earn money. Back then, it was obviously about earning some spending money. What I didnt realize was that I was actually starting the journey of establishing what I liked to do and how I fit in to the grand scheme of things. I then worked as a junior computer tech in my last 2 summers of high school. It was here that I discovered what I was passionate about and what I wanted to do. I enrolled in college to get my degree in computer sciences, and I have been working around technology ever since.

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