Monday, April 22, 2024

Python Cheat Sheet For Coding Interview

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Format Strings With F

Coding Interview for Data Scientists | Python Questions | Data Science Interview

Python has a lot of different ways to handle string formatting, and it can be tricky to know what to use. In fact, we tackle formatting in depth in two separate articles: one about string formatting in general and one specifically focused on f-strings. In a coding interview, where youre using Python 3.6+, the suggested formatting approach is Pythons f-strings.

f-strings support use of the string formatting mini-language, as well as powerful string interpolation. These features allow you to add variables or even valid Python expressions and have them evaluated at runtime before being added to the string:

> > > defget_name_and_decades:... returnf"My name is  and I'm  decades old."...> > > get_name_and_decadesMy name is Maria and I'm 3.10000 decades old.

The f-string allows you to put Maria into the string and add her age with the desired formatting in one succinct operation.

The one risk to be aware of is that if youre outputting user-generated values, then that can introduce security risks, in which case Template Strings may be a safer option.

Introduction: What Is Python

Python is a High-Level Programming Language, with high-level inbuilt data structures and dynamic binding. It is interpreted and an object-oriented programming language. Python distinguishes itself from other programming languages in its easy to write and understand syntax, which makes it charming to both beginners and experienced folks alike. The extensive applicability and library support of Python allow highly versatile and scalable software and products to be built on top of it in the real world.

The Zen of Python

The Zen of Python is basically a list of Python Aphorishms written down in a poetic manner, to best showcase the good programming practices in Python.

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

What Is Python If Statement

Python if Statement is used for decision-making operations. It contains a body of code that runs only when the condition given in the if statement is true. If the condition is false, then the optional else statement runs, which contains some code for the else condition.

When you want to justify one condition while the other condition is not true, then you use Python if-else statement.

Python if Statement Syntax:

Lets see an example of Python if else Statement:

Lets see an example of Python if else Statement:

def main:    x,y =2,8    if:        st= "x is less than y"    printif __name__ == "__main__":    main

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How Can You Print Without A Newline In Python

From Python 3+, there is an additional parameter introduced for print called end=. This parameter takes care of removing the newline that is added by default in print.

In the Python 3 print without newline example below, we want the strings to print on the same line in Python. To get that working, just add end= inside print as shown in the example below:


Exception Handling In Python

Coding Interview Cheat Sheet Python

Exception Handling is used to handle situations in our program flow, which can inevitably crash our program and hamper its normal working. It is done in Python using try-except-finally keywords.

  • try: The code in try section is the part of the code where the code is to be tested for exceptions.
  • except: Here, the cases in the original code, which can break the code, are written, and what to do in that scenario by the program.
  • finally: The code in the finally block will execute whether or not an exception has been encountered by the program.

The same has been illustrated in the image below:


# divide will return 2 and print Division Complete# divide will print error and Division Complete# Finally block will be executed in all casesdefdivide:try:return a / denominatorexcept ZeroDivisionError as e:printfinally:print

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What Programming Language To Use In A Technical Interview

It doesn’t matter what language you use in a coding interview. You should use whatever programming language you know in and out.

That said, it’s best to use a dynamic language if you can. JavaScript, Ruby, and Python are common in coding interviews because of how adaptable they are.

A dynamic language boasts compact syntax, makes it easier to type code, and features hash and list literals.

Whatever language you decide to work in, be sure to mention other languages you’re fluent in to your interviewer. Tech company engineering managers want team members who are flexible and dynamic.

Expressing fluency in lower-level languages like C, C++, Rust, or even Go can help you stand out among other software engineers applying.

We recommend avoiding Java, C#, and PHP in your interview though. Interestingly, Triplebyte discovered that candidates who used these languages advanced in the interview process at lower rates.

Top tech company culture emphasizes adaptability and technical knowledge. Showcase the programming languages you know well and mention the ones you’ve built other projects with.

Successful software developers are often tinkering on side projects in languages they don’t yet know to keep their skills sharp.

Cheat Sheets For Data Science Interviews

This article has researched and presents the best data science cheat sheets from around the internet, so you dont have to do it yourself.

Nate Rosidi

With data science being such a broad and constantly developing field, its really impossible to have all the knowledge in your head. Especially if some of this knowledge you use only occasionally. Also, if youre a beginner in a certain field, youll have to refresh very often what you learned until it becomes actual knowledge at the crossroads of theory and practice.

Having something that you could look at and get the info you need at a glance would be pretty helpful, right? That something is called a cheat sheet. And it has nothing to do with cheating. They are used for learning and revisioning what you already know.

Due to their intention of being concise and high-level, having one cheat sheet for the whole data science would beat its purpose. Even if creating such a cheat sheet would be possible. Because of that, youll have to use different cheat sheets for the various data science fields.

I tried to narrow this down to the cheat sheets covering the concepts a data scientist cannot do without. You can read it as a cheat sheet about cheat sheets talking about:

  • Coding Languages

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Python Interview Cheat Sheet

Python Cheat Sheet can be used also for your Python Job interview. Before your technical interview, you can check this sheet and you can use it as Python Interview Sheet. You can find all the basic terms of Python programming languages in this cheat sheet. So, the questions in you technical Python interview will be mostly on this Python Interview Cheat Sheet.

In your Python interview, maybe they will ask how to use Python tubles? Maybe they want to learn, how to get the last term in a Python list. Or maybe their question will be, how to get different types of inputs from the user.

Beside basic questions, in the Python Interview, they can ask complex questions about a programming code part. They can ask any specific parts of a Python program in the interview. Python Interview Cheat Sheet can remind you basic terms for this complex questions.

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*args And **kwargs In Python

Python Cheatsheet for Beginners

We can pass a variable number of arguments to a function using special symbols called *args and **kwargs.

The usage is as follows:

  • *args: For non-keyword arguments.


# the function will take in a variable number of arguments# and print all of their valuesdeftester:for arg in argv:print   tester   Output:   Sunday   Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday
  • **kwargs: For keyword arguments.


# The function will take variable number of arguments# and print them as key value pairsdeftester:for key, value in kwargs.items:print   tester   Output:   Sunday 1   Monday 2   Tuesday 3   Wednesday 4

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Q101 How Do You Make 3d Plots/visualizations Using Numpy/scipy

Ans: Like 2D plotting, 3D graphics is beyond the scope of NumPy and SciPy, but just as in the 2D case, packages exist that integrate with NumPy. Matplotlib provides basic 3D plotting in the mplot3d subpackage, whereas Mayavi provides a wide range of high-quality 3D visualization features, utilizing the powerful VTK engine.

Next in this Python Interview Questions blog, lets have a look at some MCQs

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How Can You Use For Loop To Repeat The Same Statement Over And Again

You can use for loop for even repeating the same statement over and again. Here in the example, we have printed out the word guru99 three times.


To repeat the same statement a number of times, we have declared the number in variable i . So when you run the code as shown below, it prints the statement that many times the number declared for our the variable in .

for i in '123': print 

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How Is Memory Managed In Python

Python memory is managed by Python private heap space. All Python objects and data structures are located in a private heap. The programmer does not have an access to this private heap, and the interpreter takes care of this Python private heap.

The allocation of Python heap space for Python objects is done by the Python memory manager. The core API gives access to some tools for the programmer to code.

Python also has an inbuilt garbage collector, which recycles all the unused memory and frees the memory and makes it available to the heap space.

Are Access Specifiers Used In Python

" Python Cheat Sheet!"  #cprogramming #python #coding #codinglife # ...

Python does not make use of access specifiers specifically like private, public, protected, etc. However, it does not derive this from any variables. It has the concept of imitating the behaviour of variables by making use of a single or double underscore as prefixed to the variable names. By default, the variables without prefixed underscores are public.


# to demonstrate access specifiersclassInterviewbitEmployee:# protected members    _emp_name = None    _age = None# private members    __branch = None# constructordef__init__:         self._emp_name = emp_name         self._age = age         self.__branch = branch#public memberdefdisplay:print

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What Is Tuple Matching In Python

Tuple Matching in Python is a method of grouping the tuples by matching the second element in the tuples. It is achieved by using a dictionary by checking the second element in each tuple in python programming. However, we can make new tuples by taking portions of existing tuples.

Syntax:To write an empty tuple, you need to write as two parentheses containing nothing-tup1 =

Jump Statements In Python

  • break: break statements are used to break out of the current loop, and allow execution of the next statement after it as shown in the flowchart below:
> > > for i inrange:... print... if i == 3:... break...0123
  • continue: continue statement allows us to send the control back to the starting of the loop, skipping all the lines of code below it in the loop. This is explained in the flowchart below:
> > > for i inrange:... if i == 3:... continue... print...0124
  • pass: The pass statement is basically a null statement, which is generally used as a placeholder. It is used to prevent any code from executing in its scope.
for i inrange:if i % 2 == 0:passelse:printOutput:13
  • return: return statement allows us to send the control of the program outside the function we are currently in. A function can have multiple return statements, but can encounter only one of them during the course of its execution.
deffunc:if x == 'Hello':returnTrueelse:returnFalse

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Stacks And Queues In Your Technical Interview

During your interview, it’s best to use a queue when your problem requires you to process items according to the order received.

Stacks are used when items need to be received in reverse order.

Stacks and queues are often used in graph search algorithms, web crawlers, and storing application history.

What Is The Use Of Help And Dir Functions

Python Cheat Sheets – The 80/20 Principle For Coding

help function in Python is used to display the documentation of modules, classes, functions, keywords, etc. If no parameter is passed to the help function, then an interactive help utility is launched on the console.dir function tries to return a valid list of attributes and methods of the object it is called upon. It behaves differently with different objects, as it aims to produce the most relevant data, rather than the complete information.

  • For Modules/Library objects, it returns a list of all attributes, contained in that module.
  • For Class Objects, it returns a list of all valid attributes and base attributes.
  • With no arguments passed, it returns a list of attributes in the current scope.

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Dos And Donts During The Introduction:

  • Keep the introduction brief. Donât mention irrelevant facts
  • Highlight information that makes a strong case for why you are applying for the role of a coding engineerat a FAANG company
  • Show your enthusiasm even if you are speaking to the recruiters virtually
  • Donât sound too rehearsed. Follow the natural flow of conversation

How Do You Make Sure Which Machine Learning Algorithm To Use

It completely depends on the dataset we have. If the data is discrete we use SVM. If the dataset is continuous we use linear regression.

So there is no specific way that lets us know which ML algorithm to use, it all depends on the exploratory data analysis .

EDA is like interviewing the dataset As part of our interview we do the following:

  • Classify our variables as continuous, categorical, and so forth.
  • Summarize our variables using descriptive statistics.
  • Visualize our variables using charts.

Based on the above observations select one best-fit algorithm for a particular dataset.

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Mention Five Benefits Of Using Python

Here are the five benefits of using Python:

  • Python comprises of a huge standard library for most Internet platforms like Email, HTML, etc.
  • Python does not require explicit memory management as the interpreter itself allocates the memory to new variables and free them automatically
  • Provide easy readability due to use of square brackets
  • Easy-to-learn for beginners
  • Having the built-in data types saves programming time and effort from declaring variables

Things To Know About Arrays For A Technical Interview

Pin by Michael Murdock on DEV

Things to keep in mind for your technical interviews regarding arrays:

  • Arrays are optimal for indexing but not for searching, inserting, and deleting.
  • Linear arrays are the simplest types of arrays.
  • Dynamic arrays are similar to one-dimensional arrays. However, they use reserved space to store extra elements.

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Main Python Data Types

Every value in Python is called an object. And every object has a specific data type. The three most-used data types are as follows:

  • Integers an integer number to represent an object such as number 3.
Integers            -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Floating-point numbers use them to represent floating-point numbers.
Floating-point numbers            -1.25, -1.0,  0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.25
  • Strings codify a sequence of characters using a string. For example, the word hello. In Python 3, strings are immutable. If you already defined one, you cannot change it later on.

While you can modify a string with commands such as replace or join, they will create a copy of a string and apply the modification to it, rather than rewrite the original one.

Strings            'yo', 'hey', Hello!', 'whats up!'

Plus, another three types worth mentioning are lists, dictionaries, and tuples. All of them are discussed in the next sections.

For now, lets focus on the strings.

How Can You Delete Elements In Array

With this operation, you can delete one item from an array by value. This method accepts only one argument, value. After running this method, the array items are re-arranged, and indices are re-assigned.

The syntax is

Lets remove the value of 3 from the array

import array as myarrayfirst = myarray.array first.remove print

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Explain Flask And Its Benefits

Flask is a web micro framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions BSD licensed. Werkzeug and jingja are two of its dependencies.

Flask is part of the micro-framework. Which means it will have little to no dependencies on external libraries. It makes the framework light while there is a little dependency to update and less security bugs.

Coding Interview Cheat Sheet Python Jobs

Python for Coding Interviews – Everything you need to Know

Need help transfer an existing Github package to a web-based software, so it can be more user friendly. Users can upload data to our server and get the real-time results.The ideal developer should be an expert in Python, Java and other related languages.

Below is a summary of what I am looking to have built.An example inspiration would be with their booking process, which I know is built on WooCommerce.We are a wedding planning company with about 20 wedding planners and…evaluate whether we will accept that based on their initial reach out information. We already have a website that we will keep on Squarespace. Knowing WooCommerce is a WordPress plug-in, we are happy to have this as a link on our site to the WooCommerce landing page. As such, we don’t need a full website built. Because we update planners and pricing often enough, we would like an instruction sheet on how to make those edits ourselves.I am happy to hop on a call if needed, and please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you so much!

Want a telegram Shilling bot to be used both for shilling in Groups and via direct message to the user in the groupAble to Select the frequency of messages i.e. every minute post message to X groups selectedSkills: C++ Programming, JavaScript, Python, Selenium, PHP

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