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Software Testing Technical Interview Questions

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What Is A User Story

Top 40 Test Automation Interview Questions | Software Testing Interview Preparation | Edureka

All software has a target user. A user story describes the user’s motivations and what they are trying to accomplish by using the software. Finally, it shows how the user uses the application. It ignores the design and implementation details.

A user story aims to focus on the value provided to the end-user instead of the exact inputs they might enter and the expected output.

In a user story, the tester creates user personas with real names and characteristics and tries to simulate a real-life interaction with the software. A user story often helps fish out hidden problems that are often not revealed by more formal testing processes.

What Is Component Testing

Component testing, also known as unit, module, and program testing, searches for defects in and verifies the functioning of software that are separately testable. Component testing may be done in isolation from the rest of the system depending on the context of the development life cycle and the system. Most often stubs and drivers are used to replace the missing software and simulate the interface between the software components simply. A stub is called from the software component to be tested a driver calls a component to be tested.

Here is an awesome video on Unit Testing

How Will You Conquer The Challenges That Occurred Because Of The Unavailability Of Documents During The Testing

Ans: In case the standard documents, such as Feature Description Document or System Requirement Specification are missing, then quality assurance will be based upon the following references, such as:

  • A previous version of the application

Another method could be having discussions with developers and business analysts. It will help resolve doubts and open a channel for bringing transparency to the requirements.

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What Are The Different Methods Of Testing

There are three methods of software testing and they are as follows:

  • Black-box testing: It is a testing strategy based solely on requirements and specifications. In this strategy, it requires no knowledge of internal paths, structures, or implementation of the software being tested.
  • White box testing: It is a testing strategy based on internal paths, code structures, and implementation of the software being tested. White box testing generally requires detailed programming skills.
  • Gray box testing: It is a strategy for software debugging in which the tester has limited knowledge of the internal details of the program.

What Are The Different Models Available In Sdlc

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There are various models available in software testing, which are the following:

  • Waterfall model
It is shallow, wide and scripted testing. It is narrow and deep and unscripted testing A dry run testing is a process where the effects of a possible failure are internally mitigated.
When the builds come, we will write the automation script and execute the scripts. So it will perform automatically. It will perform manually. For Example, An aerospace company may conduct a Dry run of a takeoff using a new aircraft and a runway before the first test flight.
It will take all the essential features and perform high-level testing. It will take some significant features and perform in-depth testing.

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What Did You Do In Your Last Project

There are no clear answers, only guidelines, for this one. It’s common for interviewers to ask about your career trajectory and previous projects, so make a quick list of points in advance so you can speak to the projects that you think best represent your work.

The biggest piece of advice I can give is to answer as honestly as possible. Dont exaggerate or undervalue your contribution in previous teams. Tell them what your day-to-day role was, what tools you used and how the QA testing went.

How Do You Decide The Level Of Testing Needed For Each Application

Understanding how you decide on different requirements in the testing process helps the interviewer know what level of skill you have.

Example:I use the Cyclomatic Complexity principle to determine whether the application can be tested, understood by all involved and reliable enough for testing. By applying this principle, I can determine the level of complexity of the application, with more complex applications requiring more in-depth testing.

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Define Defect Removal Efficiency

Ans: Defect Removal Efficiency is a testing metric that indicates the development teams efficiency in fixing errors and issues before releasing the software. It is measured as the ratio of fixed defects to the total number of discovered issues. For instance, if there were 80 discovered defects during the testing and 60 were fixed, the DRE will be 80/60 = 1.3%.

What Do You Mean By Defect Triage

Capgemini Interview Experience 2021 for Software Testers | Capgemini Technical & HR Round Questions

Defect triage is a procedure in which defects are prioritised depending on a variety of characteristics such as severity, risk, and the amount of time it will take to fix the fault. The defect triage meeting brings together several stakeholders – the development team, testing team, project manager, BAs, and so on to determine the order in which defects should be fixed.

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Briefly Explain What Does Below Code Snippet Indicate

WebElement sample = driver.findElement) 

It defines a variable sample of type WebElement, and uses an XPath search to initialize it with a reference to an element that contains the text value data.

This brings us to the end of this article on Top 50 Software Testing Interview Questions. Hope it helped in adding up to your knowledge. Wishing you all the best for your interview. Happy learning.

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What Are The Categories Of Defects

There are three main categories of defects as shown in the below figure:

  • Wrong: It implies that requirements have been implemented incorrectly. It is a variance from the given specification.
  • Missing: This is a variance from the specifications, an indication that a specification was not implemented, or a requirement of the customer was not noted properly.
  • Extra: It is a requirement incorporated into the product that was not given by the end customer. It is always a variance from the specification but may be an attribute desired by the user of the product.

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What Is Regression Testing In Software Testing

The dictionary definition of regression is the act of going back to a previous place or state. In software, regression implies that a feature that used to work suddenly stopped working after a developer added a new code or functionality to the software.

Regression problems are pervasive in the software industry, as new features are getting added all the time. Developers don’t build these features in isolation, separate from the existing code. Instead, the new code interacts with the legacy code and modifies it in various ways, introducing side effects, whether intended or not.

As a result, there is always a chance that introducing new changes may negatively impact a working feature. It’s important to keep in mind that even a small change has the potential to cause regression.

Regression testing helps ensure that the new code or modifications to the existing code don’t break the present behaviour. It allows the tester to verify that the new code plays well with the legacy code.

Explain In A Testing Project What Testing Activities Would You Automate

Software Developer Aptitude Test Sample

In testing project testing activities, you would automate are

  • Tests that need to be run for every build of the application
  • Tests that use multiple data for the same set of actions
  • Identical tests that need to be executed using different browsers
  • Mission critical pages
  • A transaction with pages that do not change in a short time

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Manual Testing Interview Questions For Experienced

56. What is Retesting?

To ensure that the defects which were found and posted in the earlier build were fixed or not in the current build. Say, Build 1.0 was released. Test team found some defects and posted. Build 1.1 was released, now testing the defects 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 in this build is retesting.

Complete Guide: Retesting

57. What is Regression Testing?

Repeated testing of an already tested program, after modification, to discover any defects introduced or uncovered as a result of the changes in the software being tested or in another related or unrelated software components.

Usually, we do regression testing in the following cases:

  • New functionalities are added to the application
  • Change Requirement
  • Environment change
  • Read a detailed guide on Regression Testing

    58. What do you mean by regression and confirmation testing?

    Regression Testing: Testing team re-execute the tests against the modified application to make sure whether the modified code breaks anything which was working earlier.

    Confirmation Testing: Usually testers report a bug when a test fails. Dev Team releases a new version of the software after the defect is fixed. Now the testing team will retest to make sure the reported bug is actually fixed or not.

    59. What is GUI Testing?

    Graphical User Interface Testing is to test the interface between the application and the end user.

    60. What is Recovery Testing?

    61. What is Globalization Testing?

    62. What is Internationalization Testing ?

    71. What is Soak Testing?

    Mention A Few Advantages Of Automated Testing

    The following are some major advantages of automated testing

    • Automated test execution is quick and saves a significant amount of time.
    • Human mistakes are eliminated during testing when test scripts are carefully prepared.
    • CI tools like Jenkins, which may also be set to distribute daily test results to key stakeholders, can be used to schedule test execution for a nightly run.
    • Automation testing uses a lot less resources. Test execution requires nearly no time from QAs once the tests have been automated. QA bandwidth can be used for other exploratory work.

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    In Manual Testing What Are Stubs And Drivers

    Both stubs and drivers are part of incremental testing. In incremental testing, there are two approaches namely bottom-up and top-down approach. Drivers are used in bottom-up testing and stub is used for a top-down approach. In order to test the main module, the stub is used, which is a dummy code or program.

    What Are Some Different Kinds Of Testing

    Top 50 Software Testing Interview Questions & Answers| Software Testing Training | Edureka Rewind -6

    Answer: Answer: Regression testing, exploratory testing, functional testing, load testing, integration testing, unit testing, cross browser testing white box testing, black box testing, volume testing, alpha testing, beta testing, and so many more.

    Streamline development and testing into a single collaborative workflow.

    For more on different testing techniques, check out our post on software testing types.

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    Define The Types Of Performance Testing

    Ans: Performance testing is a technique that helps determine the systems performance, such as stability, scalability, and speed. There are different types of software testing, such as:

    • Load Testing: A technique wherein a system is tested with an increasing load until it attains the threshold value
    • Stress Testing: This one is a technique that helps check the system when hardware resources are not sufficient, such as disk space, memory, CPU, and more
    • Spike Testing: Spike Testing is a subset of load testing that checks the applications instability when the load is varying
    • Endurance Testing: This is the subset of load testing and checks the systems behavior
    • Volume Testing: This is a technique wherein the system gets tested when the data volume is increased
    • Scalability Testing: It is referred to as a technique that makes sure the system is working well in proportion to the increasing demands of the users.

    What Is The Importance Of Accessibility Testing

    Ans: In the present scenario, the web is dominating our lives through varying forms, including online payments, online learning, shopping, and more. Hence, to grow better, everybody should be a part of technology. With accessibility testing, disabled people can use the internet with much ease through:

    • Speech recognition software
    • Screen magnification software

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    What Artifacts Do You Use When Writing Test Cases

    Describing the artifacts you use when writing test cases helps the interviewer know your process and whether the organization would have to provide additional training.

    Example:The main artifacts I use when writing test cases include functional requirement specifications, use cases, user stories, acceptance criteria and requirement understanding documents.

    Faqs On Software Testing Interview Questions

    Testing interview

    Q1. What topics do software testing interview questions cover in coding interviews?

    Software testing interview questions are mostly asked on testing test cases, programming theory, testing tools, distributed systems design, automation frameworks, coding, and problem-solving.

    Q2. Are software testing interview questions hard?

    The extensive list of software testing techniques and tools makes preparing software testing interview questions difficult. To adequately prepare for your interview, you should review a large number of software testing interview questions and answers. With proper preparation, you should have no trouble answering the software testing interview questions.

    Q3. Do interviewers ask scenario-based software testing interview questions to freshers?

    Interviewers usually ask scenario-based software testing interview questions to experienced software testers. If you are a fresher, you should focus more on fundamental software testing topics.

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    Top 101 Software Testing Interview Questions

    The Indeed Editorial Team comprises a diverse and talented team of writers, researchers and subject matter experts equipped with Indeed’s data and insights to deliver useful tips to help guide your career journey.

    A software tester is a professional who evaluates programs for errors or issues. Hiring managers may ask software testing interview questions during meetings with candidates to determine their skills. If you are a candidate for a software testing position, you can benefit from reviewing interview questions and practising your answers. In this article, we list 101 software testing interview questions, with a few example answers and outline the steps you can follow to prepare for your interview.


    Why Do We Use Selenium Rc

    • Selenium IDE has the limitations which Selenium RC can diminish in terms of browser support and language support.
    • IDE does not support many functions like Logging, iterations, conditional statements, test case results reporting etc., as it supports only HTML Language.
    • Thats why the Selenium RC is used to communicate with the other languages like Perl, Python etc.,

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    List Down The Severity Types

    Ans: The criticality or the severity of a bug can be high, medium, or low, depending on its context, such as:

    • User interface defects come under low severity
    • Boundary-related defects and error handling defects come under medium severity
    • Error handling defects, calculation defects, misinterpreted data, hardware failures, compatibility issues, control flow defects, and load conditions come under high severity

    What Is Selenium What Are Its Benefits

    Infosys Interview Experience 2021 for Software Testers | Infosys Technical & HR Round Questions

    Selenium is a web browser automation tool that automates the test suits you need to run on a web browser.

    Some of the benefits of Selenium include:

    • It is open-source software, eliminating licensing costs.
    • It supports all the major languages, such as Java, C#, Python, Ruby, etc.
    • It supports all the major web browsers, e.g., Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.
    • You can integrate it with other testing frameworks and tools to build a comprehensive test suite for your software.

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    How Do You Handle Documentation In Your Testing Process

    Requesting details about your documentation process helps the interviewer know whether you keep good records.

    Example:I maintain careful records of my testing process, including both the functional and non-functional testing steps. All test cases are documented and I include any noted symptoms to provide as much detail as possible to the developer.

    Selenium Interview Questions For Freshers

    It can be a little overwhelming to start off as a fresher entering any new field. However, we have got you covered as we have compiled the most important and frequently asked Selenium Interview questions that you can start with. These are the fundamental questions that anyone as a beginner can start with.

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    What Are The Common Challenges In Mobile Application Testing Faced By Most Testers

    • Executing test cases with various operating systems
    • Testing applications functionalities on a wide range of handsets
    • Screen size fragmentation
    • Testing applications on different mobile networks
    • Different application types require different ways to test
    • The choice of the right mobile testing tool for QA team

    What Is The Difference Between Use Case And Test Case

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    Following are the significant differences between the use case and the test case:

    Test case Use Case
    It is a document describing the input, action, and expected response to control whether the application is working fine based on the customer requirements. It is a detailed description of Customer Requirements.
    It is derived from test scenarios, Use cases, and the SRS. It is derived from BRS/SRS.
    While developing test cases, we can also identify loopholes in the specifications. A business analyst or QA Lead prepares it.

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    What Are The Different Kinds Of Frameworks

    • Data-driven framework:

    The test data of this kind is generated from external files like excel, CSV, XML, etc. The data relating to the test cases rely outside on the input and verification values maintained using the variables.

    • Keyword-driven framework:

    The data tables and the keywords are developed independently of the automation test cases. In this framework, the functionality of the test scenarios is documented in the table step by step.

    • Module-based testing framework:

    Isolated and Logical modules are made out of the application that is under test. Independent test scripts are written for each module. These scripts are then clubbed together as a whole.

    • Behaviour driven testing framework:

    The test scripts are written in such a way that the automation is done on the functionality or features to ensure the readability, understanding, and reliability to either the business experts or developers, or other testers.

    • Hybrid testing framework:

    The combination of more than one of the above-mentioned frameworks by leveraging the benefits of each is called a Hybrid testing framework.

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