Set Aside The Time Necessary To Research Properly
Its important to note that this research does take time. If its not possible for you to set aside several hours at one time, break it up into dedicated 20-minute blocks. Dedicate each block to researching a different part of the company. Heres an example of what your research calendar might look like:
A guide wouldnt be much help if it didnt have a few troubleshooting tips. If you lose your way or hit a wall, here are a few final suggestions to help bring you back to your destination:
Sending An Email To Confirm An Interview
Congratulations! You scored that interview. What should you do next? It’s a good idea to accept and confirm the interview with an email, even if you have spoken with the hiring manager or human resources representative on the phone.
That way, you can be certain that you have all the details correct, you know where you’re going, when you should be there, and who you will be meeting with .
Consider Your Answers To Common Interview Questions
While you wont be able to predict every question youll be asked in an interview, there are a few common questions you can plan answers for. You might also consider developing an elevator pitch that quickly describes who you are, what you do and what you want.
There are some jobs that may involve a test or evaluation during the interview process. For example, if you are interviewing for a computer programming, development or analytics role, you might also be asked to write or evaluate lines of code. It might be helpful to consult with colleagues in the industry for examples of tests theyve been given to prepare.
You should also prepare to discuss your salary expectations, just in case. If youre unsure about what salary is appropriate to ask for the position youre applying to, visit Indeed’s Salary Calculator to get a free, personalized pay range based on your location, industry and experience.
Here are a few examples of common interview questions:
Why do you want to work here?The best way to prepare for this question is to learn about the products, services, mission, history and culture of the company. In your answer, mention the aspects of the company that appeal to you and align with your career goals.
Example:Id love the opportunity to work with a company thats making a difference. Finding a company with a positive work environment and values that align with my own has remained a priority throughout my job search, and this company ranks at the top of the list.
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Taking It One Step Further
Lastly, we would highly recommend that you include beefing up your personal brand on the list of things to do before an interview. More and more employers are looking you up online before your interview, and having this under control will go a long way. Head over to our reputation management software page to get started.
With that being said, good luck!
Question: What Has Been Your Biggest Achievement In Your Career
Answer: Think of an achievement that you had control or influence over. Choose an example that is work related and preferably one that relates well to the job that you are applying for. Describe the role that you took in making the success and outline how it impacted others and had a benefit for the organisation.
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When To Send The Email
Ideally, you’ll send this email soon after the notice of the interview.
Here’s one exception to sending an interview acceptance email: When you receive notice of an interview, hiring managers might mention that they plan to send a confirmation email to you. If that’s the case, wait for the email to arrive. If you don’t receive a confirmation message within a day or two, follow up with the hiring manager to confirm.
There is no need for you to send an email if the hiring manager plans to do so.
When you get an email from an employer confirming an interview, you can simply respond by saying that you are looking forward to meeting with them and appreciate the opportunity.
Practice Answering Interview Questions
The section of this chapter titled âDifferent Types of Questionsâ has a detailed list of the top questions asked during an interview and strategies to succeed with each question. Pay close attention to that section to help you prepare for an actual interview. For now, before you practice actual questions, you can do four things:
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Tell Me About A Problem You Had In Your Life And How You Solved It
Be prepared with a short answer that shows how resourceful you are. You can say, I really wanted to go to a private university, but my parents didnt have the money. I went to a community college for two years, worked part time and saved my money so I could attend the last two years at the college of my choice.
What To Do Before An Interview
The things to do before an interview are typically a bit more mental than anything else. Usually, the buildup to an interview is much more nerve-wracking than the actual interview itself. With that in mind, shift your focus to preparation and do whatever you can to practice relaxation beforehand! Nerves can be useful if they motivate you to act. So take a deep breath, and read through our suggestions on things to do before an interview that will help you be prepared when you get into the room.
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Maintain A Professional Demeanor
You want to show the interviewer that you’re not a stuck-up snob. In fact, you’re just like everyone else…so you launch into a story about your ex-wife. Or your credit card debt. Maybe even what a jerk your last boss was — who can’t relate to that? But will you notice how uncomfortable you are making others? It won’t matter you’ve crossed the boundary of professional behavior and have probably blown your chances of advancing in the hiring process.
Why Do You Want To Work Here
Many interview questions and answers seek to evaluate whether or not a job is a good fit for a candidate. By asking you, “Why do you want to work here?” the interviewer is listening for an answer that indicates you’ve given this some thought and are not sending out resumes just because there is an opening. For example, “I’ve selected key companies whose mission statements are in line with my values, where I know I could be excited about what the company does, and this company is very high on my list of desirable choices.”
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Gain The Extra Advantage
Remember: You are not the only person being interviewed. So, you need to do everything you can do to gain an advantage and set yourself apart from everyone else.
Company Culture
You feel like you are qualified for this position. However, would you be a good fit within the company culture?
Check the companys social media pages. This will give you more familiarity with the company and make you more comfortable in the interview. Does the company share videos and photos of office events and company outings? Often, the more social a company is, the better the company culture. Once you gather this information, you can explain to the interviewers how you would be a good fit not just as a person but as an employee.
Recent News
Research current news about the company. Most companies have a page on their website that lists press releases and events. Showing that you are knowledgeable about the company will make an excellent impression. For example, if the company launched a new product, you should discuss your views on it and how you will contribute to its success.
Print Out The Directions To The Interview And Be On Time:
Allow enough time to get there and anticipate traffic. Its ok to be up to 10 minutes early, but no more than that. Otherwise, the interviewer may not be ready for you. Bring the phone number of your interviewer just in case you get lost or are going to be late. If you are going to be late, call to let the interviewer know.
Follow these tips and you will successfully know how to prepare for a job interview. Interviewers can tell whether or not a candidate has prepared for it or not and they will appreciate it if you did.
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Know A Bit Of The Organizations Culture
You need to have practical insights about the position and the Organizations culture. This gives you an edge over other applicants because it helps you crush some likely questions. Your potential employer will mostly ask you questions in line with their Organizations culture and youve got to have answers if you really want to work with them. The reason why organizations ask you questions in line with their culture, is to see beyond your skills, if you will be a good fit for their organization. Some candidates however, have great technical skills for a role but dont fit into the culture of the organization. For candidates like this, if eventually hired, they will see the workplace as toxic to them, not because it is in most cases, but because they are not a good fit for the Organizations culture. This is the reason it is important to know and understand the culture if at all it is a place where you would like to call your workplace.
Paul currently leads one of the leading Recruitment & HR Development Consulting firms in Africa. He is a Mentor at the worlds largest online mentoring platform, and also a Career Consultant. He has helped many Employees via his trainings become impact-driven professionals with transferable skills to help maximize the growth of any team they find themselves, regardless of the ever dynamic economy.
You can connect with him on:
LinkedIn: Paul Oyewusi
What Is Your Personal Brand
Personal branding is how you distinctively market your uniqueness.Bernard Kelvin Clive
Today, the job market is very competitive and tough. Having a great CV will only let you go so far because everyone has a CV, but no one else has your distinct personal brand! It is your personal brand that differentiates you from everyone else and that is what people buyyou.
Your personal brand is your mark on the world. It is how people you interact with and the world see you. It is your legacyit is more important than a business brand because your personal brand lasts forever.
I have coached people who have very successful careers, and they come to me because they have suddenly found that they are not getting the opportunities or having the conversations that would them to their next role. They are having what I call a career meltdown, all because they have no personal brand.
A personal brand helps you become conscious of your differences and your uniqueness. It allows you to position yourself in a way that makes you stand out from the pack, especially among other potential job applicants.
Dont get me wrong, having a great CV and a is important. However, there are a few steps that you have to take to have a CV and LinkedIn profile that is aligned to who you are, the value you offer to the market, and the personal guarantee that you deliver results.
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What Products Or Services They Sell
Before you go for an interview in a company you should be aware of certain things that might make you more appropriate for the job and one of them is you should be aware of the products or services they sell. When you know what the company sells about its products and services you will be able to figure out the specialty of the company the idea behind it and the work that needs to be done.
When you are aware of these things can you talk about them in your interview you show that you are genuinely interested in the job as you researched everything you could that will also show them how hardworking you are and make them believe that you can be a good fit for them?
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Brainstorm One More Question For The Interviewer
You should already have a couple of questions ready to ask your interviewer at the end of your time together. However, before you go into the interview, see if you can think of any others that come up.
It could be as simple as asking about the resources available in the office and how that plays into the company culture i.e. “I noticed you have quite a few conference rooms and group workspaces is there a lot of collaboration between team members?”
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Acting Overconfident Or Entitled
Valerie Streif, marketing manager at GetMyBoat, warns job candidates to pay attention to their tone.
“Something that hurts a lot of job seekers is being overconfident and unaware of how they sound in an interview,” she said.
While being confident of your skills and excited about the value you can add to a company will benefit you, there is a fine line between poised and arrogant. Acting as if you are entitled to a position will instantly seem rude, no matter how qualified you are. Remember that you were invited to interview, and stay quietly confident and humble.
What Salary Are You Seeking
When you’re asked, “What salary are you seeking?” it is to your advantage if the employer tells you the range first. Prepare by knowing the going rate in your area, and your bottom line or walk-away point. One possible answer would be: “I am sure when the time comes, we can agree on a reasonable amount. In what range do you typically pay someone with my background?”
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Preparation Is The Key
Make sure to take any material that you think may help sell yourself to them. Take extra resumes, and be prepared to share them with your interviewer.. Some companies may ask for this information even if you have already submitted it. Its also a great thing to have on hand in case anyone that you are interviewing with hasnt seen it.
If you are applying for a job that you have already created projects or have experience in, make sure to bring a portfolio to show off what you have done. This is an easy way for them to see that you are already able to do some of the job that they want to hire you for.
Carefully Examine The Job Description
During your prep work, you should use the employers posted job description as a guide. The job description is a list of the qualifications, qualities and background the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate. The more you can align yourself with these details, the more the employer will be able to see that you are qualified. The job description may also give you ideas about questions the employer may ask throughout the interview.
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Truth #: Winning Personalities Win Job Offers
In the same Bullhorn survey, 57 percent of interviewers said one important factor in their decision-making process would be how well a candidates personality meshed with the employer they are applying for.
Your Interview Strategy: Before you head into the interview, take some time to read up on the company youre hoping to work in. That way, when you talk to the recruiter, youll be able to highlight how your personality fits the companys values and culture. Youll also come off as more knowledgeable about the employer.
But Do Check Twitter Or The Companies’ Linkedin
“Take a glance at the company’s Twitter feed just to make sure no major game changers or hot topics have popped up since you did your research,” Friedman says. “If something relevant has started trending in the last couple of hours, you don’t necessarily have to be the one to bring it up, but you’ll want to appear in-the-know in case it’s what everyone is focused on.”
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Consider Stories From Previous Positions
Interviewers often ask questions that encourage you to describe situations that occurred in previous positions. This gives them a better understanding of how you might react to similar situations that occur within their workplace. Before your interview, think back to your previous positions to memorable situations that you excelled in. Use them as examples to answer certain questions.
Question: Why Have You Been Out Of Work For So Long
Answer: Time off from work can arise from a number of different reasons, such as being made redundant, deciding to travel or simply being dismissed. If you left voluntarily to do your own thingsuch as traveling, starting your own business or simply taking some time offthen this is the easiest to tackle. If, however, you were made redundant or dismissed, make mention that you have used the opportunity to take the time to re-evaluate where it is that you want to go in your career.
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