Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Nail A Nursing Interview

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Describe A Situation Where You Were Under A Lot Of Pressure How Did You Deal With It What Methods Worked Well For You

6 Tips For Nailing Your Job Interview – Galen College of Nursing

Nursing is a stressful position. Sometimes nurses burnout. The hiring manager wants to find a nurse who can handle the stress in a healthy and practical way.

Example answer:

I experienced pressure every day as an ICU nurse. On one occasion, I had to cover more patients than usual because of a co-worker calling out sick. I decided to create a list and prioritize care. By organizing and paying attention to detail, I was able to manage my increased workload successfully. After work, I often practice yoga so that I dont take any of the stress with me.

Bravo. You showed an ability to prioritize and you also conveyed that youre proactive in taking measures to mitigate stress in your free time.

Anticipate Possible Interview Questions

One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to have a friend ask you possible RN interview questions. Review your answers so you don’t end up stuttering or drawing a blank at the wrong time.

Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • What made you want to become an RN
  • Do you work best alone or as a team
  • Tell me about a challenging experience that you overcame
  • How do you handle difficult patients
  • What motivates you
  • What are some of your weaknesses and strengths

Consider The Interview An Opportunity

Its normal to be nervous, but remember: The purpose of most nursing school interviews is generally not to weed out applicants. Rather, its an opportunity for a face-to-face, two-way exchange of information about the particular program and how you would fit in.

The interviewers want to determine whether youre right for the school, explains Trissa Lyman, FNP-S, Brigham Young University. Share experiences that have helped you develop the skills you need to master difficult material, she says. Nursing school is tough, and they need to know you have what it takes to perform well in the program.

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Tell Us About A Time That You Were In A Leadership Position Were You Pleased With The Results

Hiring managers seek people they can promote. They want to find someone who has experience as a leader. Recent graduates can talk about leadership experience with volunteering or an academic project.

Example answer:

As a licensed RN, I have gravitated toward leadership positions. In one of my roles, I led a group of LVNs. I developed a team that dedicated itself to patient-centered care and efficiency. We made sure to involve families in the care and specialize treatment plans to individual patients needs. One of my proudest moments was seeing one of the LVNs earn their RN certification. In that sense, I felt more than pleased with the results.

Solid. You identified that you have experience in leadership roles and also your care standards. Additionally, you showed how much of a team player you are.

Top 17 Nursing Interview Questions Answers And Tips

Tips to nail your Graduate Nurse Program application and interview

Even with a 15% projected growth rate in U.S. nursing jobs, it still takes a high degree of skill, experience, and preparation to ace your nursing interview.

Going into a nursing interview can feel daunting. This is true for the most seasoned nursing veterans. Not many people enjoy the process of interviewing. However, it doesnt have to give you an ulcer just thinking about it.

Weve provided a guide to help you feel at ease going into the interview.

Read on for the top nursing interview questions and answers, tips, and more to help ace your next nurse interview.

In this guidewe will cover

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Involve The Entire Panel In Your Interview

When answering questions, dont simply address the individual who asked the question. Make sure youre including the whole panel in your response. Make eye contact with each person as you talk.

Including the names of individuals is also an important part of making sure youre involving the entire panel. Always start out and finish your answers by directing them at the person who asked you, but be sure to also make eye contact with everyone else on the panel.

Not only does making eye contact keep everyone in the panel engaged in what youre saying, it helps to show that youre confident in your answers and comfortable in the situation.

Involving the entire panel in your interview also means sending each panelist a personalized thank you noteso dont forget to get everyones name!

Why Are You Leaving Your Current Position

This question is a potential land-mine. Do NOT use it as an opportunity to badmouth your current or former position. Future employers dont need to know you hate where you worked or that your old boss was a tyrant. Rather, focus on the positive aspects and how youre leveraging those in your new job.

Example answer:

This answer is good because youre not saying anything negative about your past job and stressing that youre eager to learn and take on more responsibilities. For a more in-depth article on how to generally answer this interview question, check out our article 10 Good Reasons For Leaving a Job.

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Have You Ever Had To Interact With A Difficult Co

This can be a tricky topic to navigate, as speaking poorly about your former co-workers can leave an unfavorable impression. Its also technically one of many situational interview questions you may encounter, so be as tactful as you can in this scenario.

Instead of bringing up a major argument, pick a relatively minor conflict to discuss, one where you could resolve the situation successfully. You need to show that you can work through interpersonal problems professionally and be a team player.

What Is One Professional Accomplishment That You Are Most Proud Of And Why


How to answer:

Tell a story about one of your most noteworthy accomplishments at work. What was the accomplishment? What steps did you take to achieve it? Who else was involved in this accomplishment? What happened as a result of the accomplishment?

Earning my advanced pediatric certification is something I worked very hard for and something that validates the years I have spent at the bedside.

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Behavioral Interview Questions For Icu Nurses:

As a healthcare employer, you may want to leverage behavioral interview questions when hiring nurse staff. Behavioral based interview questions will give you a sense of how a nurse will perform or behave in specific circumstances. Questions related to stress, time management, and pressure situations are perfect for assessing your ICU nurse candidates.

Tip #: Research The Program

Theres a lot to consider when walking into an interview. You never know who your interviewer will be or what exactly theyll be evaluating. It can be daunting not knowing who will be sitting across the table from you.

One thing you can be sure of is that he or she will appreciate it if you are familiar with the program for which youre applying. Research the program and find out what makes it unique. This information will come in handy when asked why youre interested in that school.

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One Nurse Interview Basics

First things first, you need to understand the objective of the interview. By the time youve been invited to one, employers have already determined that you have most of the qualifications required.

The purpose of the interview is to determine if they like you and whether youre a good fit for their team. They also want to see if youre as good as you seem on paper and can help them reach their goals.

Treat the interview like a conversation where both candidate and employer have a shared goal of getting to know each other.

This is also an opportunity for you to evaluate the role and employer. Youll be spending most of your time at work, so its important to be somewhere that aligns with you core values, helps you reach your goals, and is actually enjoyable – not just tolerable.

With that said, interviewing styles and processes can vary greatly by employer. Chances are, youll encounter most of the interview styles discussed in this guide at some point in your career.

What Would You Do If You Were Not Relieved Of Your Shift

7 Secrets to Nailing an Accelerated Nursing Program Interview

This question is aimed at knowing how far you can push yourself. Remember that each shift is grueling, so dont give overenthusiastic answers- they would only make you appear needy and fake. Be practical.

Sample answer: I would attend to the matter at hand till the replacement arrived and then I would talk to my supervisor to know what happened.

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Most Asked Nurse Interview Questions And How To Answer Them

So you have finally been selected for an interview at your dream hospital and so are going through sample interview questions to better prepare yourself. Remember that nursing job interview questions are wildly different from the corporate ones. If you have had prior experience in the profession, you probably know this. But if you are just fresh out of your Registered Nurse course, you need to keep certain things in mind.

  • These are just frequently asked questions. Expect a wide number of variations, or more difficult questions than the ones listed here.
  • There is no point in mugging up answers because that would show. Not only would it create a bad impression, but it may also damage your prospects. Always rely on your own experiences, and put in what you really feel.
  • Emotionally prepare yourself for the interview. To an extent this is your job played out on a much smaller scale. Not only do you need to think well and think fast, but you also need to articulate well.

So here are some common interview questions for nursing and their best answers that would give you some idea of how such interviews are actually like.

What Would You Do If You Saw Another Nurse Administering An Incorrect Drug

This question is asked to test not only your commitment, but also your courage and your thinking skills. Remember that such questions can be the deal breaker or maker.

Sample answer: I would immediately protest. If the colleague owns up to his mistake, I would immediately set about administering the correct procedure. Else I would run to a doctor and explain the situation.

So armed as you are with these interview tips and answers, it is best to go soul searching in preparation for your interview. Not only would the effort show during the interview, but it would also make you understand yourself much better in terms of your profession.

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Most Common And General Icu Nurse Interview Questions:

These are general questions that you can ask to uncover some surface level information. These are typically used as getting to know you questions and should not be used as your main criteria for making a hire.

  • Why do you want to work for this hospital / organization?
  • What are your values?
  • What drew you to the nursing profession?
  • Tell me about a time you inadvertently caused conflict? How did you resolve it??
  • What can you bring to our team?
  • What are your weaknesses? / What is your area of greatest opportunity?
  • If I called your previous supervisor, what would they tell me about you?
  • How would you define a strong leader?
  • What are your career goals?
  • What questions would like to ask me / us?
  • Are you currently interviewing with other hospitals?
  • Why did you decide to become a nurse?
  • Why did you choose the particular field of nursing that you are in?
  • What are the biggest challenges or issues that nurses face today?
  • Why do you feel you are qualified for the job?
  • When do you plan to make a decision? / How soon can you start?

What Approach Do You Take In Communicating With People Who Do Not Know Medical Jargon Give An Example Of A Time You Explained Medical Terminology To Someone Who Is Not Medically Trained

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How to answer:

Explain step-by-step how youve performed in a similar situation. What specific words and terminology did you use? How did you know that the individual understood your explanation?

It is imperative that we use simple words to our patients and families who are not medically trained and utilize a teach-back method to ensure they understand the information that is communicated to them. I once had to explain post-operative care to a family whose child had tonsil surgery. I had to use words such as poop instead of bowel movement. I used Tylenol instead of acetaminophen.

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How Travel Nursing As A Young Nurse Helps In Future Interviews

Gaining experience early in your career is crucial. After youve graduated and gotten your feet wet, you might consider travel nursing as a way to build your resume.

Many agencies only require one year of nursing experience before you can begin traveling.

Travel nursing is an incredible way to fulfill your passion for nursing while also traveling to new places and gaining great experience along the way.

Working in a variety of locations ensures that you check off many boxes that hiring managers are looking to fill like:

  • Adaptability

SEE ALSO:How to Get Nursing Experience with an Awesome Travel Job

Tip #: Do Your Research

Whether or not you applied through a job board or you were referred by a friend, you want to ensure that you have done some research about the employers background and be able to identify why you have chosen to interview at the organization. Understanding the mission and being aware of recent awards and recognitions can provide you with some easy talking points throughout the interview.

While every nursing role is different, most nursing interviews have some questions in common. Researching some common nursing interview questions and preparing answers is a great way to practice.

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Give An Example Of An Important Goal You Set For Yourself Did You Accomplish That Goal How Did You Ensure That You Accomplished It

How to answer:

Make sure the goal you share is related to your career. Explain the steps you took to accomplish your goal. What challenges did you face? How did you feel once you accomplished your goal?

I set the goal to earn my pediatric certification. I made a list of things that must be done to achieve that. I signed up for the exam and paid the fee so that way I had to take the exam. There was no backing out.

Nursing Interview Question #: Long Working Hours

How to Nail Your Nursing School Admissions Interview

Nurses often complain about long shift work hours. In your view, what are some of the negative side-effects of having nurses work prolonged periods without rest?


Questions about negatives like this need to be handled strategically. You must demonstrate that you have thought through some of the challenges you will face in this profession. As passionate as you may be, that doesnt mean that each day will be easy you will face real and difficult trials, and you need to show that youre ready to take these on. The key is to show that you know that this is an issue, and that youve already implemented stress-relieving tactics that work for you.

Click here for our expert response.

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Key To Answering Behavioral

When telling stories during interviews, we suggest using the S-T-A-R format – this will ensure your story is direct, concise and to the point. So, what does the acronym S-T-A-R stand for?




You can learn more about answering interview questions by using the S-T-A-R format by reading our complete guide to nursing interviews.

No One Likes Rejection

Well all face rejection at some point in life. The key to handling rejection gracefully is turning it into an opportunity to learn. If you are not chosen for a role, use it as an opportunity to improve and further your research.

How do you do this? By asking your interviewer for feedback. You might ask:

  • Can you share with me why I was not selected?
  • Do you have any recommendations for me?
  • May I remain in contact with you for professional advice?

We get it. Interviews are awkward and they make everyone nervous. Take these tips to heart and practice, practice, practice!

While its not a guarantee youll be hired on the spot, these tips will help you to learn a lot more about yourself and how to portray your skills, accomplishments, and stories in the best way possible.

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Describe A Time When You Took On An Unofficial Leadership Role In The Workplace

When you’re working as an ICU nurse, an employer is expecting you to have some autonomy when it comes to the care of your patients. When the right experience and background, you should be able to assess issues, react quickly and involve other members of the team if you need to for the safety of the patient.

Example:”It’s important to have autonomy in your work and make important decisions for the patient’s care without hesitation, however, there are moments when involving other members of your team is critical. In my previous role, I had a patient who suddenly went into cardiac arrest. I had to call over my fellow ICU nurses to help me with the life-saving measures the patient needed to survive the incident.

In this situation, I gave each of my team members a responsibility. As we were working on saving the patient, I paid close attention to how each of my fellow nurses was doing with their task, and I was able to step in when one nurse was having difficulties with chest compressions. When your patient is in a critical stage, you must act like a leader and utilize the resources available to you, including your coworkers, to save their life.”

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