Thursday, July 25, 2024

A New York Times Poll On Women’s Issues Interviewed 1025

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The New York Times Poll

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Percentage of people who say:

For themselves, they prefer to

combine marriage, and children and a


Society has not changed enough to

allow women to compete with men on

an even basis.

Most men they know think they are better

than women.

Men are willing to let women get ahead,

but only if women still do all the

housework at home.

All Things considered, there are more

advantages in being a man in America


Men’s attitudes toward women have

changed for the better in the last 20


The United States continues to need

a strong women’s movement to push for

changes to benefit women.

Bases on interviews with 1,025 and 472 men nationwide, conducted by telephone June 20-25. WORK ATTITUDES: A COMPARISON

Percent of men and women who said they had full-time jobs.


Say they think of their work as a career rather

than a job

Say they supervise other employees at work

Say the loss of thei job would have a major

financial impact

Say women stand an equal or better chance of

getting promoted where they work

Say at work, most men don’t take women


Say a woman who takes years out of her career

for child care can never make up for it on

the job

Say women have had to give up too much to

get ahead

Say they feel torn between the demands of their

job and wanting to spend more time with their

family at least sometimes *

This Problem Has Been Solved

A New York Times poll on women’s issues interviewed 1025 womenand 472 men randomly selected from the United States, excludingAlaska and Hawaii. The poll announced a margin of error of ±3percentage points for 95% confidence in conclusions about women.The margin of error for results concerning men was ±4 percentagepoints. 18. Why is this larger than the margin of error for women?A. because of differences between the two genders. B. because thereare 1025 women and only 472 men. C. because the sample didn’tinclude Alaska and Hawaii. D. because the researcher was awoman.

A New York Times Poll On Womens Issues Interviewed 1025 Randomly Selected Women And 472 Randomly Selected Men From The United States Excluding Alaska And Hawaii The Poll Found That 47% Of The Women Said They Do Not Get Enough Time For Themselves And Announced A Margin Of Error Of 3 Percentage Points For 95% Confidence In Its Conclusions The Confidence Statement In Relation To The Given Scenario Is: We Are 95% Confident That Between 44% And 50% Of All Women Would Say That They Do Not Get Enough Time For Themselves Which Of The Following Statements Correctly Explains The Meaning Of The Term 95% Confidence In The Confidence Statement The Interval 44% To 50% Is Based On A Procedure That Includes A Sample Representing 95% Of Population The Interval 44% To 50% Is Based On A Procedure That Includes The True Population Value 95% Of The Time The Interval 44% To 50% Is Based On A Procedure That Produces A Margin Of Error 95% Of The Time No Answer Text Provided


A New York Times Poll on womens issues interviewed 1025 randomly selected women and 472 randomly selected men from the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii.The poll found that 47% of the women said they do not get enough time for themselves and announced a margin of error of ±3 percentage points for 95% confidence in its conclusions. The confidence statement, in relation to the given scenario, is: We are 95% confident that between 44% and 50% of all women would say that they do not get enough time for themselves.

Which of the following statements correctly explains the meaning of the term 95% confidence, in the confidence statement?

Recommended Reading: What To Say During An Interview

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