Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Do’s And Don Ts Of Interview

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Dont: Ask The Candidate To Negotiate Their Salary

Interview Dos and Don’ts

Its good to make a salary offer early on in the interview, but dont ask a candidate how much they want to make. If you do, they might not feel as confident about the job offer as if you gave them an offer without asking. You could also find out that they really arent interested in the position at all and could be wasting your time. In addition, if you go too low on their salary, they might feel pressured into accepting.

Send Thank You Notes To All Interviewers

Sending a personalized thank you to your interviewers is tried-and- true practice that can help your hiring prospects. Not only do the interviewers feel that you truly appreciated their time and the opportunity, but its also your chance to reiterate your interest in the job and stress that youre the perfect match.

At the conclusion of the interview, ask each of your interviewers for a business card so you can send either a handwritten or email thank you to everyone.

The Top 5 Dos And Donts Of Interviewing

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If youre an advisor with a growing practice, youve likely been involved in the hiring process at some point. Ive helped many advisors like with you hiring, and interviewing is always the most dreaded aspect.

Other phases of hiring like recruiting, compensation and on-boarding each have their own challenges, but interviewing can be incredibly awkward and nerve-wracking for all involved.

What do I ask?

How do I know if its going well?

When should I make up my mind about this person?

The questions about interviewing are seemingly endless and may feel overwhelming. But interviewing is also the most critical part of the hiring process, as it gives you a detailed indication of:

  • The individuals personality, skills and abilities
  • The value they bring to the team
  • Their intrinsic likes
  • And an indication of whether they match the actual role within the team.

While there is no guarantee for a foolproof interviewing process, once you get a handle on the basics and employ a structured approach, interviewing becomes a much more comfortable and empowering endeavor.

Based on years of experience in guiding advisors towards making the ideal hire, here are a few of the top dos and donts of interviewing.

Top 5 Donts of Interviewing

Dont interview until you have a job description. Without it, how will you know if you have the right fit for the role? The high level job overview and task list set a crucial foundation for successfully interviewing to full the position.

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Dos And Donts Of Job Interviews

Whether youre a recent graduate applying for your first position or a mid-career professional looking to advance to the next level, job interviews can be nerve-wracking.

So that you shine at your next in-person job interview, keep the following dos and donts in mind:

Finally, always send a thank-you email to the hiring manager. This is both polite and keeps you fresh in his or her mind.

Do: Ask Them For A Reference If You Dont Have One Already

10 Tips to Become a Successful Interviewer: Do

If you dont have a reference at the interview, its important to ask for one before theyre hired. Its not just simple common courtesy its also good for the candidate to have the opportunity to give their references time to think about who they would recommend. If you dont already have a reference, then offer them the chance to give you one.

Also Check: How To Have A Good Job Interview

Do: Help Candidates Express Their Personality

Part of what makes a successful hire is finding someone who fits well with your companys culture. So its crucial to ask questions that will help you assess how well the candidate matches with your company culture. Just like when asking open-ended questions, be careful about what types of questions you ask. The best way to find out if they match is to ask, What kinds of things do you like to do in your free time? This shows that youre open and interested in their personality and interests, and it doesnt make the candidate feel like youre judging them.

Dont Believe Everything You Read In A Cv

Theres no need to be overly paranoid about candidates, but its certainly unwise to take everything listed in a CV or cover letter at face value. It is very easy for candidates to inflate facts and achievements. They are looking to impress you and stand out, after all. It is your responsibility to determine the facts in an interview. Ask candidates for specific details about previous roles and projects, and get them to expand on their responsibilities wherever possible.

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Dont: Ask About Their Past Interviews And Job Applications

If a candidate comes across as nervous or uncomfortable during an interview, this could be noticed by those around them, who will think something is wrong. But there isnt always a reason for this the candidate might just be nervous. If this is the case, dont assume that theyre not interested and that you cant learn anything from them. A good tip to avoid unnecessary stress and to put the candidate at ease is just to let them know that youre not looking for a perfect interview.

Do Be Prepared To Answer The Standard Job Interview Questions

Job Interview Do’s and Don’ts

Study the most commonly asked job interview questions, and prepare your responses in advance, customized to each employer, and have good questions ready to ask the interviewers.

If you have something in your work history that needs explaining, prepare a solid response to questions like, Why did you leave your last job? Focus on the positive with responses like I left because opportunities to continue improving my skills ended. It is a well-run company, but I am interested in learning more about leveraging social media for marketing and sales, which is not something they are interested in doing now.

Be ready to discuss your salary requirements if the question is asked. Base your answer on your research into what this employer and other employers pay for this job.,, and can provide some of this information. Push the salary discussion off as long as you can, until you understand more about the job and the employer understands more about your qualifications and experience. Check the Starting Salary Question for more tips.

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Do Demonstrate An Interest In The Role

Obviously, youre interested in the role or you wouldnt have applied. Either way, you still need to show why you are interested in the job and place of work, and not just any job, but that specific job. Ensure that you come up with an answer to: Why do you want to work here? and What attracted you to this role specifically?. Even if the real answer is Im desperate and I need money, maybe think of a better way to connect your interests and desires with the role.

University Interviews Dos & Donts

Not every university course requires candidates to go for an interview but yours does! Woohoo, how very exciting! No? Okay, well let us say that theres nothing to be worried about, as long as you follow this handy guide of dos and donts.

Rather than starting with how you should act in a university interview, well start with the donts which means that there should be only a handful of things we need to remind you of later on.

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Dont Badmouth Former Employers

Youre likely to be asked why you want to leave your current employer or whether youve experienced any bad management styles in the past. No matter how strong the temptation, do not be negative about former/current employers or colleagues. You can be honest while giving a diplomatic answer that never throws anyone under the bus.

For example, if a bad relationship with a manager is the reason that youre looking for a new job, you can say that youre hoping to find a company that is a better fit for your personality and career ambitions. This will show hiring managers that you have a positive attitude.

Do: Allow Candidates To Take A Longer Break

Interview Dos and Don

Its a good idea to give your candidate some time to relax during the interview. If you have a long conversation with them, it can be hard for them to keep their energy up if theyre not taking a rest every so often. In some cases, you might even be able to schedule an extended lunch break as well. If you find that theyre getting tired, then you can ask if theyd like a few minutes of time on their own or another break altogether. You can also use this as an opportunity for them to clear their heads and think about what youve just said.

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Do: Ask Them For All Applicable References

You dont have to ask for all of their references, but it can be helpful if you can pick out a reference that theyre most comfortable giving. This will help them feel more comfortable about the company they have chosen. If you dont have any references, then give them an hour or two to get in touch with one before the interview ends. Its not the most respectful thing in the world, but it is important so both candidates feel comfortable.

Do Provide Next Steps And Follow Up

Once youve wrapped up the questioning, be sure to provide information on next steps and give a timeframe for when they should expect to hear from you next. Also, invite candidates to reach out should they have any supplementary questions which crop up in the interim. Always follow up, and even if you decide to not pursue a candidate any further, be sure to provide them with a polite email thanking them for their time.

For tailored advice on how to improve your recruitment process, contact Exacta Solutions today.

Also Check: How To Call References After Interview

The 10 Job Interview Donts

We all know the simple donâts of an interview such as donât arrive late, donât dress inappropriately and donât show up looking unprepared. However, I have compiled a more in-depth Top 10 List of Donâts derived from the feedback of industry companies and candidates alike.

1) Donât mispronounce the names of those interviewing you. Double check the pronunciation of names with the receptionist or hiring manager prior to your interview. Getting names correct is a simple matter of courtesy and respect.

2) Donât walk into the interview without knowing about the company. Do your homework and research the company prior to the interview. Visiting their website is a good place to start.

3) Donât even think about answering your cell phone during the interview. Itâs best to turn it off prior to entering the building.

4) Donât make negative comments or remarks about your present or past employers. When explaining why you are seeking a change, communicate your rationale professionally.

5) Donât answer questions with a simple âyesâ or ânoâ. Explain and give details whenever possible. However, make sure you provide the details in a succinct and articulate manner.

6) Donât expect your resume to close the deal. Sell yourself by providing more information and cite specific examples of how you have been successful at your current or past job.

Dont Chew Gum Smoke Or Eat During The Interview

Interview Dos and Don’ts

This one may seem like a no brainer, but it still needs to be said. Each of these things can be a major turn-off to interviewers, and cause you to lose out on the opportunity.

Oftentimes youll be offered a beverage before the interview begins. If you feel like you may get parched, certainly take them up on the offer and thank them.

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Don’t Focus Solely On You


“An interview is your opportunity to make an impression and ultimately sell yourself,” said John Fleischauer, Senior Talent Attraction Manager at Halogen Software. “Focus on the value you can bring to the organization – not how much vacation time you get.”


When you ask questions, focus on the company and the position, not on benefits. If the interviewer brings up salary or benefits, you can discuss them, but do not bring up the topic.

Do Research The Employer

The quickest way to fail an interview is to know nothing about the employer or to ask uninformed questions like, What do you do here? Your research should include what the company does, where they are located, who works there, and how they are viewed.

Check the organizations website, as well as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social networks. Also, use a search engine to learn more about them, search on terms like reviews. Read for more ideas.

The best news is that the research will not only prepare you for the interview, including giving you good questions to ask during the interview, it will also give you a better idea if you want to work for the employer. Read 50+ Good Questions to Ask in Interviews for more tips.

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Dos And Donts For Job Interview Success

Even if you arent sure you really want this job, your goal is to be impressive enough that the employer will extend a job offer.

As a job candidate, you go into every job interview interview with 2 goals:

First, you want to impress the employer with what a great hire you would be your qualifications, accomplishments, and enthusiasm for them and the job.

Second, you want to learn as much as you can about the employer and this job. Even if you are unemployed, the last thing you need is to accept a job that will turn out to be a nightmare for you with another, tougher job search too soon.

Now, focus on your customer the employer. To succeed, keep that focus in your mind as you meet your goals.

Employers have two primary goals for the job interview. First, they want to determine if you are qualified for the job and, second, they want to discover if you are someone who would fit well into the organization.

Do: Ask If They Have Any Questions For You

Interview Doâs and Donâts

Its good to ask if they have any questions, but this question can also help them feel confident in the position even if its not exactly what theyre looking for. This is a great way to get them excited about working with you and for you and give them confidence about accepting the offer. Its also a great way to make sure theyre prepared for some of your questions and answers throughout the interview. In addition, it also allows you to start a conversation about the position and lets them know that theres more to talk about before your interview ends.

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Interview Do’s And Don’ts


  • Arrive 15 minutes early. Late attendance is never excusable.
  • Clarify questions. Be sure you answered the questions the employer really asked. Get the interviewer to describe the position and responsibilities early in the conversation so you can relate your skills and background to the position throughout the interview.
  • Give your qualifications. Stress the accomplishments that are most pertinent to the job. Conduct yourself professionally. Be aware of what your body language is saying. Smile, make eye contact, don’t slouch and maintain composure.
  • Anticipate tough questions. Prepare in advance so you can turn apparent weaknesses into strengths. Dress appropriately. Make your first impression a professional one. Ask questions throughout the interview. An interview should be a mutual exchange of information, not a one-sided conversation.
  • Listen. This is probably the most important ability of all. By concentrating not only on the employer’s words, but also on the tone of voice and body language, you will be able to pick up on the employer’s style. Once you understand how a hiring authority thinks, pattern your answers accordingly and you will be able to better relate to him or her.


Closing the interview


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How To Wrap Up And Exit

Do: Believe it or not, how you end the interview is just as important as how you begin. In fact, both are crucial, because these are two things that interviewers always remember. So to wrap up your job interview , make sure you give a firm handshake, look the interviewer in the eye, and say, Thanks so much for your time. It was a pleasure meeting you and learning about the role, and Im looking forward to hearing about the next steps.

You can also ask for a business card so you can call or email the interviewer if they dont provide feedback in a reasonable time-frame. Also, consider asking what time-frame to expect, so you can plan ahead.

Dont: Make sure you dont rush the ending or leave without thanking them and making eye contact. The last impression matters, and even if youre feeling tense/nervous, or worried that the interview didnt go well, now isnt the time to stress. Focus on what you can control in the moment, which is to leave a good final impression. Also, avoid asking, Do you have any concerns that would prevent you from offering me the position? .

About this guest author:

Since 2005, LiveCareers team of career coaches, certified resume writers, and savvy technologists have been developing career tools that have helped over 10 million users build stronger resumes, write persuasive cover letters, and develop better interview skills. Land the job you want faster using our free samples, templates, writing guides, and easy-to-use resume-builder software.

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