Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Write A Follow Up Email To An Interview

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Follow Up Email After Phone Interview

How To Write an INTERVIEW FOLLOW UP EMAIL! (The PERFECT Follow Up Email after a JOB interview!)

A phone interview is not much different from an in-person interview as far as the follow up afterward.

That said, there are two types of interviews that might take place over the phone.

The phone screening

You might get a phone call by a recruiter or hiring manager this screening is to vet potential job candidates. A phone screening is usually under 30 minutes and covers a few basic questions.

If it was a phone screening that took place, you can send a brief thank you email .

  • Express your interest in the position.
  • Follow up within several business days if you have not heard anything.

The phone interview

Sometimes a real interview will also take place over the phone.

This might occur if you have applied for a job in another state or a remote position.

In such a case, you would follow the same steps of sending an initial thank you follow up.

You would then make further contact depending on how and when the hiring manager gets in touch with you, just as you would with an in-person interview.

Here are some quick tips for your thank you email after your phone interview. More details about writing this type of email can be found throughout this article.

What Does An Effective Follow

An effective follow-up email to send when you havent heard back from an interviewer will include a fantastic subject line and a crystal clear body. It will be brief but also have substance as well.

Your subject line is one of the most important aspects of your follow-up email. It is essentially a chance at a new first impression your hiring manager will have of you. It also will make it very clear what your intentions are with the email itself.

Related: Thank You Email After Interview: Complete Guide, 10+ Samples

Heres An Example Of What Your Thank Your Message Could Look Like:

Hello ,

It was great to meet you in person! Thank you for having me by the office today and taking the time to talk more about . It was also great meeting with and learning about their experience at the company and getting some more detail on the day-to-day of a . Overall, our meeting was very helpful and informative.

Im excited about where is headed and believe I can do a lot to contribute to s success. My conversations with you confirmed that the role provides the perfect chance to be challenged and learn about the in a collaborative, environment. Id be excited to use my experience to help your company meet its goal of .

Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide, Id be happy to follow up on anything we discussed or provide samples of my work.

All my best,

Michelle, who works with many candidates here at Scouted and coaches them through the application an interview process, tells why she believes this is a great thank you email:

long enough to show that put thought into it but concise and to the point and appropriately reinforces his or her interest in the role with specific reasons why. It mentions each of the people the candidate met along with references to specific things from those chats. It was also enthusiastic and positive without using too many !s.

Now we get to our second type of follow-up email

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Template For A Thank You Email After A Job Interview

An in-person job interview is a huge opportunity. And employers tell us that the way candidates follow up is an important indicator of their interest in the position. Candidates who go silent after the interview come across as disinterested. So if you really want the job, take the time to write a sincere, customized email immediately after you end the interview, and send it the same day.

Subject Line: Thank you from ] ]

Dear ],

Thank you, again, for the time you spent with me today. I really enjoyed meeting you and exploring how I might be able to assist ] as the new ].

After our conversations, I am even more confident that this position is a job I would enjoy, as well as one where I can be successful and make a valuable contribution.

I am particularly excited about ]

You mentioned that the decision on this position will be made in ]. In the meantime, if there is any additional information you need from me please let me know and Ill get it over to you!

Again, I appreciate the chance to interview with ] and am grateful for the time you spent with me.


There you have it! Follow these templates, and make extra sure to customize them to your own voice and situation. Before you know it, youll be perfecting your interview follow-up and hearing back after more interviews. Ill wish you luck with your next interview, because I know youve got the thank you email covered.

Give An Invitation To Contact You

How to write good follow up emails after the interview ...

You want to invite the hiring manager or employer to contact you before sending your follow up email after a face-to-face or phone interview.

This closing also fits if you are checking in due to no response about the job position.

Please let me know if I can give you any further information or if you have questions about any aspect of my experience and work history.

I look forward to hearing from you and would be happy to send you samples of former projects.

Please get in touch if I can provide anything moving forward.

If youre offering an invitation to stay in touch, you would change it up a bit:

Let me know if you would like to connect over coffee to discuss recent changes in the industry.

Id love to have a Skype meeting if youre interested, to finish our conversation about .

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A Guide To Effective Post

Once your interview is over, you can breathe a sigh of relief. The most challenging part is over! Now, all you have to do is sit back, relax and wait for the response. The ball is entirely in their court right? Not so fast. While its definitely true that the hardest part is over, theres still work to be done to ensure that you stay on top of your interviewers minds. In this guide, well share interview follow-up email templates that will win over recruiters and hiring managers and benefit your application.

The Importance Of An Emergency Fund

When searching for a new dream job, you might have to wait awhile before getting an offer. The job hunting process includes a lot of steps. You have to find job openings, submit your job applications, write cover letters, get reference letters, go through interviews, and wait for employers to get back to you with their decision.

That’s why you need an emergency fund to take care of you during this time period without a job. You want to build an emergency fund that can keep you afloat for at least 3 months.

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How To Write A Staying In Touch Email After An Interview

If you havent heard back after checking in, or you found out you didnt get the job, you can still email the hiring manager explaining how youd love to stay in touch. The goal of this email is to establish a relationship and for them to keep you in mind and help you grow.

Just like the post-interview check in email, this one is short and sweet.

  • Send this email to the hiring manager.
  • Thank them for their time and consideration in the interview stage.
  • After addressing them, mention what it is about them that you find interesting or inspirational.
  • Limit this email to one to two paragraphs and include a proposed time to meet for a call or for coffee.

Sample staying in touch post interview email

Subject line: Staying in touch

Dear [Hiring Manager}

Hope you are doing well. Im reaching out to say thank you again for your time and consideration. I really enjoyed my speaking and learning fro you and others at my interview. In particular, I found the details you shared of your own career path very to be very eye-opening and inspirational. As someone whos aspiring to build my career myself, , Id love to learn more about how youve developed your skills.

I know you must be busy, but if you have 20 minutes to chat, it would be greatly appreciated. Are you available for a phone or coffee chat sometime in the next few weeks?

Thanks again,

Example Thank You Email After The Initial Interview

How to Write a Job Interview Follow Up or Thank You Email

Subject Line: Enjoyed our conversation re.

Dear Ms. Williams,

I appreciated the opportunity to interview with . It was fascinating to learn about the impressive list of operations is involved in.

After learning more about , I am interested in being a member of your team. Im excited about the opportunity to help . I believe that my experience in will align perfectly with goals and trajectory.

Please let me know if I can give you any further information or if you have questions about any aspect of my experience and work history.


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Template For A Thank You Email After A Phone Interview

An employer may conduct phone interviews, or phone screens, with a dozen or more applicants for every job opening. Youre in a crowded field of candidates, all vying for the opportunity to interview in-person. One way to differentiate yourself is to craft a considerate post-interview thank you email as soon as you get off the phone.

Subject Line: Thank you for your time today.

Dear ],

I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the ] position at ]. After our conversation, Im very excited about this opportunity. I believe my skills and interests are a perfect match for this role.

I am particularly interested in ]

I appreciate the time you took to interview me today, and I look forward to having the opportunity to meet you in person.

If you need any additional information from me, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Again, thank you for your time and consideration.


What To Consider When Writing An Interview Follow Up Email

While there are clear benefits to sending an interview follow up email, there are also several ways it can backfire if your approach is wrong. For example, if you use the wrong tone, you might even make the recruiters less likely to consider you. Just to give you an idea, heres what your interview follow up email shouldnt read like:


I went in for an interview yesterday and I wanted an update about the position. Please get back to me ASAP.

All the best,

If we were recruiting new members, that email would immediately convince us to drop that applicant, since it shows a clear lack of professionalism. Heres what you need to keep in mind, so your interview follow up email lands better:

  • Wait a little while before sending it. Some people wait a day after their interview, while others play the long game and hold off for up to a week. In any case, wait at least 24 hours before hitting the Send button.
  • Re-iterate your interest in the job. This should be the core of any interview follow up email since your goal is to remind recruiters that youre a top candidate.
  • Be thankful for their attention. A great interview follow up email should always include a brief thank you for the recruiters time. Just enough to be polite without sounding too gushing.

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Checklist: Things To Consider After The Interview Itself

There are a number of questions to think about if you want to figure out exactly why your hiring manager has not reached out to you with a job offer:

  • Did you send a thank you email after the interview?
  • Did you dress appropriately for the interview?
  • Did the hiring manager ask a lot of repetitive questions about your resume?
  • Was your interview surprisingly short?
  • Did you forget to bring key items along?
  • Did your hiring manager seem bored?
  • Did your hiring manager make it seem like you probably wont get the job?

These could all point to a less than an ideal interview. Regardless, you should send a follow-up email even if youre fairly confident that your interview went south.

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Take Your Thank You Email To The Next Level

FREE 10+ Sample Follow Up Email After Interview in PDF ...

While the template above is all you need, if you really want to blow a hiring manager out of the water, add in another few lines before I look forward to… with some ideas you have on how you could add value. Think: a quick mock-up of something you discussed in the interview if youre in a creative role, taglines if youre in branding, or some slides or possible partners if youre in business development or sales.

It could look something like this:

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How Soon To Send A Follow

This is critical. Never follow-up too soon. Wait at least 3-5 business days until you follow up. And only follow-up if you haven’t heard anything back from the recruiter or managers.

The one exception to this rule is if your situation has changed between the date the hiring manager gave you to expect some type of note and today’s date. For example, if you accepted another job offer and wanted to inform the manager of that.

Example Email: Checking In

If you havent heard back from an employer after an interview within a time frame theyve given you, or after two weeks since the interview, you can send a checking in email to your interviewer.

Making decisions on who to hire takes a different amount of time for every company. Sending an email to check in shows employers that youre waiting for an update while also reminding them of your excitement for the opportunity.

  • Mention the title of the position that you interviewed for in the subject line or opening sentence.

  • Keep this email concise. Let the employer know that youre still interested in the position and are looking forward to getting an update.

  • Offer to provide information in case its needed.

Ms. Frizzle,

I hope that youve been doing well since our interview weeks ago. Im emailing you today because I would like to check in on where I stand in the hiring process for the opening at your company.

It was a great opportunity to meet with you and I am looking forward to hearing about any updates. Please let me know if there is anything I can provide to assist in the decision-making process.

Best regards,

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What If The Company Says They Dont Have Any News Yet

This is a pretty likely scenario, they respond to your email and say theyre still waiting for something to happen. Sometimes theyll be specific on what that something is but usually not. Either way Id respond with something to keep the conversation alive and give yourself an opening to follow up again if needed.

Heres an example of an email reply you could send them:

Thanks for the update. Do you have a sense of what the timing will look like moving forward? Or when would be an appropriate time for me to check back in? Im excited about the opportunity, but I know these things take time so I dont want to follow up too often here.

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How to Write Follow Up Emails

So youâve completed another milestone of your job search: going through a full day of interviews for your dream job . As far as youâre concerned, you nailed it! Youâre positive youâre a good fit and that itâs only a matter of time before they call you with an offer. But after two weeks of refreshing your email and checking your phone every few minutes, you start to get that sinking feelingâ¦perhaps the job interview wasnât the slam-dunk you had assumed. At this point, you may feel that the best decision is to cut your losses and move on. But donât!

Before you put that job interview in the rear-view mirror, follow up with the employer. Of course, keep looking for jobs until youâve receivedâand acceptedâan offer, but there are many different reasons that you may not have heard back from the hiring manager.

Chances are there are a number of other candidates and it could take some time for the process to be completed. There are countless other reasons a response could be delayed. Maybe the person who needs to approve your offer letter has been dealing with a family emergency. Maybe the entire company needed to jump on an urgent project. Maybe the head of the department you applied for suddenly quit and the company needs to replace them first.

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What If The Employer Says They Dont Have Any Feedback Yet

In some cases, the hiring manager or recruiter will reply to your follow-up email and say theyre still in the middle of the hiring process and dont have information about the next steps yet.

At times, theyll be specific about what theyre working on behind the scenes but often, they wont tell you the specifics.

Either way, I recommend responding with a brief email to keep the conversation alive and ensure that you stay in touch. By using the following email template, you give yourself an opening to follow up again if needed, too.

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