Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Give Interview On Video Call

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Test Your Lifesize Settings Beforehand

How to Look Good on Video Calls – Skype, Zoom, FaceTime | Video Interviews

You are selling a candidate on your company, so its important to do a little prep work before the start of the meeting to ensure the video interview runs smoothly. Test your Lifesize settings and equipment, particularly the camera and microphone, before the interview and make any necessary adjustments.

Use Positive Body Language

It’s best to avoid slouching, moving too much or touching your face. Instead employers will be looking for you to make good eye contact, smile, listen and take an interest in what they’re saying. To help you do this your camera should be at eye level and you should look into it rather than at the screen.

For pre-recorded interviews, try to imagine you’re speaking to a real person, maintaining your enthusiasm and positive body language. This can be harder to do when you’re simply recording your answers.

If you’re nervous it can be easy to rush what you’re saying but remember that the employer wants to hear your answers. Speak clearly, and be careful not to interrupt as this is more easily done with the slight delay over the internet than during a face-to-face meeting.

Top Tips To Help You Prepare For A Video Interview

In this current climate, technology is leading the way in not only how we work, but in landing that next job!

For a number of years the Public Appointments Service have been examining and using a range of new and leading edge technologies to support different parts of our recruitment process. Some of these have included different types of video based interviews, which can be conducted using your phone, a tablet or your laptop / PC.

Below is an outline of the two main types of video based interviews we are using with some practical tips on how to get set up and do your best during your interview.

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What To Say When You Meet The Hiring Manager

You may have to wait a few minutes for your appointment. Then, you will either be escorted to the interview room, or the hiring manager will come out to meet you in the reception area. Even though you have an appointment, take the time to introduce yourself so the interviewer knows who you are.

Stand up if you’re seated, and offer to shake hands even if the interviewer doesn’t offer their hand first. It’s proper etiquette to include a handshake as part of your introduction.

Tell the interviewer that it is a pleasure to meet them, smile, and make eye contact. For example:

  • I’m Tina Lionel, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Avoid common interview mistakes, like not paying attention or dressing inappropriately. And if you know that youre prone to interview stress, avoid a problem by researching the company, preparing for the interview, and practicing positive thinking.

To avoid sweaty palms, stop in the restroom prior to the interview and wash and dry your hands. If that’s not feasible, use a tissue to dry off your hands ahead of time.

Make A Great First Impression

How to give telephonic interview

One of the best video interview tips we can give you is to have smart answers at the ready. Its time to focus on what youre going to say to win over a potential employer. Need some help preparing smart answers? Join Monster for free today. As a member, youll get interview insights, career advice, and job search tips sent directly to your inbox. Youll learn how to answer questionseverything from why you want the job to what your weaknesses arein such a way that your skills and value shine through, even if youre a hundred miles away.

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Remember Manners Matter At Job Interviews

Regardless of the job you are applying for, you will be expected to act professionally throughout every phase of the interview process, from greeting the interviewer to saying thank you after your interview.

Review job interview etiquette tips for before, during, and after a job interview to ensure that you’re minding your manners. Make sure you know what to say, what to bring with you, and how to answer and ask questions politely and professionally to make the best possible impression.

What Is Your Greatest Weakness

Forget the cliche answers like Im such a hard worker that sometimes I just have trouble turning it off. Hiring managers have heard them all a TON and will not be impressed.

You need to give a real weakness if you want to be impressive on this interview question. With a few guidelines:

1. Always choose something skill-based, not personality-based.

2. Talk about what youre doing to overcome this weakness.

Example: I havent always been very skilled in Microsoft Excel, but as my work has required it more Ive made it a point to organize some tutorials that I can refer back to, and this has improved the quality and speed of my work significantly.

This is going to impress them because youre showing your approach to solving problems or overcoming challenges. That tells them youll do a great job if new challenges come up in this next job, or if they ask you to learn new things.

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Introducing Yourself At A Video Interview

When you’re interviewing via video, be sure to arrive at the meeting slightly early, so you’re sure all your technology is in working order. Arriving late is one of the Zoom interview mistakes you don’t want to make.

Look directly at the camera, and try to keep your focus on the camera during the interview. That’s how you’ll make eye contact with your interviewer. The interviewer will start the meeting by introducing themself. After the interviewer’s introduction, you can reply with a simple introduction of your own:

  • Hi. I’m Sylvia. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
  • Hello , I’m Katie, and I’m looking forward to talking with you.
  • I’m Jason. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today.

Sample Video Interview Introduction Script

How to Set up an Interview on Call

Just as with an in-person interview, you want to make a great first impression for a video interview. You cant rely on your firm handshake, but you can still radiate warmth and sincerity from the moment the screen flickers on. For a live video interview, heres what to do.

As soon as the interviewers face pops up, say hello. You can say something like:

At this point, the interviewer will introduce themselves. Then, theyll probably ask you an introductory interview question. This might include:

If the interviewer doesnt say anything, take the initiative to introduce yourself. In 45 seconds or less, share your current situation, relevant experiences, and key qualifications, focusing on how youll add value for the company. Heres an example for a video interview introduction:

If youre recording your answers, youll likely start off with a prompt to introduce yourself. Look into the camera , and begin by stating your name and the position to which youre applying. Then, launch into your elevator speech.

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Dont Sit Too Far Or Too Close

Just like you wouldnt sit three inches or eight feet from your interviewer in a conference room, you dont want to sit an uncomfortable distance from your computer. When youre setting up your chair, youll want to make sure you dont end up looking too tiny or too huge. To be well proportioned, make sure theres a bit of empty space on the screen above your head and check that your shoulders and upper chest are visible.

After Scheduling Your Interview: Get Ready To Impress

After youve set up a time to go on your interview, here are steps to help you prepare:

Practice the common questions that employers ask, too.

Also, work on your body language. Its not just about what you say in the interview its about how you look and sound while saying it. This can set you apart from other job seekers!

You can also use the time before the interview to ask any further questions you have about finding the companys office, who youll be talking to

And finally Monitor your email address in the days/hours leading up to the interview in case they contact you about any changes.

Don’t Miss: How To Pass A Phone Interview

What Is A Phone Interview

A phone interview, or phone screening, is an interviewing process that recruiters sometimes use as a way to evaluate a candidate’s fit for the job. Success in a phone interview often leads to an in-person interview, and hiring managers may use a phone screening to eliminate unqualified candidates.

Typically, phone interviews are scheduled calls from the interviewer, but sometimes candidates are required to initiate the phone interview by calling the recruiter at a predetermined date and time. For instance, candidates may be expected to call a specific office number to initiate the interview if it involves a group interview with several managers, or if the interview takes place within a conferencing platform.

Other times, interviewers are the ones to initiate the call from their office phones, typically due to the convenience of scheduling interviews during working hours.

Answer The Phone Professionally

Zoom to the top with these useful interview tips: How to ...

You want to be right near your phone at the time of your phone interview conversation so that you dont miss the call. If you are using a cell phone, make sure its charged and that you get good reception where you are. When the phone rings, pick it up in a timely manner. You dont need to jump to answer on the first ring, but dont let it almost go to voicemail. When you answer, state your name clearly and pleasantly to let the interviewer know that she’s reached the correct person.


Hi, this is John Jones.

Hi, this is Rebecca Andrews. Is this Mr. Roy?

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Keep Your Environment Under Control

The last thing you want during your video conference interview is distracting background noise and interruptions. If you are interviewing from home, try to find a quiet, clean and well-lit room. If possible, have pets and family members in another room or out of the house to ensure they dont interrupt the interview. In addition, make sure your cell phone and other smart devices are off or on silent during the interview.

Email Sample : Responding To And Accepting A Face

Next, if youve been invited to meet in person, you can use this template to set up a day and finalize everything!

Hello NAME,

Thank you for getting back to me. Id love to come in and have the interview. Is this a full-day interview? Or how many hours should I set aside?

Im available Monday Thursday, 7:00 am 2:00 pm Central Time.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, Your name

This is a basic structure for responding to the company, but you can also add other details/questions as needed. For example, if you want to ask for the names of the people youll be meeting with, or the number of people youll be meeting, thats a good idea. If you need help finding the company location for a face-to-face interview, you can ask if they have instructions for arriving, too.

However, I like to get the scheduling sorted out first, and then ask other questions. Thats why I kept the email template above dead-simple. Take it one step at a time, and youll avoid confusion and complicated emails.

So Id recommend using the sample email above, and then ask further questions once a day and time is set!

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Live Online Interview Tips

A live video interview is like a face-to-face interview. You’ll have an interviewer or a panel of interviewers ask you questions in real time. It will be on a service like:

  • Skype
  • Google Hangouts
  • Zoom

In a live video interview, if you have any technical problems, let the interviewer know. Dont try to muddle through. Its better to stop and restart than pretend everything is okay.

Do These Things At The Interview Time:

Video Interview Tips: What to Wear, How to Prepare, and Example Questions
  • If the employer sets up an appointment in advance, dress the part for the interview. Experts say if youre dressed in a professional manner, youll speak that way.
  • If the employer calls and wants to do the interview right away , excuse yourself politely and offer to call back in five minutes. This will give you time to make the psychological switch from whatever you were doing to your professional demeanor.
  • If you have call waiting, turn it off.
  • If the employer says s/he will call you at a specific time and doesn’t, wait 10 minutes and call him/her. There may have been confusion who was calling whom, or it could be a deliberate test on the employers part to see if you will be proactive!
  • Stand up to talk. Your position affects the quality of your voice. If you are sitting down relaxing, you dont project the same readiness and intensity as you do if you stand up.
  • Talk only when necessary. Since you lack the visual cues of body language to assess whether youve said enough, mark the end of you response with a question, such as Would you like more details of my experience as an intern with XYZ Company?
  • Let the employer end the interview. Then you should say Thank you for your time, and reiterate your interest in the position.
  • If you perform well on the telephone, youll probably be invited to interview with a hiring manager on site.

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    Keep Your Virtual Identity Professional

    In todays digital world, your email address or username is often your first impression. Dont give the hiring manager a reason to question your professionalism before they even meet you by providing a once-hilarious high school email address you still might be using.

    Keep your email and usernames simple. Try different combinations of your first, middle, and last name, or leverage industry keywords if youre stuck. Also, avoid utilizing symbols and the numbers one and zero, which look like letters depending on the font and can cause confusion during outreach.

    Focus On Your Qualifications

    Your introduction should be concise enough to hold the interest of the interviewer. Generally, a quick recap of your most compelling qualifications will suffice. You could also mention a couple of tidbits that aren’t essential to the job but reflect your persona, like the fact that you are an avid skier, have performed at comedy clubs, or collect African art.

    This is your opportunity to sell yourself to the hiring manager, so take advantage of it.

    Of course, your initial comments should show your enthusiasm for the job and organization. However, don’t overdo it or spend too much time talking about yourself. The interviewer has an agenda and time is limited, so keep your introduction brief so you can move on to the next question.

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    Questions To Ask In A Video Job Interview

    Here is a list of potential questions you could ask the interviewer. The answers to these questions should help you qualify whether the role is going to be a good fit for you.

    What exactly will the role involve?

    What does a typical day look like? Why is the position available? What is the broad culture of the company? What induction and training do you offer? What sort of people have done well in this sort of role? Are there advanced training programmes available? What are the companys key objectives for the next 3 years? What are your best-selling products or services? Is there room for progression within the company? What are the main challenges currently facing the company? Could you describe how this role relates to the overall structure of the company? How will my performance be measured?

    Do These Things Ahead Of Time:

    6 phone interview tips
  • Turn off distractions. Have your phone in a quiet room away from radio, television, family, roommates, or anything else that may make noise or take attention away from your task.
  • Gather your tools by the phone.
  • Resume
  • Pen and paper to jot the interviewer down immediately and to take notes during the interview
  • Company research
  • Questions to ask about company and position
  • A loosely written outline of points to make or items to cover as you talk about the position
  • Comfort items: tissues, a glass of water
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    How To Prepare For Video Interviews

    Image via Shutterstock

    Again, whether your team has experience with video interviews or not, its important to thoroughly prepare for the unique challenges and nuances of adapting to a digital interview process. An unpolished process can come across as unprofessional and even damage your employer brand.

    However, putting in the work upfront to document and test procedures will go a long way in maintaining a positivecandidate experience. Remember, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Use the following tips to implement a strong video interview process.

    Benefits Of Using Video Conference Interviews

    Video conference interviews drastically cut travel costs and time waste associated with in-person interviews. And, unlike phone interviews, a video conference call gives you the advantage of seeing the person on the other end and picking up on nonverbal communication. Things like facial expressions, posture, gestures and tone of voice often say more than an entire paragraph of sentences.

    Using a simple and intuitive video conferencing solution like Lifesize enhances the interviewing process and provides a flawless guest experience and lifelike video quality that makes it feel like youre meeting in person.

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