Friday, July 26, 2024

Interview Questions To Ask Hiring Manager

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How Do You Handle Stress At Work

8 Smart Questions To Ask Hiring Managers In A Job Interview

Being a manager means having a position of great responsibility. That also means they’re likely to encounter stressful situations while on the job. Asking the candidate how they handle stress can help you judge how suitable they are for a management position. It also allows you to gain a deeper understanding of their skill set. For example, talking about stress might provide you with an insight into the candidate’s time management and organisation skills.

Related:What Are Organisational Skills and How Can You Develop Them?

If Hired What Would You Do In The First 30

This is a good question to ask to get a sense of how well the candidate understands the responsibilities of a manager.

The successful candidate will explain what they need to get started and what parts of the company they would need to get familiar with. They might even give a specific example of where they would start .

In the end, you, the interviewer, might do things differently and the candidate, if hired, might as well but being prepared to answer this question reveals that the prospective manager knows your business, knows their job, is able to get to work on day one, and is excited to start.

Tell About A Time When You Made A Mistake In Your Job As An Hr Executive How Did You Handle It

This question allows you to see how the candidate deals with mistakes. The ideal answer should show that the candidate is willing to take responsibility for their errors and that they have learned from them.

Heres an example of a great answer:

I once made the mistake of not following up with a candidate after their interview. I was so focused on other things that I forgot to send them a thank you email or call them to let them know they didnt get the job.

I realized my mistake as soon as I saw that the candidate had posted about it on social media. I immediately reached out to them and apologized. I explained what had happened and offered to answer any questions. The candidate was very understanding, and we resolved the situation.

This answer shows that the candidate is willing to take responsibility for their mistakes. They also show that they are proactive in resolving the situation. This is an important quality in an HR executive.

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How Will You Prioritize The Tasks If You Are Asked To Handle Several Tasks On A Given Day

Your hiring managers might ask you this question to understand how you prioritize your tasks. Which asks, according to you, are essential and will get your immediate attention? It also reflects your decision-making skills.

I prioritize my tasks based on the time required to complete each of them and the deadlines. Some tasks might not have an early deadline but could take longer to finish if one does not have a head start. Hence, I try to get an overview of the task and see what it involves. Then, I designate myself various times of the day to look into each of them and ensure their deadlines to complete all of them.

What Are Your Strengths/weaknesses

Smart Questions To Ask Hiring Managers In A Job Interview

This question is often seen as challenging by many candidates, even those with significant experience. However, if approached correctly it is easily possible to avoid ‘bragging’ when discussing your strengths or seeming excessively negative when talking about your perceived weaknesses.

Strengths – Based on the job description, choose three examples of traits the employer is looking for and give examples of how you have used these strengths in a work situation. Ideally, include a mixture of tangible skills, such as technical or linguistic abilities, and intangible skills, such as management experience.

Weaknesses – The best approach here is to pick a trait that you have already made positive steps to address.

Consider how you have approached your perceived weaknesses in the past and what you have done to address them

If your tech skills are not at the level they could be, state this as a weakness before telling the interviewer about training courses or time spent outside work hours you have used to improve your skills.

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Top Tips For Asking Questions

Heres a list of guidelines you can follow to ensure youre not only asking the right questions but also wording them correctly.

Avoid asking me questions

Me questions are the type of questions that put you and your needs above those of the employer. These include questions about your salary, working hours per week, vacation time, insurance, health benefits, etc.

Its important that you demonstrate your value to the company instead of the other way around. Instead of asking all the me questions during your interview, you can ask them those questions when youre offered the position.

Avoid asking yes or no questions

Questions that have a no or yes answer can likely be found on the companys website. Therefore, instead of asking yes or no questions, always start your questions with who, what, where, when, why, or how.

This way, the interviewer will answer your questions in more depth, and youll also create a dialogue between you and the employer.

Ask questions about various topics

Try asking questions about different parts of the position instead of only asking about one topic, such as management. This way, youll appear curious and interested in all aspects of the position which will look good in the employers eyes.

Only ask one question at a time

What Opportunities Are There

It’s important that you enter a role that contributes to your career development, also that you show the hiring manager that is keen to continue to develop and progress. This question gives the hiring manager an opportunity to tell you about any mentoring or coaching programmes that are available and whether the company invests in the continuing professional development of its employees. Training days can be informal and remain in-house or provided by a professional training company. Either way, ensure that you’re able to advance your career prospects in some capacity.

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What Would You Do If You Have A Task You Don’t Know How To Carry Out

Asking manager candidates this question allows you to assess their problem-solving skills. It’s normal to encounter new tasks you’re unfamiliar with when working in a new position. Ideally, you want a candidate that’s independent and who’s able to effectively learn new skills and gain new knowledge while on the job.

How Do You Work Under Pressure

Hiring Manager Interview

There are many times at work where you may feel pressure to complete a project on time or learn a new process. Working under pressure is normal for many roles and industries, so a hiring manager wants to know that you’re able to handle the instances of stress or pressure you may have in the workplace.

Example:”I believe I work well under pressure because it motivates me to work even harder. I remain calm but work more efficiently because I understand the seriousness of meeting deadlines and not letting my team down. There are even times I enjoy working under pressure because I know I’m contributing to something important.”

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Talk To Me About A Digital Marketing Campaign That Youre Proud Of For How Much It Influenced Revenue

At the end of the day, revenue is the key metric of marketing success.

Look out for how well they communicate their example.

Aside from revenue, do they talk about metrics across the sales funnel? You can ask further questions to understand how it was executed what their role was within the campaign, and what other people did.

The bottom line is, did it actually move the needle? How much revenue did it generate? And how much pipeline converted?

Screen Applicants Using Automated Questionnaires

Do a killer job advertising your open role and youâre bound to see dozens of applications coming in, and quickly.

Kick things off right with an automated Q& A to screen top candidates into your hiring pipeline. Standardized applicant questionnaires make it easier to find the truly superstar candidates.

Here are some of the areas you may want to screen for in your questionnaire:

  • Years of management experience

If youâve got a particularly high volume of applicants, you could also enlist the help of some friendly AI. With Breezyâs Candidate Match Score, you can automatically see which candidates best align with your open role using a simple scale of 0 to 10.

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The Top 12 Interview Questions You Should Ask When Hiring A Recruiter

Breaking through the noise with relevant, insights-based content.

The mantra of any recruiter worth their salt is that people matter above all else and that the key to building a lasting organization is continually hiring best-in-class talent.

It makes perfect sense then that recruiting leaders really, really care about the people they hire to fill out their talent acquisition team. And they should, because hiring a great recruiter can provide a significant boost to any business.

So, how do you know if someone will make a top recruiter? To help you make this determination, we put together a list of a dozen outstanding interview questions you should ask when hiring a recruiter.

Smart Questions To Ask In A Job Interview

Interview Questions To Ask Hiring Managers

The opportunity to ask questions at the end of a job interview is one you dont want to waste. Its both a chance to continue to prove yourself and to find out whether a position is the right fit for you. In this piece, the author lists sample questions recommended by two career experts and divides them up by category: from how to learn more about your potential boss to how to learn more about a companys culture. Choose the ones that are more relevant to you, your interests, and the specific job ahead of time. Then write them down either on a piece of paper or on your phone and glance at them right before your interview so that theyre fresh in your mind. And, of course, be mindful of the interviewers time. If you were scheduled to talk for an hour and they turn to you with five minutes left, choose two or three questions that are most important to you. You will always have more time to ask questions once you have the job offer in hand.

So, do you have any questions for me?

When you reach this point in a job interview where the interviewer is done with their questions and opens up the floor you dont want to be caught off guard. Its important to have a plan for how youll respond, and a list of questions specific to that opportunity.

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How Have You Previously Supported Demand Generation

This is a hot topic right now, quite rightly, so we are going to give this one a little more attention

Demand generation is a critical B2B marketing strategy that aligns perfectly with todays B2B buyers. You might have heard this term, but Ive seen several differing views of what it is.

So lets start by clarifying what it is

What is demand generation Demand generation is a strategy that identifies prospects with an interest and nurtures them towards a sale. For example, they could show an interest in the use of AI in credit risk assessments. You can then send them more content on that topic, easing them towards a sale by providing more helpful content. This approach is so successful because it focuses on what the audience is interested in and focuses your budget towards a strategy that is proven to deliver sales revenue.

With this question, you can gauge whether they understand the true meaning of the term and how experienced they are with demand generation techniques, any tools and measures of success.

To do this, you want to encourage the candidate to talk through the stages of demand generation campaigns. How they helped influence the sale. How they partnered with other marketers and the sales teams.

Youre likely to hear buzzwords such as funnels, MQLs, customer lifetime value, customer acquisition costs and pipeline growth.

What Questions To Ask The Hiring Manager

Ready for some awesome candidate-posed interview questions? Here are 15 sample questions you should consider asking in your next interview:

1. Is this a new position? If so, how long have you been trying to fill it?

2. If it’s not a new position, why did the last person leave? What particular skills or characteristics are you looking for in the new hire?

3. What are some of the reasons you’ve rejected candidates so far?

4. How would you measure the success of a person in this position?

5. What are the company’s short- and long-term goals? What role would I play in those goals?

6. What are the relationships like between the creative department and other areas of the company?

7. What kinds of career paths are available for a person in this position?

8. How long have you been with the company? What’s changed since you started? What would you like to change?

9. What kinds of personalities mesh best within the company?

10. Would you say the organization’s structure is hierarchical or flat?

11. How would you describe the company’s culture?

12. I hear the company’s biggest competitor is ____. What are you doing better than them?

13. Aside from my manager, who would I be working closely with? Would it be possible to meet them if the hiring process moves forward?

14. Is there anything else you’d like to know about me that we haven’t covered yet?

15. I’m excited about the position. What are the next steps?

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What Keeps You Motivated

If your interviewer has been at the company for a while, understanding why could give you some really interesting insight into the company and its relationship with its employees.

How It Helps You

Depending on the interviewer’s answer, you might learn something about the company’s career training, leadership opportunities, workplace flexibility, internal job opportunities, and more.

You might dig a little deeper by following up with related questions, like, “What do you enjoy most about working here?”

What Strategies Can Help Improve Our Front


There are two main parts of a restaurant, including the kitchen and the front of house, where guests eat and relax. An interviewer can ask you this question to determine whether you have prior experience running the front of house of a restaurant. Your answer can also show your creativity and ability to plan and organise effectively.

Example:’Running the front of house is important for delivering a memorable dining experience for our guests. The most important factor here is to plan and anticipate the needs of our diners. In my experience, training the employees on customer relations best practices and holding pre-shift meetings usually helps us stay focused on our goals.

It’s also important to monitor reservations, so we can prepare an adequate number of seats and prep diners’ orders early. Customer data from the POS system can also help us plan more effectively, as it provides insights about the number of patrons we can expect at specific times of the day and periods of the year’.

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Do You Have Any Questions Or Concerns About My Qualifications

This question shows that you’re not afraid of critical feedback in fact, you welcome it.

Interviewers tend to make note of red flags to discuss with a colleague following the interview, whether it be something on your resume or something you said

. This question gives them the green light to ask about any of the things that are holding them back from being 100% on board with hiring you.

How It Helps You

You get a chance to address concerns face-to-face without being too confrontational. This could be the difference between an offer and a rejection – or maybe even a higher opening offer.

Smart Questions To Ask At The End Of Your Next Job Interview

Job interviews arent just a chance for your prospective employer to get to know you theyre also a chance for you to get to know the organisation and people youre hoping to be devoting half of your waking hours to.

But the chance to ask questions usually comes at the end of an interview, which means that the questions you ask can have a huge impact on how your interviewers remember you.

So choose your questions wisely!

The Benevolent Society is one of Australias oldest and largest not-for-profit organisations, and one of the most popular employers on, with jobs across NSW and Queensland and in areas like social work, family support, mental health and womens health & support.

We asked Talent and Attraction Specialist at the Benevolent Society, Aoife Brady, for her perspective on some of the best questions for candidates to ask at the end of a job interview.

The best questions Ive experienced as an interviewer are ones that show the candidate is interested in the role and want to check the opportunity is the right fit for them as a person, Brady says.

So what makes a good question? Here are 20 of the best ones to ask at the end of the interview for your next ethical job:

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What Are Some Of The Challenges Or Roadblocks I Might Come Up Against In This Role

A question like this indicates that you’re already envisioning yourself in the role and thinking through a plan of attack, should you land the gig.

It’s also a sign that you’re well aware that no job comes free of roadblocks. It signals that not only are you not afraid to deal with those challenges, but you’re also prepared for them.

How It Helps You

The response you receive should help you better understand some of the less-than-ideal aspects of the job bureaucratic processes, internal politics, and so on.

You can use that information to decide if you’re up for the challenge.

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