Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What To Say In A Post Interview Email

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Referred Candidate Interview Invitation Email

How to Write a Thank You Email After the Interview & WOW Them!

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Referred candidates are a tech recruiters dream vetted, qualified and most likely aware of your company. How you invite a referred candidate to interview should follow a similar structure to any of the previous templates, but with more personalization.

Use the following email template when leveraging your employee referral program to send an interview invitation.

Subject Line: : Interview Opportunity

Hi ,

I am at , and were currently looking for a to join our team. spoke very highly of your and recommended you for the role.

I took a look at some of your work online, and given your experience, I think youd be an excellent fit for the role. This is a great opportunity to learn more about alongside an ambitious team.

Id love to hear more about you and talk to you about the role. Are you available for a 15-minute phone call sometime tomorrow?

Let me know!

Recap Of Your Qualifications

Next, provide a short recap of your experience and background. The interviewer should already be aware of these qualifications after reading your resume and meeting with you, so this section should be brief. Connect your qualifications to the position and its unique requirements to express why you are such a strong candidate for the job. For example, you can write, My social media and search engine marketing expertise would make me an excellent candidate for this marketing role.

Sample Interview Thank You Email/note #:

Hello < Interviewers Name> ,

Thank you for taking the time to interview me < yesterday/Friday/etc> . I enjoyed our conversation about < specific topic you discussed> and it was great learning about the < Job Title> position overall.

It sounds like an exciting opportunity and a role I could succeed and excel in. Im looking forward to hearing any updates you can share, and dont hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns in the meantime.

Best regards,

< Your First and Last Name>

This is a short, casual email thats best for modern industries like tech, e-commerce, digital marketing, etc.

This type of short message also makes an ideal thank you email to a recruiter or HR person after a phone interview or other first-round interview. At that stage, you dont need to be sending a lot of detail in your thank you letter you simply want to give thanks and reaffirm your interest.

And modern companies dont want to see a ten-paragraph, formal thank you letter that takes ten minutes to read. In fact, it might make them want to hire you less because theyll doubt whether youre a fit for their company culture. Thats why I recommend keeping your message short and genuine, like the sample above.

Even if its a second- or third-round interview, this type of very short, concise thank-you email can still be effective. Heres an example of the type of message Id personally send if I were job hunting right now:

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What To Include In Your Interview Invitation Email

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Typically, recruiters opt for the ultra-formal interview invitation email one that simply states that they reviewed the candidates materials and would like to set up an interview. While its important to be clear and concise in interview invitations, its also a great opportunity to create a stand-out candidate experience.

Use the interview invitation email to convey your excitement about the candidate, emphasize your company culture and highlight your employee value proposition. An upcoming interview whether over the phone or in-person can be a source of stress for job seekers, so go above and beyond to make them feel comfortable and confident.

Also, be sure to include all the information they might need to prepare. Doing so will make them feel valued, and theyll see you as an employer that truly cares. At the bare minimum, mention the following details in your interview invitation emails:

Thank Them For Their Time

Post Interview Thank You Email  6+ Free Word, Excel, PDF ...

Thank your interviewer for taking the time to talk with you, and for working within the constraints of Zoom or Skype. As were all figuring out, virtual meetings are frigginexhausting, and interviewing someone over video call isnt fun. So acknowledging this shows some good emotional intelligence even as you acknowledge their effort.


Thanks so much for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. I truly appreciate being able to connect with you face-to-face, even though we cant meet in person these days.

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Here Is The Right Way To Reach Out For An Update Without Being A Pest

So youâve completed another milestone of your job search: going through a full day of interviews for your dream job . As far as youâre concerned, you nailed it! Youâre positive youâre a good fit and that itâs only a matter of time before they call you with an offer. But after two weeks of refreshing your email and checking your phone every few minutes, you start to get that sinking feelingâ¦perhaps the job interview wasnât the slam-dunk you had assumed. At this point, you may feel that the best decision is to cut your losses and move on. But donât!

Before you put that job interview in the rear-view mirror, follow up with the employer. Of course, keep looking for jobs until youâve receivedâand acceptedâan offer, but there are many different reasons that you may not have heard back from the hiring manager.

Chances are there are a number of other candidates and it could take some time for the process to be completed. There are countless other reasons a response could be delayed. Maybe the person who needs to approve your offer letter has been dealing with a family emergency. Maybe the entire company needed to jump on an urgent project. Maybe the head of the department you applied for suddenly quit and the company needs to replace them first.

Casual Interview Invitation Email

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If youre a young company that boasts a desirable startup culture, show it off by opting for a more informal interview invitation. Every stage of the interview process is an opportunity to showcase your culture and core values, so dont be shy. Again, your voice and tone should be consistent across every piece of collateral from your career page to recruiting email templates.

For casual, conversational interview invitation emails, use the following template.

Subject Line:: Interview Availability

Hi ,

Thank you for applying to the position at . Weve reviewed your application materials carefully, and were excited to invite you to interview for the role!

Your interview will be conducted and last roughly . Youll be speaking with , our here at .

Please let us know when you are available during the following times:

Thanks again for your interest in joining the team! Were looking forward to speaking with you.


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Explain What Happens Upon Arrival

Instead of letting your interviewees wander around the lobby looking for your office, explain how they should get to the interview room once they arrive at the building. Let them know who they should speak to about getting access to your floor, call out objects to help them orient themselves and mention how they should notify you when theyve arrived.

Subject: Appreciated Your Time Today

How To Follow Up After An Interview? [Post Interview Follow Up] Learn This #1 Tip

Hi ,

Thanks for meeting with me today I appreciate you taking the time.

I really enjoyed our conversation, and was especially excited about what you shared about the companys new initiative for aligning the sales and marketing orgs. Its always great to chat with someone whos passionate about RevOps.

Let me know if you have any further questions. And no matter the outcome, I hope we can stay in touch.


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When To Send A Thank You Email After A Job Interview

Send the message soon after the interview, preferably within the first 24 hours, even if the interview was on a Friday . You do not want to be that last interviewee to send a thank you, in case other candidates are also smart enough to send thank you messages.

If you are unable to send the message in the first 24 hours, do not give up! Send the message anyway MUCH better late than never!

How To Write A Successful Thank You Email After An Interview

As surveys by both CareerBuilder and Accountemps have indicated, the vast majority of employers accept emailed thank you notes.

Be very meticulous sending these work samples. Demonstrate the high quality of your work.

Speed of sending and receipt is the primary advantage of emailed thank you notes. For examples of good emailed thank you notes, read Job Interview Thank You Email .

You can follow up with paper, even hand-written, notes. Mailed notes take at least a day to deliver and may sit in a post office or corporate mail room for a while before delivery.

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Template For A Thank You Email After An Informational Interview

Are you conducting informational interviews with people in your industry? Informational interviews are casual one-on-one networking sessions, and they are one of the best ways to build a professional network and get the inside track on jobs. If someone has taken time out of their busy schedule to meet with you, you absolutely must send them a thank you email. Because showing some courtesy is the best way to leave a good impression with this valuable new professional contact. Plus, its a great way to start an ongoing correspondence so that you can start to build a professional relationship long-term.

Heres my template for a thank you email after an informational interview or any personal meeting with a new contact:

Subject Line: Thank you from ]

Dear ],

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with me today. It was great to discuss career opportunities in ] with you! Your comments were insightful and gave me lots of ideas for my ongoing job search. Im excited to follow up on your suggestions to ].

It was especially exciting to talk to you about ]

Again, your suggestions and time are so appreciated, and I hope to chat again soon! Please let me know how if there is a way I can return the favor, now or in the future.


Before You Send Proofread Everything

Thank You Email Template

Email templates are only as good as the effort you put into filling them out and proofreading them.

Go over every detail and make sure it actually makes sense for your situation. If not, sending that thank you email or letter will do more harm than good.

Example: In the third sample email earlier in this article, it says, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.

If you had a phone interview, you should say, thank you for taking the time to talk on the phone with me.


Otherwise, its going to sound a bit odd, and they might suspect you just cut & pasted from a template. Not good!

So be careful, take your time with these sample emails, and make sure every single word makes sense.

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How To Follow Up If You Haven’t Heard Back After Your Interview

When it comes to getting the result you want , persistence is key.

Sending a post-interview thank you email is always a must, but your work doesn’t end there.

Hiring teams are busy they’re interviewing other candidates, they’re corralling colleagues for feedback, and their still doing their jobs! Sometimes things fall through the cracks. While it’s not ideal, we’re all human and it happens.

If you want to boost your chances, you need to follow up.

Formatting Tips & Tricks

There are an infinite number of ways you can write a thank-you letter. And while theres no one right way to do it, there are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind while drafting your note.

Email vs. Handwritten

Handwritten letters have a certain charm, but in most cases, a thank-you email is the best choice. Why? For one, an emailed thank-you can arrive instantaneously, while a postmarked note can take days to arrive. For another, handwritten letters might feel like a bit much. So when in doubt, send an email. Exceptions could occur if a) youre close enough that you can simply drop off a handwritten letter, b) youre applying to a very traditional or old-school organization and c) if you have a prior relationship with an interviewer .


Dont feel pressured to send a five-paragraph essay thank-yous should be short and sweet. Just as you dont want to spend too much time writing one, your interviewers dont want to spend too much time reading one. After all, theyve got their own jobs to stay on top of. Make your thank-you letter long enough to cover everything you need to say, but short enough that it only ends up being a few sentences long.

Voice & Tone

When it comes to writing thank-you letters, professionalism is the name of the game. Avoid slang, typos, excessive exclamation points, emojis, etc. But you dont need to sound so formal that you come off as stiff. Opt for clear, concise language, not the longest word you can find in the thesaurus.

Also Check: How To Write A Thank You Email After An Interview

What To Avoid Asking In Your Follow

Now that you have a good idea of what to ask in your follow-up interview questions, it can be beneficial to review what to avoid asking.

It’s safe to say you should avoid bringing up money. At this point, hold off on asking about the salary and benefits situation. You’re getting ahead of yourself, and these types of questions could give off the impression you’re more interested in the pay and perks than the job and company.

You should also avoid asking about any reimbursements. If you had to travel for an interview and the company promised to reimburse you for those expenses, wait to bring it up. Chances are, it’ll get taken care of once the interview process starts coming to a close.

Finally, resist asking outright when you’ll know if you’ve been hired. There are more eloquent ways to inquire about the timeline of the hiring process without being too assertive and aggressive.

Overall, the job-search process takes time. You’ll have to be patient and do your best to leave the lines of communication wide open and luckily a simple question in your follow-up email can do just that.

Not sure if you’re effectively selling yourself during the job interview? Our TopInterview coaches can help!

Example Email: Checking In

How to Write a Post-Interview Thank You Note (Template Included)

If you havent heard back from an employer after an interview within a time frame theyve given you, or after two weeks since the interview, you can send a checking in email to your interviewer.

Making decisions on who to hire takes a different amount of time for every company. Sending an email to check in shows employers that youre waiting for an update while also reminding them of your excitement for the opportunity.

  • Mention the title of the position that you interviewed for in the subject line or opening sentence.

  • Keep this email concise. Let the employer know that youre still interested in the position and are looking forward to getting an update.

  • Offer to provide information in case its needed.

Ms. Frizzle,

I hope that youve been doing well since our interview weeks ago. Im emailing you today because I would like to check in on where I stand in the hiring process for the opening at your company.

It was a great opportunity to meet with you and I am looking forward to hearing about any updates. Please let me know if there is anything I can provide to assist in the decision-making process.

Best regards,

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Sound Appreciative And Excited

The tone of every post-interview thank-you email should be appreciative and excited, Jensen said.

Makes sense. A thank-you note that fails to properly convey the senders appreciation of the recipient is a pretty lousy one. So dont play it cool or hard to get: Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you, and say you appreciated the conversation.

Youll want some excitement to be evident in your tone of voice too. After all, youre interested in the role, and you had a great conversation with the interviewer. Make sure they can sense your enthusiasm. Your note shouldnt read like an overly formal robot wrote it, or like this is the third follow-up email you wrote that day.

Be careful not to let your excitement veer into desperation though. Hiring managers dont want to see candidates begging for a job.

When Should You Send The Follow Up Thank

  • If you feel that the candidate is a good pick and are leaning toward hiring, be sure to send the thank-you note right after the job interview, and on the same day, if possible.
  • If they are still being considered, but a final hiring decision hasnt been made, send an email to let them know where they are in the running but that you need time.
  • If you need them to come in for followup interviews, a post-interview skills assessment, or to give permission for an extended background check, include this in a thank-you email.
  • If the candidate is no longer in the running, make sure to thank them kindly while informing them of your or the hiring managers decision.

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