Friday, July 26, 2024

Amazon Product Manager Interview Process

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Amazon Product Manager Interview Process

Interview with Amazon Sr. Product Manager

The interview process for Amazon Product Managers, both PMs and TPMs, essentially consists of three main rounds:

  • The Initial HR Screen
  • Letâs look at each of them in detail:

    1. The Initial HR Screen

    This is the first stage where a recruiter from Amazonâs human resources will get in touch with you to ask you some pertinent questions about your skills and experience. The recruiter will assess if your experience and skills align with the Product Manager role in question. You could be asked to submit an updated copy of your resume in this round. After the HR screen, youâre called for the Phone Screen Interview.

    2. The Phone Screen Interview

    Senior employees from the product team usually conduct the Phone Screen Interview. A hiring manager is appointed to lead the recruitment effort and will most likely be part of the team youâll potentially be joining.

    In the Phone Screen, youâll mostly be asked a bunch of behavioral questions and questions on specific projects youâve worked on in the past. Interviews for Technical Product Managers can involve a few technical questions on algorithms, design, or database management .

    In the lead-up to your on-site interview, youâll be asked to submit one or two essays on challenging projects youâve worked on in the past or what your biggest learnings from past roles have been.

    Recruiters will get back to you about a week after your Phone Screen Interview if youâre shortlisted for the on-site interview.

    How To Get A Product Manager Job At Amazon

    At Product Gym, we apply a simple four-step framework to landing our members the Product Manager job theyre looking for. With this structure and the support of the PG community, both aspiring and veteran PMs have increased the number of calls they receive for interviews. The process also leads to more interviews converted into offers.

    Heres how the magic works:

    How To Prepare For Amazon Phone Interview

    Getting a job definitely is not easy, more so if it is at Amazon.

    The whole process is made more complicated with a series of tests or interviews with the company. This is required to analyze if the applicant/candidate is a good fit for the job profile.

    For this reason, a person has to be well prepared for the interviews. Some jobs, like at Amazon also include telephonic interviews as part of their screening process.

    This article here discusses some points on how to prepare for Amazon phone interview.

    Don’t Miss: How To Get Ready For A Job Interview

    Preparing For Your Amazon Product Manager Interview

    Amazon hires for Product Manager roles all through the year. However, getting an offer isnât easy. It takes a dedicated prep approach that addresses every aspect of your interview.

    Interview Kickstart is a Technical Interview Training Bootcamp that trains engineers and product associates for interviews at the biggest tech companies. If youâre looking for the best ways to prepare for Product Manager Interviews at Amazon, check out this comprehensive article on .

    Also, learn as part of their role to better understand what your potential role as a Product Manager at Amazon would entail.

    Star Stands For Situation Task Action And Result

    The Product Manager Interview (4th Edition)  InterviewSteps
  • Situation: Describe or introduce the situation/task. This introduction should be brief yet informative. The interviewer should be able to understand the situation.
  • Task: Describe your task/goal. This should not just include the question you were asked. But also, the mini-goals you need to achieve to complete your task successfully.
  • Action: Once you have explained your situation and task, now explain your strategy and the steps you took to achieve the goal. You have to concisely communicate your contribution in accomplishing the task.
  • Result: Conclude your answer by describing the result of the task. Describe the specific goals achieved, share numbers , and also take credit for your specific contribution.
  • We hope you found this blog on Amazon PM interview questions useful. If you wish to build a career as a Product Manager, check out our top Product Management certification courses here.

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    How To Answer Amazoninterview Questions

    While you could just jump into the fray, memorize a few Amazon interview questions and be done with it thats not the best way to go about things.

    Sure, you might be ready to handle specific questions. But, if something unexpected comes up, you might be caught flatfooted. No one wants that.

    Instead, you need to take a different path. Think of it this way how does a brave knight ensure they come out ahead? By honing their skills and developing a winning strategy, thats how.

    With the right techniques and overall strategy, you can face off against unanticipated questions. Youll be able to parry any potential blows and delivering some impressive strikes yourself.

    Now, exactly how you need to prepare can and will be a bit nuanced. After all, there is a slew of positions at Amazon, and each one involves something different. If you want to get ready for your Amazon interview, then you need to take that into account.

    How do you make sure youre ready for YOUR Amazon interview? Start by reading the job description for the position. In that handful of paragraphs, youll find a ton of specific, actionable information about what the hiring manager is looking for in a perfect candidate.

    For example, the list of must-have skills you find on most job descriptions reflects their priorities. Those keywords or qualities you see over and over? Yeah, those fall into that category, too.


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    Amazon Behavioral Pm Interview Questions

    1. In layman terms, can you describe your day-to-day activities as a product manager?

    2. Can you tell me about a time when you used data to influence/persuade people?

    3. Why should Amazon not hire you?

    4. As a PM, who is your most favorite team to work with and why?

    5. Can you tell me about a time when you influenced engineering to build a particular feature?

    6. Can you tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a colleague? How did you solve your disagreement?

    7. How do you prioritize job responsibilities?

    8. Can you tell me a time that you were halfway to meeting your goal but had to pivot because you found the goal might not be right?

    9. How do you motivate a product team?

    10. Can you tell me about a time when you were forced to change the way you work?

    11. Can you share an example of a mission or goal you didnt think was achievable? What was it and how did you help your team try to achieve it? Was it a success?

    12. Can you share an example of a mission or goal you didnt think was achievable? What was it and how did you help your team try to achieve it? Were you successful in the end?

    13. Can you tell me about a time when you had to mend a broken relationship with a colleague?

    14. How do you know if your users are satisfied with your product?

    15. How do you prioritize among competing features?

    16. Describe the most significant, continuous improvement project that youve led. What was the catalyst for this change and how did you go about it?

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    Your Collaboration Interviewer Is Looking To See:

    • How will you be able to handle conflict? Will you respectfully challenge decisions or passively follow?
    • Can you create excitement and rally a team behind a shared vision? Are you willing to adapt your roadmap to changing market conditions?
    • Did you come across as a humble team player? Can you earn the trust of your team members?
    • Imagine an engineer on your team wasn’t meeting expectations. How would you proceed?
    • Tell me about a time when you earned the trust of a person or group?
    • Tell me about a time you failed. How did you handle it?
    • Do you work well independently?
    • What is an example of a time when you had to take a short-term loss hoping to get a long-term gain? Did it work?

    Amazon Senior Technical Product Manager Interview Questions

    Amazon Product Manager Mock Interview: Solving Pain Points
    • – San Salvador and Rum Cay
    • – Central Andros District
    • – Ar Rifa’ wa al Mintaqah al Jan
    • – Al Mintaqah al Gharbiyah
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina – All Cities
    • – Federation of Bosnia and Herze
    • – Bosnia Serb Republic
    • – San Andrés and Providence and
    • Democratic Republic of Congo – All Cities
    • – Baladiyat al Jabal al Akhdar
    • – Baladiyat an Nuqat al Khams
    • – Shabyat Wd al ayt
    • – Shabyat al Wt
    • Papua New Guinea – All Cities
    • – Baladiyat az¸ Z¸aayin
    • – Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
    • – Sveti Andra v Slovenskih Gori
    • Trinidad and Tobago – All Cities
    • United Arab Emirates – All Cities


    May 6, 2022

    I interviewed at Amazon


    Smooth and HR is very helpful. You can contact the HR to give you some tips for the interview process, and they will schedule a call with you. The questions are based on your past work experience and behavioural questions on the leadership principles

    I applied online. The process took 6 weeks. I interviewed at Amazon in May 2022


    1. Gespraech 1 std, zur Vorstellung – Wenn dieses akzeptabel ist, werden weitere 5 Vorstellungsgespraeche gebucht, die sehr aehnlich ablaufen. Unabhaengig davon wie gut man diese meistert durchlaeuft man alle 5, und es wird erst am ende bekannt gegeben ob man den job bekommen hat.

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    What Does An Amazon Product Manager Do

    Product Managers at Amazon play a crucial role in the company, given the number of products and services Amazon offers. They work closely with Technical Product Managers , Senior Product Managers, different teams like marketing, engineering, design, etc., and various stakeholders involved in the process.

    An Amazon Product Manager’s day involves:

    • Meetings with team members/managers/stakeholders
    • Conducting market research to understand their consumer needs
    • Communicating with internal and external stakeholders
    • Leading a product from idea to execution
    • Improving features in existing products to ensure they meet customer expectations

    Entry-level Product Managers at Amazon in the United States have a total compensation package of around $173k annually.

    Phase One: Before The Interview

    The first item on your list should be making sure that your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile are ready for the recruiter. You will need a Product Manager resume to show the companies that you are professionally aligned with what they are looking for.

    If you are not sure where to start with writing your resume check out this video for some tips:

    The second item is expanding your network and focusing on talking to more FAANG recruiters to increase your chances of getting a Product Manager interview at a high-profile company. Given the current competitive landscape, you will likely need a personal connection.

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    What Interviews To Expect

    Whats the Amazon Technical Program Manager interview process and timeline? It takes takes four to eight weeks and follows the steps below. Note that the process at AWS follows similar steps.

  • Resume, cover letter, and referrals
  • Recruiter phone screen: one interview
  • TPM phone screens: one to two interviews
  • Writing exercise
  • TPM onsite: four to six interviews
  • Lets look at each of these steps in more detail below:

    1.1.1 Recruiter phone screen

    In most cases, youll start your interview process with Amazon by talking to a Recruiter on the phone. They are looking to confirm that youve got a chance of getting the job at all, so be prepared to explain your background and why youre a good fit at Amazon.

    You should expect typical behavioral and resume questions like, Tell me about yourself, , or Tell me about your current day to day as a Technical Program Manager. When answering even the most common interview questions, be sure to express your understanding of .

    1.1.2 TPM phone screen

    If youve passed the HR screen, youll be invited to one or two TPM phone screens. This step is called a phone screen, but it sometimes takes place over video chat using Amazon Chime which is the companys video conferencing product.

    Each interview will last 45 to 60 minutes. Youll speak to a TPM peer or a potential manager and theyll ask you a mix of system design and behavioral questions.

    1.1.3 Amazon writing exercise

    Amazon Senior Product Manager Interview Questions

    25 Amazon Operations Manager Interview Questions &  Answers
    • – San Salvador and Rum Cay
    • – Central Andros District
    • – Ar Rifa’ wa al Mintaqah al Jan
    • – Al Mintaqah al Gharbiyah
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina – All Cities
    • – Federation of Bosnia and Herze
    • – Bosnia Serb Republic
    • – San Andrés and Providence and
    • Democratic Republic of Congo – All Cities
    • – Baladiyat al Jabal al Akhdar
    • – Baladiyat an Nuqat al Khams
    • – Shabyat Wd al ayt
    • – Shabyat al Wt
    • Papua New Guinea – All Cities
    • – Baladiyat az¸ Z¸aayin
    • – Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
    • – Sveti Andra v Slovenskih Gori
    • Trinidad and Tobago – All Cities
    • United Arab Emirates – All Cities


    I applied online. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at Amazon


    Overblown, intense and sometimes irrelevant. On the positive side, they really try to give you a lot of information to help you succeed. Recruiting is helpful and there is a lot of information you can consume about the process. Here’s the big “however” in this: I do believe some interviewers work well within this process, but there are sooo many that focus on the process and forget the actual point of interviewing and hiring.

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    Additional Personal Product Manager Interview Questions

    Tell us about yourself.
    What aspects of the product management process excite you?
    Why should we hire you?
    Why do you want to work at our company?
    What do you do for fun?
    Where do you see your career in five years?
    To be successful in a product management role, what do you need from your manager?
    As a Product Manager, how do you define success?
    Please tell us about the best idea youve ever had as a Product Manager? How about the worst?
    What interests you about a product management role?
    What is your top quality as a Product Manager?

    Hiring And Decision Process

    You’ll get an offer if you’ve done well and there’s a mutual fit. You’ll get a call from an Amazon recruiter 24 hours after your on-site interview, and you’ll be asked about your salary requirements.

    If you did well on the on-site but the team did not think you were a good fit, you will move on to the team matching stage, where you talk with recruiting managers from other teams. These post-site questions are likely to be more relaxed. To be secure, brush up on Amazon’s leadership values and have stories to share about how you represent them.

    It’s also worth noting that recruiters and people who refer you have very little say in the process. They can help you get an interview at first, but that’s all they can do.

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    How Did Hiring Change After Covid

    Given the current conditions, its no surprise that hiring changed after COVID-19. Thankfully, Amazon is one of the few companies that did well economically during the pandemic and continued to expand.

    However, one thing that has changed is the way the Amazon Product Manager interview will be done. Since offices are closed, the in-person aspect of the interviews is now virtual.

    Amazon has a very detailed page with regards to how virtual interviews work. Before you have your Amazon Product Manager interview, make sure you read their instructions and that their recommended software video conferencing works on your computer.

    We know that while the expectations are identical, virtual interviews differ significantly from in-person interviews. Check out the Product Gym guide to video interviews dominate your virtual interviews.

    Structure Of The Amazon Product Manager Interview

    Interview with Amazon Sr. Product Manager Technical

    After an initial phone screen, PM candidates will move onto a final round of interviews. Here, candidates will typically go through five interviews and each interview will focus on a different topic. Hiring managers will coordinate in advance to ensure each interviewer has a specific topic to dig into that won’t significantly overlap with over interviewers.

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    Amazon Program Manager Interview Questions Based On Program Management Planning Execution And Process Design

    • How do you deal with obstacles that you encounter while planning a project?
    • Explain how youâd manage timelines in a highly matrixed environment
    • How would you help sellers maximize their visibility on Amazon?
    • How would you ensure that the security of user information isnât compromised?
    • What are your thoughts on creating a business process from scratch?

    Related reading:

    List Of Product Manager Interview Questions: Leadership And Communication

    Leadership and communication are two essential skills for all Product Managers.

    Most PMs sit at the head of design and development teams, and all Product Managers have to collaborate with a diverse roster of stakeholders with different job responsibilities, specialties, and goals. Its a crucial intangible skill for Product Managers to get all of those different people working together in an organized, purposeful goal toward a common purpose.

    To get a sense of whether you have these soft skills, questions to ask for interviewers include:

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    Product Estimation And Metrics Questions

    • How many reviews are left on Amazon on a given Monday?
    • You are a product delivery manager at Amazon. Estimate how many face masks Amazon needs to stock in UK stores during the COVID-19 lockdown period.
    • How would you estimate purchase order abuse on Amazon? How would you solve it?
    • How would you estimate the number of new users Amazon gets in a day?
    • How much time is spent waiting per day for an actual human in the Automated Systems in the US?
    • You have a grocery delivery service that delivers food within 24 hours. How many trucks would you need to operate it?
    • Pick a feature from a product of your choice & tell us how you will assess the success of that feature. Assume it is being launched now.
    • Imagine that you realize a 20% drop in the checkout funnel in your daily routine of checking the conversion funnel. What would you do?
    • You are the PM for Amazon’s cart page. How would you build a dashboard to measure success?
    • How would you change the Amazon Fresh experience, and how would you measure them?

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