Thursday, July 25, 2024

Amazon Returnship Program Interview Questions

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How Do Returnships Work

Learn more about Amazon’s Returnship Program

Returnships are typically geared toward professionals who have been out of the workforce for at least two years and have five or more years of professional experience. However, due to the pandemics unexpected impact on the global workforce, some employers have relaxed these timeframes.

During the application period, returnship program candidates are asked to submit an application, participate in an interview process, and may also be asked to authorize a background verification process prior to the application deadline.

Once selected, a returnship participant can expect their program to run for two or three months, with some returnships running up to six months. During that time, participants receive a goal, accomplishment, and/or skill agenda that becomes increasingly more challenging as the returnship progresses. This allows returning professionals to build their confidence in new skills while the company becomes more familiar with their abilities.

Returnship alumni often compare their experience with a valuable boot camp education, both of which offer participants opportunities for immersion in popular communication applications or new ways of working with collaborative software. They also benefit from experiencing current work culture and processes now used in the field, as well as networking opportunities with colleagues. Many returnships also provide coaching and mentoring for participants to better acclimate back into the workforce.

Additional resources:

Business Analyst Returnship Program Amazon Air

3+ years of experience in data analysis and finding actionable business insights. Experience in building visualizations and dashboards in Tableau, PowerBI,

  • Services LLC – Remote 3.5

    3+ years experience in program or project management. Experience using data and metrics to drive improvements.

    $44.13 an hour

  • Preparation From The Beginning Of The Recruiting Process

    The average returner has been out of the workforce for six years. Fewer than 10% receive a job offer, and the probability of gaining employment decreases significantly at two years of unemployment, said Alex Mooney, senior diversity talent acquisition program manager at Amazon. With our new Returnship program, weve formed a dedicated team that recruits specifically for professionals who are restarting their careers, and in doing so, we remove the competition between them and gainfully employed applicants.

    Zeinab Yassin started during the pilot phase of the Amazon Returnship program. She had taken a three-year break from her professional career to take care of her kids. As an ambitious and career-driven person, Yassin never questioned whether she would re-enter the workforce, only how. When she learned of the Amazon Returnship program from a current participant on LinkedIn, she knew it was an opportunity to prove herself.

    Prior to finding this program, I was rejected more times than I can count. I was overlooked by recruiters. My knowledge and skills were compared to those of currently working candidates with current experiences in the field. It was like everything kept moving except for me, I stayed behind. I was told to start small and get experience, forgoing the experience I had accumulated over the years, said Yassin.

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    Determine If The Sum Of Two Integers Is Equal To The Given Value

    Given an array of integers and a value, determine if there are any two integers in the array whose sum is equal to the given value. Return true if the sum exists and return false if it does not. Consider this array and the target sums:

    def find_sum_of_two: #TODO: Write - Your - Code  return 

    Click here to view the solution in C++, Java, JavaScript, and Ruby.

    Runtime Complexity: Linear,

    You can use the following algorithm to find a pair that add up to the target .

    • Scan the whole array once and store visited elements in a hash set.
    • During scan, for every element e in the array, we check if val – e is present in the hash set i.e. val – e is already visited.
    • If val – e is found in the hash set, it means there is a pair in array whose sum is equal to the given val.
    • If we have exhausted all elements in the array and didnt find any such pair, the function will return false

    Look For Ways To Make Your Program More Accessible


    In some cases, returnships come with no guarantees. That means that candidates have to weigh whether its worth the investment of their time, since they may not land a role at the end.

    To make the program as accessible as possible, Amazons returnships are paid and virtual, and the IT equipment is provided by Amazon and shipped to the returners home.

    We dont want to disrupt their home life just as they are getting reacquainted with the workforce, Alex says. They dont have to relocate or travel to the office, so in some ways this is a more approachable opportunity designed to meet the candidates where they are in their journey to restart their career.

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    Elden Ring Duplication Glitch Pc

    Coming back to work after a break can be challengingthe company you know and the tools you used are likely to have changed. Amazon’s new Returnship program is designed to help professionals. The Amazon Returnship program offers participants an initial 16-week paid working opportunity in several areas across the company, including teams like Operations Finance, Consumer Payments, and.

    Choose Which Roles To Pilot And Focus On Hiring For Potential

    The average time that Amazons returners have been out of work is five to six years. Recognizing this, the team decided to create returnships for roles that require durable or transferable skills rather than niche or newer expertise.

    If you have financial acumen, for example, we can plug you into any finance group at Amazon, because financial acumen doesnt change, Alex says. Weve found that if returners have done it before, they can do it again if we provide a little support.

    After identifying roles such as business analyst, program manager, and software development engineer that were well suited to returnships, the team established a baseline skill set that candidates would need to do the job. This enabled recruiters and managers to focus on assessing potential rather than whats on a candidates resume, resulting in a more streamlined interview process.

    Once hired, each Amazon returner is paired with a dedicated mentor who, along with their manager and onboarding buddy, help the returner work through their project plan and also provide coaching and feedback.

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    Top 3 Amazon Interview Questions

    Alright,lets take stock. Right now, you have a winning strategy for answering Amazoninterview questions. Thats a great foundation.

    But, havingclear examples can also help. It lets you review questions you may face and seehow to put the tips above to work. We arent going to leave you hanging.

    Here are thetop 3 Amazon interview questions you could encounter when meeting with thehiring manager, along with tips for answering them.

    The Comprehensive Guide To Returnships: What They Are And How To Secure One

    Amazon Interview Tips: How to answer WHY AMAZON (2020)

    Since the beginning of the pandemic, almost two million women have exited the labor force many of whom left formal employment to care either for their children or other family members. When and if these women decide to return to work, a potentially significant employment gap on their resume could make securing a job more difficult . This she-cession, as it has been called, could result in serious, long-lasting effects on gender equity in the workplace. So, what can be done?

    Returnships offer a potential solution these full-time, paid internships are designed to help springboard adult professionals who have been out of the workforce for a year or longer. While returnships arent a new phenomenon, more and more companies have embraced them in recent years.

    Read on as we dive into the world of returnships to explore what they are, how they work, how to land one, and a list of companies currently offering returnships.

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    During Your Returnship We Invite You To:

    Chart your own path. The possibilities you explore, the opportunities you take advantage of, and the impact you have are driven by your ideas and initiative. Your experience and trajectory at Amazon is in your hands.

    Accelerate your growth. We encourage you to experiment with new possibilities, take risks, and learn quickly by doing challenging work with the remarkable people you will encounter every day.

    Bring your voice. We value individual expression, respect different opinions, and work together to create a culture where each of us is able to contribute fully. Our unique backgrounds and perspectives strengthen our ability to achieve Amazons mission of being Earths most customer-centric company.


    Returners receive project plans and are encouraged to own their projects from start to finish. Upon completion, Amazon teams provide feedback on overall performance, deliverables, and skills as they relate to the role, project expectations, and Amazon’s Leadership Principles.


    Classroom trainings and self-service offerings help teams meet their goals, learn from each other, and dive deep into Amazon culture and processes. Returners have opportunities to develop personal and professional networks by taking part in social events, attending workshops, or joining an affinity group.


    How Amazon Is Helping People Reenter The Workforce After Career Breaks

    In July of this year, 3.4 million people in the United States were long-term unemployed, meaning they had been out of work for at least six months. Thats 2.3 million more than in February 2020, before the pandemic turned the job market on its head. And while hiring has picked up rapidly in recent months, the long-term unemployed face unique hurdles, with one study showing that they are 45% less likely to receive interview invitations than newly unemployed or currently employed peers. As a result, many feel pressured to pursue lower-level jobs to try to get a foot back in the door. Others change career tracks altogether.

    recognized that this problem impacted many of its customers lives. To combat the stigma around long-term unemployment and to help professionals experiencing it find pathways to gainful employment, it created the . Open to people who have been unemployed or underemployed for at least a year, the paid program spans 16 weeks, during which time participants complete projects, receive training, and work with a mentor to help them reintegrate into the workforce.

    People pause their careers for very normal reasons, like raising a family or relocating for a loved ones job, says Alex Mooney, principal diversity talent acquisition program manager at Amazon. Life happens, and we believe professionals shouldnt have to completely pivot their careers or start over because of it.

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    Top 40 Amazon Interview Questions And Answers 2022

  • questions
  • Top 40 Amazon Interview Questions
  • Contents

    1.Tell the story of the last time you had to apologize to someone.

    2.Walk me through how Amazon Kindle books would be priced.

    3.What would you do if you found out that your closest friend at work was stealing?

    4.Which Amazon leadership principle do you resonate most with?

    5.What would you do if you saw someone being unsafe at work?

    6.What would you do if somehow you misdirected 10,000 units of something?

    7.How would you improve Amazons website?

    8.You have 30 people working under you with 2 working indirect. Each employee can do 150 units/hour. Each work day has two 15 min breaks and one 30 min lunch. In a 5 day work week, how many total units can you complete?

    9.What is the most difficult situation you have ever faced in your life? How did you handle it?

    10.How would you tell a customer what Wi-Fi is?

    11.You are Amazon and Samsung offers you 10,000 Samsung Galaxy S3s at a 34% discount. Is that a good deal?

    12.Design an online payment system.

    13.Give me an example of a time when you were 75% of the way through a project, and you had to pivot strategyhow were you able to make that into a success story?

    14.Should we sell private label cleaning products?

    15.Who was your most difficult customer?

    16.How would you introduce AWS in an elevator pitch?

    17.What is the worst mistake you ever made?

    19.Describe what Human Resource means to you.

    21.Do you know our CEO? How do you pronounce his name?

    Are You Ready For That Amazon Interview


    Wondering how to nail your next technical interview at Amazon? Join our free interactive live session with the founder of Interview Kickstart, who will take you through how to nail complex technical interviews the Interview Kickstart way!

    Details to join this workshop will be sent by email after you register.

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    Expand Your Mindset About Career Breaks And Recognize That The Stigma Around Them Can Make It Difficult To Identify Candidates

    When Amazon embarked on its returnship journey, the team looked at data and predicted that most returners would be women whod left the workforce to be caretakers, either by choice or out of necessity during the pandemic. While this was true in many cases, other candidates had very different stories.

    One of the first returners to go through the program was a man whod left the workforce to undergo treatment for Stage 4 kidney cancer. Others had emigrated from abroad and were finding it challenging to relaunch their career in their new home.

    We didnt anticipate the manner in which life has happened to so many professionals, Alex says, or how rewarding they found the returnship opportunity as a way to help them ramp up their careers after being out of the workforce.

    Despite this, finding candidates has proved challenging. For one thing, long-term unemployment can be a vicious cycle: The harder it is to find a job, the more people start doubting themselves, causing them to disengage with their job hunt. That means that traditional methods of talent attraction, like advertising on career platforms, may not work for this talent pool. And since the stigma around resume gaps often leads candidates to try to mask them, even recruiters who are actively looking for returners may have difficulty spotting someone whod be a good fit for the program.

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    About Us. Our mission: To be Earth’s most customer-centric company. The Return to Work program at Amazon is a 16- week paid returnship for experienced professionals returning to the workforce after taking time off. The program is open to candidates who have at least 2 years of professional experience and have been out of the paid workforce for …. Job summaryThe Return to Work program at Amazon is a 16- week paid returnship for experienced professionals returning to the workforce after taking time off. The program is open to candidates who have at least 2 years of professional experience and have been out of the paid workforce for at least 6 months caregiving for kids or loved ones, serving in the military, or time off to find their ….

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    Building An Enriching Onboarding Experience

    Once hired, Audible returners followed an extended onboarding thatin addition to the more technical aspects of job trainingincluded an eight-week learning module offering resources to help participants network, articulate their personal brand, and enhance their self-advocacy skills. We had sessions to introduce the returnship cohort to leadership, panels on issues like imposter syndrome, and resources to set us up for success, says Gokhale, who was offered a full-time job after completing her returnship and is now a full-fledged software development engineer at the company. We were assigned a manager and a mentor. I also attended the teams daily standups, which helped me understand the bigger picture of the work my team was doing.Some specific aspects of Audibles returner learning program included:

    • Panel discussions with leaders.
    • Weekly classroom sessions on themes such as maximizing the mentoring relationship, tapping into internal and external networks, and building confidence.
    • Meetings with employee resource groups, including and

    Prescreen With A Recruiter

    Top 7 Amazon Interview Questions Explanations (with Ex- Amazon Google Facebook Microsoft)

    Expect a light 15-30 minute call where the recruiter will gauge your interest level and determine if youre a good fit. The recruiter may touch on a few technical aspects. They just want to get an idea of your skills. Typical questions might include your past work experiences, your knowledge of the company/position, salary, and other logistical questions.

    Its important to have around 7-10 of your own questions ready to ask the interviewer. Asking questions at an early stage shows investment and interest in the role.

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    Prepare In Advance For The Stages Of The Hiring Process You Can Prepare For Answers To Tricky Behavioral Questions

    For the other three stages, however, you can prepare.

    If you are running out of time, or feel anxious, or overwhelmed with the information, or have no idea how to answer the questions, have a look at a new eBook I wrote for you, the.

    Multiple brilliant answers to 50 Amazon interview questions, including all tricky behavioral questions, will help you stand out , impress the interviewers , and sign an employment agreement with Amazon. You will find some questions & answers directly on the eBook page, so it makes sense to check it out even if you do not want to purchase anything

    Thank you for checking it out, and I wish you good luck in this difficult interview!


    Scaling The Amazon Returnship Program With A Goal To Hire 1000 Relaunchers

    Alex Mooney is Senior Manager of DEI Talent Acquisition Programs and a 12 year Amazonian serving in increasingly senior HR roles, most recently in innovative talent pipelines and DEI talent acquisition. He is the founder of the and leads other global talent acquisition programs. Under Alexs leadership, Amazon Returnship has committed to hiring 1,000 returners over the next few years. In this episode, Alex discusses the major features of the program, including eligibility requirements, Amazon’s unique approach to returnship recruitment, and the types of programming and support that are in place for the returner participants. He also describes the institutional shift that has taken place in which hiring managers are eager to hire relaunchers.

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