Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cracking The Coding Interview Course

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+ Sql Interview Questions

Complete Interview Preparation to Crack Coding Interviews | GeeksforGeeks

SQL queries and database-related questions are very common in programming job interviews, hence it’s important for a computer science graduate or programmer to prepare SQL questions in advance. Good knowledge of SQL and Database goes a long way in cracking coding interviews as well as working as a developer.

This course provides 200+ SQL queries and questions for programming job interviews.

I have also discussed some of the questions like finding second-highest salary and Nth-highest salary on my earlier posts, you may want to check those.

Python For Data Structures Algorithms And Interviews

This is a data structure, algorithm, and coding interview course specially designed for Python developers. Its one of the modern courses and focuses on things like Github and LinkedIn profiles to impress recruits.

It also helps you to create a great resume, which many programmers neglect. Remember, its your resume that gives you a chance for an interview, if its not good, you wont even get an interview call.

In this course, you will not only learn all major data structures and algorithms but also ace coding interviews after preparing for the courses mock interviews. Overall, one of the best coding interview courses for Python programmers.

What To Do During Your Coding Interview

First of all, stay calm and open, and remember to breathe. Deep breaths will remove any anxiety, while shallow breathing will actually make you feel anxious for no reason.

Also, remember that the call has 3 main components:

  • The meet and greet
  • The technical assessment, and
  • The final questions and closeout

The interviewer is not only evaluating you on if you can answer the technical questions but if you can also communicate with them.

Smile, bring the energy, and have a two-way chat with them, because they dont want to be sitting with a scared interviewee that is low energy, and cant hold a conversation.

Again, this alone will help you to stand out among the other candidates, but you also need to remember the 4 areas that theyre looking to assess you:

  • They want to see how you communicate and that you ask questions, especially about the company and the questions they give you. Remember the process were working though. Clarify the problems and even the assumptions! Dont jump into coding right away. Think it through and chat with them.
  • They want to see how you approach each problem and how you communicate your ideas and solution. Are there trade-offs to your method? Are you aware of them but have weighed the costs and explained it to them?
  • They want to see how you apply your solutions
  • And they want to see how you solve any issues in your code if it doesn’t work at first.

Stay calm and do the work and have fun! You got this far so enjoy yourself.

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Intro To Dynamic Programming Coding Interview Preparation

Many coding problems can be easily solved if you know dynamic programming but I have found many developers dont even know about it, including some experienced ones.

This course will teach you dynamic programming to improve your algorithms knowledge and prepare you for the software engineering coding interview.

You will also learn several 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional dynamic programming problems and how to derive the recurrence relation and write a recursive solution to it, then write a to the problem and code it up in a few minutes.

Here is the link to join this course Intro To Dynamic Programming Coding Interview Preparation

Some of the dynamic programming problems covered in this course are:

  • Climbing stairs
  • Longest Common Substring
  • Longest Common Subsequence
  • Overall a good course to learn Dynamic programming. You can take this course even if you are not preparing for a coding job interview, just to improve your knowledge of dynamic programming and algorithms. The course uses both Java and Python, so it’s useful for both Java and Python developers.

    Do I Need To Know This Back

    Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions ...

    Yep sorry

    Like we said earlier, a lot of the smaller companies will often replicate the processes that they see used by larger companies. You might be lucky and the front-end design job youre applying for will ask more specific questions around UX and UI, but theres also a chance that they ask you to solve core backend problems.

    This means that if you want that 6 figure job, you need to be able to pass the broader technical questions under a time limit, and if youre an introvert, learn how to comfortably communicate.

    The good news is, were going to cover this and more

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    How Is Cracking The Coding Interview Course Different From Other Courses


    • If you just finished this course only, we guarantee that you can crack the interview of any top organization across the globe.
    • Cracking the interview course is a Lifetime access course, so whenever in the future you have an interview coming in your career just revise topics from our course and nail the interview
    • We discussed every lecture with complete code line by line explanation
    • There are no prerequisites for this course and is best for someone working in IT/Aspirants preparing for Interview
    • Course content is structured and designed to fulfill the current job requirement and need of IT industry

    Best Coding Interview Courses

    With a coding interview preparation course, you can practice coding interview questions in a hands-on way, and their video content is useful if youre a visual-audio learner. These are some of the best coding interview courses you can find.

    Please note that pricing listed below may change in the future!

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    How To Pass The Behavioral / Culture Interview

    OK so what if you get through the technical interview, and now they want to chat on a more personal basis with a behavioral interview?

    Not to fear as these are actually quite easy. The main thing to understand is that the interviewer is looking for final reasons why you shouldnt be hired. Are there any glaring red flags of how you might not be a good fit for the company?

    As long as youre a good human and follow the tips below, then you should be fine.


    This interview really should just feel like a low stress conversation where you chat back and forth.

    Who This Course Is For:

    How to Prepare for Technical Interviews, Part 1 – Coding
    • Computer science students, Software professionals who wants to learn and improve their ability of problem solving in coding interview.
    • 16,052 Students

    Energetic software engineer with 10+ years experience developing robust code for high-volume businesses. Highly familiar with a wide variety of Software Engineering, Database, Web as well as Data Science. Progressively engage my experience through my passion for creating application using best practice intuitive experience as focus. Using my diverse skills set in order to provide a super service that will assist a range of clients. Possess a Master’s Degree in Computer Science. I have developed several web and desktop apps for big tech company such as: Microsoft, Boeing, Bluetooth…

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    Why Are Coding Interviews At Faang Tough

    Cracking tech interviews at FAANG and other big tech companies is tough for several reasons.

    • The number of candidates applying for technical positions is enormous.
    • The time frame in which the hiring managers have to decide if a candidate is fit for the role is too narrow.
    • The stakes are high. A bad hire can prove costly to the company in terms of time, money, training, and negative output.

    Owing to these reasons, the interview process is designed in a way that only the best are filtered in with minimum expenditure of resources.

    So, how do these companies make their interview processes tough? By setting sky-high expectations for the candidates in the following areas:

    • Intensive testing of DS and Algorithms knowledge â Regardless of your domain expertise, technical interviews test you on core data structures and algorithms. To crack coding interviews, you’re pretty much expected to be a master in DS and algorithms. And this takes considerable devotion and time!

    Sample questionsVideo lecturesIdeal solutions

    Security Engineering Interview Preparation Course

    Security engineering as a field has evolved rapidly in recent years. Today, it is one of the highest-paying domains in the software engineering world. IKâs coding interview preparation course in security engineering will give you all the necessary insight and tools needed crack interview questions and stand out among the competition.

    Course duration: 15 weeks

    • 1-on-1 mentor sessions with FAANG+ instructors

    Best suited for:

    For more information, visit the iOS Engineering Interview Course page.

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    Embedded Software Engineering Interview Preparation Course

    Embedded software engineering is an extremely popular field that has progressively risen in demand. With the steady advancement in technology, the rate at which the big companies are hiring for embedded engineering roles is meteoric. Interview Kickstartâs coding interview preparation course in embedded software engineering is everything you need to crack interviews at the biggest companies.

    Course duration: 14 weeks

    What the course includes:

    • Core data structures and algorithms
    • Embedded engineering concepts
    • Behavioral and leadership interview training
    • Career coaching sessions
    • 1-on-1 mentor sessions with FAANG+ instructors

    Best suited for:

    • Current SREs/DevOps Engineers

    You would have developed a solid foundation to crack technical interviews at the biggest companies by the end of the site reliability engineering course.

    For more information, visit the Site Reliability Engineering & DevOps Interview Course page.

    How Should You Study


    I recommend a progressive system of assessment, with a timer and self reflection. Go ahead and set a 30-minute timer, then work through questions like so:

    • Do you understand the question? At the start, it will take a while to even get a grasp of what it means. Research and go through notes. It might take you 30 minutes or more to even understand it and thats fine. Next time itll be faster
    • Can you answer the question and solve the problem? Brilliant!
    • Can you do it in the time frame? Depending on the question, you usually only have 30-45 minutes to answer and code the solution on the day, while being monitored
    • Can you do it faster? Now that youve solved it a few times and understand the concepts of how youre solving it, can you do it faster?
    • Rotate it out for now. If you take a break from this particular question for a few days, can you still solve it within the time limit when you try it again?

    Your goal should be to get comfortable and under the time frame for each question that you work on.

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    Improve Your Soft Skills

    Focus on your soft skills first, before you do anything else. Not only will these help you improve yourself and your applications, but youll also find the rest of the tasks on this list much easier to complete.

    Learn how to learn

    It seems redundant as youve already learned how to code, but as a coder, youre going to be constantly learning new skills as languages and technology evolve.

    Learning how to process this information more effectively and retain that knowledge will simply cut your workload down.

    To get you started though, heres one simple method called the Feynman technique, named after the renowned physicist and Nobel prize winner, Richard Feynman, who championed the method.

    The Feynman technique has 4 stages.

  • Choose a topic that you want to learn about
  • Breakdown the core concepts so well, that you could simplify and explain them to a 12 year old
  • Identify any gaps in your understanding and explanation
  • Organize, review, refine
  • Heres how it works:

    In the process of learning a topic so that you can then explain and teach it, youll actually comprehend it far better. .

    Its a super simple method, but if you use this approach while learning the technical questions later, youll find the questions much easier to comprehend and you’ll also be able to explain your problem solving process better, during your interview.

    Start exercising consistently

    Top tip:

    For example

    Skip for 30 secs, answer a question, and repeat 3 times a night. Simple.

    Speaking of the brain

    Our Instructors Are Actual Hiring Managers

    The instructors that train our students for interviews are actively employed as Hiring Managers at FAANG and other tier-1 tech companies. Owing to their current role exposure, they’re aware of how the process works, what’s expected of candidates, and what changes take shape over time. Their proximity to the process makes them real forces to reckon with, giving our candidates the much-needed edge they need.

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    How To Create A Coding Interview Study Plan

    So, how should you study for your interview? Honestly, it depends on your needs and goals. Most people will set aside 3 months to start learning each of the technical questions, which isnt a bad idea if you can only do an hour each night.

    Personally, Im a big believer in the task expanding to fit the time you give it, so heres what I recommend instead: Set yourself a 30-day window and try to do a few hours each night, while focusing on the most important questions that Google uses for their own interview tests.

    This way youll start learning the best questions to learn asap, and not wait 2 months to start learning

    Then, if you need more time to learn from there on, youll already have a great starting point.

    How Much Should You Practice Each Day

    Algorithms: Bit Manipulation

    Again, it depends on your goal and your situation. If you can handle it, and assuming youre doing this in your spare time outside of work, then 1-2 hours a day will help you fast track. At some point though, youll probably hit mental burnout, so be sure to take breaks, especially if the information just isnt processing.

    If youre just focusing on this, then you can easily do 4-8 hours a day, but even then, you might not be able to take it all in. Stagger out each day and just try to be consistent.

    If youre in no rush? A few hours on the weekend. The key is to just get started learning and practicing as this really is the final slog before that 6-figure salary.

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    + Best Data Structure And Algorithm Courses For Programming And Coding Interviews

    In this article, I am going to share some of the best online courses to prepare for coding/programming job interviews, and based upon your experience and skillset, you can choose one or two courses from this list to prepare for your next job interview.

    Most of these courses are focused on data structure and algorithms, which are the most important topics for any coding interview but they also teach you problem-solving and other aspects of Job interview e.g. questions from a programming language like Java and C++, Database, and SQL concepts, Linux commands, etc.

    Once you have gone through one of these online training courses, you would have enough knowledge to take on your job interview as well as know where to go for further improvement.

    This is probably the best coding interview course for Java programmers. Though no programming language is required, if you dont know Java, the author will teach you.

    In this course, you will learn how to analyze algorithms like searching, sorting, and other algorithms.

    You will also learn how to reduce the code complexity from one Big-O level to another level, an important skill to impress the interviewer.

    Furthermore, you will learn different types of data structures and how to choose the right data structure to solve a problem.

    Remember, choosing the right data structure can drastically improve the CPU and memory profile of an application.

    Here is the link to join this course Data Structure and Algorithms Analysis Job Interview

    What People Are Saying

    “I wish I had read this book 90 days ago. I wouldn’t have blown a great job that I really wanted. This book goes beyond the usual answers to questions likely to be asked. Instead of telling you what to think it teaches you HOW to think. If I had read this book first and knew what was coming I think I would have nailed it.”- J. Braun,
    “Bought this book 3 weeks before interview. Read the book twice with careful hand-writing practice on each question. Got Amazon offer. The interview had 4 questions and one was in the book.”- Larry, “This book is a must-have for any interview candidate. Not only does it give practice problems and detailed answers, but it also gives you good advice about how to approach the problems as well as what to expect. I used this book to prepare for my interviews with Microsoft, and Gayle’s insight gave me a great idea of how to prepare and how to ace the interview. I recommend this book to anyone who has a coding interview in their future.”- Michelle,

    Also Check: How To Prepare For Data Structures And Algorithms Interview

    Head First Design Patterns

    The above resource is dense and written in language thats hard to understand. While the original source material in design patterns is great, it doesnt help much if its difficult to understand.

    Consider Head First Design patterns to study a simplified explanation of those common design patterns. It might not be as in-depth as the original source material, but your understanding in design patterns will be more than enough to crack any object-oriented interview.

    Online Courses To Crack Programming Interviews

    Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions ...

    In this article, I am going to share some of the best online courses to prepare for coding/programming job interviews, and based upon your experience and skillset, you can choose one or two courses from this list to prepare for your next job interview.

    Most of these courses are focused on data structure and algorithms, which are the most important topics for any coding interview but they also teach you problem-solving and other aspects of Job interview e.g. questions from a programming language like Java and C++, Database, and SQL concepts, Linux commands, etc.

    Once you have gone through one of these online training courses, you would have enough knowledge to take on your job interview as well know where to go for further improvement.

    This is probably the best coding interview course for Java programmers. Though no programming language is required, if you don’t know Java, the author will teach you.

    In this course, you will learn how to analyze algorithms like searching, sorting, and other algorithms.

    You will also learn how to reduce the code complexity from one Big-O level to another level, an important skill to impress the interviewer.

    Furthermore, you will learn different types of data structures and how to choose the right data structure to solve a problem.

    Remember, choosing the right data structure can drastically improve the CPU and memory profile of an application.

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