Tuesday, September 10, 2024

How To Succeed In A Phone Interview

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How To Calm Your Interview Nerves During The Interview

How to Succeed with Phone Interviews

Once the interview starts, anxieties can flare up and it is easy to get flustered even if you have begun on solid footing. Reining in your nerves before they get out of control is possible even in the direst of scenarios.

10.Watch your posture

Sitting comfortably but attentively is necessary to make sure you can complete the interview without having to fidget and shuffle around, and to project an air of confidence and dynamism. Slouching is not an option, nor is sitting on the edge of your seat, so try to find a balance between the two upright and engaged without appearing flighty.

11.Calm shaky hands

If you feel your hands shaking, do not clamp them in your lap or fold your arms. By clenching your thigh muscles instead you will calm the shakes and still be able to use them to make open, honest gestures as you speak.

12.Focus on the questions

Nerves can crank your inner critic up to 11 and might mean that you miss an important aspect of a question you are asked, so try to focus on what the interviewer is saying.


Making a conscious effort to breath evenly and listen will naturally combat other issues caused by anxiety, such as a rising pulse rate, so there are a range of benefits to gain.

14.Keep in mind they are on your side

If You Have A Web Portfolio Or A Complete Linkedin Profile Direct The Interviewer To It If Possible

Imagine this: The interviewer asks you to describe a challenge you have faced. Ask if he or she has access to the Internet.

If the answer is yes, suggest they visit your web portfolio or , and have them click on your project highlights page. There, the interviewer will see what you have made public, perhaps an outline of key projects and a terrific graph that expresses your results.

Telephone interviews are truly one of the best reasons for creating a web portfolio or making sure that your LinkedIn profile is complete and shows your accomplishments.

This enables the interviewer to see your value while you talk about it.

Preparing For The Phone Interview

You may not know exactly what to expect in your first teacher phone interview, but these suggestions can increase your chances for success.

  • Do your homework. Check the school’s website to learn about programs and relevant information. If feasible, take a drive to the school to familiarize yourself with the area.
  • Identify a quiet place for the interview so you won’t be interrupted by a doorbell, a cat crawling up on your lap, or a child calling your name.
  • Be ready 10-15 minutes before you expect the call to get mentally prepared and to ensure you’re the one who answers the phone.
  • Use your attire and environment to get in the right mindset. You certainly can do a phone interview in your pajamas, but dressing for the job is always a good idea.
  • Finally, think about the questions you may be asked and practice possible answers.
  • Your interviewer will likely ask questions based on your resume, so have it in front of you with notes or points you can make. Questions about your teaching experience, familiarity with new programs, classroom management skills, and technology are common. Peruse the internet for lists of typical questions so you’ll be prepared for the interview.

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    Prepare Your Answers To Common Interview Questions

    After researching common interview questions, consider how youll answer each. Write your answers in a bullet list, highlighting specific experiences you can draw on to demonstrate your answer. Because youll be on the phone, it can be helpful to have notes in front of you during the interview to help you answer. Rehearse your answers without looking at your notes for more practice.

    If You Were Hired How Soon Can You Start

    How to Succeed in a Phone Interview after an English ...

    Oh boy. If youre an out of area hire and are required to relocate, this answer is far from a simple one.

    First off, dont ever answer with Now! Not only will you come off as desperate, but if youre already employed with another job, youre going to have to do the right thing and give notice.

    Its easy to get intimidated and over-commit to an early start datebut the worst thing you can do is give a date to a new employer and then have to ask for more time. Not the right way to start out your long and mutually beneficial working relationship! Then you have to factor in the actual logistics of making a move.

    Even one just across town can be as daunting as one across statesor in some cases, countries! Depending on the size of your move you could be looking at anything from a few days to a few months.

    Again, be honest!

    Many employers, if theyre genuinely interested in hiring you, will have programs in place to help you relocate and ease the burdens that come with a full move.

    If they dont, make sure to take that into consideration as well. Words to the wisealways ask for MORE time than you initially think youll need. Trust us, in the long run, its far better to have more time than you need than to run out and have to ask for an extension.

    One thing NOT to focus on during an initial phone interview is salaryat least not until youve had a chance to read our article When And How To Discuss Salary During The Job Interview Process.

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    Introducing Your Website In Your Phone Interview

    Once youve been able to set up your site, this is how you bring it up in a phone interview

    Traditionally, near the end of the interview the hiring manager will say something like, Is there anything else that you want me to know that we havent covered in this interview?

    Now is your chance!

    Id love you to check out my personal website JeffGillis.com. It will give you a great idea of the work I have accomplished, the experiences Ive had and most importantly, the type of person youll be getting if you decide to hire me for this position.

    In doing this you will not only give the hiring manager a much more engaging and interesting experience, but youll also show what an intelligent, dedicated and forward-thinking individual you are.

    Sounds like someone I would want to hire!

    So there you have it! If you follow the tips above , you can almost guarantee to have the interviewer eating out of your hand even if they arent in the same room as you.

    Once thats all done and youve hit send on that thank you note, reward yourself for an interview well done!

    And yes, now that youve knocked that phone interview out of the ballpark and youre confident in your tailored answers and thoughtful questionsgo ahead and put those Scooby Doo flannels back on!

    Ask About The Next Steps

    Asking your interviewer about the next steps in the interview process is a good way to express your continued interest in the role and the company. While some employers might be ready to offer you a job, others might have you come in for an in-person interview as they narrow down their candidate search. Knowing the answer to this question will give you an idea of what to expect so you can prepare for the next steps.

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    The Importance Of Getting A Teacher Phone Interview Right

    Some applicants may think that a face-to-face interview is where you really shine. But if you don’t do well during the phone interview, there may not be a second interview. How you perform on the phone matters.

    Last year, a new teaching colleague of mine was looking for a job in a state facing serious teacher shortages. She applied for jobs online at several schools, and within 48 hours, she had two phone interviews and one Skype interview. Every interview ended with an offer of employment. Because of her preparation and interview skills, she was able to choose from three opportunities.

    What Job Interview Anxiety Looks Like

    How to Succeed at a Phone Interview… [sort of]

    Interview anxiety can manifest itself in lots of noticeable ways, from shortness of breath and blushing to an intense need to use the loo at an inconvenient moment.

    The pressure to impress prospective employers often evokes such responses, but mastering nervous urges and turning them to your advantage is not always straightforward.

    While a job interview would hardly be classed as a dangerous situation, it is an unfamiliar one and one where we feel the need to be on guard and to give the right answers. As we start to feel nervous or anxious, many changes start to happen in the body almost all of them subconsciously.

    • In response to the release of hormones such as adrenaline, your blood pressure increases and breathing speeds up preparing you for muscular effort, i.e. the fight or flight.
    • For most people that is as far as it goes and they feel energised and ready.
    • For others the feelings can be more intense and they may experience some shakiness and muscles may become tense
    • The palms of the hands and feet may become either sweaty or cold and clammy.

    What you need to remember is that all of these reactions are perfectly normal and naturalWalking the tightrope of interview nerves requires practice and preparation, and there are some steps you can take to get ahead of the pack.

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    Pause Before Answering Questions

    Dont be afraid of silence. You will sound better if you take a second to breathe and think. Come up with a few phrases you can use to acknowledge the question before you pause and breathe. The examples below will buy you valuable time:

    • Great question let me think about that
    • Hmmm that sparks several thoughts
    • Im going to consider that for a second

    We worry about filling every second with words, but it takes confidence to be silent and it makes you sound smarter. Communicate confidence by giving yourself a moments pause before answering.

    Further Reading:

    Prepare Your Salary Number

    Yes, this is might come up, especially if the phone interview is an initial screening call with HR. So youll want to have a smart answer ready.

    Figure out what youre worth by using a salary calculator and reading this article and this one. Then practice how youll convey that request by reading this article on discussing salary requirements.

    And check out this article if you find yourself being asked the question, Whats your current salary?

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    Telephone Interview Tips: Dos And Donts

    Recruiters call me on my cell phone

    More and more companies are turning to telephone interviews as their ideal way of screening candidates. But aside from treating it the same as a regular interview , how can you make sure youre best prepared when you finally get the call?

    Weve already covered some common phone interview questions, but to help you stand out, here are some of our top telephone interview tips:

    Have Your Job Materials Nearby

    How to succeed in a telephone job interview?

    You should feel comfortable and ready to discuss your background and skills confidently during a phone conversation. Have a copy of your resume nearby, so that you can refer to it during the interview. Also have a copy of the job posting and a copy of your cover letter if you sent one.

    Consider creating a draft email or a new Word or Google file with all of the relevant information. That way, you’ll have all the detailsnotes on the company, key points you want to emphasize during the interview, your cover letter, the job posting, and so onin one spot.

    Also Check: How To Record An Interview On Iphone

    Greet The Individual Who Answers The Call

    First, greet the individual who answers your call. For instance, a receptionist may be the professional who you greet, and they need to know your purpose for calling and who you are contacting. Introduce yourself to the individual by stating your name and the reason you called. Likewise, the interviewer may answer the call personally. In this case, follow the same procedure of introducing yourself and your reason for calling.

    Example:Hi, I’m Gemma, and I’m calling for a scheduled phone interview for the accounts payable clerical position.”

    Example:Hello, this is Gemma, and I’m calling regarding our scheduled phone interview today.”

    Be Happy And Confident:

    While talking on the phone might not come naturally to you, you can take some comfort by having an interview without the pressures of sitting in front of three or four members of the company all staring at you. If you relax and smile as much as possible while speaking, it will allow you to give positive answers and sound confident which is much more likely to impress your employer as it emphasizes your enthusiasm.

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    How To Succeed In A Telephone Interview Like A Pro

    Estimated reading time: 4 mins

    8 Tips for succeeding in your telephone interview like a Pro, right here.

    In a face-to-face interview, the interview environment is normally out of your control but in a telephone interview its usually you that sets it out. Where you hold the call, what surrounds you, the temperature, the lighting, the seating, etc. So use this opportunity as its well worth putting in a bit of preparation for your telephone interview.

  • A Telephone Interview is an Interview, so treat it like one. Dont participate in your shorts. Go into your interview in the same way you would an interview in person do your research dress smartly, this will put your mind in the right place. Several studies have each shown that dressing smartly has a positive impact on personal performance.
  • Avoid distractions hold the call in a quiet room, away from screens, music and pets . You wouldnt watch a TV in a face-to-face interview, so why would you in a telephone interview? You wouldnt bring your dog to meet your new boss, would you? Distractions can totally kill your concentration and quickly turn a great interview into an awful interview.
  • Hope these help you in totally rocking your telephone interview! Good luck!

    Prepare Questions You Want To Ask

    How To Pass a Phone Interview – Practical Advice and Tips

    Interviewers want to know youre interested in the position youre applying for. Display your interest by asking insightful questions at the end of the interview. Some questions you could ask include:

    • What will my daily responsibilities include?
    • What is the workplace environment like?
    • What is your favorite part of working for the company?

    Read more: 17 Best Questions to Ask Your Interviwer

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    Talking To A Recruiter Heres What You Should Know About That Phone Call

    If your phone interview is actually with a recruiter who found you via LinkedIn or another source, thats awesome! Youll want to keep several things in mind.

    First off, this is still an interview. It shouldnt be a formal conversation , but you should still do your research, practice some responses, and prepare your own questions. And youll want to express enthusiasm for the opportunity and speaking with themeven if youre not actually all that interested in the role .

    As Muse writer and career coach Jenny Foss points out, you have the upper hand because the recruiter is rooting for you to succeed. So use that to ask for their help and suggestions in moving on to the next round and express clearly your intentions for the role, like your salary demands and ideal set of responsibilities.

    Fast Company

    Uncommon Tips For Acing A Phone Interview

    The telephone interview is rapidly regaining ground with so many companies operating on solid social distancing rules. While phone interviews are less personal than video calls, they can still be a very useful tool for uncovering weaknesses in a potential employee, vendor or partnerespecially given how unprepared interviewees may be when it comes to projecting a good image of themselves over the phone.

    Dealing with a telephone interview is a skill in itself. It’s an entirely different setting from an office or video call interview, and job seekers need to be able to handle this medium just as well as the others. Here, 15 professionals fromForbes Coaches Council share less-known, but highly effective tips for approaching a phone interview with confidence and poise to ensure your success.

    Forbes Coaches Council members discuss ways candidates can successfully navigate phone interviews.

    1. Find Affinity With Your Interviewer

    Finding affinity with someone is always an effective way to build rapport. During a phone interview, it’s more difficult because you cannot make that powerful, in-person human connection. Instead, research that person via LinkedIn or company website to find a commonality. Find out if they attended the same school, worked at the same company or if they’re from the same city, etc. and mention that commonality during the interview. –Johanna Wise,ConnectWorkThrive

    2. Record Yourself Asking Questions

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    Never Talk Over The Interviewer

    You might be eager to get your point across or talk about your experience, but interrupting the interviewer is awkward and rude when youre speaking on the phone, even more so than in face-to-face interviews. Interviewing can be stressful and sometimes that stress manifests itself in speaking too fast, speaking too loud, talking over the interviewer, or attempting to answer the interviewer’s question before they have actually finished asking the question, says Taylor. Don’t do this. Theres a big difference between being assertive and being aggressive, and interviewers can always recognize it.

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