Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Thank An Employer For An Interview

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Email Sample : Responding To Accept A Phone Interview Request

How to Thank an Employer After a Job Interview

If youve applied for a job and the hiring manager or HR department has responded to your job application and invited you for a phone interview, heres a sample template you can use to respond.

Hello NAME,

Thanks for getting back to me. Id love to have a phone interview and learn more about the position and what youre looking for.

Here is my availability this week:

  • Tuesday Wednesday, 11:00 am 5:00 pm Eastern Time
  • Thursday Friday, 8:00 am 3:00 pm Eastern Time

The best number to reach me: 555-182-5872

If none of these times work, please let me know and Ill be happy to come up with some other options, too. I look forward to speaking with you.

Also, if youre able to tell me who will be calling, thatd be a big help. I always like to research and prepare ahead of time!

Best regards, Your Name

This is a great way of responding to an interview request because youre avoiding back-and-forth emails for the scheduling, and youre also finding out the person youll be talking to so you can prepare ahead of time!

Who To Thank After A Job Interview

Many employers conduct panel interviews during the hiring process. While the hiring manager is typically present at these meetings, you might also meet with potential colleagues, including direct reports. Its important to thank these folks as well, in order to demonstrate that you appreciate their taking time out of their schedule to meet with you.

Your thank-you will also show that you understand the importance of mutual respect in a productive manager-report relationship.

Finally, depending on company culture, its very possible that your potential direct reports will have a say in whether or not to hire you. Fail to express your appreciation, and you might lose out on the job offer.

Write Your Draft Immediately After The Interview

As soon as your phone interview is complete, you should begin typing your email while the events of the interview are still fresh in your brain. You can type out the email and return to it the next day. This helps your brain revisit this content after it has had a few moments to refresh. You should send this email within 24 hours after your interview to help the interviewer remember who you are and to show your promptness.

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Add Your Signature And Proofread

You can now add your signature to the end of the email. This can be your first and last name. If you’d like your interviewer to view your online profile or any social media pages, you can share this at the end of the email as well.

Once you’ve added the signature, you can proofread your email to ensure that it’s free of any grammatical or spelling errors. You should also reread your message to ensure it’s clear and simple for the reader to understand. After everything is reread, you can send it to the interviewer.

Do Interviewers Respond Back To A Thank You Note

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Consider it a merger, of sorts, between good manners and proper business etiquette. Sending a prospective employer a thank-you note following an interview is also one of the best gestures you can make to stand out from the competition. It should rank highly on your to-do list.

Of course, this follow-up gesture doesn’t guarantee a response, but you can do all you can to mitigate this frustration by understanding a note’s value, learning how to write an effective one and knowing how to conduct yourself if you become ghosted.

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How To Respond When An Employer Requests An Interview

In this case, you should send your response the same day. This shows enthusiasm for the role and respect for the employers time.

Begin your interview confirmation email with a note of thanks. If possible, agree to the employers suggested day and time. However, if you are currently working and your schedule is not flexible, most employers will accommodate your situation. Below is a sample email to consider if an employer contacts you requesting an interview:

Dear Ms. Wade,

Thank you for your consideration and the invitation to interview for the Social Media Manager role at XYZ Company. I am available this Wednesday at 1:30 pm, and I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this position in more detail.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information prior to our meeting on Wednesday afternoon at your offices.

Sincerely,Jaime JonesPhone: 555-1234

The response is short, clear and positive. It reinforces the date and location of the interview. Theres no need to include additional detailsyoull discuss the specifics during the interview.

Use Good Quality Thank You Notes Or Paper

If you are going to hand write your note, use standard thank you notes you find in a stationery/card store. Dont use fancy and flowery cards unless they are appropriate for the business , and avoid very small cards since that will limit your ability to include sufficient information.

Thank you notes typically fold in half with Thank you on the top and the inside blank. Hand write your thank you on the bottom half or the right half of the inside of the note, depending on how the card works, so that your note is immediately visible without having to turn the card to view it when opened.

If you are sending a word processed note, be sure to have good quality paper in your printer with, hopefully, matching envelopes for you to use.

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How Do You Inform Unsuccessful Interview Candidates

Some things you should include in an email to an unsuccessful candidate after an interview are:

  • The job title and company name where theyve applied.
  • A thank you for coming to the interview, personalized with details about what was discussed.
  • A brief statement about not continuing the hiring process with the applicant.
  • Prompt To Take The Next Step

    How To Follow Up With An Employer After Sending A Thank You Note

    To close the thank-you note, encourage the hiring manager to take the next step in the hiring process. Reference what you learned during the interview to complete this section since you may need to provide references or complete a second interview to get the job. For example, you can write, Please don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.

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    Accept Or Decline The Offer

    In the next paragraph of the letter, you can state whether you’d like to accept or decline the offer. If you choose to accept the offer, be sure to show your enthusiasm. If you want to decline the offer, be sure to be polite and respectful. Briefly state your reason for declining the position and express interest in staying in contact with the company for future job opportunities.

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    Use A Professional Greeting

    Post-interview thank you notes are forms of professional communication, so its best to use a title, such as Mr./Ms./Dr. and their last name to address your email. If your interviewer requested to use first names, then you can use their first name in your salutation. Consider using Dear or Hello to ensure your communication remains professional.

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    When To Send A Thank You For Your Consideration Email

    Regardless of the situation, you should send thank-you emails within 24 hours. Here are some situations where sending a follow-up email is the right move:

    • Post-interview. We recommend following up after each interview you have with a recruiter or hiring manager. Even if its just a brief phone interview to screen candidates, sending a thank-you note will help you stand out in the interviewers mind.

      You should follow up after your second and third-round interviews as well. Be sure to send personalized thank-you notes to every person you meet to talk with about the position.

    • When youre rejected for a job. It may seem like adding insult to injury, but thanking an employer even when they turn you down is good practice. You maintain a professional relationship with the hiring manager or recruiter, and theyre more likely to keep you in mind for future positions if you send the right type of email response.

    • When youre turning down a role. Sometimes youre offered a job that you dont want. Its still good to thank the employer for considering you as their top candidate. You might want a higher or different role at the same company or working with the same recruiter, and this message leaves the door open for that possibility.

    Build a professional resume in minutes. Browse through our resume examples to identify the best way to word your resume. Then choose from 10+ resume templates to create your resume.

    Job Offer Thank You Letter And Email Samples

    FREE 6+ Sample Post Interview Thank You Letter Templates ...

    When you receive a job offer, it’s appropriate to send a thank-you letter. Even if youve already accepted the job offer verbally, sending a letter allows you to formally confirm the new position.

    Following up with a letter is a good idea even when youve declined the offer, as it gives you a chance to be gracious and leave the possibility open for a future relationship with the company.

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    Think Of It As More Than A Thank You

    Even more than polite and proper etiquette, this is a chance for you to reiterate your personal selling points. A successful note will express gratitude as well as continue the conversation from the interview. Include your qualifications for the position, and use the opportunity to address anything that you felt you might have missed during the interview.

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    How To Write Thank

    Most job seekers put a lot of effort into crafting a resume and preparing for an interview. Heres what many people dont spend much time on but should: thank-you emails after interviews.

    Its surprising how many job candidates dont bother to send a thank-you note, because it really does make a positive impression on employers. Its a simple step to take, and it can separate you from equally qualified candidates who dont send a thank-you email after an interview. And yes, you should write a thank-you message after a video interview just as you would an in-person meeting.

    If the challenge of crafting a great thank-you email is holding you back from sending one, youve come to the right place.

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    Decide Between Email Or Paper

    Most businesses will accept an emailed thank you, but be aware of the company and its values. For example, more traditional organizations may prefer a handwritten thank you note. Though usually unnecessary, most of the time a paper note will seem more personal, and it will likely set you apart from other candidates. The mail service could delay your note, so consider dropping it off in person to ensure it gets there promptly.

    If you’re unsure, you can always send both an email and a paper thank you note. In this case, send the email as soon as you get home from the interview, then mail the formal letter as soon as you can after that.

    Key Components To Writing A Thank

    How to Write a Thank You Letter After a Job Interview

    There are several elements to a good post-interview thank-you email. The tone and style of the thank-you note should match your personality, the position youre applying for, and the industry. However, there is a general structure you can follow, which weve outlined below.

  • Greetings. First, youll want to make sure you address the interviewer directly in the email, now that youve met them. Avoid using general terms like sir or madam.
  • Body. Begin by expressing gratitude for the opportunity and the time they took to interview you. Let them know youre very interested in the job and why youre qualified for it. Add a personal touch by recalling a specific part of the conversation during the interview.Next, add a call to action within the email. For example, you could offer to provide additional information, a portfolio, or a reference from a previous manager.
  • Sign off. At the end of the email add a professional signature that also has your contact information. Finally, send the email with a clear and concise subject line.
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    Before You Send Proofread Everything

    Email templates are only as good as the effort you put into filling them out and proofreading them.

    Go over every detail and make sure it actually makes sense for your situation. If not, sending that thank you email or letter will do more harm than good.

    Example: In the third sample email earlier in this article, it says, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.

    If you had a phone interview, you should say, thank you for taking the time to talk on the phone with me.


    Otherwise, its going to sound a bit odd, and they might suspect you just cut & pasted from a template. Not good!

    So be careful, take your time with these sample emails, and make sure every single word makes sense.

    How To Respond To An Interview Request

    To respond to an interview request, follow the steps below:

  • Start your email by thanking the hiring manager for their consideration.
  • If youre interested in the position, provide your availability along with your phone number.
  • If you are not interested, respond politely with a short explanatory message.
  • Keep your tone professional and upbeat.
  • Avoid emojis, emoticons and slang.
  • Proofread your messages for typos before you hit send.
  • Here are a few email examples of how to respond to an interview request and follow-up questions:

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    If I Dont Get This Job I Dont Know What Ill Do

    Yes, you want that job. But, you still need to avoid these types of phrases that place even more of a burden on that employer. You can be enthusiastic about the opportunity without making it the thing thats solely responsible for your happiness and well-being.

    Emotional threats like this one wont do you any favors. On the contrary, they only make you seem desperateand perhaps even a little unstable.

    Send The Email Quickly

    Job Interview Thank You Letter

    Standard turnaround time for a thank you message is within 24 hours of the meeting. Its best to send your thank you email a few hours after your interview to remind them of your positive interactions as they consider their hiring decision. If your interview is in the afternoon, you can send the email the next morning at the beginning of the business day to make your message one of the first your interviewer reads.

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    Email Sample : Accepting A Recruiters Invitation To Talk

    If youre contacted by a recruiter who youve never spoken with, then you can use the sample email to respond and express interest. Just reply to the same email address that they contacted you from.

    Hello NAME,

    Thank you for contacting me about this role. It sounds interesting. Id love to hear more about the position.

    Here is my availability to talk on the phone this week:

    Monday Thursday, 7:00 am 2:00 pm Central Time.

    The best number to reach me: 555-281-6872

    Thanks, and I look forward to talking with you.

    Best regards, Your name

    As mentioned earlier, include multiple days/times in terms of availability. And if they dont already have your contact info, then include that, too.

    Also, make sure you have a professional-sounding voicemail recording! You dont want employers and recruiters calling you and hearing an unprofessional voicemail that you recorded when you were in high school and forgot about!

    Mistakes To Avoid When You Reply To Accept An Interview

    If you read the tips above, you should know how to respond to an interview request to get an interview quickly and make a great impression at the same time.

    However, there are some BIG mistakes you need to avoid while doing this, so I want to make sure you know those, too

    First, dont let your interview invitation sit for too long. You should try to respond within 24-48 hours if possible. You dont need to be checking email constantly, but dont leave the company waiting for a week, either.

    Also, dont respond without taking the time to indicate at least one day or time that would work for an interview. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate that you take initiative and are a great communicator. So Id recommend providing multiple days/times to help them schedule the interview.

    Next, always proofread your email! Having a typo or mistake in your email probably wont cost you the interview , but it does make a poor impression.

    So always check your email for mistakes before sending it! Proofread from top-to-bottom, and bottom-to-top. Thats a good trick that will help you catch more errors!

    And finally the biggest mistake of all going into the interview without preparing! It takes a lot of effort to find a good position to apply to, submit your resume and paperwork, schedule an interview, etc. Right?

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    Write A Fantastic Thank You Letter After Your Interview

    So the interview is over. You did well, or perhaps you made a mistake or two. But whats next? Should you wait for a call from an employer? Should you ? One of the least obtrusive ways of following up an interview is sending a short thank you letter. No pressure. No deadlines. Nothing personal. No phone calls. Just a short note, thanking them for their time and effort in an interview. Long text is not always necessary.

    Once you send a thank you note, it is a clear sign to the employer that you still want the job, after everything that has happened in an interview. And you dont even have to mention it on your letter. If you werent interested, you simply wouldnt send it It is clear to everyone, including your future employer.

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