Saturday, September 7, 2024

Free Online Interview And Interrogation Courses

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Reducing Risks: An Executive’s Guide To Effective Juvenile Interview And Interrogation

Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques & Training: TED “type” talk.

The IACP, in collaboration with OJJDP and the Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth at Northwestern University School of Law, launched this publication in 2014 to provide a guidebook of effective, developmentally-appropriate and legally-sound methods for interviewing and interrogating youth. The guidebook includes:

  • Recommended best practices for interrogation and investigative follow-up
  • Key cases highlighting court decisions that affect the policing field
  • Quotes from youth and investigators with experience in the interrogation room
  • Sample documents

After Taking The Course

  • Youll learn the practical and legal ways to convince a suspect to talk to you.
  • Youll learn an efficient way even patrol officers can perform a great interview.
  • Youll leave this course completely confident about the intricacies of law.
  • This course is a new, modern course specifically designed for both patrol officers and detectives.

Practical Kinesic Interview And Interrogation Courses

Practical Kinesic Interview and Interrogation ® Training Options :

Interview and interrogation training designed to fit the needs of any integrity interviewing and interrogation situation.

Course curriculum designed specifically for agencies and departments with specialinterview and interrogation training for their specific needs and skill sets.

-Different lengths to meet staffing and specific job descriptions.

-Priced to made the budget demand of getting the best interview and interrogation training for the dollar spent.

-Practical Kinesic Interview and Interrogation® training courses available as either in-service training or co-host programs.

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Online Intermediate Training Course

The IACP, in partnership with OJJDP, launched an online training titled Intermediate Juvenile Interview and Interrogation Techniques in 2015. This training provides information on best practices and procedures in juvenile interview and interrogation tactics for law enforcement, with a focus on age-appropriate methods for improving interactions with youth during investigations. Training topics include:

  • Strategies for communicating with youth
  • Understanding youth body language and how it differs from adults
  • Developmentally appropriate strategies to elicit complete and accurate information during interviews and interrogations with youth
  • Strategies to safeguard youth from trauma during interviews and interrogations
  • Administering Miranda rights in an age-appropriate manner
  • Special considerations for diverse populations when interviewing or interrogating youth
  • Culturally specific communication styles that may impact interviewing youth
  • Ensuring admissible and true youth confessions.

This self-paced, interactive course is available at no-cost and is targeted to law enforcement who interview and/or interrogate youth. The techniques discussed in the course focus on juvenile suspects and witnesses, ages 10 to 17, and do not cover child forensic interviewing.

To register, visit:

Can I Learn About Interviewing By Taking Online Courses On Coursera

5 Online Interview And Interrogation Courses

This is an easy question to answer: yes! Whether youâre an experienced job searcher looking to upgrade your interview skills or just starting your career, and whether you speak English natively or need to work on your English language skills, Coursera has courses to meet your needs. You can improve your interview skills with courses and Specializations from top-ranked universities like University of Maryland, College Park, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of California San Diego. Coursera also gives you the opportunity to learn about interviewing with Salesforce, an industry leader in providing software for customer relationship management as well as human resources management.â

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Who This Course Is For:

  • Investigators, Human Resources Officers, Auditors, Private Investigators, Law Enforcement Officers,
  • Criminal Justice students and researchers interested in learning more about interrogation and interviewing methods
  • 4.5 Instructor Rating
  • 5,458 Students
  • 1 Course

Daren Jay is a career investigator whose bread and butter is interviewing witnesses, victims and suspects. He is currently appointed as a Lecturer in Policing with Charles Sturt University and is an internationally recognised expert speaker on the subject of interrogation and interviewing techniques. Daren is also currently employed as a Senior Investigator investigating fraud and corruption with the New South Wales government in Australia.

Daren has pursued an extensive career in policing and maintains a healthy interest in interviewing, tech and sport. He claims to be possessed of a footballing talent that has never been recognised….. by anyone.

What Are Common Career Paths For Someone Interested In Conducting Interviews

Those who study interviewing because they work or want to work on the other end of the processâconducting interviewsâwill often go into fields like human resources or business management. However, almost anyone who runs or manages a business will conduct interviews at some point during their careers. Learning more about the process can help prepare you to be an excellent business leader who makes good hiring decisions that improve your company. Learning more about the interviewing process can also help if you want to become an entrepreneur.â

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What Skills Or Experience Do I Need To Already Have Before Starting To Learn About Interviewing

Anyone who is ready to look for a job is qualified to study interviewing. Because the interview process is necessary for almost any job, even entry-level positions, you won’t need any previous skills or background. However, if you have interviewed for jobs in the past, that experience can help you gain more from your studies. A background in areas like human resources, sales, negotiation, business management, and communication may also help prepare you to learn more about the interview process.â

In Addition You Are Going To Leave This Training With The Confidence To Know You Can Complete Any Type Of Interview In A Modern Legal And Professional Manner

AWS Interview Questions | AWS Interview Questions And Answers 2022 | AWS Training | Simplilearn

Deputy Javier Acosta, San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office

I had no experience with interviews. This made me much more confident.

Deputy Aubrey Phillips, Alameda County Sheriff’s Office

Learning T.E.D.S. and conversation launchers was great because now I have more tools to help me get the facts.

Officer Damien Wyrick, San Francisco Police Department

Before this course I was feeling insufficient as an investigator but in this course I learned about T.E.D.S, the question funnel and conversation launchers and now I feel more confident to interview suspects and witnesses.

Deputy M.D., San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office

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This Is A Comprehensive Modern Interview And Interrogation Course For Law Enforcement Officers

This course includes skill development in the following domains:

  • Conversation Management
  • Suspect, Victim, Witness and Informant Interviews
  • Non-Coercive Interviewing
  • The Pitfalls of Using Outdated Techniques

To register you must be a working law enforcement officer.Parole and probation officers are welcome.This course is California Post Certified.

Online Introductory Training Series

The IACP, in collaboration with OJJDP, launched an online training series on juvenile interview and interrogation techniques in 2014. This introductory-level series includes four courses, including:

  • Introduction to Developing Rapport with Youth
  • Introduction to Analyzing Juvenile Behavior
  • Introduction to Juvenile Interviewing Techniques
  • Introduction to Juvenile Interrogation Techniques

Through interactive lessons and activities, participants will learn the fundamental investigative skills, tactics, and procedures that result in effective juvenile interviews and interrogations. The courses include instruction on:

  • Understanding adolescent development and youth culture and its impact on interviews and interrogations of juveniles
  • Interpreting youth behavior during an interview or interrogation
  • Techniques for building and establishing rapport with youth
  • Constructing age-appropriate statements and questions
  • Strategies and approaches designed for interviewing and interrogating youth
  • Cautions and considerations for interviewing and interrogating youth, including how to reduce the likelihood of false or coerced confessions.

To register, visit:

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Juvenile Interview And Interrogation

The juvenile interview and interrogation landscape has undergone an unprecedented upheaval in the last decade as numerous studies have demonstrated that juveniles are particularly likely to give false information and even falsely confess when questioned by law enforcement. Based on this research, court decisions, all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, are leading police to question juveniles differently than adults. The IACP, in partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, have launched a series of training, tools, and resources for law enforcement on effective juvenile interview and interrogation.

What Kinds Of Careers Can I Get With Interviewing Skills

Online Interview Training

Being able to approach interviews with confidence is an essential skill for the pursuit of virtually any career path. Whether youâre looking to work as an administrative assistant, a software engineer, or a financial analyst, mastering the art of the interview will help you land the job you want – regardless of whether youâre just beginning your career, looking to switch careers, or already have a successful career and want to advance it further.

If you have strong interpersonal communications skills and an understanding of how interviews fit into the job search process, you could pursue a career in human resources . Human resources managers are responsible for planning and coordinating an organizationâs staffing needs, including recruitment and hiring. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, human resources managers earn a median annual salary of $116,720, and jobs in this field are expected to grow faster than the economy-wide average over the next decade.â

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Enabling Officials To Perform Intelligence Interviews To Regional And International Standards

The EU Intelligence Interviewing & Interrogation Course combines foundation and advanced interrogation, interview, debrief and elicitation courses as prescribed by international and regional curriculum. Students will learn how to conduct witness, victim, suspect and specialist interviews, applying various psychological models and theories in various environments. Students will also learn how to elicit information from and debrief resistant and cooperative sources. The course will also develop enhanced communications skills in students and help them obtain information effectively by applying advanced methods, techniques and theory. The course draws particular focus to regional and international law, ethical standards, risk, safety and security.

Introducing students to intelligence interviewing, the course takes students with an existing knowledge of intelligence to the position of recognised intelligence interviewers.

Model Policy & Issues And Concepts Paper

The purpose of the IACP Model Policy on Interviewing and Interrogating Juveniles is to provide police officers with procedures for interviewing and interrogating juveniles that are both legal and consistent with the limitations in maturity and emotional development characteristic of juveniles. The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized the emotional and developmental differences between adults and juveniles and the implications that this has on the conduct of juvenile interviews in general and interrogations in particular. These differences must be taken into account when an officer conducts an interview or interrogation of a juvenile. Officers shall follow this policy in order to observe the legal rights of juveniles and protect against charges of police coercion or intimidation during interviews and interrogations of juveniles. This 2012 Model Policy has an accompanying Concepts & Issues Paper, issued in 2013.

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Introduction To Interview & Interrogation

Course Description: This unique course offers investigators insight into what a person is actually saying and, most importantly, what they are not saying. Studies have found that while the majority of people do not lie, they instead choose to omit information. This is more commonly referred to as, Lie by Omission and not by Commission. In doing so, people display involuntary signs of nonverbal body language they offer Evasive Verbal Responses to direct bipolar questioning, and their written statements often identify areas that are sensitive to them. While the type of crime is inconsequential, what is important is that the person giving the information is affected by the same passions of guilt, stress, and psychological reasoning relating to their particular crime.

Students analyze a variety of written statements and view multiple recorded sessions of actual interviews. Many of the myths and mistakes commonly encountered by investigators are detailed with written and audio-visual aids.

Course Length: 8 hours

How Do I Know If Learning About Interviewing Is Right For Me

Linked Lists for Technical Interviews – Full Course

Anyone who has never had a job interview before can benefit from learning about the process. You may also consider learning about interviewing if you’ve had one before and didn’t do so well. Even if you’ve already got a job, but you want to move to a new field or seek a promotion, you may want to learn about interviewing so you can ace those that are more complicated or advanced. Learning about interviews can also help you prepare to enter college, graduate school, or a professional organization.â

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The Reid Technique Of Interviewing And Interrogation For School Administrators

This seven part program was specifically designed for school administrators. The material presented in this program will significantly enhance the interviewing skills of Principals, Assistant Principals, Deans or any other school administrator who investigates student and/or staff misconduct or wrongdoing.

Legal Considerations You Need To Know:

Some antiquated interviewing techniques have been implicated as being coercive and potentially causing false confessions. Using those outdated techniques can be disastrous for not only an innocent person but for you and your agency. Make sure you learn how to spot a problem and what to do about it. New legislature across the United States will require law enforcement officers to be trained in non-coercive interviewing. Our Modern Interview and Interrogation course will teach you how to use safe, legal, and ethical techniques to get to the truth.

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What Are Interviews And Why Are They Important To Learn About

An interview is a meeting between two or more people in which one party asks the other party questions. The interview format is familiar from television and movies, with reporters, police, or government officials interviewing sources to learn the facts about a given topic or event. However, interviews are also a very important part of the process of searching for a job, as employers typically interview candidates one or more times to evaluate their personality and skills to see if they are a good fit for a position.

Unlike a news interview where a source can simply answer questions to the best of their ability, successful job interviews should be approached with preparation and strategy. An interview is your chance to demonstrate your professional communications skills, tell your story in a way that conveys your competencies and strengths, and convince your potential employer that youâre the right fit for their organizational needs and workplace culture. Itâs also important to learn how to ask your own questions to determine how well an organization fits with your personality, career goals, and salary objectives.â

Virtual Interview And Interrogation Techniques Courses

ULTIMATE Online Interview Training Course [30 DAYS FREE ACCESS ...

Introduction to Interview and Interrogation for New Detectives and Criminal Investigators 6 Hour Virtual Course

Course Description

A critical pillar of the investigative process is the interviewing of victims, witnesses, sources and potential suspects. Imagine the direct impact, both positive and negative that the quality of the information gained and the interview and interrogation tactics used can have on the prosecution of a case. The simple truth is that the courts have already started focusing on the faulty and in some cases extremely dated methods and techniques currently in use.

The plan of action for this course is provide an updated foundation of productive as well as ethical interview and interrogation techniques. Allowing new detectives, criminal investigators and first responders to develop their skills by trial and error is unacceptable. The ultimate cost of legal liability and subsequent litigation is quickly reaching an unsustainable level. Especially since the problem could avoided by early training in the current science of interview and interrogation.

How to Conduct “Recall Enhanced” Victim & Witness Interviews: Beyond the 5 W’s and 1 H. 3 Hour Virtual Course

Course Description

I didnt know it was important. You didnt ask me. Two victim and witness comments that indicate their interviews were incomplete and poorly conducted.

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Electronic Recording of Interviews & Interrogations:Facts, Fiction & Fallacies2-Hour Virtual Course

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What Topics Can I Study That Are Related To Interviewing

While learning about interviewing can help you get a job, there are other topics you can study to enhance your skills. These might include communication, English, writing, and public speaking. All of these will help you build confidence and leave a better impression at a job interview. You may also want to learn the art of negotiation. You might consider specialized topics, like resume and cover letter writing or how to interview for specific types of jobs.â

Will Manion

Interview & Interrogation Instructor

Will Manion is a retired Sergeant for the San Jose Police Department. Sgt. Manion started his police career in 1989 and in 27 years of service worked the Narcotic Enforcement Team, Merge Team, DEA Task Force, Homicide Detective and Airport Security Sergeant. Sgt. Manion received major police awards including California Post Investigator of the year award for a Homicide Case where a convicted person was exonerated of a murder he did not commit.

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