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What To Write In A Thank You After An Interview

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Tips To Writing A Thank You Email After An Interview

How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview (+ a Template!)

When your diligent work perfecting your resume leads to an interview, there is a period where you wait for a response from the company. Often, a good next step is to send a follow-up email to thank the person for taking the time to interview you. This shows a hiring manager you are serious about the job and know their time is valuable. In this article, we discuss some good ways to approach the thank you email after an interview with some examples you can model your own email after.

Writing A Winning Interview Thank

Many aspects of the job search process have changed over the years. However, one thing has remained unchanged, and that is the importance of sending an interview thank-you note after meeting with a prospective employer.

You might think that a thank-you note is old-fashioned and a minor part of the job search process. But thats where youd be wrong. Most employers still expect to receive oneand they usually appreciate and take note of the gesture.

The act of writing an interview thank-you email is fairly simple, takes little time, and canmake a huge impact. It can help you stand out from the competition and show that youre willing to go above and beyond what is required of you in an interview.

Can I Send A Thank

There are no official rules when it comes to thank-you emails. We recommend sending them within 24 hours of the interview to increase your chances of getting the position. However, there are circumstances where this is not possible. Or sometimes we simply forget. If you find yourself in this situation, dont be put off from sending an email, even if its a week late.

Its better to send an email late than never to send one at all. Dont forget, the goal of the email is to express your sincere gratitude for the opportunity of the interview. Even if you dont get this job, you never know when your path with the interviewer might cross again in the future.

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What To Include In The Subject Line Of A Post

There are several items that you can include in your subject line, such as:

  • Your first and last name: Remind the hiring agent of your interview by mentioning your name.
  • The position you interviewed for: Include the job title, which can help separate your email from some of the other emails in the hiring managers inbox.
  • Date of the interview: Add the date to help the interviewer recall your interview.
  • A relevant query about the interview: Use this technique to stay in contact and build rapport with the hiring manager. Make sure that your question is relevant to the hiring process.
  • A mention of additional information: If you have any relevant details to add to what you discussed at the interview, include this in the subject line and specify these details in the body of your email. This subject line format can lead to a dialogue and a better relationship with the interviewer.
  • A positive reference to something the interviewer said or did: Complimenting the recruiter via the subject line indicates that you paid attention to the interviewer and appreciated the interview opportunity, so this is a practical tactic for an effective topic sentence. complimenting the recruiter can be a great item to include in your subject line.
  • A thank you: Demonstrate your appreciation for the interview with a simple thank you and make a positive impression on the interviewer.

How To Write The Perfect Thank You Email After An Interview

Sample Thank You Letter After Interview Download Printable ...

Aftab left the interview room feeling giddy as he had one of the best job interviews in his life. Hes confident that the recruiters will call him for a second interview. But a few days pass by and he hasnt received a word.

Aftab made one tiny mistakehe didnt follow up with the recruiters. Even the most confident job-seekers need to follow up after an interview. The best way to seal the deal is by crafting a perfect thank you note. Read on to explore the secrets thatll teach you how to thank for an interview and impress potential employers.

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How To Write A Thank You Email After A Phone Interview

As you write your thank you email, you should focus on the items discussed in your interview and highlight any skills or qualifications you’d like the interviewer to remember. Follow the steps below to write an effective thank you email once the phone interview is complete:

  • Take notes of the interviewer’s name and any other important information.
  • Create your subject line and greeting.
  • Thank the recipient for the interview.
  • Explain what makes you the best fit for the role.
  • Expand on any discussions you had in the interview.
  • Mention that you look forward to hearing from them.
  • Add your signature and proofread.
  • Yes You Should Send A Thank You Email

    You might be thinking: Why do I need to send a thank-you email in the first place? After all, wasnt the hiring managers opinion of me solidified in the interview? What possible difference would an email make now?

    If you interviewed for a sales or customer success position, a follow-up thank-you email is not a step you can afford to skip. Neglecting to send it may signal a lack of initiative and communicativeness that hiring managers look for in customer-facing roles.

    With sales, you want follow through, you want to evaluate their forms of communication, because it gives you some indication of how that candidate will be at your company in the role, Stephen Jensen, director of mid market at KeepTruckin, told Built In. You want to see those built-in best behaviors.

    In most other cases, the post-interview thank-you email probably isnt going to make or break your chances of getting the job. Its more of a nice-to-have. But you should probably send one anyway.

    Its never a bad thing, Jensen added.

    Kirsten Nelson, a career coach, said the post-interview thank-you email is a chance to further demonstrate your interest in the role.

    While sending one might not cinch the job for you, if you dont send one, the hiring manager may notice and doubt your enthusiasm for the position.

    Theres an additional upside to sending a thank-you email: These emails help candidates stay top of mind, even after the interview process is over.

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    How To Write A Perfect Thank

    You put a lot of effort into creating a good resume and cover letter, prepared well for the interview, and gave it your best shot. But is there anything else you can do to position yourself as a great candidate to help you get the role? There is one more thing. Send a thank-you follow-up email after the interview.

    Sending a thank-you note is a small gesture of appreciation that does not take a lot of time, yet most people do not do it. Most candidates dont realize the importance of sending a thank-you follow-up letter after an interview. It may separate you from the rest of the crowd and be the difference between getting hired or rejected.

    This is a chance to reaffirm your good impression of your potential employer. So, write a thank-you follow-up email after the interview, that makes an impact on the interviewer. Here, we discuss what to include in your thank you note, with a sample that may help you get started.

    Example Interview Thank You Email #:

    How to Write a Thank You Email After the Interview & WOW Them!

    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for your time yesterday. I enjoyed the interview and it was interesting to hear about how the team is expanding and the new types of customers youre trying to attract.

    Im confident that I can take what Ive learned at < Current Employers Name> and step into your role and be successful, so Im eager to hear your feedback when you have a chance.

    Dont hesitate to contact me in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns.

    Best regards, Biron Clark

    However, if youre in a more traditional or formal industry, or if you want to send a thank you note in the mail rather than email, one of the next two thank you note examples will be better.

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    Simplify Your Subject Line

    Resist the urge to get clever or wordy in your email subject line. Keep it straightforward and to the point.

    Manoske, career coach and co-author of The Job Search Manifesto, recommends people use the word appreciate throughout their email and that includes the subject line.

    Appreciated your time yesterday is an example of a subject line he suggests applicants use.

    Wendy Saccuzzo, a career coach, said subject lines like Following up, Thanks for the conversation and Thanks for the interview all work well for the occasion.

    Sample Thank You Email Template #1


    I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me today about the job opportunity. I enjoyed learning about the role and where you see the company headed in the new few years.

    I feel confident my experience with and will translate into similar success as your new

    I can see by the types of projects you are working on that is an exciting place to work. I am highly interested in joining your team and contributing to its future successes.

    If you have any more questions or need additional information from me please dont hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing back from you about the next steps.

    Again thank you for your time.


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    Long Interview Thank You Email

    In the long version, you have more opportunities to explain your skills in detail . This is appropriate after an in-person interview or other meaningful interactions during the hiring process.

    Subject line: Thank you for your time

    Dear Mr. Jefferson,

    Thank you very much for your time yesterdayit was a pleasure speaking with you about the account executive role. From our conversation, its clear that ABC Inc. has the energetic and hardworking environment Im seeking.

    I especially enjoyed discussing your need for someone who can create value and insight during client conversations. Its an interesting challenge, and Ive continued reflecting on it since our meeting. Over the last few years, Ive encountered many of the same roadblocks we discussed: tightening client budgets and lengthy decision-making processes. Prioritizing the quality of the conversation over simple information delivery has been one of my most successful tactics in overcoming those roadblocks and one reason Ive routinely exceeded my quotas.

    In my relationships with clients, I focus on building trust and boosting credibility, and Im excited about the prospect of bringing that skill set to ABC Inc. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me by email or phone.

    Thanks again,555-555-5555

    What Should Be Included

    40 Thank You Email After Interview Templates

    Smith suggested including the following elements in your thank-you note:

    • A salutation. Even if you have been referring to the interviewer in a more casual way, in the thank-you note, use the more formal form of address.
    • A sincere and specific expression of appreciation along with a concise description of what is being appreciated.
    • Remind them of something unique that they spoke to you about in the interview that they might not have discussed with other candidates. This will help the interviewer remember who you are.
    • Confirm you’re a good fit for the role.
    • Close with final expression of gratitude.

    As with your resume and cover letter, customize your thank-you note. Double- and triple-check it for grammatical and spelling errors. A typo-filled follow-up can easily ruin the stellar impression you made during the interview. If you met with multiple people, send one note to each person, if you have his or her contact information.

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    Take Your Thank You Email To The Next Level

    While the template above is all you need, if you really want to blow a hiring manager out of the water, add in another few lines before I look forward to… with some ideas you have on how you could add value. Think: a quick mock-up of something you discussed in the interview if youre in a creative role, taglines if youre in branding, or some slides or possible partners if youre in business development or sales.

    It could look something like this:

    Things Not To Include In A Thank

    These tips on what not to include in your follow-up letter can help you avoid sending the wrong message to employers.

  • Don’t include only a statement of appreciation: Make sure you also affirm your strong interest in the job and briefly explain why you’re an excellent fit for the position and the company.
  • Don’t have misspellings, grammatical errors, or other issues: Proofread carefully and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. Make sure you have the correct job title, address, and name. This is an opportunity to follow up with a strong positive impression, so dont make even a small mistake.
  • Do not mention salary range in your letter: Wait until an offer is made to negotiate salary since your leverage will be the greatest once the employer has decided that you are the preferred candidate.
  • Don’t make any excuses or apologize for anything that went wrong during the interview: You are better off not drawing attention to these issues. Emphasize positive qualities that might counter any concerns that came up during your meeting. An exception would be if you think the interview was so bad that youre out of contention.
  • Don’t take an overly aggressive approach by mentioning you will call to check on the status of your candidacy: You certainly can make a follow-up call towards the end of the time window that the employer has indicated for their decision. You just don’t need to mention this in your letter.

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    Tips For Writing An Effective Thank

    To write a subject line that works in the thank-you email you send after an interview, consider the following tips:

    • Be positive: Use an upbeat tone for the subject line that maintains the energy of the interview.
    • Be polite: Make sure to use friendly, respectful language and avoid being sarcastic, humorous, or overly informal even if you have developed a relationship with the hiring agent.
    • Be punctual: Ensure the recruiter receives the subject line in a thank-you email that is sent as soon as possible after your interview.

    Sample Interview Thank You Email/letter #:

    How to Write a Thank You Letter After a Job Interview

    Hello < Interviewers Name> ,

    Thank you for taking the time to speak with me < yesterday/Friday/etc.> about the < Job Title> position at < Company Name> . It was a pleasure talking with you, and I enjoyed learning more about the opportunity.

    The information you shared about < Something specific about the job that interests you> sounded particularly interesting.

    I am confident that my skills will allow me to come in and succeed in this role, and its a position Id be excited to take on.

    Im looking forward to hearing from you about the next steps, and please dont hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information in the meantime.

    Thank you again.

    Best regards,

    < Your First and Last Name>

    This example above is a little longer and more formal. You could send this as a handwritten thank you letter after the interview, or as an email.

    Note that at the end of the third paragraph, you could also add details about WHY you feel confident youd succeed in this role. Doing this will make your thank you email more convincing to hiring managers.

    Try to remind them of something you shared in the interview, like a piece of past experience, or a skill you have, that will prove to them youll be able to come in and be successful in their role.

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    Approach To Writing The Follow

    You can, of course, use the above template/example for your thank you after interview email, or you can write one from scratch. If you plan to write one from scratch, this section will serve as a helpful guide.

    Steps to writing your own email:

  • Confirm the name, title, and email address of the person.
  • Write an opening sentence thanking them for their time and saying that you enjoyed meeting them.
  • Refer to any notes you took in the interview and highlight the things you really liked.
  • Go to the companys website and review their mission, vision, values, and/or purpose in their about us section.
  • Then you can note in your email a couple of things you particularly like about their culture and mission.
  • Write a closing sentence thanking them again and offering to answer any follow-up questions they may have.
  • Add Your Signature And Proofread

    You can now add your signature to the end of the email. This can be your first and last name. If you’d like your interviewer to view your online profile or any social media pages, you can share this at the end of the email as well.

    Once you’ve added the signature, you can proofread your email to ensure that it’s free of any grammatical or spelling errors. You should also reread your message to ensure it’s clear and simple for the reader to understand. After everything is reread, you can send it to the interviewer.

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    Thank You Ecard/email After Initial Phone Interview:

    Keep things short and to the point, but express your appreciation for the persons time and your interest in continuing through the process.

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today.
    • It was nice to learn more about and the role.
    • Im very interested in furthering my career with your company and can assure you that I am .
    • I hope I have the opportunity to contribute to the organizations success!
    • Im looking forward to the next steps in the interview process please let me know if there is any further information I can provide on my qualifications.

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