Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Prepare For A Tv Interview

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Forget You Have An Audience

How to Prepare for a TV Interview

Does the idea of millions of people watching you on television paralyze you? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Avoid thinking about all the people that have their eyes trained on you. Instead, focus on the fact that this interview is about you and getting your message across. When you ignore the presence of a live audience, you feel less pressured to perform well.

It’s important to be yourself while you’re on camera. Pay heed to the above-mentioned five tips before you head into the studio for your first TV interview.

Live Or Taped It Doesnt Really Matter

TV interviews come in two main flavors: those that happen in real time and those that are recorded before the actual program runs.

A live spot may feel like the more stressful of the two. After all, you dont have room for error. Youve got one shot, and you cant screw it up.

In a taped interview, on the other hand, mistakes you make can be edited out.

Thats the theory, anyway.

But in practice, even when TV producers pre-record their interviews, you cant rely on them to smooth out your flubs in the editing process .

So whether the segment is live or taped, you should be prepared to nail it on the first take. The tips below will make sure youre set up to succeed.

Logistical Tips For Remote Interviews

At the time of writing, the country is still deep in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, meaning most TV outlets are conducting interviews remotely rather than bringing guests into the studio.

Remote interviews require a bit more work on your part. To make sure yours goes smoothly, youll need to

  • Make sure your connection is strong. Consider using an ethernet cable to hardwire into your router. If thats not doable, sit in an area where you know you get a good WiFi signal.
  • Set yourself up in aquiet, tidy room. If youre dialing in from home, get away from noises like dogs barking, babies crying, or roommates talking. A little background noise is okay, but when your home life comes crashing into the room where youre trying to interview, its disruptive.
  • If possible, use a wiredexternal mic. This isnt mandatory if your laptops built-in microphone or the one that came included with your earbuds or headphones work well enough. But using a device whose sole purpose is to be a microphone will make you sound clearer. The Chinese audio brand Fifine makes a highly rated $35 mic that connects to your laptop via USB. And no, they didnt pay us to say that.
  • Be sure your camera is level with your face. If needed, prop your computer on a stack of books. If you dont, youll probably be looking down into the camera, meaning viewers will be looking at the underside of your chin and up your nostrils.
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    Tip : Practice Practice Practice

    A TV interview is similar to a job interview: Its a high-pressure situation where youll have to be quick on your feet.

    But dont panic: there are certain questions you know youll be asked, which gives you the chance to prepare.

    Most TV news networks wont provide a comprehensive list of questions ahead of time, but they should give you a general idea of what the conversation will cover. After all, it makes them look bad if you arent prepared.

    If the producer youre working with hasnt provided some high-level guidance on what the interview will cover, just ask.

    Once you know the gist of what the reporter will ask, you can practice your answers. You can do this in front of a mirror or while recording yourself on your computer or phone .

    Tips For Media Interview Preparation

    Top 10 Tips for Preparing for a TV Interview

    Yes! The media has contacted you and they want to interview you for a feature story related to your industry. Earned media: its what every business owner hopes for. But wait, you think. Now Im nervouswhat if I stumble on my wordswhat if my mind goes blankwhat if

    Relax. The following tips will help you plan for before, during and after an interview by the media.

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    Be Mindful Of Your Body Language

    Since it is your first TV interview, you are likely to be nervous and sit on the edge of your seat, but strive not to let your nervousness show. Maintain eye contact with your interviewer and avoid glancing at the crew. Don’t fidget and keep your hand gestures to a minimum. Make it a point to smile when you talk, but don’t come across as creepy.

    Research The Outlet And The Show

    Find out all you can about the outlet and the program, including the TV or radio station and that actual show, segment or podcast. Watch or listen to as many past episodes as you can. Who are the hosts? Are they the ones who will interview you? When they call you by name, for goodness sake you want to be able to call them by name, too.

    What is the format? Are there standard questions they always ask? How long is the segment? How long are stories within each segment and how are they paced? You want to know this so you when you practice responses you have an idea of what you are shooting for in terms of time.

    You have to know what you are getting into. Sitting down with Hoda and Jenna on the Today Show is going to feel entirely different than standing on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange with CNBC reporters .

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    Media Training: Essential Tips For A Great Interview

    February 23, 2018 – Sophie Thompson

    A media interview is a broadcasted discussion where an interviewer poses questions to a specialist on, for example, a TV programme or radio show. There are multiple reasons for doing a media interview: perhaps you want to promote a new product for your business or there has been a crisis within the company so an explanation is necessary.

    Whatever the case, the aim is always the same: to supply good answers and convey your messages clearly. In this article, we’ve outlined ways of preparing for and delivering media interviews.

    Have An Idea Of What Youll Say But Only A Loose One

    How to Prepare For Media Interviews

    Its always advisable to prep before an interview, as this will help ensure you come across just as you would like to. If you go into an interview unprepared, the risk of saying something regrettable will be heightened.

    A good preparation is to sketch out two or three key messages you would like to communicate in the interview. This could be a personal worldview, or it could be a business value proposition to its customers. For example, a telecoms tech entrepreneur might use messaging such as:

    • Our purpose is to bring people closer to each other using technology.
    • Everything I do stems from the fundamental belief people dont need to be lonely.
    • Telecoms providers in the past havent done enough for customer privacy. Were changing that.

    Your messages should not be scripted statements to recite from memory. Most journalists dislike that approach, as it obscures the real voice of the interviewee. Instead, think of your messages as ideas to build your arguments and anecdotes around. Stay true to who you are but not necessarily to the script.

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    Make A Journalists Day By Telling Them Something Youve Never Told Anyone Before

    The ultimate test of an interviews worth is this: what new information does it reveal about its subject? The greater the amount of fresh info it gives the reader/viewer/listener, the better.

    For the interviewee, this makes pleasing an interviewer relatively straightforward. All you need to do is tell them something new.

    There are lots of ways to do this. You could reveal new details of a product, your companys strategy or your own professional role. Alternatively, you could tell a personal story that youve never revealed to the public before.

    You should also be sure to avoid repeating the answers youve given in previous interviews with other outlets.

    Its a journalists job to reveal unreported truths to their audience. If you can help them do that, both the interviewer and the interview itself will benefit.

    What Else To Consider

    Many spokespeople are more reluctant to be interviewed on air than in print. However, because broadcasters in the UK have more obligation to be balanced, and because if you dont say it, they cant use it, they are in fact far less risky than newspapers: you are far less likely to be misquoted.

    TV and radio interviews are a fantastic opportunity to get your message out to thousands, if not millions, of people. Just make sure you have asked all the right questions, so your spokespeople have the chance to shine.

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    Look Into The Camera While Speaking

    During an in-person interview, maintaining eye contact with your interviewer is a sign of confidence and respect. Video chat makes this a bit different, because if you were to look them in the eye on your screen, it may not look like that on their end. Instead, look into the camera as you are speaking. This creates the illusion that you are looking at them rather than yourself or the screen.

    Preparing For A Television Interview

    Television Interviews Gone Wrong and How To Fix Them  Get ...

    Home »PR Fuel »Preparing for a Television Interview

    Recently I appeared live on national television. Using my experience as an example, this installment of PR Fuel discusses the pros and cons of television-based public relations. Hopefully youll be able to take away some tips about how to get your public relations message on the air, how to prepare for that first television interview, and how to make the most of it once youre in front of the camera.

    I appeared on Kudlow & Cramer, a show that used to air on financial news network CNBC. Co-host Larry Kudlow is a former Reagan administration economic official, Wall Street economist, and a nationally syndicated columnist who often appears on the McLaughlin Group. Co-host Jim Cramer is a former hedge fund manager who co-founded online financial news outlet Both get excited rather easily, Cramer more so.

    The show was very well-respected, with a strong audience of business types and investors. Corporate executives, Wall Street analysts, journalists, and other experts were often on the show, which concentrated mainly on business, but also covered politics and the media.

    I exchanged some emails with the shows producer and we cemented the day of my appearance. The producer asked if I wanted to go to the CNBC studios in New Jersey or do it remote from Manhattan. Considering there was eight inches of fresh snow on the ground, Manhattan seemed best.

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    How To Ace A Tv Job Interview

    • Posted on Jan 25, 2016

    Congratulations! Youve finally managed to do what everyone said was impossible and bag yourself a coveted interview spot with the TV production company of your dreams. After spending an hour elatedly dancing around your bedroom in your PJs, it suddenly dawns on you that although youve spent what has felt like a lifetime dreaming about working on the set of your favourite TV show, you havent put any thought into the interview process or how youre going to prepare for it.

    Well dont panic. Luckily for you, weve prepared some great tips that will help you ace your TV interview and hopefully knock your unprepared, competition out of the park.

    Make sure you do your research. We really can not emphasise it enough when we say that the key to preparation is knowledge and you can only get that knowledge through research.

    TV companies are always looking for enthusiastic candidates who know all about their output and have their own opinion on it. Regardless of whether youre going for a production, research or development role, its important that you know all about the types of programmes the company makes and can demonstrate that you have an understanding of their audiences.

    Also, when youre asked why you want to work in TV, use this opportunity to not only demonstrate your knowledge but also talk about your previous experience, skills and education to explain why youre not only perfect for the role but why you would be an asset to the company.


    Use Appropriate Body Language

    One benefit of using video chat rather than a phone call is that you get to see each other’s body language. During your interview, sit up tall with your hands in your lap and your feet on the floor. While you speak, you may use your hands as well if that’s natural for you. As your interviewer speaks, use nonverbal cues such as nodding and smiling to show that you are listening.

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    Tips On How To Give Better Answers In A Media Interview

    Journalist Pete Wise has interviewed hundreds of people for clients including The Guardian, NatWest and LAMA. Here are his five top tips on how to give better answers to TV, podcast and print media interview questions.

    Getting interviewed is usually great news for you and your brand. It could be a way to get your message out to new people, to set the record straight about the challenges youve faced and to build credibility with your audience.

    All that depends on how well you interview.

    Interviewees are not all made equal. The best ones will have a great chance of getting their point across effectively, making life easy for their interviewer and securing high-profile coverage. The worst might not even see their interview published.

    To help you answer questions well and maximise the benefits of any interviews you do, heres my best advice on how to be a great interviewee:

    How To Prepare For Your First Tv Interview

    How to conduct a TV interview

    PR, media and communications specialist

    While the entire company may be working towards a product launch or a new project and everyone agrees that publicity will help amplify this in the media and help reach the business objectives, you as the executive / spokesperson who needs to do the TV interview may feel overwhelmed or camera shy.

    Here are a few simple steps that will help you prepare for a TV interview, when that day comes.

    1. A TV interview is like a job interview

    Prepare in the same way. Look your best, look neat and tidy. Arrive early. Prepare Read up about the project, know your topic and enter the interview from a position of information. The only difference between a TV interview and a job interview, is that that when you are doing the TV interview, you already have the job, so much so that you are on TV about it See what I did there? Its true. Its an opportunity to showcase your thought leadership, and the fantastic project that you / your company is working on.

    Never wear spots or stripes, or anything with a busy pattern. Plain colours work best. Avoid wearing branded clothing. Smart attire looks far more classy.

    Most TV shows will give you pointers if they have specific requirements in this regard.

    2. Prepare

    Prepare, prepare, prepare! I cant say this enough. Study your own topic. Read up about the project, read the internal materials on it but also read about what your competitors are doing in a similar space.

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    Who Else Is Being Interviewed

    This can provide a vital insight into the thrust of an interview. The report or item might include interviews with people opposing your views, case studies or government spokespeople.

    These might be pitched head to head with you in a debate, or may be interviewed before or after, in which case you might be refuting the points they make or vice versa.

    Imagine youre a charity promoting climate change research. You might be interviewed alongside a prominent climate change denier such as Nigel Lawson. As a former politician, hell be so practiced at interviews, it will be a big job for your interviewee to hold their own.

    How To Prepare For A Live Tv Interview On Zoom/skype Online

    A few weeks ago I was invited to speak on Tritiyo Matra, a Bengali Newsnight programme that airs globally. Media is essential to raising the profile of our charity, but also the personal credibility of its leadership. Every time I speak publicly it can help gain support either through money, new connections, volunteers and essentially, awareness of the causes we support.

    I put together a few tips below on how to prepare for such a call and the challenges I faced in doing an online TV interview.

    Tips on preparation for an online TV interview

    Lighting Make sure you have a light that is constant and is not behind you. A window or a light bulb behind you will show on screen and be annoying for the viewer as well as cast you into shadow.

    I invested in a cheap ring light marketed to youtubers who want to do make-up tutorials. We do regular zoom calls, meeting and conferences on line so it is a worthwhile investment for me. You can use a lamp or other lighting.

    Desk set-up I used a bunch of heavy books to lift up my laptop so the camera is just above eye level. It all looked a mess but no one was going to see apart from me. You do not want to look down into the camera. Apart from this angle being unflattering, people can see up your nose.

    I had a glass of water ready right next to my lap top on one side and my notes on the other. You may spill water onto your notes so better to have everything separate.

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