Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Write Email After Interview

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When And How To Follow Up After An Interview

How to Write a Thank You Email After the Interview & WOW Them!

One of the questions you should ask during a job interview is What is the next step in your hiring process? This gives you an idea of when you will hear back from the company.

Its important to respect the job hiring process that recruiters go through. If the person that interviewed you told you that a decision will be made by next Wednesday, dont contact them before this apart from your thank you note.

You may be really interested in the position, and you want to try to persuade the company that you are the right person for the job. But dont. It runs the risk of a recruiter perceiving you as a bad listener or disrespectful of other peoples time.

However, lets say that the recruiter said you could expect to hear back by Wednesday, and its now Wednesday afternoon. Well, in that case, its time to act. There is nothing wrong with sending a short interview follow-up note to see if the company has made a decision.

Example of What Should an Interview Follow-up Email Say

Dear ,

I hope all is well with you. I am just following up to see if you have come to a decision regarding the position . If not, could you please let me know when a decision might be made?

Thank you kindly, and please let me know if you require further information regarding my qualifications.


How To Write A Follow Up Email After An Interview When You Havent Heard Anything From Them

If you havent heard back from the hiring manager after your interview or after your post-interview thank you email, you can send an email checking in with them. If you arent sure how to follow up on a job, you should typically send the follow up email if you havent heard back after about two weeks since your interview. Remember to send the interview follow-up email to whoever said theyd be in touch, or whoever it is you have been in touch with for interview scheduling. Follow our tips below on how to write a follow up interview after an interview.

Interview follow-up subject line

The interview follow-up subject line is important. The email subject line is what the hiring manager will see right away and based off the subject they will decide whether your email gets opened and how fast theyll get to it. In the subject line, remember to include the job title you interviewed for. Here are some sample interview follow-up subject lines:

Following up regarding the position.

Following up on an interview for

You could also reply to the latest email between you and the hiring manager. Itll look something like, Re: Interview on Wednesday at 11 AM. Typically, they will open this immediately because theyll see that it is part of a previous email.

Interview follow-up body

Follow these 7 steps for the best follow-up email after an interview:

  • Address the hiring manager by their first name.
  • Explain that you are following up the job interview you had with them.
  • This Job Would Be So Good For Me Because

    This is a trap thats easy to fall into. You want to talk about all of the ways that the role would positively impact your life.

    Heres the brutal truth: prospective employers dont care. It might seem selfish or cold-hearted, but they want to know about how youll add value to their companyas opposed to how they can benefit you.

    Resist the urge to rant and rave about all of the reasons that job would improve your life, and place the majority of your emphasis on what you bring to the table and how that contributes to any company goals.

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    Consider A Thank You Phone Call

    In some instances, a thank you phone call may also be appropriate. Calling to offer a quick thanks helps the interviewer put a voice to your resume and demonstrates your communication skills. Just thank the person for spending time with you and remind them of why youre a good fit for the open position. The call should be short and to the point, serving to reinforce the information you send your formal thank you note.

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    Should You Send An Email Acknowledging A Bad Job Interview

    Send this only if you are absolutely positive that you failed the interview. Often, we can be too self-critical as we look back at our performance in an interview.

    Apologizing for something that was NOT viewed as a failure by the employer can backfire, big time!

    However, if an interview scheduled for sixty minutes lasted only five minutes with no business emergency reason given for the shortened interview and no apology or request to reschedule, something was wrong.

    Or, the interviewer clearly lost interest and tuned you out, ending the interview with a chilly good bye. Then, you might have a failed interview.

    Example Interview Thank You Email #:

    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for your time yesterday. I enjoyed the interview and it was interesting to hear about how the team is expanding and the new types of customers youre trying to attract.

    Im confident that I can take what Ive learned at < Current Employers Name> and step into your role and be successful, so Im eager to hear your feedback when you have a chance.

    Dont hesitate to contact me in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns.

    Best regards, Biron Clark

    However, if youre in a more traditional or formal industry, or if you want to send a thank you note in the mail rather than email, one of the next two thank you note examples will be better.

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    Dos And Donts For Bad Interview Follow Up Notes

    Be very careful with this message! You dont want to draw attention to your error.

    DO send this message very soon after the interview, as soon as you are sure it is necessary particularly if you havent already sent a standard interview thank you note.

    DO use email probably the best method to use because it is so quick. If the organization is anti-technology or feels extremely traditional, a letter that is delivered quickly might be a better response. If you do deliver it by hand, do NOT socialize. Just drop it off be as low-profile as you can be.

    DO NOT make this message long or include too many details or apologies. Be brief. Make your point, and end the message.

    DO NOT send this message so quickly that you make errors in grammar or facts. Avoid misspellings and sending it to the wrong person. If possible, have someone else proof it for you.

    What Should Be Included In My Follow

    How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview (+ a Template!)

    While there is no single formula for writing an after-interview follow-up email, there are certain items that youll want to include:

    • Thank the interviewer for his or her time and let them know that you enjoyed getting to know them a little.
    • Remind your interviewer that you are interested in the job and why.
    • State how you feel the interview went. Admit any mistakes you made or what you might do differently. Or add anything that you didnt get the opportunity to say during the interview.
    • Refer back to one of two main points from the interview and let them know how you see yourself as a great fit for the company, the team, or the position and how you can help the company to address their current challenges.
    • If it wasnt clearly stated in the interview, ask the interviewer what their next steps are in the hiring process or what their timeline is for hiring.

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    Compose The Body Of Your Email

    Introduce the reason for your email.

    The body of a follow-up email should be kept very concise and to the point. Begin with thanking the interviewer for their time, mentioning when the interview took place to remind them.

    Example: “Thank you for taking the time to interview me this morning, it was a pleasure speaking with you and learning more about the position.”

    Reiterate your interest in the position.

    Address specific discussion points and/or details from the interview and reaffirm your interest in the position. Address what in particular makes you the right fit for the job or how your experience and interests align with the requirements or demands of the position.

    Example: “I was very interested to learn about . I am very excited about the prospect of .”

    Add a closing paragraph.

    End with a short paragraph addressing the next steps and asking whether any additional information is required of you . If during the interview a request for additional information was made, you can mention that this has already been sent or provided or that it is enclosed with this email.

    Example: “Please advise on the next steps and whether there is anything you need from me in the meantime. I look forward to hearing from you.”

    Mistakes To Avoid When Sending Post Interview Thank You Emails

    Now you know the basics of how to send a great thank you email after the interview. Lets cover a few mistakes to avoid now, though.

    Some of this will be review if you read everything above, but I want to make sure you dont do anything that could cost you the job!

    First mistake: waiting too long to send it. You really want to send this within 24 hours after your interview.

    Next, dont ever copy and paste the same exact email to send to multiple people. They will compare and it looks sloppy/lazy. It takes a lot away from the impact your thank you email will have.

    Dont ever put multiple people in the To field of the email either. You should be sending one email to one recipient at a time.

    Otherwise, it looks lazy/rushed.

    And another big mistake: Thinking you dont need to send an interview thank you email because the person you met wasnt the official hiring manager.

    Id recommend sending one any time you had a face-to-face interview with someone.

    Everyones opinion can count and the hiring manager can ask everyone what they thought of you. Dont pick and choose who deserves a thank you email. Send it to everyone youve met face to face and play it safe!

    One more minor mistake: Not asking for business cards after you meet each person during a day of interviewing.

    Getting business cards from each person you met with during the interview is the easiest way to keep track of names and email addresses so you can thank them later via email.

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    What To Include In Your Follow

    It’s important to be disciplined when sending your follow-up email. Follow this guide for a simple, professional message that gives you the best chance of receiving a response.

    Subject line

    There is no need to spend hours deliberating over a snappy subject line. The most effective approach that is likely to get your message opened quickly, is to respond to the most recent email between you and the interviewer or HR manager. If this isn’t possible simply include your name, the date and time of the interview.

    As a guide, follow this format:

    John Smith – Re: Interview on Tuesday at 4pm


    If you’re on first-name terms with the person you’re contacting – you may have exchanged multiple emails and spoken face to face by this point, then it is fine to open your follow-up email by using their first name. If not, or if you’re unsure, stick with their title and surname .

    Body text

    Keep it simple. Presumably, the main reason you’re emailing is for a progress update – the interviewer will know this before they’ve even opened your message. Be polite but direct:

    • Thank them for their time in the interview.
    • Explain that you’re following up on your interview – remember to be specific about the job, mentioning the job title and interview date.
    • Restate your interest in the position and say you’re keen to hear about next steps.
    • Ask for a progress update, explaining that any information they can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Signing off

    Final checks

    Subject: Appreciated Your Time Today

    FREE 4+ Thank

    Hi ,

    Thanks for meeting with me today I appreciate you taking the time.

    I really enjoyed our conversation, and was especially excited about what you shared about the companys new initiative for aligning the sales and marketing orgs. Its always great to chat with someone whos passionate about RevOps.

    Let me know if you have any further questions. And no matter the outcome, I hope we can stay in touch.


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    Sample Email To Keep Candidates Warm

    Sometimes the recruitment process can drag on, and you’ll need to stay in touch with applicants to let them know what’s happening. In this sample email, we provide clarity on dates to keep candidates warm, enabling them to plan.

    While it’s easy to offer an apology, you don’t need to. However, depending on the length of the delay, you can encourage candidates to contact you if their plans have changed.

    How To Write A Successful Thank You Email After An Interview

    As surveys by both CareerBuilder and Accountemps have indicated, the vast majority of employers accept emailed thank you notes.

    Be very meticulous sending these work samples. Demonstrate the high quality of your work.

    Speed of sending and receipt is the primary advantage of emailed thank you notes. For examples of good emailed thank you notes, read Job Interview Thank You Email .

    You can follow up with paper, even hand-written, notes. Mailed notes take at least a day to deliver and may sit in a post office or corporate mail room for a while before delivery.

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    Alternatives To A Follow

    In the age of social media and online platforms, email isnt the only potential channel for following up after an interview. Depending on the job youre applying for, these alternatives may be more appropriate:

    • An instant messaging platform

    • WhatsApp

    Use your judgement to figure out whats appropriate but generally speaking, its best to stick to one channel and one follow-up.

    Template For A Thank You Email After A Job Interview

    How To Write an INTERVIEW FOLLOW UP EMAIL! (The PERFECT Follow Up Email after a JOB interview!)

    An in-person job interview is a huge opportunity. And employers tell us that the way candidates follow up is an important indicator of their interest in the position. Candidates who go silent after the interview come across as disinterested. So if you really want the job, take the time to write a sincere, customized email immediately after you end the interview, and send it the same day.

    Subject Line: Thank you from ] ]

    Dear ],

    Thank you, again, for the time you spent with me today. I really enjoyed meeting you and exploring how I might be able to assist ] as the new ].

    After our conversations, I am even more confident that this position is a job I would enjoy, as well as one where I can be successful and make a valuable contribution.

    I am particularly excited about ]

    You mentioned that the decision on this position will be made in ]. In the meantime, if there is any additional information you need from me please let me know and Ill get it over to you!

    Again, I appreciate the chance to interview with ] and am grateful for the time you spent with me.


    There you have it! Follow these templates, and make extra sure to customize them to your own voice and situation. Before you know it, youll be perfecting your interview follow-up and hearing back after more interviews. Ill wish you luck with your next interview, because I know youve got the thank you email covered.

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    Does Sending A Thank

    It can, if the note is well written.

    “There are times when the candidate has a terrible first round, usually due to nerves,” Smith said. “But they took the time to write a sincere and well-considered note explaining their interest in the role and how their experience makes them uniquely qualified.”

    Other times, Smith notes, there are phone screens instead of in-person interviews, and those who write a thank-you note are automatically invited back for an in-person interview. Sutherland had a similar experience.

    “I got my college internship at The Detroit News because I handwrote a thank-you note,” Sutherland said. “How do I know? One day in the newsroom that summer, the editor told me I was the only one who wrote a thank-you.”

    “While not every recruiter or hiring manager cares whether a candidate sends a thank-you message, I’ve never heard of a single one, in any industry, think poorly of a candidate for sending a thank-you note,” she added.

    After The Thank You Note Is Sent For A Bad Interview

    They may respond and reschedule, or they may ignore you.

    Let them decide if they want to give you another chance. Another opening with different interviewers may happen with them in the future, so just chill after you send this message. And, be extremely well-prepared for that next interview, if it happens!

    If this is a small organization and you really want to work there, give them a call a week or so after you have sent the message to respond, particularly if you sent this message on a Friday or just before a holiday. Dont be a pest.

    Your best strategy may be to wait until they have another appropriate job open .

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