Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Thank After Interview

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Expand On Any Topics You Discussed In The Interview

How to Write a Thank You Email After the Interview & WOW Them!

You can use this part of the email to bring up some topics you discussed previously. You can share additional information about a subject you talked about, or you can expand on a question from your interview and offer more information if you want to add more to your answer. If there were any subjects you didn’t have time to cover in the interview, you can write about them in your thank you email as well. Only include extra details if they’re relevant and you believe they can make you stand out among other candidates.

Interview Thank You Letter Templates

A strong thank you note ensures you will leave a good impression in the mind of the person who interviewed you. Luckily, weve made it easy for you to make a lasting impression with these free downloadable MS Word thank you notes. All you have to do is select the letter that matches the tone and style of your interview, customize it with your personal information, send it via email or post to the hiring manager, and wait for your job offer to arrive!

How To Write A Job Interview Thank You Email

Leave the TO: field empty until you have completed, spell checked, and proofread the message .

Adapt the text in this sample to your circumstances, and customize it to each individual who interviewed you.

If you know the person who is receiving this thank you note, you can be less formal, as in Dear Mary vs. Dear Ms. Jones but err on the side of being more formal rather than less formal when in doubt.

Dont make the mistake of sending exactly the same message to everyone who interviewed you at an employer! Emails are easy to share. Vary the details a bit, or use the second, more customizable sample below.

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Why You Should Thank Someone For An Interview

Thanking someone for taking the time to give you an interview is considered professional etiquette. It displays appreciation that they considered you for the position, an eagerness to receive an offer and provides an excellent opportunity to build off of the relationship that you established in the interview.

Aside from being polite, thanking your interviewer also provides you with another opportunity to express your interest in the position. You can seize the chance to clarify any details you think you may have missed and reinforce that you’re the perfect fit for the position.

Sound Appreciative And Excited

40 Thank You Email After Interview Templates á? TemplateLab

The tone of every post-interview thank-you email should be appreciative and excited, Jensen said.

Makes sense. A thank-you note that fails to properly convey the senders appreciation of the recipient is a pretty lousy one. So dont play it cool or hard to get: Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you, and say you appreciated the conversation.

Youll want some excitement to be evident in your tone of voice too. After all, youre interested in the role, and you had a great conversation with the interviewer. Make sure they can sense your enthusiasm. Your note shouldnt read like an overly formal robot wrote it, or like this is the third follow-up email you wrote that day.

Be careful not to let your excitement veer into desperation though. Hiring managers dont want to see candidates begging for a job.

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Sample Thank You Email Template #2

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for meeting with me at your office this afternoon.

I enjoyed hearing about the companys long-term goals related to the development of your latest software features. It was also interesting to hear how the software engineering department will go about adding them to their roadmap.

seems like an interesting place to work with the many exciting projects youre working on.

I feel my experience programming with Python would be a great addition to your team. Several of the projects I have worked on using Python should help close the skills gaps you mentioned.

I would relish the opportunity to work with you and your team. Im excited to see what the future holds for the software development team.

If you have any further questions or need anything else to move the process forward please let me know.


Is It Best To Send A Thank You Email Or A Note/letter

I get asked this frequently: Whats your opinion on sending a thank you email, versus mailing a thank you letter after your interview?

For most people, I recommend email. There are three reasons why:

  • You can make sure it gets delivered at the exact time you want
  • Its easier and takes less time
  • Its more modern and simpler for the company
  • However, in specific cases, you may want to send a thank you letter in the mail after an interview.

    A paper thank you note/letter might be better if youre in a very traditional industry . Or if youre interviewing for a very high-level position .

    But for most job seekers, I recommend sending a thank you email.

    One more option to consider: You can write a personalized thank you card and then send a picture of it digitally, either in a LinkedIn message or in an email. Thats a good way to stand out and give a more personalized feel to a digital message.

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    Why Its Important To Send A Thank You Email After An Interview

    • First of all, its a very good gesture to appreciate someone for giving you an opportunity.
    • A thank you note is your one last opportunity to leave a positive impression on the interviewer.
    • Remind the interviewer about your conversation.
    • Apart from acknowledging the interviewer, you could use thank you letter to highlight your skills & capabilities which are suitable for the job. You need to be very smart while doing this.
    • Also, you could bring anything up which you forgot during the interview.
    • If you feel that you have not performed well in the interview, writing a thank you letter improves the chances of you getting the job.

    Thank The Recruiter Who Reached Out To You

    How to Thank an Employer After a Job Interview

    This email doesnt have to be long theres a good chance youll be working with this recruiter again throughout the hiring process. However, if a recruiter reached out to you with an opportunity that wasnt on your radar, its important to signal your interest.

    Try to reference something specific about your conversation and the company. Heres one example from Hubspot:

    Thanks for answering all of my questions about the role and setting up my next interview with ! I appreciated your insight into how the team measures success, and I believe my experience would bring a lot to the team.

    This email works because its tailored, concise, and references the candidates qualifications that are a good fit for the open role.

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    End The Email Reiterating Your Gratitude

    The last sentence of your email should reiterate your appreciation for the interviewer’s time and consideration. This brings the thank-you email back to its original purpose. Then, end with a brief and respectful salutation.

    Example:Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me yesterday. It was great meeting you!

    Kind regards,

    How To Write An Email After A Phone Interview:

    When writing an email after a phone interview, remember to use this opportunity to consolidate your first impression. Include a strong subject line, a piece of insight gleaned from the interview, and a reaffirmation of your enthusiasm for the position.

    Choose a suitable subject line.

    Unless you have already been in contact with the interviewer, in which case replying to the last message in the existing email thread between the two of you is the way to go, you will need a great subject line. Replying to an existing email works best because it is instantly recognized, opened more quickly than an email from an unknown sender, and will not be mistaken for spam.

    In the absence of an existing email, a great subject line is important as it is the first thing the recipient will see and it should interest them enough to open and read your message right away.

    For example:

    Thank you for interviewing with me

    It was a pleasure speaking with you today

    Your email subject line should be clear and straight to the point, relevant to the recipient, and the tone should not be too casual or too formal.

    Include the correct salutation.

    For example:

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    Crucial Step: Add Customization To Your Interview Thank You Emails

    Whenever sending thank you notes or emails after an interview, be sure to mention a specific topic you discussed with the interviewer, and why you enjoyed discussing it with them.

    This is the best way to immediately show them that your post-interview thank you email is written especially for them, and not quickly pasted from a generic template.

    Customization is key! Even the best thank you email templates or examples will appear to be low-effort if you dont customize them and show that you really wrote this for them.

    So what types of things can you mention? Here are some ideas

    First, you could mention something interesting you learned about the job or company from them. What caught your attention and sounded exciting about the position? If something sounds great about the role, say so!

    Or, you could reference one or two of their interview questions and answers you gave in response. For example, if the interviewer asked an interesting question that you enjoyed talking about, you could say:

    I really enjoyed your question about ___ and the discussion that it led to. It was also great learning about how XYZ company does ___.

    Or you could mention something personal they discussed with you! Maybe the interviewer told you theyre going to watch their son at a big basketball tournament that evening.

    You could say:

    By the way, I hope your sons team did great at the basketball tournament. How did things turn out?

    You could write:

    A Brief Review Of Your Qualifications

    Sample Thank You Letter After Interview Download Printable ...

    As the interviewer already has your resume and is aware of your qualification, keep this part brief. Try to connect your qualification with the position and express why you are a strong candidate for this job.

    You can write something like this, My expertise in project management makes me an excellent candidate for this position.

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    Salutation And Contact Information

    End your letter with a salutation such as ‘Sincerely’, ‘Kind regards’ or ‘Best wishes’. After that, make sure to include your contact information including legal name, email address and phone number. This information is also available in your application, but listing it in the thank you letter can make it easier for the recruiter to contact you.

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    Tips For Writing An Interview Thank

    Here are additional tips for writing a strong thank-you email after a job interview and what to include:

    • Express Why You Want the Job: In addition to thanking the person you interviewed with, your thank-you note should reinforce the fact that you want the job, so view this thank-you as a follow-up “sales” letter. Restate why you want the job, what your qualifications are, and how you might make significant contributions.
    • Bring Up Anything You Wish You Had Said: Your message is also the perfect opportunity to discuss anything of importance that your interviewer neglected to ask. For example, if you didnt have a chance to explain why you thought that you would fit in well with the company culture, you might briefly state this in the email.
    • Revisit Any Issues Brought Up During the Interview: Finally, use your letter to address any issues and concerns that came up during the interview, including topics you neglected to answer as thoroughly as you might have wished. For instance, if you feel that you botched an interview question, you could explain your answer in more detail here.

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    The Best Way To Say Thank You For Your Consideration

    You might know of the sandwich method as the go-to way to deliver criticism or bad news to someone. That same method can be applied to delivering the best thank you to a potential employer.

    We call it the thank you sandwich.

    Heres what you need to do:

  • Thank them at the start. Briefly thank the person for taking the time to interview you. If its a cover letter, simply open by stating the position youre interested in.

  • Highlight major points from your interview. Mention some key aspects that you took from the information they gave you, which shows employers that you were paying attention and care. Interesting conversations, additional questions, and anything from your interview notes that stands out are all good options to bring up.

  • Clean up any interview mistakes . This is an optional step, but if you want to address one of the interviewers concerns, this could be a place to do it.

  • Focus on your impressive skills. Now were back to both cover letter and post-interview advice. Always speak to your most relevant skills and qualifications, quantifying your accomplishments whenever possible.

    For a cover letter, this is the bulk of the message, but its also a significant part of the post-interview email.

  • Reiterate the thank you. Reaffirm why you would make an excellent candidate for the position and close with a reiteration of thanks and a call to action for next steps.

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    Second Interview Thank You Email

    How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview (+ a Template!)

    Questions Answered

    Should I send a thank you email after my second interview?

    What does a post interview thank you email show?

    How to write a second interview thank you note?

    Subject for thank you email

    When to send a thank you note after an interview

    Should you email or mail a thank you letter?

    How long until you hear back after the second interview?

    Your second interview wraps up. Now What?!

    Should You Sit Around and Wait For Them To Get Back To You or Take Initiative and Send a Post Job Interview Thank You Email?

    Since you know the overall nature of this article, I assume you picked the latter.

    You made a very wise choice!

    Sending a thank you email after a job interview is not only considered best practice but almost a necessity in todays work world.

    The days of simply handing in a resume/job application before getting a call back are mostly gone.

    Young professionals coming out of college and looking for their first job must differentiate themselves from more experienced candidates.

    Learning how to write a thank you email for an interview can do exactly that.

    A last-minute push for the job gives you a slight advantage over the competition and solidifies your interest in the role.

    The extra step of creating a thank you email helps potential employers remember your name for the right reasons.

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    Mistakes To Avoid When Sending Post Interview Thank You Emails

    Now you know the basics of how to send a great thank you email after the interview. Lets cover a few mistakes to avoid now, though.

    Some of this will be review if you read everything above, but I want to make sure you dont do anything that could cost you the job!

    First mistake: waiting too long to send it. You really want to send this within 24 hours after your interview.

    Next, dont ever copy and paste the same exact email to send to multiple people. They will compare and it looks sloppy/lazy. It takes a lot away from the impact your thank you email will have.

    Dont ever put multiple people in the To field of the email either. You should be sending one email to one recipient at a time.

    Otherwise, it looks lazy/rushed.

    And another big mistake: Thinking you dont need to send an interview thank you email because the person you met wasnt the official hiring manager.

    Id recommend sending one any time you had a face-to-face interview with someone.

    Everyones opinion can count and the hiring manager can ask everyone what they thought of you. Dont pick and choose who deserves a thank you email. Send it to everyone youve met face to face and play it safe!

    One more minor mistake: Not asking for business cards after you meet each person during a day of interviewing.

    Getting business cards from each person you met with during the interview is the easiest way to keep track of names and email addresses so you can thank them later via email.

    What To Include In A Thank You Email After A Phone Interview

    There are many elements you should include when constructing your thank you email after your phone interview. These can help you stand out and capture the attention of your interviewer. Some common sections to include in your thank you email are:

    • Subject line
    • Opening sentence thanking them for the opportunity to interview
    • A statement explaining why you’re the best fit for the position
    • Any additional comments regarding what you previously discussed in the interview
    • Extra information you were unable to discuss in the interview
    • A message stating you look forward to hearing from them
    • Your signature and any additional contact information

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    Last Notes About Logistics

    Now that youve used our thank you email templates to craft a memorable thank you email, what if you dont have the interviewers email address? Reach out to the recruiter or your main point of contact for the position to share the email address. If they are not able to do that, then ask them to forward your thank you email to the interviewer.

    If neither of those two options will work, then locate the interviewer on LinkedIn. In the case that you are already connected, then send your thank you email as a message. If you are not connected with the interviewer, then send an abbreviated thank you message with your invitation to connect. Bonus if you get a new connection with that message.

    Lastly, send your thank you email or message as soon as you can. Most experts recommend sending the note within 24-48 hours after the interview.

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