Friday, July 26, 2024

Pre Interview Questions For Employers

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Where Will It Be

How to Answer a Job Pre-Screening Questionnaire

When its an in-office interview, the scheduler will likely ask you if you know where the office is and provide you with details about parking. But with so many companies switching to remote work and interviewing online, theres a good chance that youll be meeting virtually. Take this time to ask about the tools that youll need to familiarize yourself with, and details about whether these will be video interviews, audio-only, etc.

What Are The Biggest Opportunities In The Company Right Now

Use this question to learn more about where the company is going. If you’ve significant experience in the industry, you can determine if the company is on top of the latest trends and expanding. If you’re new to your field, you can learn more about where the industry is going based on your employer’s answers.

If you join the team, you may also contribute to projects that the interviewer mentions. Understanding their importance and focus can help you once you start work. Additionally, the hiring manager’s answer may give you insight into whether there’s room for growth within the company.

Questions To Ask At An Interview

There’s nothing more anticlimactic than ending a good back and forth with a shrug and a “not really”, but that’s what often happens when interviewers turn the tables. Have at least five questions to ask in an interview prepped and you’ll come across as genuinely interested in the position and engaged in the process.

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What Is Your Biggest Strength And Your Biggest Weakness

Employer Motivation: To find out if your strengths would be used in the position and to find out if you are aware of the areas where you need improvement.Strategy: You can give examples of your strengths if you wish With your weaknesses, explain how you work around them or try to strengthen them so that you end on a positive note. Avoid sharing a weakness that directly relates to the job’s requirements.

Planning For The Phone Screening

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As you would for any business conversation, you want to practice good etiquette when scheduling and conducting a phone screen interview. Respect the interviewees time by keeping to the schedule. Respect their availability for the phone call, too. Candidates who are working, even if it’s from home, may not be able to talk until after business hours.

Approach every conversation with a blank slate, and treat each candidate fairly and equally. Remain fully engaged during every call. All that can be easier said than done: When you conduct one phone screen interview after another, its easy to race through the questions you ask each person. If that sounds like you, refrain from stacking up the calls back-to-back. And set aside a time and a location where you can conduct the screening interview free of noise or other distractions.

Remember, youre engaging with an external audience. A professional, thoughtful screening interview will enhance your business reputation a hurried process and a gruff manner wont reflect well on you or your firm. Keep in mind that your top candidates are evaluating you as closely as you are them. Some might decline an invitation to a formal interview if theyre at all uncomfortable during this initial contact.

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What Do You Know About This Organization

Employer Motivation: Similar to the previous question, the employer is checking your knowledge base and interest.Strategy: Provide an answer that indicates that you have researched the company before the interview. Example: “I’ve talked with some of your employees and they feel that this a good company to work for because” “I have been reading that your company is really growing fast, planning two new branches this year. I want to work for your company because the future looks promising.”

Learn The Interview Schedule And Participants In Your Interview Plus Employers Typical Interviewing And Hiring Process:

Most of these questions apply to every interview, even with the same employer. The same job may have different processes for different parts of the organization.

  • What is the typical INTERVIEWING process for this job?

    Will there be one, two, or three MORE interviews for this job with different levels of management and/or different parts of the organization?

    If this set of interviews goes well, when can you expect the next round of interviews, and the one after that?

  • Who will be interviewing me, and how long will these interviews take?

    You want not only the names of the interviewers, but also the job title and location of each so you can prepare by learning more about them before the interview. You need to know the length of the process so you can be mentally prepared and plan your day.

  • What type of interview is it?

    It could be a phone interview, a one-way video interview, a two-way video interview, a one-on-one interview with you and the HR rep, or a hundred other options. Learn which one this is so you will understand what is involved. Surprises can be disturbing.

    Sometimes several job candidates are interviewed at the same time by one or more interviewers. Sometimes, many job candidates are interviewed individually in short, quick interviews .

    Often, you will be interviewed one-on-one with the recruiter or HR, followed by a sequence of one-on-one interviews with other members of the staff and the hiring manager.

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    What Type Of Management Style Do You Prefer

    Employers may ask about your ideal management style to see whether or not you would fit well with the supervisor that will be managing you. For example, if you prefer to work with a trusting, collaborative manager that creates a calm, creative working environment, you might not work well with more fast-paced, aggressive leadership styles.

    Example answer:While Im flexible in working with many different personality types, Ive found that the management style I thrive most under is both trusting and involved. While I dont like to feel micromanaged, I do very much enjoy quality one-on-one time on a regular basis to brainstorm ideas for the projects Im working on and how I can do better in my role.

    Related: 10 Types of Management Styles and Their Key Qualities

    Possible Answer To Tell Me About A Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills

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    I think that a good leader is someone who can make decisions while also listening to others and being willing to admit when youre wrong and course correct. In my last role, my team and I were responsible for giving a big presentation to a prospective client. I quickly assigned different tasks to members of my team, but the project never really got moving. I gave everyone an opportunity to share their input and concerns, and it turned out that they were struggling in the roles Id given them. I ended up switching a few people around. Meanwhile, the employee Id assigned to give the presentation was nervous, but still wanted to give it a try. I worked with them to make sure they were ready and even held a practice session so that they could rehearse in a more comfortable environment. When the time came for the real thing, they nailed it! We landed the client and the company still has the account to this day. And that employee became a go-to person for important client presentations. Im really glad I took the time to listen to everyones concerns so that I could re-evaluate my approach and help my team be the best it could be.

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    Possible Answer To What Do You Consider To Be Your Weaknesses

    It can be difficult for me to gauge when the people Im working with are overwhelmed or dissatisfied with their workloads. To ensure that Im not asking too much or too little from my team, we have weekly check-ins. I like to ask if they feel like theyre on top of their workload, how I could better support them, whether theres anything theyd like to take on or get rid of, and if theyre engaged by what theyre doing. Even if the answer is all good, these meetings really lay the groundwork for a good and trusting relationship.

    Tell Me About Your Work Experience

    An interviewer may or may not already be familiar with your background. Regardless, this question gives you the chance to detail your experiences that are most valuable to the prospective role. Employers want to know that youve reflected on their expectations for a qualified candidate and that you have directly relevant or transferable skills. Consider these tips for answering:

    1. Quantify your experience:I have 10 years of experience in personal finance management, and I have assisted 45 repeat clients in increasing their capital by an average of 15% every year.

    2. Illustrate connections to role:As a financial analyst, Ive used visual growth charts to show my clients how each saving plan option can impact their goals. When I became a senior financial analyst, I supervised other analysts and trained them in providing the most helpful experience to our customers.

    3. End with a goal statement:”As your senior financial consultant, I aim to integrate my individualized approach to helping clients build the retirement fund they will depend on.

    Read more: Interview Question: Tell Me About Your Work Experience

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    Questions To Ask About The Company Culture:

  • Whats the culture here like?
  • How would you describe the work environment here? Is it more independent or group-oriented?
  • How does everyone keep their work-life balance?
  • Whats your favorite office tradition?
  • What does the team normally do for lunch?
  • Does anyone in this department hang out outside of work?
  • Are there ever any joint events with other departments/teams?
  • Whats different about working than other places youve worked at?
  • How has the company changed since you started here?
  • What are the basics of your telecommuting policy?
  • How are employees recognized for their hard work?
  • What can you tell me about the team Id be working with?
  • How involved are the employees in setting their own goals?
  • How do you develop teambuilding skills here?
  • What does it take to be a top performer here?
  • How often do employees give updates on their projects?
  • Do the employees ever feel competitive against each other? How much and how often?
  • What Do You Least Like About Your Current Job

    Interview Evaluation Form

    If youre wondering whether hirers trick you into telling them about your last assignment and the outcome that led you to tender resignation, they arent. They want to know whether you have a positive way of looking at negative scenarios.

    They want to ensure your papers wont be tendered on their desk when there is the first sign of trouble.

    • Everybody loathes a personality blaming everyone except themselves for failure. So instead of dissing your past employer, use constructive criticism to convince recruiters how you needed a way out to avoid straining relationships.
    • Dont divulge more information to avoid looking desperate. The goal is to ease concerns that you arent looking for the first flight out when fraught with challenges. Employers like to know you tried and will try your best in case concerns arise.
    • A confident answer would make your personality shine even if you resigned from a toxic workplace. Such as this:
    • The last company I worked at grew tremendously and led to scenarios where supervisors and managers werent on the same page. While it allowed me to test my skills under stress, I needed a way to evolve rather than compete without a common goal. This is the reason I am on the job market right now.

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    What Are Your Greatest Strengths

    In your answer to this question, share your most relevant technical and soft skills. While it may feel uncomfortable to talk highly of yourself, remember that this is your opportunity to tell your interviewers what makes you a great candidateand they want to hear it. To answer, follow the formula below:

    1. Share one to a few positive qualities and personal attributes:”Ive always been a natural leader…

    2. Back them up with examples:”…Ive exceeded my KPIs every quarter and have been promoted twice in the past five years. I look back at those successes and know that I wouldnt have reached them if I hadnt built and led teams composed of highly skilled and diverse individuals. Im proud of my ability to get cross-functional groups on the same page…

    3. Relate them back to the role for which youre interviewing:”…Ive also regularly honed my management skills through 360 reviews and candid sessions with my team, and I know continuing to build my leadership skills is something I want from my next role.

    Read more: Interview Question: What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

    Work Environment Related Questions

    During the screening process by understanding how people prefer their work environment can learn how well they would integrate into your workforce.

    You may understand a bit about their previous environments if you know the company they used to work. But it also helps to ask what type of setting they prefer and what theyve experienced.

    A few Pre-screening interview questions that can help you get a good feeling of a candidates work expectations are:

    • What type of manager style works best for you?
    • In what work environment would you thrive?
    • What does an ideal workday look like for you?

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    How To Answer Questions About Past Earnings

    It would be naive to pretend that money is irrelevant when you’re job hunting. Talking about earnings can be really uncomfortable, but it’s part and parcel of the interview process.

    Your interviewers will want to know how much you made at the past positions on your CV, especially your most recent role. This is all part of the salary negotiation process they want to know how much you’ll accept. Unfortunately it can put you in a sticky situation, as it’s likely they’ll look to offer you something close to your last position even if it was underpaid. There’s also the risk they’ll back off if they think they can’t afford you, not knowing that you’re willing to take a pay cut for the right role .

    If you’re currently underpaid, say something along the lines of: “I’ve always felt that salary history is a private matter. However, based on my accomplishments and talents, I think a compensation level of £X to £Y would be appropriate.”

    If you’re making a lot more than the salary range and are willing to take the cut, address it head on after revealing or being asked about your current salary. Explain your reasons for taking the drop to reassure your interviewers that you’re serious and won’t regret the decision later. For example, “I’m passionate about working in this industry so a drop in salary is a small sacrifice” or “This role has different responsibilities than my current one and I feel the compensation you’re offering is appropriate.”

    What Are Your Weaknesses

    How to Prepare for An Interview – The Best Pre-Interview Strategy | Indeed Career Tips

    You can positively frame your answer by picking characteristics that you’ve taken steps to improve. For example, self-confidence issues could have previously led to difficulty accepting criticism – but tell the interviewer that you’ve learned to embrace constructive feedback as it allows for self-improvement. Alternatively, discuss how you overcame a potential downside of your greatest strength. For example, you might have had to learn how to cope with conflict if you’re a great team worker.

    Never say that you have no weaknesses, that you’re a perfectionist, or that you work too hard. These are clichéd responses that portray you as arrogant, dishonest or lacking in self-awareness.

    Similar questions include:

    • How do you respond to criticism?
    • How would your worst enemy describe you?

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    Possible Answer To Tell Me About A Time You Made A Mistake

    Early in my career, I missed a deadline that ended up costing us a really big account. There were a lot of factors that contributed to this, but ultimately, I was the one who dropped the ball. From that experience, I went back and thought really hard about what I couldve controlled and what I wouldve changed. It turns out that I was not nearly as organized as I thought I was. I sat down with my boss, asked for suggestions on how to improve my organizational skills, and a few months later I was able to score an even bigger account for the department.

    Possible Answer To How Would Your Boss And Coworkers Describe You

    Actually, in my most recent performance review in April, my direct supervisor described me as someone who takes initiative and doesnt shy away from hard problems. My role involves a lot of on-site implementation, and when things go wrong, its usually up to me to fix it. Rather than punting the problem back to the team, I always try to do what I can first. I know she appreciates that about me.

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    Do You Consider Yourself Successful

    This question might make you uncomfortable. But you can think of it as an opportunity to allow the interviewer to get to know you better and to position yourself as an excellent choice for this job. First off, make sure you say yes! Then pick one specific professional achievement youre proud of that can be tied back to the role youre interviewing forone that demonstrates a quality, skill, or experience that would help you excel in this position. Youll want to explain why you consider it a success, talk about the process in addition to the outcome, and highlight your own accomplishment without forgetting your team. Zooming in on one story will help if you feel awkward tooting your own horn!

    Smart Questions To Ask At The End Of Your Next Job Interview

    Interview Questions Template

    Job interviews arent just a chance for your prospective employer to get to know you theyre also a chance for you to get to know the organisation and people youre hoping to be devoting half of your waking hours to.

    But the chance to ask questions usually comes at the end of an interview, which means that the questions you ask can have a huge impact on how your interviewers remember you.

    So choose your questions wisely!

    The Benevolent Society is one of Australias oldest and largest not-for-profit organisations, and one of the most popular employers on, with jobs across NSW and Queensland and in areas like social work, family support, mental health and womens health & support.

    We asked Talent and Attraction Specialist at the Benevolent Society, Aoife Brady, for her perspective on some of the best questions for candidates to ask at the end of a job interview.

    The best questions Ive experienced as an interviewer are ones that show the candidate is interested in the role and want to check the opportunity is the right fit for them as a person, Brady says.

    So what makes a good question? Here are 20 of the best ones to ask at the end of the interview for your next ethical job:

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