Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rpa Automation Anywhere Interview Questions

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Is Robotic Automation Similar To Screen Scraping Or Macros

Automation Anywhere Interview Questions And Answers | RPA Interview Questions | Simplilearn

Screen scraping is done by applications to capture the screen. Depending on the information captured, you proceed towards processing it.

Robotic process automation is much more capable and robust and can integrate with Windows applications, Java applications, or web applications. RPA does incorporate screen scraping when dealing with automating mainframes, but that’s just a part of itit does not govern RPA in any way.

Q8 How To Create Timestamps For Your Files Using Automation Anywhere System Variables

As you can refer from question 3 in this section, the system variables are pre-defined variables in this Automation Anywhere and below are a few other system variables.

Now, you can combine the above variables to create a timestamp of your own choice as below:

To append Year, Month, Day at the end of the word Example, you can write the command as below:


To include text characters between the variables:


To create a complete timestamp with date and time, you can write:


What Are The User Personas In Rpa

  • RPA Process Owner is responsible for identifying, prioritizing and approving the list of processes for automation. Also, responsible for generating usage reports, analytics and bot monitoring.
  • RPA Business Analyst/Citizen Developer is responsible for designing and modelling the RPA process using the RPA process modeler.
  • RPA Developer- Is responsible for
  • RPA Admin is responsible for the release and deployment of RPA projects into multiple environments such as Dev, Test and production. Also, responsible for any issue logging and monitoring.
  • RPA Business User is the end-user of the RPA project who is responsible for defining RPA use cases and executing the use cases in runtime.

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Q10 How To Use The String Operation Commands In Automation Anywhere

You can use the String operation commands in Automation Anywhere to perform various actions such as below:


To compare two strings:

Step 1: Create two variables in the variable manager and assign them a string. Here I have assigned the variables string1 and string2 with the following strings:

string1 -> Hi from edureka

string2 -> Welcome from edureka

Step 2: Now drag the Compare command from the String Operation activity to your workbench.

Step 3: In the dialog box which opens up mention the variable names by clicking on CTRL + F2 in the string 1 and string 2 boxes. Refer below.

Step 4: Now add a message box and mention the output variable to display the output.

Step 5: Execute the task. You will see that the strings will be compared and the output will be given as FALSE.

I Am Not Able To Log In To The Client Machine From Automation Anywhere What Are The Key Steps I Can Try To Resolve This

Automation Anywhere Tool Interview Questions

The steps which could be followed in this scenario are:

  • Delete the concerned user from Control Room -> User Management.
  • Recreate the user profile with the same set of information.
  • Add a Developer license to the newly created user profile.
  • Restart the user computer, terminating all the Automation Anywhere processes that might be running in the background.
  • Login to the Automation Anywhere client.
  • The given steps should work and resolve this issue. If the problem is still not fixed, then Automation Anywhere needs to be installed.

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Q7 How To Copy An Excel Cell And Move To The Next Cell In Your Record

To copy an Excel cell and move to the next cell in your record you can do the following:

To copy the data into the cell use Keystrokes as below:

Now to move the cursor to the next cell after copying the data into the present cell, use the following keystroke:


Here, use ENTER to move a row down in the same column as the present cell and TAB to move to the next cell RIGHT in the same row.

Need To Brush Up On Your Skills

If you are serious about your career in RPA but not sure youre ready to ace an interview for a more advanced position, consider enrolling in Simplilearns Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional Training course or our Robotic Process Automation using UiPath Certification Training course today. What are you waiting for?

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What Is The Recommended Way To Open An Application As Part Of A Task

When you record a task, you might double-click the icon of an application on the desktop or go to Start

  • Programs and click the applications icon. It is very likely that the location of these icons will change, resulting in an error when the task runs. However, to prevent these errors, we recommend that you follow the following recommendations:
  • Open the task in the Task Editor.
  • Select the actions that involve going to menu items and clicking. They may involve several mouse moves and mouse clicks.

Delete these actions:

Replace them with single-line commands that you create by double-clicking the Open Program/File command and specifying the path to the application you want to open. The Open Program/File dialog includes a text box where you can type parameters that Automation Anywhere will pass to the application.The task will now open your application, no matter where the icon is located.

What Are The 5 Advantages Of Rpa

Top 50 Automation Anywhere Interview Questions | Robotic Process Automation Training | Edureka

There are lots of benefits to using RPA, and we have listed some of them:

  • RPA bots are Scalable and they Integrate across domains and platforms
  • They reduce human errors and are compliant and consistent.
  • RPA can reduce operational costs by automating repetitive high-volume tasks.
  • RPA bots operate with consistent Speed and improve productivity at regular intervals of time.
  • It improves customer experience by providing prompt and accurate resolution .

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How Many Types Of Recorders Are Present In Automation Anywhere

Three types of recorders are available in Automation Anywhere. They are:

  • Screen Recorders – Mostly applicable for desktop-based applications and used when a task involves more clicks.
  • Smart Recorders – It is a feasible method for building tasks and applicable for both web and desktop-based applications.
  • Web Recorders – These recorders are applicable for performing tasks that require repetitive actions and can be implemented for various web applications.

What Are The Uses Of Automation Anywhere And Mention The Challenges Associated With It

Automation Anywhere is a practical approach that reduces human efforts and errors. The main reason is this approach saves lots of time. This approach is similar to that of artificial intelligence to perform processes and tasks more efficiently.

The biggest challenge associated with Automation Anywhere is a shortage of skills and cost variations in some situations. Moreover, tasks are performed usually without worrying about failure and break in the middle of the functions.

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Can You Explain What Are The Advantages Of Automation Anywhere

The advantages of Automation Anywhere are as follows:

  • There is no complex programming required, and it also supports the front-end.
  • Automation Anywhere is a user-friendly UI with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • It has a platform-independent policy and is simple to integrate with other systems.
  • Its used across the board since it allows many departments to focus on tasks that require human engagement.
  • Navigates across diverse digital environments.
  • It is intended for complexity and can perform difficult jobs rapidly.

What Are Task Bots Meta Bots And Iq Bots

RPA Tools Comparison
  • Task Bots – These bots automate a rule-based, repetitive task, in areas like document administration, HR, claims management, IT services, and more.
  • Meta Bots – These bots are the automation building blocks. Theyre designed in such a way that with application updates or changes you need to make minimal edits to the bot.
  • IQ Bots – These are advanced tools. They can learn on their own and perform a task accordingly. IQ Bots offer automation using highly advanced cognitive technology.

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What Is The Framework

The framework is a platform for building any suite, including an automation suite. This is designed in such a way that it becomes more useful for providing adequate information on several aspects. Moreover, it provides a platform on which the developers can build the programs for a specific purpose.

What Are The Various Ways Or Mechanisms To Design Bot Actives Using Rpa

  • Low code/ no code Bot Designer-= This provides a GUI for Bot designer to simply drag and drop bot activities into the visual designer to create bot flows that can be tested, edited and executed.
  • Bot Recorder The bot recorder provides a highly intuitive way of recording user actions by simply mimicking them.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Using Automation Anywhere

The following are the main benefits of using Automation Anywhere:

Navigates Different Digital Landscapes: Automation Anywhere is capable of making adjustments according to the movements of the icons, buttons, and other user-created actions.

Build for Complexity: It can easily automate complex and complicated business processes and tasks that would require advanced coding skills.

Made for Enterprises: It is deployed throughout the entire enterprise. Therefore, it enables human beings to focus on such processes that require human intelligence.

Easy Programming: It supports automation through the front end, which does not actually require complex programming or coding skills. Even a person with no programming skills can work on this tool.

Easy Integration: The tool is platform-independent and can be easily integrated with multiple systems.

Quick Deployment: Because it offers drag and drops features to develop software bots, the development and deployment are quick.

Can You Explain The Term Rpa

Automation Anywhere Interview Questions and Answers | RPA Developer Interview Questions for Freshers

RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation. It is a business process automation technology that uses software robots or bots to automate business processes.

A workflow with several steps and applications can be taught to the software or robot, such as receiving forms, sending a receipt message, checking the form for completeness, filing the form in a folder, and updating a spreadsheet with the name of the form, the date submitted, and so on.

RPA software is designed to relieve employees of a load of repeated and monotonous activities.

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How Do You Think You Can Reduce The Load On The Manual Workforce To Handle So Many Unsatisfied Customers Together


Now, to reduce the load of manual workforce you can design bots in Automation Anywhere, to suggest questions for the agent which can be asked to the customer and also, gather information simultaneously. With the help of cognitive capabilities, the bot can then further recommendations for the next best actions to be taken. So, in such a way a bot can make sure that the employee provides a better service, and can also keep the interaction with the customer aligned to the guidelines of the company. Refer to the diagram below.

What Are The Different Activities Performed By Uipath

  • Core activities: For all of the automation processes
  • Cognitive activities: For any language translations
  • Terminal activities: For retrieving data from the terminal
  • Web activities: For performing SOAP and HTTP requests to any web APIs
  • Salesforce activities: Makes provisions for automating salesforce activities
  • Testing activities: The package allows you to easily test the systems
  • Python activities: For invoking Python scripts and methods
  • Word activities: For automating activities in MS Word
  • Credential activities: For enabling the addition and deletion of credentials
  • Database activities: For executing queries, transactions, etc.
  • Excel activities: Facilitates the automation of MS Excel tasks
  • Intelligent OCR activities: For digitization and scraping
  • Mail activities: For working with IMAP, POP3, SMTP, Outlook, etc.
  • PDF activities: For data extraction from PDF files
  • FTP activities: For performing functions in the FTP server

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List Out The Benefits Of Automation Anywhere

The following are the benefits of Automation Anywhere:

  • Quick Deployment: Automation Anywhere provides a friendly interface and also provides features such as drag and drop.
  • Made for enterprises: It is applied to the whole enterprise because through this, many departments can pay attention to the processes which require human involvement.
  • Made integration easy: It provides platform independence policy and can integrate with other systems easily.
  • Easy to program: This does not involve any complex programming and also supports the front-end.
  • Navigates to various digital landscapes.
  • Perform complex tasks very quickly and it is designed for complexity.

Name The Applications Where The Automation Anywhere Is Used

Automation Anywhere leads the RPA market as the industry transitions to ...

The following are the key applications where Automation Anywhere is used. They are:

  • For invoice processing and auditing in the Financial/accounting department.
  • For automating tasks in the HR department.
  • In creating lead generation reports in the marketing department.
  • In the manufacturing department for ERP integration.
  • For populating subcontractor forms and automating daily reports in the Government sector.
  • In the retail industry for gathering product details from the manufacturers site.

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What Are The Components Of Automation Anywhere Tool Architecture

A distributed architecture is used in Automation Anywhere. Bot Creators and Bot Runners are the two main components of the architecture. Both of these elements are linked to the Control Room. The control room will be the centralized manager in this architecture.

Learn more about Automation Anywhere with Automation Anywhere Tutorial.

What Are The Three Types Of Automation Anywhere Bots

The three types of Automation Anywhere tools are:

  • Meta bots: Meta bots are the building blocks of automation. Its built-in such a way that you only have to make minor adjustments to the bot when the app is updated or changed. Any process that uses that bot is automatically updated.
  • IQ bots: It is a sophisticated instrument. It has the ability to learn on its own and complete tasks in accordance with its instructions. Automation is provided by IQ Bot, which employs cutting-edge cognitive technologies. It is based on the idea of organizing unstructured data while also enhancing its abilities and performance.
  • Task bots: In domains like document administration, HR, claims management, IT services, and more, task bots automate a rule-based, repetitive process. This results in an instant increase in productivity, reduced errors, and cost savings.

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Q15 What Do You Think Are The Reasons For Not Considering Manual Testing In Automation Anywhere Approach

The reasons for not considering Manual Testing in Automation Anywhere approach are as follows:

  • A humongous amount of time is required to do the process manually.
  • Requires lots of additional resources.
  • Error-prone and thus reduce accuracy.

So, when the tasks or the projects are large and have a time constraint, then I would say, using Manual Testing for Automation Anywhere is not a wise option as it would decrease the performance of resources.

Now, next in this article we will go through the Tool Based Automation Anywhere Interview Questions.

Rpa Automation Anywhere Interview Questions And Answers

Top 50 Automation Anywhere Interview Questions | Robotic Process Automation | Edureka Rewind – 6

Our experts providing RPA Automation Anywhere interview questions & Answers/Faqs can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNCs, doesnt matter what kind of company youre hired.

1. What do you mean by automation? What are its benefits?Answer: It is basically a process to automate the tasks and process with the help of automaticequipment which are based on technology. It is helpful for the businesses to considerautomation as it enhances efficiency and cut down the errors from several business processes and transactions.Also, the human interference can be avoided up to a great extent.A number of processes can be automated with the use of specific equipment and expertise.

2. When exactly you will automate a test?Answer: There are certain cases when we can consider the same. For example, repeating tasks.During such a scenario, automating a test saves a lot of time as well as Human efforts.In addition to this, test with more than one data set can be made more efficient through this approach.Also, regression test cases, as well as Smoke & Sanity tests are also the conditions when automating a test is a good option.However, the final decision is always based on Return-on-Investment.

6. What are the automation tools you are certified in?Answer: The answer to this question depends on you. You can mention here about the tools you have good command or skills in.Generally, it is asked from experienced professional in the Automation.

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What Do You Mean By The Terms Least Moderately And Most Friendly Formats In Automation Anywhere

The file formats are categorized into least, moderately, and most friendly categories based on their complexity and readability:

  • The least friendly forms are handwritten documents, scanned papers, and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Word files and typed PDFs are considered moderately friendly formats.
  • Excel files, CSV files, and text files are considered the most friendly formats.

What Are The Different Types Of Recorders In Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere has three types of recorders, such as:

Screen Recorder: The Screen Recorder is the most feasible method that helps in automating the task most efficiently. It can be used to record user actions like mouse clicks and movements, keyboard operations, etc.

Smart Recorder: The Smart Recorder is used to record objects such as drop-down menus, checkboxes, list boxes, and radio buttons, and more in desktop applications. It is also known as ‘Object Recorder’.

Web Recorder: The Web Recorder is primarily used for extracting the data from the web. It can accurately record user-actions on web-based tasks and further automate them without any coding skills requirements.

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Is It Possible To Use A Password With Automation Anywhere Tasks

One of the wonderful features of Automation Anywhere is to use a password with the tasks. Using this feature, we can easily password-protect our task by clicking on the ‘Password Protection’ checkbox and then specifying a password before saving it. Additionally, we can also create a password on our saved tasks by going into the Security tab from the main screen of Automation Anywhere.

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