Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Interview For Customer Service Job

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Can You Tell Me About A Time You Received Poor Customer Service How Could It Have Gone Better

21 CUSTOMER SERVICE Interview Questions And Answers!

Practically everyone has had a poor customer service experience, but this question is particularly good for support and service roles because they will have the chance to answer through the lens of their professional experience.

What to Look For in Good Answers

Candidates should be able to tell their story in an engaging way, convey what they needed from the customer service experience, and where the organization fell short. The best candidates will also demonstrate empathy and problem solving by stating what they would’ve done instead if the roles were reversed. Be sure to pay attention to what they say they wish the outcome would’ve been as well as this will tell a lot about a candidate.

How Do You Collaborate With Your Team Members To Solve A Customer’s Problem

Teamwork is an important aspect of customer service because the representatives are ambassadors of the organization. In most cases, customer service representatives engage customers on a one-on-one basis. However, there are instances where you may need to involve other representatives or team members from other departments. The interviewer assesses your communication skills and teamwork abilities.

Example:I recently worked for a tech company that produces multiple products. We divided the customer service teams into product categories where for example, my team handled headphones while another team handled home theatre systems and more. However, the customer service number was the same, which means that we had to redirect the calls to be appropriate representatives.

Select Your Weakness Carefully

Make sure to choose a relatively harmless weakness. For a customer service job interview, make sure that some focused study or practice easily fixes your weakness. Lacking confidence with specific software tools or insecurity on the fluency level of a second language are good examples for customer service interviews. Make sure that you can discuss how you are learning from these challenges. Explain, in detail, the steps you are taking to make improvements.

Try to stay away from personal flaws or traits and remain focused on your professional weaknesses and how they relate to the role. Remember, its an interview not a confessional. Oversharing can derail your job candidacy.

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How Would You Improve The Experience Of Dissatisfied Customers

Customer service representatives have the responsibility to handle complaints from customers. The interviewer wants to know about your skills and how you can manage such situations successfully. If you have experience in such a situation, you can use it as a reference for your answer.

Example:“In my previous job, I learned that customer wants the company to listen to them and show that we care about and value their opinions. For example, one of my previous customers ordered a headset and one side was not working upon arrival. He was very upset, but we offered a replacement at a discount. The customer was happy with a replacement and left a positive comment on our product page.”

What Motivates You In Your Career

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Employers want to know what motivates you and keeps you going aside from money especially when you interview for a difficult/stressful job like customer service representative positions.

These jobs are DEFINITELY stressful at times.

So employers want to make sure theres something that will motivate you and keep you going when a day gets difficult.

Dont say money when you answer this question.

They want to know whats going to keep you motivated besides the paycheck.

Thats what hiring managers are curious about this when they ask this question in a customer service representative interview.

Heres some further reading on answering the what motivates you interview question.

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How Do You Handle A Situation In Which You Aren’t Sure How To Help A Customer

There will be times when a Customer Service Representative won’t know the best way to handle a situation. The goal of the question is to evaluate how the candidate deals with uncertain circumstances. What to look for in an answer:

  • Ability to ask for guidance and support when required
  • Communication skills to identify the customer’s problem
  • Critical thinking and creative problem-solving ability


“When working with a customer, I always try first to exhaust all my information and resources. Often, if I can think creatively about the issue, I can develop a solution. If not, I will then go to my supervisor and ask for their opinion on what I should do. I have a few ideas ready and then ask for their guidance on the best course of action.”

Get Ready For Your Customer Service Job Interview

You’ve got the customer service job interview. Well done! Prepare thoroughly using these common customer service interview questions and answers and be sure of standing out as the best candidate for the customer service job opportunity.

All customer service positions involve creating a positive relationship with the customer and ensuring the interaction the customer has is an efficient and satisfying experience. Expect interview questions that explore your ability to provide the right service to the customer.

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How To Answer Retail Job Interview Questions

During a retail job interview, your interviewers goal will be to get a sense of your personality and work style. Thatll help reveal if you’re a good fit for the company.

Answer questions about yourself honestly, but be mindful of creating the best possible impression.

Youll also likely get questions about your customer service abilities since retail jobs involve being around many people each day. Look for ways to show in your responses that you will prioritize the customer and provide strong customer service . Keep your interviewers in mind while giving your responses. What do they want to hear? Your responses should cater to that.

Top 10 Soft Skills For Customer Service Jobs

CUSTOMER SERVICE Interview Questions & Answers! (How to PASS a CUSTOMER SERVICE Job Interview!)

The customer service industry requires employees to have a number of softor interpersonalskills. Whether you interact with customers in person, on the phone, or via email or online chat, it’s important that you be able to relate to others on a human level. The customer should feel as if they are interacting with someone who genuinely cares and wants to solve their problem.

Developing these customer service skills and emphasizing them in a job interview can help you rise above the job market competition.

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How Do You Know When You Have Provided Quality Customer Service

The goal of the question is to evaluate how the candidate determines their internal metrics of providing excellent service to customers. What to look for in an answer:

  • Ability to articulate what creates quality customer service
  • Willingness to go above and beyond for a customer
  • Communication skills to interact with customers positively


“I know that I have provided quality customer service when a customer leaves the store with a smile and a sense of happiness. It is my job to make every customer feel valued, whether they purchase at the time or in the future.”

Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years

While it does seem cliche, there is an extremely valid reason why this question is so commonly asked by hiring managers across all industries. Unless youâre hiring for a temp or seasonal job , you need to know if your new agent plans on sticking around long enough to make it worth the effort of bringing them onto your team.

Financially, will it make sense for you to invest in any necessary technical or product knowledge training programs, equipment, and software or new staff accounts if the hiree leaves after only six months of working with your company? In most cases, the answer will be âno.â

So, ask what the prospect’s life plans are. If it sounds like theyâll be leaving to travel abroad before next quarter, itâs likely a good idea to move on and find a better fit.

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Keep Up With Hygiene And Health

Bathe daily. This is the most important part of your hygiene regimen.

Brush your teeth. Employers don’t want to keep someone who has bad breath.

Go to the dentist. Even if you brush, you could still have teeth problems. Yellowed teeth or dental diseases could cause your employer to look elsewhere.

Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Not only does it keep you healthy, it helps your skin look better.

Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day. This will help you look and feel your best.

Eat a healthy diet and exercise. This will help you feel great!

Visit your doctor when needed. You can’t work if you are sick.

Why Do You Want To Work For This Company

How to Have a Great Customer Service Job Interview

It is best to do some company research for this answer and use specific and relevant examples in your answer.

Possible answer:

Your reputed company has a stellar record of delivering only the best to the customer in terms of both product and service. I have looked into the history as well as recent past of this company, and it is truly astounding how it has served its customers and sustained itself with their goodwill. It will be a privilege to work and contribute to such an environment and learn the ropes of great customer service here.

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Why Are Interview Questions Crucial

You can look at a resume to determine whether or not someone might make a good customer service rep this will show you prior experience, previous roles, awards, and information like this. But, it wonât tell you or your hiring manager if the prospect has what it takes to provide great customer service for your brand.

Interview questions and answers help you get a better idea of how a prospect might handle a difficult customer and how much they already know about your product or service. Once you have these facts, you will know how much training you might have to put in to get the potential hiree ready for the job. In the end, customer service interview questions can show you whether it is in your best interest to bring someone onto your staff or find a better fit.

How Flexible Is Your Schedule And How Many Hours Do You Hope To Work Each Week

Of course, if youâve made it this far, itâs time to find out when the prospect wants to work and if they are available. Youâre looking at a great candidate for the position — you need to figure out if you can work together to find a schedule that works for both of you. Should be easy enough, right?

If the timing just isnât the right fit itâs a good idea to encourage the applicant to reapply or give you a call back when their schedule opens up. When you find candidates that are good, but itâs just not the right time, you should keep a shortlist to call back on later. You donât want to let the good ones go!

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How Would You Handle A Situation Where Your Customer Is Wrong

Customers can also be wrong especially because of misinformation. The hiring manager wants to see how you handle problems and solve miscommunications. Show politeness, communication skills and problem-solving skills in your answer. In case you have an experience with the situation, you can include it in the answer.

Example:In a situation where the customers are wrong, I will listen to them carefully and politely inform them that there has been some miscommunication and explain the facts to them. I will also offer them alternatives to help them fulfill their needs.

Start By Choosing The Right Subject Line

7 Customer Service INTERVIEW QUESTIONS and Answers

The best subject lines in your follow-up email are clear, concise and convey appreciation for your interviewers time.

Here are the best interview follow-up email example subject lines:

  • Thank you for your time,
  • Great speaking with you today!
  • Thank you for the opportunity
  • Thank you!
  • I appreciate your time and advice
  • Follow up regarding

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Customer Service Interview Questions

Customer service representatives must have a specific set of skills and qualifications to perform their jobs well and be able to communicate that during an interview. In order to have a successful interview, applicants must prepare ahead of time. In this article, we provide 15 common customer service questions with explanations and sample answers.

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Are You A Team Player

Yes! The answer is yes. Even though a customer service representative seems like a lone wolf type of job, it is not. There will be many times when you dont know how to help a customer, and you need help from your coworkers.


  • Emphasize that you can work independently and that you are self-reliant. Most of the time, you will be working alone with the client. Your employer needs to know that youre comfortable with that and that you wont need supervision at all times.
  • Try to balance your answer smack-bang in the middle of being too independent and being too indecisive.
  • Research the company and whats important to them. Is it working independently or do they put more value into teamwork? Match what their preferences are.

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Describe A Time When You Provided Excellent Customer Service

This one is all about showing you can go above and beyond in the call of duty.

Your ability to serve customers politely and efficiently should be a given at this stage, but the interviewer wants to know if youre passionate enough about helping people to do more than is expected.

To represent your skills accurately, prepare an answer that describes a genuine example of your exceptional customer service.

Reference a time where you really impressed a customer, and describe the exact lengths you went to to make them happy its all about putting extra work in, taking responsibility, and making the customer feel valued.

Top tip: refer to a situation where the customer didnt need to ask for help in order to receive it.

Right answer

I recently met with a client to sell an event package. Prior to their visit, I explored previous activities that similar groups had found helpful in the past. This meant I could tailor the meeting accordingly, and could ensure theyd get everything they wanted out of the experience. Afterwards, I sent an information pack to send to all the attendees, with a brief recap of the visit. The company appreciated the personal touch, and went on to book six events with us.

Wrong answer

I take clients out for drinks all the time. This position does come with an expense card, right?

The Position Requires The Candidate To Complete Extensive Training On Our Products What Concerns Do You Have About The Training

Dressing for a Successful Job Interview

When hiring a new employee, many companies require specific product and service-based training so that the Customer Service Representative can be effective and knowledgeable. The goal of the question is to determine what concerns the candidate may have about completing the training. What to look for in an answer:

  • Willingness to continue professional development
  • Communication skills to express concerns effectively
  • Ability to retain information and implement knowledge within the position


“I am excited to hear that you have an extensive training program for new employees. It is important for me to understand everything about the products and services the company provides. It is also vital to understand the business’s policies and procedures so that I can operate within specific guidelines when assisting customers.”

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Tell Me A Little About Yourself

No matter what job youre applying for, youll most likely get this question. The interviewer asks about your professional self, not about your private life. Dont mistake the two.

This question is your pitch. Show that you know what the role is and how you fit in it.


  • Most people dont feel comfortable talking about themselves so make sure you prepare the answer, and you are not caught off-guard.
  • Be confident and organized. This question is your chance to sell yourself.
  • Present your interviewer with a summed-up timeline of your professional life.
  • Start with your current position and move backward through the most important parts of your background relevant to the customer service job youre applying for.
  • Make it into a short story. The person interviewing you is speaking to a lot of people. Stand out by making your customer service interview interesting for both of you from the very beginning.

Types Of Customer Service Interview Questions

Job interviews are all about learning as much as you can about a potential employee. You need to go beyond whats listed on their resume to find out if theyre truly up to the task.

The best approach is to structure your questions to cover a number of different topics and categories. The most important areas to address include customer service knowledge, problem-solving and communication skills, as well as personal and behavioral characteristics.

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Problem Solving And Communication Questions

Being able to communicate well during the interview is important, but youll need to find out how well they can communicate under difficult circumstances. Be sure to ask questions such as:

Question #1: How would you go about dealing with an angry customer?

Question #2: How would you handle a question you dont know the answer to?

This is a great way to test an interviewees problem-solving skills under pressure. In fact, how they answer the question is a good indicator of how they would react in a difficult customer service scenario. Listen carefully to whether they remain calm and convey their responses clearly and with confidence.

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