Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Prepare For Recruiter Interview

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Tell Me About A Time A Top Candidate Rejected A Job Offer What Did You Do

Tips From an Expedia Group Recruiter: Prepare For Your Interview!

Good recruiters are excellent at building relationships and negotiating. Asking this question can help you assess how a candidate approaches challenging situations and if they’re willing to put in extra effort to hire the right job applicant. What to look for in a successful answer:

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Ability to negotiate

  • Resilience

Example:”Recently, I had an excellent candidate turn down a job offer. When I asked them why, they explained that another company offered them a better salary. They also shared that they preferred our company’s work culture, but that they couldn’t turn down the additional income. After the candidate assured me this was the only reason they were declining our job offer, I contacted my hiring manager to see if we could increase the salary in our job offer. The hiring manager confirmed that we had the budget to make a counteroffer, and the candidate accepted the second time around.”

A Recruiter Reveals 13 Essential Tips For Nailing A Job Interview

So you got the call! Or email, or text, basically some message from a hiring manager or talent recruiterletting you know that theyâd like you to come in for an onsite interview. But your initial elation soon turns to dread as you fear you may make mistakes that will keep you from landing the job. First, let us soothe your anxiety by cluing you in on one important fact â the business you applied to really really really wants to hire you.

Filling job openings is incredibly expensive for employers since each day the position remains vacant keeps them from reaching their goals and making more money. Also, every minute a team manager, director or vice president spends interviewing a candidate is less time they can devote to doing their actual job. The company wants nothing more than to fill the opening and get on with business. But it also needs the RIGHT person for the job, as hiring the wrong person is the most costly scenario of all.

Your resume and phone screening were impressive enough to get you the onsite meeting, now you just have to seal the deal. We talked to a seasoned talent recruiter, and they revealed 13 tips for nailing your interview. Some might seem super obvious, but he says that candidates regularly commit unforced errors that cost them job offers. We’re here to help you put your best foot forward.

1. Research Your Employer

2. Understand the Product or Service

3. Ask Who Youâll Be Meeting With

4. Prepare For Your Presentation/Whiteboarding

10. Smile!

Explain Why Youre Interested In Interviewing With Them

After walking them through your resume, youll probably be asked why youre looking to make a job change, and/or why youre interested in their company in particular. This is where the research youve done pays off. You should already have two specific reasons for wanting to interview with their company.

When explaining your reason for job searching in general, I mentioned one example of how to turn a negative into a positive in Part I. Here are 2 more examples:

If your current company has no room for upward growth, say that youre looking for a job with more room for upward growth. If you dont like your coworkers, say youre hoping to find a team thats more collaborative. See the difference? Youre saying the same thing without sounding negative.

Whatever you say youre looking for, be prepared for them to ask why you cant get that in your current company. Just answer by saying that you dont think theres an opportunity to get this, and you considered this before starting to look externally. Simple and easy. That should end the line of questioning.

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Insightful Questions To Ask A Recruiter

Rather than ignoring the next email or call you get from a recruiter, think of it as a learning opportunity even if you arent seriously considering leaving your current position. In most cases, the experience will help you learn about yourself as a job prospect and give you a sense of what employers are looking for insights that can be invaluable when it is time to make a move.

Time and again, Ive seen job candidates who werent even beginning to think about a career move completely change their perspective and strategy when presented with a compelling opportunity.

So, if you are contacted by a recruiter, consider asking the following:

Why is the position open? Find out whether its a newly-created role or an existing position that has become vacant. If the latter, ask why the person who occupied the position previously left and how long the position has been open.

What are the skills and experiences the hiring manager is prioritizing? Ask the recruiter to list the desired skills and experiences for the position. Having such a list will make it a lot easier for you to compare the employers requirements to your own skillset and decide whether it is worth pursuing the opportunity.

Originally published on PND blog.

How Would You Deal If The Most Desired Candidate Rejects Your Job Offer

How To Prepare For An Interview

Handling negative outcomes professionally and effectively is a big skill for recruiters to have, and this question tries to directly assess your ability to do just that. Recognize that youd be disappointed but grateful for the candidates time, potentially willing to extend a wait list offer, and then move on to finding the next best candidate.

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How To Answer Recruiter Interview Questions

Alright, we know that youre looking forward to the recruiter interview questions, and we promise they are coming. But before we get there, its wise to take a quick moment and talk about something else important: interview strategy.

If you dont know how to answer recruiter interview questions, knowing what you may be asked simply isnt enough. This is especially true because of the sheer volume of potential questions you could face.

First, you have your classic job interview questions. These include options that arent job-specific, including favorites like:

Plus, you have the recruiter-centric questions. Those focus heavily on recruitment-related skills and experience, as thats all crucial for figuring out if you can handle the challenges of the role.

Since there are hundreds of questions you might encounter, you need a strategy that can work for essentially any of them. Why? Because you cant practice them all.

With a great strategy, you can come up with great answers while youre practicing and on the fly. That way, you can handle the expected and unexpected with the same amount of poise.

So, what does a winning strategy look like? Well, to start with, you need to embrace research.

The recruiter job description is an excellent source of information. There, you can learn more about the requirements and duties, making it easier to figure out the hiring managers priorities.


What Motivates You To Recruit High

Understanding what motivates a candidate can help you gauge how passionate they are about recruiting and whether their values align with your company’s goals. This can also help you understand how you might encourage them to continuously improve on their skill set. What to look for in a successful answer:

  • Interest in recruiting

  • Ability to connect with others

  • Previous recruitment experience

Example:”Being able to hire candidates to fill positions they can excel in motivates me because everyone benefits. I enjoy meeting new people and learning about each candidate’s career goals, especially when they align with the company I am recruiting for. When I can offer a qualified candidate their dream job, it makes me feel like I’m helping them advance in their career and helping improve the company’s workforce.”

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Explain The Process You Follow To Attract Quality Candidates

Employers may want to know about the techniques you use to source the right talent. To answer this question effectively, explain concisely the strategies you apply to find and test candidates for a job position. Mention the steps that you follow and how they work at each stage of the recruitment process.

Example:’I screen candidates’ CVs, conduct phone interviews and check references, before inviting them for a face-to-face interview’.

Related:10 Essential Recruitment Consultant Skills

Advise For Answering Interview Questions As A Recruiter

How to Prepare for a Phone Interview – (The NYC Recruiter)

As a recruiter, youve surely been on the other end of the interview table many times, but putting yourself in a candidates shoes can be a challenge. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

  • Dont just talk about your people skills, try to demonstrate them throughout the interview and beyond.
  • Show that youre up-to-date on the latest trends in recruiting and talk about them openly.
  • Pull from your past experiences to show your interest and abilities.
  • Research the company and its industry so you can speak confidently.
  • Always ask questions that help further demonstrate your knowledge and interest.

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How You Would Describe Our Company To A Candidate

For this question, employers are really looking for you to get creative with your answer. They may also use this question to identify how much you have researched the company. To really impress the interviewer, demonstrate your knowledge of the company by highlighting its strengths and uniqueness.

Example:’Green Cosmetiqs is a leading organic beauty retailer, supplying thousands of products from over 200 popular and emerging brands’.

Questions About Contract Staffing

If your firm offers contract staffing, you probably want a recruiter who is familiar with the process. Here are some questions to ask about contract staffing:

28. Have you ever offered contract staffing? If so, what are some common problems that come up?

29. Did you ever use a contract staffing back-office to act as the W-2 employer of record? How did they help? Were you able to see a spike in your productivity?

30. How many contract employees have been hired full-time? Were you pleased with this rate?

31. Have any clients been dissatisfied with the contract employee you offered? How did you rectify the situation?

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What Do You Want My Hiring Manager To Know About You Specifically

This question is a variation of Why should I consider you for this role? However, it is usually so unexpected that the responses are pretty telling. You quickly see what candidates value in their own experiences and gain a little more insight.

Jill Chapman, 30+ years of recruiting experience, Twitter: Kingwood, Texas

Questions About Recruiting Industry

Preparing for an interview

Its important for a recruiter to be knowledgeable on industry trends. And, you want a recruiter who is proud of the work they do and is excited about their profession. Consider these questions.

21. Do you keep up with the latest recruiting trends? What is the latest trend you have read about that you have noticed?

22. What jobs do you think are the hardest to fill? How do you manage to make the placement, regardless?

23. What are some common reasons candidates turn down a job offer? How do you combat this? Have you ever convinced a candidate to take the job when they were on the fence?

24. Can you tell me about a time when you felt fed up with the industry? Has there ever been a time you almost left recruiting? What made you stay?

25. Why did you first want to become a recruiter? Has your mindset changed? Why do you continue to want to be a recruiter?

26. Based on your experience with the industry, what do you think will happen in the next five years?

27. What do you consider the most rewarding aspect about your job? Explain.

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Use Your Sick Time Wisely

You can use one or two sick days in most jobs before your boss starts getting suspicious that youre job searching.

So try to save them for when you really need them

You can also think about whether you can use one or two vacation days as needed.

I mentioned earlier that one strategy to save sick days is schedule early-morning or late-afternoon interviews so you dont miss a full day of work. So thats another way to save those full sick days for when you really need them.

Coming in one hour late , is better than missing a full day.

Whats Your Current Salary


In certain locations, asking about current or past salary has been outlawed. However, recruiters may ask your current level of compensation as a reference point for your future salary expectations . The topic of salary tends to be one of the more delicate parts of any job recruitment conversation, and candidates may feel tempted to dodge or even mislead the recruiter whos asking, which is often counterproductive.

Azem Hoti, European Business Manager of VHR Global Technical Recruitment says ideal candidate/recruiter relationships are based on trust and mutual respect. You shouldnt play games with recruiters because it makes it harder to promote a candidate to client hiring managers. Speaking with hundreds of candidates every week, recruiters are quickly able to tell if a candidate is exaggerating their current salary. Inaccurate or dishonest conversations waste valuable time.

Tip: Avoid the temptation of inflating or hiding your current salary. Youll establish a more trustworthy relationship with a recruiter by disclosing your current salary. If you feel youre underpaid, be ready to reference industry salary benchmarks or data to back up your perceptions.

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Be Upfront And Use Clear Language

Dont use vague language and dodge their questions. And dont lie. Theyll usually know. Hiring managers interview a lot of people and have a great sense for this.

If you lie and get caught, there is no way theyre going to hire you.

And if you seem like youre trying to hide information, they wont trust you and wont hire you either.

Hiring managers arent just evaluating your skill theyre evaluating your character. If youre going to be joining their team, they need to see what type of person you are. And no hiring manager wants someone who is dishonest on their team.

What do they want? Someone who stands up and takes responsibility when things go wrong, who can learn from past mistakes, who is honest if theres a problem, and who isnt afraid to tell the truth.

The interview is where they test this before hiring you. So just remember that while theyre judging your experience and skills, theyre also judging these character traits.

Describe Your Best Client Relationship And A Client Relationship That Needs Improvements

Recruiter Interview Questions with Answers | How to prepare for Recruiter Interview

When an interviewer asks a question like this it helps them understand how you work with clients. In sales, some client relationships work really well and others are more challenging. However, understanding how to improve client relationships is an important part of the job, and that means knowing where improvements can be made. Answer this question by being positive and offering a good client relationship and a client relationship youve improved upon.

Example:My best client relationship is with Gold Star Manufacturers. When I began working on the business side of recruitment, I found I have a knack for picking up clients in industries that need labor and shift work. My client relationship that exemplifies improvement is with Morris Home Bank. When I first began working with them, I struggled to get out of the manufacturing labor mindset and working with a bank is very different. They have different staffing needs, but I was able to improve the relationship by listening to their needs and providing strategies for successfully recruiting professional candidates.

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How Long Has The Position Been Open

This is a great question to ask recruiters because it will give you a sense of how the search has been going, how many candidates are in the companys pipeline, etc.

If a position has been open for a year, its tipping you off to the fact that the hiring manager is either extremely picky, or nobody wants the job.

This is usually a red flag either way. It could also mean that the hiring manager doesnt really know what he/she is looking for and keeps changing the requirements.

At the same time if a position has only been open for one week, you can expect a delay in the hiring process even if you interview right away. Hiring managers usually like to see two or three candidates face to face before making an offer.

Examine Example Interview Questions

Reviewing common interview questions can also help you prepare for a recruiter call. Finding questions that relate to the position you’re applying for can also help you discover related examples. Some common questions hiring managers ask during a phone interview include:

  • Why do you think you’re the right fit for this position?

  • Can you tell me more about your top strengths?

  • What do you consider your highest professional achievement?

  • How do you manage and reduce stress at work?

  • Can you tell me about a time where you went out of your way to help someone?

Related:125 Common Interview Questions and Answers

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Recruiters Reveal: Discover The 16 Best Interview Questions To Ask

Coming up with the right interview questions to make the best hiring decision for your business can create a lot of pressure and stress.

Youll want to walk into the interview room feeling prepared, and walk out with a better understanding of the candidates potential at your company.

What interview questions should you ask to get the answers you need, and why?

We reached out to our team of experienced recruiters to help you with this daunting task. Heres their take on 16 interview questions they believe should always be asked.

Research Before The Interview:

How to Prepare for an Interview Infographic

When preparing for an interview with a recruiter you have to sit down and do a little preliminary research, according to Heather Huhman a contributor for The efforts you put into this step will easily propel you well beyond others seeking employment that simply show up to the interview.

When conducting your research, where should you focus your efforts?

Where do you start?

The answer is simple, start at the beginning. Start with the Job or Position Description you applied for. From there you can expand outward via the company and then the industry.

Job/Position Description

  • What are the responsibilities listed?
  • Who are you accountable to?
  • What seems to be the priorities of the position?
  • What are the daily activities?

After reviewing this, you should have a solid idea of where you stand with the position. This is fundamental to preparing for an interview with a recruiter.

Maintain notes detailing all of these activities and think back to how you have accomplished these things in your past. Your resume should be the best place to seek this information as it is what has landed you in the interview.

Research the Company for Useful Interview Answers

  • Newsworthy events

Research any positive news on the company or how they are addressing the negative news.

  • Were they involved in a scandal?
  • How are they increasing their accountability?
  • Have they completed a huge community project?
  • Challenges facing the company
  • Key initiatives the company is focused on
  • Etc.

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