Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Write A Thanks Email After Interview

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Wrap It Up With More Appreciation

How to Write a Thank You Email After the Interview & WOW Them!

Ending on a note of thanks shows that you genuinely did intend for the email to be taken as a show of gratitude in good faith following your remote interview.

Reiterate your thanks and then use a respectful sign off such as Sincerely or Warmest Regards followed by a comma and your name.


Again, I sincerely appreciate your time.

Thank you again for your time.

What To Include In The Subject Line Of A Post

There are several items that you can include in your subject line, such as:

  • Your first and last name: Remind the hiring agent of your interview by mentioning your name.
  • The position you interviewed for: Include the job title, which can help separate your email from some of the other emails in the hiring managers inbox.
  • Date of the interview: Add the date to help the interviewer recall your interview.
  • A relevant query about the interview: Use this technique to stay in contact and build rapport with the hiring manager. Make sure that your question is relevant to the hiring process.
  • A mention of additional information: If you have any relevant details to add to what you discussed at the interview, include this in the subject line and specify these details in the body of your email. This subject line format can lead to a dialogue and a better relationship with the interviewer.
  • A positive reference to something the interviewer said or did: Complimenting the recruiter via the subject line indicates that you paid attention to the interviewer and appreciated the interview opportunity, so this is a practical tactic for an effective topic sentence. complimenting the recruiter can be a great item to include in your subject line.
  • A thank you: Demonstrate your appreciation for the interview with a simple thank you and make a positive impression on the interviewer.

Second/final Interview Thank You Email Example

After a second and potentially final interview, it’s best to follow up and show interest in moving forward with the job offer. In this third sample email, it’s best to recap the entire interview process.

Dear George

I want to say how incredible the entire interview experience has been. We’ve had the opportunity to cover what the company is looking for. How the job title is going to differ from other positions.

During this entire process, I have been nothing but extremely impressed with the team.

Wanted to reach out and tell you I appreciate what we’ve done together.

I look forward to hearing from you and the team after you’ve had the opportunity to review me as a candidate.

If there’s anything else I can provide, please let me know. I would be happy to speak with the HR representative who is running this placement if there’s anything I need to answer.

Thanks again, George!


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Formatting Tips & Tricks

There are an infinite number of ways you can write a thank-you letter. And while theres no one right way to do it, there are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind while drafting your note.

Email vs. Handwritten

Handwritten letters have a certain charm, but in most cases, a thank-you email is the best choice. Why? For one, an emailed thank-you can arrive instantaneously, while a postmarked note can take days to arrive. For another, handwritten letters might feel like a bit much. So when in doubt, send an email. Exceptions could occur if a) youre close enough that you can simply drop off a handwritten letter, b) youre applying to a very traditional or old-school organization and c) if you have a prior relationship with an interviewer .


Dont feel pressured to send a five-paragraph essay thank-yous should be short and sweet. Just as you dont want to spend too much time writing one, your interviewers dont want to spend too much time reading one. After all, theyve got their own jobs to stay on top of. Make your thank-you letter long enough to cover everything you need to say, but short enough that it only ends up being a few sentences long.

Voice & Tone

When it comes to writing thank-you letters, professionalism is the name of the game. Avoid slang, typos, excessive exclamation points, emojis, etc. But you dont need to sound so formal that you come off as stiff. Opt for clear, concise language, not the longest word you can find in the thesaurus.

Bonus Tip: Send An Individual Note To Each Person You Met With

40 Thank You Email After Interview Templates á? TemplateLab

Sometimes you interview with several people in one day, which means each person gets a thank-you note. While it might be a pain to personalize every thank-you note , do it anyway.

This shows that you took the time to learn about each interviewer, demonstrating you are a detailed and thoughtful person. Its fine to use the same opening and closing , but make sure you mention one unique thing for each interviewer. If nothing else, you never know when the recipients are comparing notes to see if you created a unique thank-you note for each of them!

And be sure to triple check the name at the top! Copying and pasting can be a dangerous game.

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Who You Should Thank

If there was more than one interviewer, you should thank each interviewer separately. Each one gets his or her own handwritten note or email message do not cc all of your interviewers in a single email thank-you letter.

It’s important to make the best impression on everyone you met with or spoke to during the second interview process.

Add Your Signature And Proofread

You can now add your signature to the end of the email. This can be your first and last name. If you’d like your interviewer to view your online profile or any social media pages, you can share this at the end of the email as well.

Once you’ve added the signature, you can proofread your email to ensure that it’s free of any grammatical or spelling errors. You should also reread your message to ensure it’s clear and simple for the reader to understand. After everything is reread, you can send it to the interviewer.

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Think Of It As More Than A Thank You

Even more than polite and proper etiquette, this is a chance for you to reiterate your personal selling points. A successful note will express gratitude as well as continue the conversation from the interview. Include your qualifications for the position, and use the opportunity to address anything that you felt you might have missed during the interview.

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When To Send An After Interview Thank You Note

How To Write A Thank You Email After An Interview & IMPRESS THE INTERVIEWER

With any important piece of writing, planning is half the battle. Should you follow up over email, in a handwritten notecard, or on social media? And what should you write?

There are two vital factors to consider when writing a thank-you note after an interview: speed and specificity. Thank yous are not better late than never. In fact, most interviewers expect an email or letter within a day. That means time is of the essence, and you need to work quickly! As one Glassdoor recruiter puts it, it is vital to send a thank you email to your interviews within 24-48 hours.

Even though you must write quickly, you also need to personalize each thank-you note to the interviewer. Gone are the days where I would look at a template thank-you note and consider it worth my time to read. As Valerie LeClair, Grammarlys Director of Recruiting, once described to me,

Write from the heart! If a candidate is going to write a standardized, impersonal note, there is no reason to even send it.

But dont panic! Take a deep breath and reflect on your interview experience. Now, ask yourself these idea-generating questions:

  • How did the interview go? Did anything weird happen?
  • Did I flub on a question I know I have a better answer for?
  • Did I forget to ask the interviewer one of my questions?
  • Is there something additional this interviewer should know about me?
  • Did I discuss anything interesting? Find any similarities to my interviewer?

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Proofread And Add Your Signature

At end of your email, add your signature. Include your name, phone number, address and links to social media profiles. Proofread your email to make sure that it’s free of errors. It’s also wise to read your message again from start to finish, to ensure it’s clear and easy to understand. After you review everything, send your email to the interviewer.

Make The Subject Clear

Dont let your note get lost in the shuffle. Keep your subject line crystal-clear the hiring manager shouldnt even have to open your email to know that youve sent a thank you follow-up.


  • Thank you
  • Interview thanks
  • Thank you interview

So for instance, you might write: Thank you Jane Doe superhero sidekick interview

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Things To Avoid When Following Up

At the same time, there are also a few things you should avoid:

  • Don’t Hound Your Interviewers: Initiatives such as a thank-you email and a follow-up a week or so later are more than enough. Beyond that, you won’t be promoting yourself you’ll be stressing them out. Remember that your goal is not only to show the hiring managers that youre qualified but also to convince them that they want to work with you.
  • Don’t Send Anything That Makes You Look Bad: This includes personal social media profiles that contain unprofessional pictures or behavior. Err on the side of caution when determining this. You might see nothing wrong with a photo of you enjoying a margarita on a tropical vacation, but the hiring manager might feel differently. Likewise, don’t send memes or be too casual in the tone of your email by using internet acronyms, etc.
  • Don’t Overwrite: Keep your message short and focused. The interviewer will not want to read a very long thank-you email. Focus on saying thank you and briefly reiterating your interest in the position.
  • Don’t Send Misspelled or Grammatically Incorrect Emails: Even professional editors make mistakes when they try to work on their own. Get another set of eyeballs to look over your work before you hit “send.”

Start By Choosing The Right Subject Line

FREE 4+ Thank

The best subject lines in your follow-up email are clear, concise and convey appreciation for your interviewers time.

Here are the best interview follow-up email example subject lines:

  • Thank you for your time,
  • Great speaking with you today!
  • Thank you for the opportunity
  • Thank you!
  • I appreciate your time and advice
  • Follow up regarding

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Always Send A Thank You Letter Within 24 Hours Of The Interview

Always send your thank you letter the same day you interview, or no later than the following day. In todays digital age, email is the most efficient way to send your thank you letter in a timely manner.

You can also take a more personal approach by writing a handwritten note, although its not necessary. If you do hand write your legal thank you letter, ensure that it will arrive within a day or two of your interview.

Thank The Recipient For The Interview

The body of your email can begin with thanking the interviewer for their time and for conducting the interview with you. This can be a brief sentence or two expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to speak with them. You can also include the date you interviewed to help refresh their memory or to use for future reference.

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Verify The Interviewer’s Email Is Correct

When writing your email, input the interviewer’s address right before sending it. Review your notes or the contact information the interviewer gave you before sending the email to ensure you’re sending it to the right person. You should also ensure the spelling of their name is correct before sending the email to remain professional and polite.

What To Include In A Thank You Email After A Phone Interview

How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview (+ a Template!)

There are many elements you should include when constructing your thank you email after your phone interview. These can help you stand out and capture the attention of your interviewer. Some common sections to include in your thank you email are:

  • Subject line
  • Opening sentence thanking them for the opportunity to interview
  • A statement explaining why you’re the best fit for the position
  • Any additional comments regarding what you previously discussed in the interview
  • Extra information you were unable to discuss in the interview
  • A message stating you look forward to hearing from them
  • Your signature and any additional contact information

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Why You Should Thank Someone For An Interview

Thanking someone for taking the time to give you an interview is considered professional etiquette. It displays appreciation that they considered you for the position, an eagerness to receive an offer and provides an excellent opportunity to build off of the relationship that you established in the interview.

Aside from being polite, thanking your interviewer also provides you with another opportunity to express your interest in the position. You can seize the chance to clarify any details you think you may have missed and reinforce that you’re the perfect fit for the position.

Why Should You Write A Thank

A thank-you email is an opportunity to reiterate your strengths to the interviewer. It is a chance to remind them about you and influence their final decision. You can take this opportunity to convey once again your qualifications and interest in the position.

A thank you note in less than 24 hours of the interview ensures that you connect with them quickly after the interview. This way you may be able to sway the decision in your favor well before the hiring process is complete.

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Best Sample Thank You Emails After An Interview

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If youre looking for how to write a professional thank you email or note after your interview, youve come to the right place.

Im going to share exactly what to do when thanking the employer, based on my experience as a recruiter. And Ill give you plenty of sample thank you emails that you can use for inspiration, too!

Because the truth is: sending a follow-up message to thank the interviewer is a great idea, but if you dont send the right type of message, it can do more harm than good. So what you say matters!

Lets get started

How To Turn Your Thank

40 Thank You Email After Interview Templates

It’s OK to acknowledge your disappointment in not getting the jobin fact, it’s probably best to be honest about that, lest your letter seem disingenuous. But keep your tone positive and upbeat: now is not the time to express anger or to rail against the hiring manager’s decision-making skills.

Be specific about the things you’re thanking them for: their time, yes, but also the information they provided, especially if you’re excited about it, and any special steps they took to make your interview worthwhile, including an office tour or a business lunch, for example.

Finally, offer an opportunity for follow-up by asking to be considered for future positions. Just because this particular position wasn’t a good fit for you today doesn’t mean there won’t be something even better available tomorrow. If you’re gracious in your thank-you letter, you could be first in line for that new role.

Optionally, you can also ask for feedback with questions like “Did you identify any key qualifications for this job which were missing in my background?” Just don’t be surprised if the hiring manager doesn’t respond or doesn’t provide an in-depth answer. There might not be a specific reason why another candidate was selected over you, and even if there was, the interviewer might not feel comfortable delivering criticism. If so, that’s their problem, not yours.

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Why Should You Send A Thank You Email Or Letter After An Interview

If you think its terrifying being interviewed, youre not alone. But let me tell you, interviews can be an equally traumatizing experience from the other side of the table.

I kicked off the search for my first hire at Grammarly earlier this year, and when the first on-site interview came around, I was terrified. Sitting there with my list of questions and my notebook, I tried to simultaneously project confidence, follow my companys values, ask the right questions, make sure my hair didnt do anything weird, and mask my nerves.

Sound familiar?

Even if interviews are a vital part of the recruiting process, the first round of the interview process can be awkward for everyone. Thats why its key to write a thank you note after the interviewoften the process has made them just as uncomfortable as you are! Thats why a killer post-interview thank-you note can help you make a great impression and land the job.

But dont take my word for it! Lily Zhang, a career expert at MIT, put it this way on The Muse:

Think of it this way: Your interview isnt over until you send a thank you note. You want to move the hiring managers from interview mindset to decision mindset as quickly as possible, so dont drag it out.

I asked Olivia Seastrom, a recruiter at Grammarly, what she loves about thank-you notes. She said,

Take Your Thank You Email To The Next Level

While the template above is all you need, if you really want to blow a hiring manager out of the water, add in another few lines before I look forward to… with some ideas you have on how you could add value. Think: a quick mock-up of something you discussed in the interview if youre in a creative role, taglines if youre in branding, or some slides or possible partners if youre in business development or sales.

It could look something like this:

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