Friday, July 26, 2024

What To Do After An Interview

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How Should You Get In Touch

What to Do AFTER the Interview | Follow up Tips

If the deadline date does come and go, drop the employer an email or pick up the phone. Email works best if you know your employer has back-to-back meetings most days. If its a small business, or you know your interviewer will be at their desk for a certain time, pick up the phone and call them instead.

Whichever way you decide to get in touch, remember to keep it short and courteous. Politely ask when you should expect to hear back about the position.

Its important to be persistent without pestering. Call once and if you dont hear back give it two business days before calling again. The same applies with email you want to stay at the top of their inbox without spamming their account!

Things You Need To Do After Every Job Interview

Keep the momentum going after the job interview with the perfect follow up.

So, you submitted your beautifully crafted resume, made it through the pre-screening phone call and had the interview. You think it went well, but there was no mention of an offer and now you’re wondering what to do. Job searching is a job in and of itself but unlike a good job, there is no handy training manual. Post interview etiquette is very important and your behavior during this stage of the hiring process may very well make or break your chances of securing a job offer. Here are four things you should absolutely do:

1) Thank your interviewers

It is very good protocol to find out the contact information for each and every person who interviewed you and send them a personalized thank you card or email the day following your interview. Make sure to address them by name, thank them for their time, and mention something they said in the interview. It is fine to restate your interest in the position as well, however you should thank your interviewer even if you don’t want the job. Your job search is part of your personal brand, and thank you’s say you are dignified, professional and grateful.

2) Circle back with the recruiter

3) Follow up

4) Continue to search

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When And How To Follow Up After An Interview

One of the questions you should ask during a job interview is What is the next step in your hiring process? This gives you an idea of when you will hear back from the company.

Its important to respect the job hiring process that recruiters go through. If the person that interviewed you told you that a decision will be made by next Wednesday, dont contact them before this apart from your thank you note.

You may be really interested in the position, and you want to try to persuade the company that you are the right person for the job. But dont. It runs the risk of a recruiter perceiving you as a bad listener or disrespectful of other peoples time.

However, lets say that the recruiter said you could expect to hear back by Wednesday, and its now Wednesday afternoon. Well, in that case, its time to act. There is nothing wrong with sending a short interview follow-up note to see if the company has made a decision.

Example of What Should an Interview Follow-up Email Say

Dear ,

I hope all is well with you. I am just following up to see if you have come to a decision regarding the position . If not, could you please let me know when a decision might be made?

Thank you kindly, and please let me know if you require further information regarding my qualifications.


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You Didn’t Get The Job

Okay. Lets talk worst case scenario. You didnt get hired. Were sorry. Truly we are.

Unfortunately this happens and no matter how amazing your interview went, the hiring manager neglects to let you know theyve gone with someone else.

It might be a situation where they had so many hires that letting everyone know just isnt feasible.

Whatever the reason, if you find out youve been passed over, the best thing you can do is let it roll off you, take it as a notch in your experience belt, and move on.

Its always a good idea in this instance to send a follow up note saying congrats on hiring the new employee and reiterating that youre interested in upcoming positions should they become available.

Do NOT use this as an opportunity to chastise the company for being rude.

Do Not Take It Personally

10 things to do after a job interview

This is the number one thing you can do to make your waiting time easier and help cut way down on the crazy feelings we know are starting to buzz around in your brain.

DO NOT take the waiting game personally.

Hyper-analyzing every single second of your job interview is only going to drive you crazy as well as waste time you could be spending on other things.

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What Not To Do During An Interview

While we do highly recommend that you focus your energy on what to do during an interview make sure that you have at least a preliminary grasp of the no-nos. These can hurt or kill your chances of landing the job, and they are all very preventable. Make it second nature to avoid these and you will be in a very good spot when its time to interview. Remember, there are a lot of other people who will be committing these interview sins. This alone can help you make it past the first wave of interviews.

  • Talk too quickly.
  • Use words you dont know the meaning of.
  • Be arrogant.
  • Talk too about your personal life.
  • Give the employer any reason to think you will not perform well.
  • Act nervous. You probably will be, but it is best if you take a few seconds and clear your mind your answers will be less jumbled. If you find yourself getting really nervous, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom to get some air. Dont take too long but it is better to collect your thoughts than to plow ahead when you cant focus.
  • Fidget. This might be something you have to practice but it is worth it.
  • Get defensive. The interviewer will be asking technical questions. Everyone has their weak spots and that is okay work with it and practice for it.
  • Bring coffee.
  • Get Contact Information And Next Steps

    At the conclusion of the interview, ask about the process moving forward. Will the interviewer be contacting candidates in a week for a second interview? Making a decision in 10 days? Do they notify everyone who applied or just the successful candidates?

    Knowing what to expect will help determine when to follow up and can reduce any anxiety you might feel about the whole interview and hiring process.

    Keep track of everyone you talked to during this process. If you were interviewed by multiple people, record any useful information or particular concerns raised by each person. Make a note of the interviewers’ names and contact information, or later ask the person who coordinated the interview for those details.

    Getting the names of everyone involved in your interview is crucial because youll want to follow up with a thank you for the interview note. A well-written thank you note helps make a great impression on your potential employers.

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    What To Do After An Interview: A Quick Faq Guide

    You thought your job interview went very well. You were very pleased with how you handled yourself and you thought that your interviewer really took to you. But what now? Do you just sit and wait around for them to contact you? Is there anything else you can do that could further improve your chances of landing the job?

    Well, yes you should keep the momentum going. Heres how.

    You Hear When And Not If

    What To Do Immediately After A Job Interview

    If an interviewer strongly believes that you’re the right person for the position, it can come across in the word choice. For example, they may accidentally use words like “when” or “will” instead of “if,” which strongly indicate they’re thinking about you taking the role. For example, using phrases like, “when you start…” or “this is who you will…”

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    Recap Of Your Qualifications

    Next, provide a short recap of your experience and background. The interviewer should already be aware of these qualifications after reading your resume and meeting with you, so this section should be brief. Connect your qualifications to the position and its unique requirements to express why you are such a strong candidate for the job. For example, you can write, My social media and search engine marketing expertise would make me an excellent candidate for this marketing role.

    Poor Hygiene And Personal Appearance

    It should go without saying that you should always have good hygiene in a professional environment. No employee wants a smelly co-worker, and recruiters feel the same. According to a 2017 Recruiter Nation report, more than half of recruiters would disqualify a job candidate because of bad hygiene.

    Make sure you are clean, polished-looking, and dressed appropriately for the position you are applying for. If you are unsure, err on the side of professional dress more than casual.

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    What Should You Say When You Are Asked Do You Have Any Questions For Me In An Interview

    Now is not the time to be tongue tied.

    Having been selected for this interview, you have already convinced the employer you are potentially the right candidate. So, it is really important at this final stage to continue reinforcing that positive dialogue youve been having with your potential new boss.

    While many people feel uncomfortable ask about salary, benefits/perks and holidays, demonstrating your interest in the interviewer as an individual and the company beyond the job specification is a good way to demonstrate your interest in the position, and display your commitment to being successful should you get the job.

    Listen, Listen, Listen.

    Throughout the interview, you should try observing your interviewer closely. After all, this is the time where you will be processing whether or not you feel you could fit in with their work methodologies, and where possible establish how the team/company structure can complement your beliefs and concepts. Naturally, you might feel a bit nervous, but dont forget they are people too! A little bit of respect can work wonders.

    Listen clearly to what they tell you about the role. At the start of the interview, many interviewers will go through the job description with you. Use this time or at the end of the interview to discuss key areas and objectives. Have any concerns or queries? Voice them. Be sincere and interested, showing initiative is a great way to reaffirm that you will be committed to the job beyond the interview.

    Why Is The Period Of Time After An Interview Important

    After the Interview: 8 Key Steps to Land the Job

    The period after a job interview is important for a few reasons. First, it provides you the opportunity to, again, present yourself as a professional. You have the chance to do this during your interview, but you can reinforce it in the post-interview follow up by following the practices outlined in this article.

    Second, it is a chance to elevate yourself as a candidate by keeping your name fresh in the interviewer’s mind. Third, taking the right steps after an interview shows eagerness for the job which can be a deciding factor if you’re being closely considered against other candidates.

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    What Are The Most Important Milestones That You Would Like To See Someone Accomplish In The First Few Months

    Asking this question will help you understand in advance what is expected of you from your employer. It will also help you prepare for opportunities that are due to follow further down the line, and provide some much-needed insight into how you can potentially contribute to the companys growth. Based on your answers you should also be able to gauge whether or not this is something that truly interests you and will provide you with the ammunition needed to succeed.

    Flattery gets you everywhere

    Companies want to know their employees will go the extra mile for their team, and are looking for long-term progression rather than a quick hire. To do this, you may need to work outside the box to prove you arent just a robot spouting out well-rehearsed if dehumanised lines. Many are beginning to change their approach to interview questions to ensure they get the best person for the role be prepared by reading some of these in our guide to 10 Revealing Questions to Ask in Interview.

    What To Include In Your Follow

    Promote your candidacy. Use your follow-up note to reiterate your interest in the job and the company.

    Tell the interviewer why you are qualified. Highlight your relevant skills that are specific to the job’s requirements. Show the company that you’re a match.

    What did you forget to say? Mention anything you wish you had said, but didn’t, during the interview. This is an opportunity to bring up anything relevant that you didn’t get a chance to discuss.

    Clean up interview mistakes. If you misspoke during your interview or answered a question poorly, your thank-you note is a good place to rephrase and clarify what you intended to say.

    Include your contact information. Make it easy for the interviewer to get back in touch by including your phone number and email address in your correspondence.

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    But Occasionally Make An Exception

    According to Lees, the only exception to this rule is when you have something particularly useful to add to the conversation. If, for instance, you can connect a piece of relevant evidence about yourself to an organizational need, then it might be worth speaking up. Your tone is critical here. It mustnt sound like criticism of the process, says Lees. Dont imply that the interviewer neglected to ask you about a particular thing. Instead, go with something like, I really enjoyed our conversation, and heres another piece of information thats come up since the interview you might you like to know about me. Lees emphasizes the importance of being warm, professional, and brief.

    What Training Is Offered Within The Company 12 How Do You Support People Who Want To Gain Extra Skills

    What To Do After an Interview

    This question is a great way to reaffirm to your interviewer that you are looking at staying in the company for the long term. Showing willingness to be trained can also help them to see you as flexible and someone willing to pursue the necessary steps towards success both as an individual and as a colleague.

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    Interviews Can Be Nerve

    • Some of the most common mistakes job candidates make are not following up, following up too much and arriving late to the interview.
    • Hiring managers mess up by not remaining objective, allowing social media to influence their decisions or talking too much.
    • If you do mess up, the best thing you can do is acknowledge it quickly and rectify your mistake.

    The interview is the toughest part of the job application process it can be nerve-wracking and intense, and it’s often difficult to prepare for. Mistakes are easy to make when you’re nervous, and the unfortunate truth is that sometimes one mistake is enough to take you out of the running.

    It’s not just job candidates under pressure, either. Interviewers are just as prone to making pressure-induced mistakes.

    Business News Daily spoke to hiring experts to learn the most common mistakes job candidates and interviewers make during the interviewing process, as well as how you can recover if you do slip up.

    Prompt To Take The Next Step

    To close the thank-you note, encourage the hiring manager to take the next step in the hiring process. Reference what you learned during the interview to complete this section since you may need to provide references or complete a second interview to get the job. For example, you can write, Please don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.

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    How Is The Follow

    One of the main differences between an in-person interview and a video interview is appropriate follow-up time. Just as you would for an in-person interview, it is highly recommended to send a thank you email as soon as possible. This is so for both one-way and live video interviews so, collect your notes from the interview and send them over right away.

    While not required, a handwritten thank you note as a follow-up to a video interview may help you stand out. If you decide to send a handwritten thank you, youll want to get it in the mail ASAP to avoid a delay.

    Since there is a hard deadline for completing a one-way interview, it is good to reach out once you have completed the video interview, and then again 48 hours after the interview deadline. This way, you will come off as persistent and will be fresh in the interviewers mind.

    Long Interview Thank You Email

    Following up after the interview

    In the long version, you have more opportunities to explain your skills in detail . This is appropriate after an in-person interview or other meaningful interactions during the hiring process.

    Subject line: Thank you for your time

    Dear Mr. Jefferson,

    Thank you very much for your time yesterdayit was a pleasure speaking with you about the account executive role. From our conversation, its clear that ABC Inc. has the energetic and hardworking environment Im seeking.

    I especially enjoyed discussing your need for someone who can create value and insight during client conversations. Its an interesting challenge, and Ive continued reflecting on it since our meeting. Over the last few years, Ive encountered many of the same roadblocks we discussed: tightening client budgets and lengthy decision-making processes. Prioritizing the quality of the conversation over simple information delivery has been one of my most successful tactics in overcoming those roadblocks and one reason Ive routinely exceeded my quotas.

    In my relationships with clients, I focus on building trust and boosting credibility, and Im excited about the prospect of bringing that skill set to ABC Inc. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me by email or phone.

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