Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Interview Questions To Ask Candidates 2020

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What Do You Like To Do Outside Of Work

Top 22 Linq Interview Questions & Answers 2020 | For Fresh & Experience Candidates

A happy employee is a productive employee, and the happiest employees tend to be those that have an excellent work-life balance. This question will highlight whether they maintain a healthy work-life balance as well as give you some insight into their personality. Its also a softball question that can help a candidate relax a little bit.

What Would Your Former Colleagues Say About You If You Werent In The Room

Hopefully nice things! Everyone wants to be thought of highly by their friends, family and colleagues but if a candidate has significant drive and ambition, its possible that not everyone was their biggest fan at their last company.

Most candidates will probably answer this awkwardly its an uncomfortable idea, but the best responses will be balanced. Something like: My colleagues would probably say that I’m pretty passionate about my work but that I can occasionally overlook small details.

Prepare Your Interview Questions

We cant talk about how to conduct an interview or interview questions if we dont know the specific skills we want to assess.

Interview questions will determine whether youll get enough useful insight to judge candidates suitability for the job. This means that your questions must be directly related to the job requirements. Otherwise, it will be challenging to compare one candidate to another on the criteria that really matter.

To do this, first determine what qualities you want to see in your new hire. Start with the job description . Ask yourself:

  • Which requirements do I want to assess during the interview? Make a comprehensive list and select those qualities you can assess through interview questions. Some of your requirements can be evaluated more effectively at previous stages .
  • What requirements carry the most weight? For example, you definitely want your salespeople to have great communication skills, but they might not need to have extroverted personalities. So, your interview questions should focus on communication skills, instead of extroversion.

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Find A Way To Give The Candidate Feedback In The Interview

This one is less question, more targeted tactic, but its such valuable interview advice for hiring managers that we had to include it here. It was suggested by Nicky Goulimis, co-founder and COO of .

In every interview, I try to find a way to give a candidate constructive feedback and see how they react, she says. How we navigate tough conversations is critical for how well be able to work together in the future, so its important to test.

Its always unique to the candidate, so its hard to give one-size-fits all advice, but here are two tactics she relies on to create an opening for a constructive feedback opportunity:

Feedback on the exercise: Our business interview process typically involves a take-home that we have candidates present, says Goulimis. We always applaud the candidate at the end to share our appreciation, but then everyone on the interview panel goes around sharing feedback, both positive and constructive. Its incredibly instructive to see a candidate internalize that feedback and respond to it in the moment.

Feedback on their potential fit: I also share constructive feedback when debriefing with candidates. I talk openly about whats really exciting to me and where I still have question marks, she says. In addition to demonstrating my commitment to transparency, it also offers them an opportunity to react to or address those areas while theyre still being considered.

If I Were To Go And Speak To People Who Don’t Think Very Highly Of You What Would They Say

28 Of The Best Interview Questions to Ask Candidates In 2020

This question is clearly designed to probe the depths of a candidates self-awareness. But Gabriel Otte is also hunting for another quality: empathy.

Self-awareness isnt just about understanding your own shortcomings. Develop empathy for the people who dislike you otherwise youll get caught up in justifications and evasions that make it tough to truly internalize the criticism.

When I pose this question to candidates, Im always looking to see how much empathy they have for the people who dont like them, says Otte, the co-founder and CEO of Freenome . Do they evade or try to justify why people might not like them? Or are they in denial and think no one dislikes them?

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Give Me An Example Of A Time You Managed Numerous Responsibilities How Did You Handle That

Multitasking. Its impossible and yet were all expected to do it. Your job is likely going to involve more than one responsibility and the hiring manager is going to want to know how you plan on juggling a number of tasks, projects, or deadlines.

You could say:

This is almost a cliché, but being part of an early-stage startup meant I wore a lot of different hats. One second I was recruiting, the next Id be in front of potential clients, and then Id be meeting with the cofounders about the product. Switching gears so quickly often felt like getting whiplash. I realized that it wasnt necessarily the juggling that was the problem, it was the constant switching back and forth. I started chunking my work so I could spend several hours focused on similar tasks. One block for recruiting. One block for sales. One block for product. Once I figured out the secret to multitasking was to not multitask, it got a lot more manageable.

What Have You Done Professionally That Is Not An Experience Youd Want To Repeat

The important part of the answer to this question is why they dont want to repeat the experience. Was it because it was difficult? Was it because they didnt enjoy what they were doing? Pay attention to whether they have learned anything of value from their experience. Have they applied that experience to further their self-improvement?

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Why Shouldn’t We Hire You

Romy Macasieb finds this question is a useful tool for excavating where a candidate still has room to grow. It goes much deeper than your standard What are your 3 areas of improvement? type questions, says the founding PM and current VP of Product at Walker & Company.

I like that it allows interviewees to play both sides of the table. They could highlight the skills theyre missing or why they might not be what were looking for by saying something like You shouldn’t hire me if you want someone that is quant-only, Macasieb says. But they can also turn the focus to why you might not be a fit for them. Ive heard responses like You shouldn’t hire me if you have an open office floor plan.

Give Me An Example Of A Time When You Were Able To Successfully Persuade Someone To See Things Your Way At Work

Top 10 Questions YOU Want To Ask In a Job Interview | Indeed Career Tips

No matter your role, communication skills are critical and interviewers are going to keep asking related questions until theyre sure yours are up to snuff. When asked about persuasion, emotional intelligence and empathetic listening can be good pieces of your communication skill set to emphasize.

A good answer could sound like:

I once was tasked with pulling the plug on a project. Of course, this can be incredibly disappointing for those affected. Done poorly it could destroy a teams morale. I cant discuss the project too much, but suffice it to say that everyone on it worked really hard and it took some serious convincing for them to agree this was the right choice. Rather than letting the idea take hold that months of their work was being scrapped, I proactively shared with everyone all the ways their work would still be utilized by different parts of the company. Its not what they had intended, but seeing that their work wasnt wasted softened the blow and allowed me to share the hard truth that we wouldnt be able to realize our original goals. Taking the time to consider what negative reaction they might have and making the effort to be empathetic allowed me to directly address their concerns and show them that this was the best way forward.

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To That End Weve Spent The Past Few Months Reaching Out To Some Of The Smartest And Most Thoughtful Operators In Our Network To Pose A Simple Question: Whats Your Favorite Interview Question And Why

The responses we got back were first class. What follows is an exclusive list of 40 interview questions, sent to us by the sharpest folks weve met or just outright admire. Some of the questions are short and sweet, some are probing and unexpected, others hinge on targeted follow-ups. Broken down by topic, they tackle everything from how candidates understand the role and process feedback to their first summer job, worst boss, and the last time they changed their mind. Most importantly, these incredible founders and company builders break down why they lean on these questions and what to look for in the answers you hear.

We hope this collection serves as a rich jumping off point that you can leverage as you design your own process, whether youre building it from scratch or looking to give it a refresh as you double-down on hiring. Lets get started.

Got a favorite interview question of your own? Tell us on Twitter or. Well compile the best submissions and share them withFirst Round Review newsletter subscribers.

If You Were In My Shoes What Attributes Would You Look For In Hiring For This Role

NerdWallet co-founder and CEO Tim Chen recently shared his takeaways from navigating the shift from first-time founder to seasoned exec on the Review, which surfaced some particularly interesting insights on hiring, including how hes revamped his approach to interviewing execs and the surprisingly honest reason why he interviewed every single person up until the NerdWallet team reached 200 people.

And when we followed up with him to get his favorite interview question, he surfaced yet another intriguing tactic: asking what the candidate would look for if they were on the other side of the table.

Some of the attributes they list off are surprising, says Chen. It helps you think about the role in a different way. Ive also found that candidates tend to highlight their own strengths, so it gives you a window into who they are. You can also get a sense of whether theyre good at breaking nebulous problems, like hiring, into the key drivers.

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What Would You Change If You Could Go Back

I also like to ask candidates about a particular action they took in the past that they would change if they could go back. The reason I ask this question is that I am interested in finding out a persons experiences. While a resume will often boast the candidates achievements, I prefer to discover the potential employees grit in overcoming diversity and challenges.

Steven Azizi Business Owner Miracle Mile Law Group

What Would Your First 30 60 Or 90 Days Look Like In This Role

Questions To Ask At The End Of An Internal Interview

The goal for every new hire should be to hit the ground running. The best answers will be well thought out.

Before diving in, top candidates will talk through the things that theyll require to get ramped up. In the first 30 days, theyll need to familiarize themselves with your process, sit down with key employees and stakeholders, and get acclimated to their new surroundings.

60-90 days should give them time to make key contributions in a number of different areas and bring at least one major initiative through to fruition. This is a pretty complex question, so feel free to break it up into 3 separate questions if you prefer.

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Tell Me About A Time That You Had To Make A Difficult Decision

Organisations hire managers to do one key thing: manage. Managing means problem-solving, making decisions and leading your team members. Successful managers must have the skill set to make decisions, often quickly, to keep the organisation moving.

When asking this question, hiring managers should listen to see if the candidate can provide an example of a difficult decision. Its crucial to know what types of decisions the position requires. The candidate should provide a response highlighting their ability to make timely decisions comparable to those required by your organisation.

Make sure their idea of a difficult decision is actually what you would consider a difficult decision. Look for their answer to give examples of their problem-solving skills. Ensure their level of problem-solving is what you expect of your team members.

Unconventional Topics For Interview Questions

Interviews are a great opportunity to get to know a job applicant beyond their résumé. Standard interview questions regarding a candidates past experience and what they will bring to the company often provide valuable information. However, incorporating a few off-the-wall questions can elicit some illuminating answers and insights that might not otherwise come up.

If youre looking to shake up your companys interview process and get a better understanding of your prospective employees, consider some of these unconventional interview prompts, as shared by members of Forbes Coaches Council.

Forbes Coaches Council members share unconventional topics for interview questions and explain why they work.

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How To Answer Pandemic

You are likely aware of the STAR method for answering behavioral interview questions. You can use a similar approach to answer these new interview questions. When it comes to discussions about the pandemic, both personal and professional, your answers should always show your HEART:

  • Honesty: Being honest and realistic about your capabilities and experiences is important because it shows the interviewer you will work ethically and with integrity.
  • Empathy: Displaying empathy within your responses shows you have a clear understanding of the thoughts of others and the ability to use that understanding to communicate effectively, think creatively and build strong working relationships through trust.
  • Adaptability: Adaptability is crucial in an ever-changing workplace. Show your understanding of the evolving workplace landscape and industry trends, along with your ability to adapt to continuous change.
  • Resiliency: Displaying resilience shows you are confident and have the will to persevere through challenging circumstances. When discussing prior difficulties, focus on the positive while describing how you dealt with, overcame and learned from the experience.
  • Transparency: Being transparent about your skills, experiences and expectations helps the interviewer ensure you are a good fit for the role and that their company is a good fit for you.

What Is Your Ideal Job And Environment What Do You Value In Your Job

Top 50 WebLogic Interview Questions & Answers 2020 | For Fresh & Experience Candidates

Simply put, employers ask candidates this question to see if they will be a fit with the current culture of the company.

There are two ways to go about answering this question. You can attempt to tailor your answer for the job at hand or be honest. There are really no wrong answers here.

Just remember that businesses want employees that want to grow. Make sure to note that youre looking to better your position.

Example Answer: My ideal job is one where I can continue to grow. I want to consistently improve and have the room to take on bigger challenges.I value a workplace that is inclusive, has room to grow and has goals that we can reach.

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Tell Me About A Time You Strongly Disagreed With Your Manager What Did You Do To Convince Him Or Her That You Were Right What Ultimately Happened

When we surveyed our network of thoughtful founders and operators, several mentioned this as their favorite interview question. Since they each had different points of emphasis and takeaways, weve combined a few perspectives here to highlight why this question packs such a punch.

Lets start with Cristina Cordova. She joined Stripe as the 28th employee and first business development hire. In addition to joining First Rounds Angel Track program, shes since led multiple teams across Business Development, Financial Partnerships, Partner Engineering and Diversity & Inclusion functions which means shes done her fair share of hiring.

And this question has become her go-to in interviews for a few reasons. It shows me how far someone will go in order to do what they believe is right, says Cordova. The way candidates choose to unpack the anecdote also shows me how they convince others in the face of obstacles. Do they use data? Do they gather support from others? Asking about what ultimately happened is also particularly illustrative. How they speak about not getting their way tells you a lot about whether they’re willing to disagree and commit to execution, she says.

Curtis probes deeper into the topic with targeted follow-ups that really get into the weeds of how the disagreement with their boss went down:

What was your managers reasoning?

What arguments did you find compelling in favor of the decision?

What was your reasoning and most compelling arguments against?

Tell Me About A Time You Failed To Reach Your Goal

I like to ask questions that uncover people with high potential, which is very important for our line of work.

What this question does is show whether the candidate is working from a victim mentality or whether they will do whatever needs to be done to keep going, even when things seem incredibly challenging.

Some examples of poor answers:

  • It wasnt my fault
  • I had to quit because family/life/job got in the way.
  • I couldnt do it because of XYZ

All of these answers to me say that given enough obstacles, the person will quit before even attempting to find a new path.

Good answers are:

  • Although I hit the wall, I still kept trying to find a solution.
  • Everyone told me it couldnt be done, but I kept on going.
  • I dont give up easily, and I am certain I will find a solution one day.

What Im really looking for when I ask this question is to see if the person is visibly uncomfortable, but they never resort to blaming other elements for the failure. This is a great indicator of high potential. These individuals also frequently never admit defeat but rather see the failure as a temporary obstacle that will be resolved at some point in the future.

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