Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Conduct A Job Interview

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Create An Interview Scorecard Using A Rating Scale

How to Conduct an Interview

Create a simple rating scale and use it to rate your candidates answers during the interview.

Record or take a few notes about candidates answers to justify the ratings you give.

Using a rating scale ensures you can use candidates overall scores to compare them with each other instead of relying on gut instinct and first impressions.

An example of an interview scorecard

Remember: our gut instincts can be very unreliable especially when it comes to candidates who are often masters at selling themselves. Use the data to hire instead.

What Not To Ask: Illegal Interview Questions

Federal and state laws protect employees from discrimination by age, race, gender, national origin, citizenship, disabilities, marital status, sexual orientation, arrest and conviction record, military discharge status and pregnancy status. And hiring managers and recruiters can run afoul of these laws even unintentionally by asking questions that could lead to discrimination.

Here are 19 illegal interview questions you should never ask a candidate:

  • How old are you?
  • Do you have/plan on having children?
  • Who will take care of your children while youre at work?
  • Is English your first language?
  • Are you a U.S. citizen?
  • What country are you from?
  • Where were you/your parents born?
  • What is your religion?
  • Where do you go to church?
  • What clubs or social organizations do you belong to?
  • Do you have any disabilities?
  • How is your health?
  • How much do you weigh?
  • Have you ever been arrested?
  • If youve been in the military, were you honorably discharged?

Please note: This list is not intended to be complete or constitute legal advice. If you have questions about the legality of interview questions, please consult your organizations attorney.

If youre not sure a question is legal, dont ask it. You can always check with your legal team and come back to it later.

Experiment With A Different Interview Format

Unstructured interviews that flow like friendly conversations make the process pleasant for both candidates and interviewers. But, they arent the most effective way to hire the best candidate.

Structured interviews are better predictors of job performance, more legally defensible and better for record-keeping. During structured interviews, you ask the same questions to all candidates in a specific order and score them with a predetermined rating scale. Your Applicant Tracking System may have built-in checklists or interview scorecards to help you rate candidates this way.

Related: The pros & cons of interview scorecards

Also Check: How Should You Answer Interview Questions

Every Interview Question You Need To Ask

There are hundreds of questions you could ask job candidates during an interview. Choosing the best questions, however, is imperative to an interviews success. From behavioral questions to tough questions to fun questions, here is everything youll need to ask to find the best candidate.

Questions to Ask When Youre Strapped for Time

When youre trying to fill a role, you dont always get as much time as youd like to find and vet prospective hires. Instead of a warm and unhurried half-hour conversation, sometimes youll need to find out if an applicant is a good fit with five interview questions or even less.

If youre strapped for time or simply want to weed out less qualified candidates quickly youll want to ask strategic questions to help you find the best candidates as fast as possible.

Here are five questions to ask when you need to find the best candidates, fast:

  • Whats your availability for this job?
  • What attracts you most about this position?
  • What was the best thing about your last job?
  • What was the worst thing about your former job?
  • How would you solve this problem?

Behavioral Questions

Behavioral-based interview questions rarely come in the form of questions. Instead, they are usually statements that guide candidates into sharing a situation from their past experience.

Here are 17 behavioral interview questions you may want to ask:

Situational Questions

Here are eight situational questions you may want to ask:

Quality-Control Questions

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How to conduct an interview when you secretly hate your job

How to Conduct a Job Interview: Ask the Right QuestionsBy using the criteria you have decided on, you can form pointed questions that make the most of your time with the candidate. Tom S. Turner, a Vancouver-based independent consultant who designs selection systems, uses a list of about seven to 12 criteria and develops four questions for each factor he is looking for. Two questions are positively worded, meaning they ask the candidate to speak about something he or she did well. One question is negatively worded, meaning it asks the candidate to think about a time when they made a mistake and how they dealt with it. And the last question serves as a backup in case the candidate draws a blank on one of the other questions.

There are many different approaches to creating job interview questions:

Fact-based or general questions: “How many years did you work at Most interviews include some questions that clarify information listed on the candidate’s resume. Questions that ask about why the candidate wants to pursue a job in a specific field or with your company also fall into this category.

Because they are generally accepted to generate the most accurate responses, most professional recruiters dedicate the majority of each interview to these type of questions.

How to Conduct a Job Interview: Interview Structure

How to Conduct a Job Interview: Have a Rating System

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Request Feedback About The Job Description

Its tempting to explain the role, going over each point in the job description and fleshing it out, but I dont recommend it, especially since it tends to make an anxious prospects eyes glaze over.

So instead of telling them about the role and rehashing whats listed on the posting they applied to, ask if the job description was clear. What questions do they have about it? This should spark a conversation rather than a monologue. It also shows you how thoughtful, prepared, and curious they are.

Based on your candidates questions, you can spend a few minutes clearing up any confusion and digging into the aspects of the job theyre most interested in. Plus, this conversation will tee you up to enter the next phase.

Tips On How To Conduct An Effective Interview

8 Tips on How to Conduct an Effective Interview

The goal of interviews is to hire the right talent the best candidates for a specific job. However, conducting an interview can be challenging, but hiring the ideal candidate makes the process worthwhile. Coming up with the right strategies, structure, and preparation on how to conduct an interview makes all the difference in your companys hiring process. However, the majority of recruiters assume they know how to conduct an interview and hence fail to plan effectively.

Conducting interviews is just one step in the hiring and recruitment process where preparation and structure are paramount to make the process successful. Establishing and implementing a specific system that acts as the basis of your hiring decisions will ensure your company overcomes interviewing pitfalls, identifies and hires the right people for the job.

If your main aim is to hire the best candidate, then its vital that your interviews are thorough and well planned for in advance. Knowing how to conduct an interview also includes knowing how to prepare for the meeting. Consider using the checklist below as you prepare to interview candidates.

Recommended Reading: How To Have A Perfect Interview

Why Is Effective Interviewing So Important

Interviewing is an important step in the employee selection process. If done effectively, the interview enables the employer to determine if an applicants skills, experience and personality meet the jobs requirements. In addition, preparing for an interview can help clarify a positions responsibilities.

Provide Next Steps And Closure

HR Series – How to conduct a job interview

The final portion of the interview is providing the next steps for a candidate. Let a candidate know when they can expect to hear from you regarding a final decision, or the next step in the interview process. This is a candidates final impression of your company, so thank them for taking time out of their day to interview, and properly escort them off of your company premises.

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How Do I Conduct Job Interviews

Finding and hiring the right employee to fit in with a small business operation can be one of the most difficult aspects of the business. Conducting an in-depth job interview with potential candidates and asking the right questions can increase the chance that the best hire will be found the first time. All small business hiring managers should ensure they are familiar with and completely understand legal hiring questions that can be asked of prospective employees. The Department of Labor can provide guidance for the legality of interview questions.


Develop an accurate job description with qualifications and duties. By knowing exactly what is expected of the person in the position, it is easier to find a perfect match. Every person sitting in on the interview should be provided the job description, including the prospective employee.


Set up a group interview. Many small businesses have found it to be beneficial to conduct group interviews. In doing this, the manager has the chance to see how the candidate will interact with a variety of people. It also provides the business the insight of multiple people who sat in on the interview instead of just one.


Create a set list of questions. To compare candidates, it is important to ask the same questions to each person. This allows managers to adequately rank the employees based on their answers to the questions as well as their qualifications.







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Give The Candidate Time To Answer Questions

The second-to-last portion of the interview is the candidate questions. Here youll find out if the candidate did their research and is genuinely interested in the job. Be prepared to answer questions like why a particular position is open, or a certain timeline for success you might expect from a candidate. Look for candidates who have prepared detailed questions that demonstrate they did their research.

Read Also: How To Interview For A Recruiter Position

How To Conduct A Successful Job Interview

As a manager of a growing team, interviewing other people properly is essential. For the most part, a good interview technique will help you to put the candidate at ease, get the very best out of them and ultimately make a fair and educated assessment of their suitability.

However, this skill is too often overlooked and not given the attention it deserves. Moreover, many people forget that an interview is a two-way process, and that you too are being assessed by the candidate.

To help you run a successful interview, we suggest you:

Try To Connect With The Applicant

How to Conduct an Interview

Always remember that the applicants are also interviewing you and your company. So you want to make a good impression on them.

Its best to begin your interview with an informal chat as an icebreaker. Trust us, small talk can do wonders.

You should also take this time to introduce them to everyone in the room, providing them with a brief breakdown of the interview structure and how long you think itll last. You can also use the pointers you connect on social media or their CV to make them feel welcome.

Keep your tone friendly, make eye contact, and adopt a friendly approach.

We also recommend pitching the job and the company to the interviewee within the first few minutes of the interview.

Its just as important for you to sell the opportunity to the candidate as vice versa. If you dont get a good vibe from you, they can choose to look elsewhere even when you offer them the job.

Recommended Reading: What Makes You A Good Leader Interview Question

Talk About Communication And Feedback

Communication is a broad topic. Theres interpersonal communication: how one delivers and receives information from others. And then there are the technical aspectsi.e., the software that is used in communication. Use this time to ask your interviewee about both. What platforms do they use at their current or former job? Which one, if any, would they choose for a difficult conversation? Share which forms of communication are favored in your workplace and get a sense of the candidates level of comfort with them.

Its also useful to understand how prospects respond to feedback because it’s an essential part of work life. Ask interviewees if they can recall a good experience of receiving feedback. How was the feedback delivered? How did they grow as a result? This answer can give you a lot of information about their temperament, work and leadership style, and ability to collaborate.

As you learn about their openness to feedback and what forms of communication theyre comfortable with, youll be able to see how the candidate measures up and how much of a learning curve there might be for them to get up to speed with your organization.

Discuss The Job Opportunity And The Structure Of The Interview

Once introductions are complete, its time to get down to why the candidate is here in the first place. This part of the interview will spotlight the actual job, duties, and reporting structure. If the role is a contract or a temporary role, you might talk about potential ways a candidate can move into a more full time role. Following a discussion about the job, give the candidate an idea of the interview format. Mention the type of questions, whether behavioural or technical-based. This portion should also include talking about the length of the interview, and what, if any assessments a candidate should expect.

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Simple Steps To Conducting An Interview

If you want to find the best person for the job, then it is essential that your interviews are as thorough and well thought out as possible. Conducting an interview isnt as simple as you may think and there are a number of things that you must consider before meeting any candidates, as well as before you make any final hiring decisions.

If you enter the interview without a clear idea of the type of individual you are looking for, then your judgment may become blurred and its possible that you will become side tracked by qualities or experience that doesnt necessarily align with the role you are hiring for, or overlook a shortage of the required skills. The same goes for going into it without an idea of how you will sell the company to them, as its important to remember that you will also be under scrutiny.

Here are the 10 simple steps of conducting a job interview to ensure that all the necessary elements are taken into account to hire the right person.

Review The Candidates Pre

How to Conduct a Job Interview

At this point, its tempting to put the blinders on and consider only the candidates interview. However, theres just as much information available in their pre-employment assessmentif not moreto help you evaluate the candidate. Use all the information at your disposal to make an educated decision.

Read Also: What Not To Ask In An Interview

Teaching Students How To Conduct An Interview

Activity: Interviewing A Peer

  • Explain that students will now conduct peer interviews with each other to practice the tips for effective interviews.
  • Ask students to brainstorm effective questions they might ask a peer.
  • Ask students to choose one question that will be the start of their interview with a peer.
  • Be Transparent With The Candidate Before The Interview

    Interviewing for a job is stressful. Making sure your candidate comes to the interview as relaxed as possible makes it more likely youll get to know the real them.

    Remove any points of stress by letting them know as many details as possible about the interview. Fill them in on the company dress code, who will be present in the interview, and a basic outline of the job interview process.

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    Looking For Compatibility Not Just Likeability

    We all tend to hire in our own image, but when it comes to how to conduct an interview, you need to look beyond immediate chemistry by asking questions such as:

    • How many hours a day do you find it necessary to work in order to get your job done?
    • How sensitive are you to accepting constructive criticism?
    • Describe the pace that you typically work in the office moderate, fast, or hair-on-fire?
    • How much structure, direction, and feedback do you generally prefer on a day-to-day basis?
    • Do you generally ask for permission or forgiveness when making decisions?

    Some natural follow-ups to these types of questions would be to inquire about specific examples. So, for example, a natural follow-up to the last question above would be:

    • Tell me about a time when you may not have erred on the side of caution when you should have.

    These types of questions help you to better match an individuals personal style to your departments corporate culture. Without rounding out these questions, you could end up with someone who can do the job technically but whos totally out of sync with the rest of your team.

    How Do You Teach Students Skills In An Interview

    How to Conduct a Job Interview?

    Practice General Interview Skills

  • Prepare a list of questions, realizing that they dont have to ask every one of them.
  • Maintain good eye contact, including looking up again if they look down to consult their list of questions.
  • Ask follow-up questions when a response leads them to think of a question they didnt plan for.
  • Read Also: How To Interview A Manager

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