Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How To Record A Video Interview

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How To Prepare For Recording A Video Case Study In Zoom

How to Record Interviews ONLINE (Mac & PC!)

Once youve contacted your customer to arrange a case study interview, youll need to do some prep work in advance. There are some best practices to follow when prepping for an interview for instance, if the video or audio quality are poor, you may need to reshoot the case study, resulting in delays and frustration for your customer. To ensure you can produce a high-quality video on your first try, include the following steps in your preparation.

Quick Tips On How To Record A Remote Video Interview

Before you plan your interview recording, make sure that you have a dependable internet connection and that youve got your audio in place. Theres nothing more frustrating and harder to focus on than an interview in which either the interviewer or interviewee, or both, are difficult to hear!

Or, when the interview cuts out periodically due to internet downtime issues. Avoid both of these potential problems by checking your uptime prior to recording and taking steps to ensure youve got the best internet connection possible if filming a live interview.

If youre using remote video equipment to film the interview which will be edited in post-production, and will not be distributed via live feed, the internet connection wont matter so much or at all really.

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What Ruins The Quality Of A Recorded Video Interview

The main issue is in this situation is that you and the guest need to use a third-party video call software or platform for the online chat and video recording. And the audio quality and video image recorded are completely at the mercy of the internet speed and its stability.

Chances are you are very likely to get weird or distorted sound/video or time lag as the audio/video travels through the internet.

Why Record An Interview

Recording an Interview in Virtual Stock Footage Video (100 ...

When you interview someone, you’re getting a snapshot of their life experience directly from them. If you record an interview, you have permanent access to that first-hand information. For example, if a client explained what they needed from your product in an interview, you shouldnt rely on your memory when relaying that information to your designers.

Whether your interview is in person or online, recording it ensures that you can use the information you get from your interviewee properly and make the best use of it for your business.

Additionally, recording information makes the interview easy to share. If an interview isnt recorded, then it can only be shared through notes taken by the interviewer, which wont be as effective as the direct audio of the interview. Recording the interview makes sure everything shared is first hand information, which is a more effective form of communication.

Finally, recording an interview allows you to be more engaged in the interview itself as you dont need to worry about taking notes or marking down specific information. By recording, you are making sure that the interview has 100% of your attention in the moment, which will lead to a better result.

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Why Hiring Managers Should Avoid One

Theres no denying that technology has improved hiring for both businesses and candidates alike. An applicant tracking system eliminates our spreadsheets and clogged email boxes. Video tools like Zoom or Google Hangouts make remotely interviewing easy, especially in the context of a global pandemic. All in all, these tools have made connecting businesses and job seekers easier.

But hiring technology also needs to revolve around a constant dialogue: how do we automate processes and save time without sacrificing the key to finding the right people for our teams? In other words: How do we keep hiring human?

Its crucial for hiring managers to evaluate your hiring technology and processes so they not only remove administrative and manual work, but foster more connection with candidates, not less. Hiring software should help surface high potential candidates without serving unconscious bias and poor candidate experiences.

As the Director of HR for CareerPlug and a user of our own hiring software, I have real fear about hiring technology trends that appear to widen the rift between companies and candidates with more automated, impersonal, and even dehumanizing interactions.

One of the most troubling trends Ive seen is the rise of the one-way video interview.

Why Record Interviews Online

Youve decided youre going to make an interview video. Good call! Filming remote interviews are relatively simple from a production standpoint while making engaging content for a variety of purposes, from internal comms to external channels .

Whether you decide on filming remote interviews versus physically being there will likely depend on what type of video youre making , whether you need B-roll footage, and how you plan to use the actual video

There are a few key reasons why you might want to record interviews online rather than filming them in person.

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Start With A Quick Chat

When youre meeting someone in person, you usually have a few minutes to talk and warm-up your subject. Just because youre doing this virtually doesnt mean you cant have the same social interaction.

Start your call by letting them know that youre not recording them yet and chat for a few moments. This is also a good opportunity to check out their setup and make sure that you can hear them, that the picture is of decent quality, and that there arent any distracting elements behind your interviewee.

Let them know when its time to get started so they feel prepared.

What Is A One

How to Record an Interview | Getting Great Audio on a Budget

A one-way video interview is a brief video recording that you send to employers to help with their screening process. Within this video, you typically answer a few preselected interview questions or follow a prompt. Unlike a typical interview, you are only talking to your camera. You do not get instant feedback like you would with a real-time interview with an employer. While this format can be challenging, you can also benefit from the fact that you can rerecord your video.

Related:Video Interview Guide: Tips for a Successful Interview

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How To Record A Skype Video Interview In 7 Easy Steps

The average person visits a website for 48 seconds, but if it has video we stay for almost six minutes.

Video is powerful. We live in a YouTube age where people want their content to move and breathe.

Its no surprise then that my video interviews are much more popular than their text counterparts. People would rather watch interviews than read them.

And I like them too. Its fun talking face-to-face with remarkable people. And these video interviews take much less time than writing a long article or post. I can knock one out in less than an hour.

Over the past few months, several people have asked me how to record their own. If they have a Mac, I usually just point them to Michael Hyatts excellent guide.

But if they have a PC, theres little out there. As far as I know, theres no comprehensive tutorial for PC users that covers the technical and non-technical aspects of recording a video interview. Therefore I decided to write one myself.

Here are my seven steps to recording a Skype video interview:

Video Interviews Are Booming

Video interviews even pre-recorded video interviews are now a standard element in the overall recruitment process, and will continue to be so post-pandemic. According to Workables New World of Work study, 56.5% of businesses plan to make remote permanent for at least some of their workforce going forward. Only 6.2% of businesses plan to do nothing in general.

This means even more digitization of the recruitment process, and one aspect of that is video interview technology.

Even before COVID-19 introduced itself to our world, video interviews were used by 70% of the employers in the list of Talent Boards Candidate Experience award winners. Time to hire is now shorter as a result of pre-recorded video interviews, and its cheaper too in terms of travel and time commitments both for the candidate and the recruiter.

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If Someone Enters The Room Unexpectedly

If family members, housemates or pets enter the room while youre interviewing, apologize to the interviewer, ask for a few moments, mute your microphone and turn off your camera, and then step away to deal with the interruption. Make sure that the room is secure before beginning the interview again.

As with any job interview, you should conclude by thanking the interviewer for their time. Send a follow-up thank you email later that day . This message may help build a stronger connection with your potential employer and help you progress to the next step.

Set Up For Your One Way Interview

Effective Techniques for Video Recording Interviews ...

Pay attention to lighting, posture, background, and background noise. Find a nice, well-lit space with a blank background. A plain wall, a screen, or a bookshelf work best. Experts suggest having at least two feet of distance between the background behind you. That space can reduce the shadow and make the lighting more flattering. If you dont have a webcam, you can use your phones camera to record your answers. No matter what device you use, test your microphone and camera angle beforehand. Set yourself up to make a great first impression!

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How To Set Up A Quality Recording

PLAN A: The ideal is to interview from Skype member to Skype member because the quality of the audio is far better then connecting by phone. But it is not evident that your interviewee will have Skype.If they have, ask them if they feel comfortable using it for the interview. In that case, you best ask for a short rehearsal to make sure technically everything is fine. Both parties need to work with a head set.Never use speakers as they can echo on both ends.Dont waste too much time on the rehearsal, if it doesnt work because the interviewee has problems with their computer or headset, go to plan B immediately, because you do not want to put the interviewee off.In most cases, you wont get the chance to do a test first. If that is the case, go to plan B directly because you cannot afford messing this up, especially not if the interviewee is a public figure.

PLAN B: When you call from Skype to a land line, your voice will be of good quality while the interviewee will have that typical pinched sound you here on radio interviews with a caller. This kind of setup is acceptable since we are used already to this sort of interview. In this case, there is no need to rehearse with the interviewee as yu just will start to record when the connection is made.

Schedule A Zoom Meeting

Schedule a ZOOM meeting and share the ZOOM meeting link with your partner. Go to -> Login -> Press Schedule Meeting.

You may want to double-check your ZOOM Recording Settings to make sure your video will save the Gallery View layout. Visit and login -> Settings -> Recordings -> Record gallery view with shared screen. Also, make sure Audio Transcript is turned-on.

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They Enable A More Efficient And Transparent Recruitment Process

Pre-recorded video interviews turn your ) more efficient by allowing recruiters to screen more candidates when compared to phone calls. Recruiters also save a great amount of time because thanks to the insights from the video interviews theyll only invite the best candidates to an interview at your office. As important as this, using video interviews enables a more transparent process, given that candidates are presented with a structured interview containing the exact same questions. Theres no external intervention that could change the course of the interview, so it also helps recruiters to more easily compare candidates and make fairer, data-driven decisions.

Which Apllication Do I Use Best For Recording On Skype

How To Record Audio For An Interview | Hurlbut Visuals

Pamela mixes all voices together which is convenient if you dont want to fiddle around editing the audio.It can export to several formats: MP3, WAV, OGG. I would recommend WAV if you do want to edit the audio, otherwise use the MP3 option and publish it as it is. Pamela has several convenient options to warn other parties to stay away while an interview is in progress, so that you will not be disturbed as sometimes happens. PrettyMay does not have that option.

PrettyMaycan save both ends of the interview into separate channels, if you want. That means that your voice is in one channel and the voice of other parties in the other. Unprocessed, that sounds quite weird because your voice will be heard in the left earphone while the other voice are in the right. You definitely want to mix both together, but there lies the beauty of PrettyMay, the fact that you have that choice. Why having separate tracks? For example, if you want one part to sound slightly from the left and the other slightly from the right, that can be easily done with an audio editor. Pamela does not to have this option. You have two audio formats: MP3 and WAV. Use WAV if you use the separate channel option, otherwise you can use MP3 and publish immediately. There is a video tutorial about using PrettyMay on Skype, including how to configure the audio setting: How to do an interview on Skype with PrettyMay

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Benefit To The Employer

For employers, the benefit assumed is increased efficiency. They reduce the initial manpower hours for scheduling and conducting live interviews, even over the phone, and this can greatly cut down on the time spent reviewing candidates.

If an interviewee does not have a great start, the reviewer can just move on instead of what would have happened in a live interview wasting the time to see it through, or giving the candidate false hope.

The other plus for the employer is that the reviewer or recruiter/human resource person is not identified, so he/she will also cut down on calls from job seekers checking in. Of course, this is not so good for you, the job seeker!

What To Wear For A Video Interview

For your video interview, you should dress professionallythe same way you would for an in-person interview. Research the company culture before your interview so you have a good idea of whats appropriate.

To look your best on camera, avoid bright colors and patterns and opt for softer colors instead. If you are wearing a tie, wear a solid color rather than a patterned one. If you wear glasses, adjust the lighting in the room to reduce glare from the lenses.

Position the camera so that you are looking up slightly and centered on the screen. While its likely that the interviewer will only see your upper half, its still a good idea to wear professional pants or a skirt in case you need to stand up for any reason.

Read more: How to Dress for a Job Interview

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C: Set Your Expectations

The goal here is twofold:

1: Try not to suck as . Yes, the bar is low. This isnt a Hollywood blockbuster. Youre not buying expensive equipment. Youre just creating something quickly and hoping it doesnt fail 100% .

2: Run a complete interview production cycle from start to publish so you can identify errors BEFORE batching and scaling the process.


Lets dive into Zoom and get this first interview rocking!

How Do Video Interviewswork

Kaltura â Recording Instructions For Student Interviews ...

Video interviews rely on specific technologies. Along with an internet-capable computer, tablet, or smartphone, each participant needs a webcam, speakers , and a microphone. This allows them to see, hear, and speak with each other.

Additionally, web conferencing or video calling software is needed to make the connection. Some of the most popular solutions include:

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Record Phone Calls Through A Mixer

Best option for guests without an internet connection.

  • Cost: Free
  • Difficulty: Very easy for the guest
  • Quality: Low

If your guest doesn’t have access to wifi, or they aren’t tech-savvy, you can call them and record your phone call.

Since phone networks compress your audio even more than Zoom, this option should be a last resort.

Plug your phone into your mixer, like the Rodecaster Pro, to record the phone call. Make sure both people’s audio is being recorded the first time you record a phone call.

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