What Is An Object Repository And Explain How We Can Create The Object Repository In Selenium
The collection of web elements that belongs to the application under test along with their locator values. This is often referred to as Object Repository. The only thing is the locators are stored in a centralized location than hard coding them in the test scripts.
While coming to Selenium, the objects can be stored in Excel also and can be used to populate them in the script whenever required.
What Is A Test Automation Platform
A test automation platform is a technology or framework that enables the automated testing of software. It automates the whole process via the use of software and scripts produced by developers or testers.
Typically, a test automation platform includes all of the capabilities necessary to get started with automated testing. It relieves you from using a variety of tools and enables them to communicate with one another. Test automation systems are often used in complicated or extensive software projects when manual testing on all of the product’s capabilities is difficult or time-consuming. UIlicious, an easy-to-use tool that can be used on any web project, is one such platform. Mentioning this tool during an interview can indicate to the interviewer that you are knowledgeable about strategies to boost your personal productivity or the team’s performance.
In Xpath What Is The Difference Between / And //
Single Slash “/” – A single slash is used to create an Xpath with an absolute path, i.e. the XPath will begin with the document node/start node.
For example,
Absolute XPath: /html/body/div/div/form/input
Here, /html is the root html node.
Double Slash “//” – The double slash is used to construct an Xpath with a relative path, which means the XPath can start selection from anywhere on the page.
For example,
Relative XPath: //input
Here, we can locate an input having id = email present anywhere in the document object model .
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What Are The Verification Points That Are Available In Selenium
- Selenium IDE: Verify and Assert commands
- Selenium Web Driver: This does not have any built-in features for verification and always depends on our coding style. Some examples can be like checking the page title, checking for certain text in the page, checking for a certain element like textbox, dropdown, field etc.,
What Are The Different Types Of Waits Available In Webdriver
There are two types of waits available in WebDriver:
- Implicit wait: These waits are used to provide a default waiting time between the consecutive test steps across the entire test script. Hence, the subsequent test step would only be executed when the 30 seconds are over after executing the previous test step.
- Explicit wait: These waits are used to halt the execution until a particular condition is met or the maximum time has elapsed.
Explicit waits are instantiated for a particular instance only, whereas implicit waits are not.
Want to learn about Selenium with Python! Check out our blog on Selenium Python Tutorial for beginners.
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Difference Between Static Binding And Dynamic Binding
1. Static binding is also known as early binding whereas dynamic binding is also known as late binding.2. Determining the type of an object at compile time is Static binding whereas determining the type of an object at run time is dynamic binding3. Java uses static binding for overloaded methods and dynamic binding for overridden methods.
To know more about this you have to go through Method Overloading and Method Overriding.
What Are The Challenges And Limitations Of The Selenium Web Driver
As we all know that the Selenium Web Driver is used to mimic the real user actions on the web in the browser. Some of the challenges of Selenium are as follows,
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Q11 What Is Encapsulation In Java
Encapsulation is a mechanism where you bind your data and code together as a single unit. Here, the data is hidden from the outer world and can be accessed only via current class methods. This helps in protecting the data from any unnecessary modification. We can achieve encapsulation in Java by:
- Providing public setter and getter methods to modify and view the values of the variables.
Q12 What Are The Important Methods Of Java Exception Class
Exception and all of its subclasses doesnt provide any specific methods and all of the methods are defined in the base class Throwable.
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Why Should Selenium Be Selected As A Testing Tool For Web Applications Or Systems
Selenium provides the following advantages, which make it an excellent automated testing framework:
- It is free and open-source software with a large user base and supports providing community.
- It has cross-browser compatibility and supports multiple browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera, Safari, etc.
- It supports multiple operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.
- It facilitates the usage of multiple programming languages including Scala, Ruby, Python, PHP, Perl, Java, Groovy, C#, etc.
- It provides support for distributed testing as well.
How Do You Choose An Automation Testing Solution
Automation testing requires the use of software tools or frameworks. There are several solutions from which to choose.
Here are some criteria for evaluating these tools.
Programmable or non-programmable tools: While some tools need programming knowledge, others do not, enabling a tester who is not a developer to generate test cases with visual support. You should make your selection based on your team’s expertise and skill set.
Open Source vs. Commercial: The cost of tools varies significantly depending on the features they provide. Commercial tools might be costly, but they provide technical assistance. While open-source software is free, you must do your research when resolving issues.
Simplicity of handling: Some automated testing methods are complicated to use and need considerable training to be utilized. Some are simpler to operate and may be used straight out of the box.
UIlicious, Selenium, Katalon Studio, UFT, TestComplete, and Testim are just a few of the most popular automation tools. When selecting one, you should analyze your project’s testing needs, discuss your team, and evaluate their abilities, expertise, and comfort level with the tool.
Additionally, you should evaluate the tool’s return on investment periodically and be prepared to switch if necessary.
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What Is The Difference Between Type And Typeandwait Command
“type” command is used to type keyboard key values into the text box of software web application. It can also be used for selecting values of combo box whereas “typeAndWait” command is used when your typing is completed and software web page start reloading. This command will wait for software application page to reload. If there is no page reload event on typing, you have to use a simple “type” command.
What Do You Understand About Broken Links How Can You Detect Broken Links In Selenium Explain Properly With Code
Links or URLs that are not reachable are known as broken links. They may be unavailable or inoperable due to a server issue. A URL’s status will always be 2xx, indicating that it is legitimate. There are a variety of HTTP status codes, each with its own set of functions. HTTP status 4xx and 5xx indicate an invalid request. The 4xx class of status codes is used for client-side errors, while the 5xx class is used for server response errors.
You should always check for broken links on your site to ensure that the user does not end up on an error page. If the rules aren’t updated appropriately, or the requested resources aren’t available on the server, the error will occur. Manual link checking is a time-consuming task because each web page may have a huge number of links, and the process must be performed for each page.
To find broken links in Selenium, follow the instructions below.
- Using the < a> tag, collect all of the links on a web page.
- For each link, send an HTTP request.
- Make that the HTTP response code is correct.
- Based on the HTTP response code, determine whether the link is genuine or not.
- Repeat the procedure for all of the links that were captured in the first step.
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What Are The Different Components Of Selenium
Selenium is not a single tool or a framework. It is a collection of tools that operate in combination with one another or alone to perform various kinds of automation testing. Selenium is composed of four primary components.
Selenium WebDriver: A set of open-source APIs and browser-controlling code implementations that offer an intuitive and simple programming interface.
Selenium Grid: It allows testers to execute many tests concurrently across various browsers, computers, and OS systems.
Selenium IDE: IDE is an acronym for Integrated Development Environment. It enables testers to develop, record, execute, and debug test cases.
Difference Between Abstract Class And Interface
To declare Abstract class we have to use abstract keyword | To declare Interface we have to use interface keyword |
In an Abstract class keyword abstract is mandatory to declare a method as an abstract | In an Interface keyword abstract is optional to declare a method as an abstract. Compiler treats all the methods as abstract by default |
An abstract class contains both abstract methods and concrete methods | An interface can have only abstract methods |
An abstract class provides partial abstraction | An interface provides fully abstraction |
An abstract class can have public and protected abstract methods | An interface can have only public abstract methods |
An abstract class can have static, final or static final variables with any access modifiers | An interface can have only public static final variables |
An abstract class can extend one class or one abstract class | An interface can extend any number of interfaces |
Abstract class doesn’t support multiple inheritance | Interface supports multiple inheritance |
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Q45 What Is Collection Class In Java List Down Its Methods And Interfaces
In Java, the collection is a framework that acts as an architecture for storing and manipulating a group of objects. Using Collections you can perform various tasks like searching, sorting, insertion, manipulation, deletion, etc. Java collection framework includes the following:
- Interfaces
The below image shows the complete hierarchy of the Java Collection.
Why Do Testers Choose Selenium Over Qtp
Selenium is more widely used than QTP since:
- Selenium is an open-source tool, whereas QTP is a profitable tool
- Selenium is used specifically for testing web-based applications, while QTP can be used for testing clientserver applications too
- Selenium supports multiple browsers like Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, etc. and has multiple operating systems compatibility too. Selenium-supported OS platforms are Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. On the other hand, QTP is limited to Internet Explorer on Windows
- Selenium supports multi-programming language compatibility. Languages supported by Selenium are Python, Ruby, Perl, etc. But, QTP supports only VBScript
You can find more on Selenium by visiting our Selenium Community!
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What Do You Mean By Selenese
Selenese which is called the Selenium command is the set of the selenium commands that run your test cases. For example, open is a Selenium command which opens the specified URL in the specific browser. A test script is the sequence of all these commands put together. There are three types of Selenese. They are,
What Is The Difference Between Assert And Verify Statements In Selenium
- We can check whether an element is on the page or not.
- The test fails and gets terminated whenever there is a fail in the check. That is the program control flow stops.
- Its only to specify whether the given condition is true or false.
- The program control flow does not stop due to this.
Overall, the Verify statement does not halt the program execution whereas the Assert statement does halt the execution.
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What Is A Test Environment
A test environment helps the tester develop repetitive test configurations that remain consistent with the release of new software versions. The test environment also includes the testbed, which is the data used to test the program. This data enables the tester to validate test cases that need a specific configuration.
The test environment is often a mirror clone of the production environment. A mirror copy enables the tester to reliably replicate customer-reported defects and gives the developers the precise steps required to solve them.
The following are some conditions for a successful testing environment:
A server having a similar setup to a production server, including software and hardware.
A sample of test data for the software’s evaluation.
A test database having considerably realistic data this database may be a duplicate of an actual production database.
Installed software for testing.
What Is Jdk And Why Is It Required
JDK stands for Java Development Kit. It is a superset of JRE .Using JDK, we can develop, compile and execute new applications and also we can modify existing applications. We need to install JDK in developers machine where we want to develop new applications or modify existing applications.JDK includes JRE and development tools .
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How Will You Use Jsp El In Order To Get The Http Method Name
Using pageContext JSP EL implicit object you can get the request object reference and make use of the dot operator to retrieve the HTTP method name in the JSP page. The JSP EL code for this purpose will look like $.
In case you are facing any challenges with these java interview questions, please comment on your problems in the section below. Apart from this Java Interview Questions Blog, if you want to get trained from professionals on this technology, you can opt for structured training from edureka!
Q36 What Is Java String Pool
Java String pool refers to a collection of Strings which are stored in heap memory. In this, whenever a new object is created, String pool first checks whether the object is already present in the pool or not. If it is present, then the same reference is returned to the variable else new object will be created in the String pool and the respective reference will be returned.
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When Automation Testing Is Not Useful In Agile Methodology
Automation testing is ineffective for agile approaches under the following circumstances:
When doing Agile testing, always request modifications to the requirements.
When a high degree of documentation is needed in an Agile environment.
Only suited for regression tests carried out as part of agile testing, such as continuous integration.
Q21 What Are The Different Types Of Garbage Collectors In Java
Garbage collection in Java a program which helps in implicit memory management. Since in Java, using the new keyword you can create objects dynamically, which once created will consume some memory. Once the job is done and there are no more references left to the object, Java using garbage collection destroys the object and relieves the memory occupied by it. Java provides four types of garbage collectors:
- Serial Garbage Collector
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Next Cohort: 16th July 2022101 Hours
Key Skills Selenium Testing, TestNG, Maven Integration, DevOps, Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Kubernetes, MS-SQL, ETL Testing, Data Checks, Hadoop Testing, HDFS, Oozie, Sqoop, Pig, Manual Testing, SDLC, Agile, STLC, Localization, Volume Testing, etc.
- 7Courses
Key Skills Selenium Architecture, Selenium 4.0 Components, Automation Testing Framework for Web Applications, TDD, JaCoCo, TestNG, Sikuli, Maven Integration, JUNIT Operations & Test Framework, Object Repository, Selenium Grid Concept, etc.
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