Thursday, July 25, 2024

Phone Interview Tips For Employers

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Why Do You Want This Job

Top Phone Interview Tips: 5 Common Questions & Best Strategies | Indeed Career Tips

Recruiters might ask this question during a phone interview to understand more about your current work situation. When explaining why you want the job, remember to stay positive about your current employer if you currently have a job.

Example answer:I noticed that the parts of my previous positions I enjoyed the most were those that aligned with whats listed in your job description, like creative writing and building relationships with stakeholders. While I am grateful for my time at my current company, I feel that its time to move into a role more tailored to my talents where I can continue to grow as a PR professional.

Read more: Interview Question: “Why Are You Interested in This Position?”

Phone Interview Tips For Candidates

When you work with a recruiting agency, a critical part of landing a job somewhere is the phone interview. Your dedicated recruiter will work hard to find you great job opportunities wherever you want to go and will represent you well to potential employers. But, the phone interview is your first chance to talk directly with an employer. Thus, it is incredibly important that you are able to make a good first impression over the phone and convey your skills and interests clearly.

Of course, it is only natural to feel some pressure and nerves during a phone interview. But dont worry we are here to help you feel relaxed, confident, and prepared when talking to a potential employer for the first time over the phone. Here are some tips so you can ace your next phone interview.

Assess How A Person Thinks

During a phone screen interview, the number one thing that I listen for is how the person thinks. When asking them questions, how do they go about answering them? What is the persons thought process when answering these questions and what motivates them? Are they very business-driven, or are they more philosophical? All of these things can be taken into account when evaluating someone during a phone interview.

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Set A Professional Voicemail

In the event you cant answer the phone when they initially call, leave a good impression by having a professional and friendly voicemail. For example, Hi, youve reached Jane. Im sorry I missed your call. Please leave a detailed message and a call back number, and Ill get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

Common Questions Employers Ask At Phone Interviews:

6 phone interview tips
  • Most employers would ask the candidate to talk about themselves, so as to gauge the reaction of the candidate to see how one would describe oneself in the time given. It is the time given to the candidate to express their strengths and skills to see how good a fit they are with company and the job profile.
  • What do one know about the company? This is another attempt by the employer to see if the candidate has done his home work. It helps them gauge the interest of the candidate in the job and company. Normally, most candidates would have basic information like the market strategy of the company, information on the company and its competitors and so on.
  • Why choose a particular candidate instead of the other? A question asked of the candidates to see how they would answer it. It is the opportunity given for the applicants to reveal the success stories and achievements to prove how one is unique as compared to the others, thus making them a perfect fit for the job profile.
  • What would one do during the first three months on the job? A loaded question asked with the intention to know how good fit the applicant is for the job, in addition to oneâs approach towards issues and projects, while on a new job.

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Types Of Job Interview Techniques

Itâs essential to consider the interview in context, thinking about the details to plan ahead. You first need to acknowledge that each type of interview will require different techniques and tactics if you want to make the most out of your interview process.

The types of job interviews weâll be looking at today are:

  • Phone interviews
  • Video interviews
  • And how to train your employees to interview effectively.

These interview techniques for employers will act as your arsenal, allowing a smoother interview process and a better end result for your candidate, your team, and your company as a whole.

Get Help From A Recruiter

Sometimes, its small hiccups in candidacy that are the hardest for hiring managers to identify. When handling this level of detail, its often smart to turn to recruiting firms. A recruiter understands the nuances of different positions and rapidly changing industries. From their pool of talent, they can pull individuals who are well worth the first phone interview. With the help of a recruiter, you can make sure that first round screening is as efficient as possible so that you have top talent when moving on to in person interviews.

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Beware Of Questions Not To Ask

Certain interview questions are prohibited by state regulations and by the laws enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Such interview questions could potentially make your company liable in an employment discrimination lawsuit. Avoid questions, including but not limited to those below, that touch upon:

  • An individual’s race, ethnicity, religion, or gender
  • A candidate’s citizenship status or place of birth
  • Any physical or mental disability
  • Whether a candidate is pregnant
  • Prior salary history

Prepare Your Own Cheat Sheet

TOP 10 PHONE INTERVIEW TIPS! (How to PASS a Telephone Interview!)

Obviously since its a phone interview the hiring manager cant see you looking down at your handy cheat sheet! Have one prepared with any information that could help you during your interview:

  • Name of the hiring manager. CEO etc
  • Questions to ask the hiring manager
  • Company info
  • Anything that you might forget!

NOTE: Dont let the cheat sheet get in the way of the flow of the conversation.

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Give Focused Tight Answers At A Relaxed Speed

A phone interview is typically not a long one. It is meant mostly to screen out candidates who are a bad fit. So, you dont need to tell your whole life story get to the point and answer the questions directly. This doesnt mean you should cram in information by talking fast, either. Slower is better, especially over the phone.

Beware Of Interviewer Errors

While we all may be prone to making snap impressions of someone we meet for the first time, it’s best to curb that impulse during a job interview. Left unchecked, a first impression can cloud everything that happens afterward. Stick to the prepared questions and leave your snap impressions out of the equation.

Similarly, beware of the so-called “halo effect.” This happens when a candidate’s strong point colors the interviewer’s experience. Any single factor shouldn’t influence the entirety of the conversation.

Do your best to approach every candidate interview with an open mind.

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What Are The Best Telephone Interview Questions To Ask

  • What is your current and expected salary?
  • Why are you leaving your current role?
  • What is the most successful idea you have taken from concept to launch?
  • What are the typical mistakes other candidates make in this role?
  • Tell me about a great product or service you’ve encountered recently. Why do you like it?

Do These Things Ahead Of Time:

Phone interview tips: dos and dont
  • Turn off distractions. Have your phone in a quiet room away from radio, television, family, roommates, or anything else that may make noise or take attention away from your task.
  • Gather your tools by the phone.
  • Resume
  • Pen and paper to jot the interviewer down immediately and to take notes during the interview
  • Company research
  • Questions to ask about company and position
  • A loosely written outline of points to make or items to cover as you talk about the position
  • Comfort items: tissues, a glass of water
  • Also Check: What Are The Interview Questions For Data Analyst

    Check Your Voicemail Greeting

    In case you miss a recruiters call, ensure your voicemail greeting is clear and professional. If your usual greeting is inappropriate in a professional context then you will need to change it before you submit your first job application . Dont underestimate how damaging a negative first impression can be when you are seeking work.

    More About Phone Interview:

    Apart from these, there are some other major questions which can never be avoided and have to be asked.

    It begins with questions like:

    • Why the candidate choose to leave the current job?
    • Why the candidate choose the particular company?
    • What are the career goals?
    • How the company can benefit the candidate? or
    • How the candidate can benefit the company?

    are some of the common questions asked. Before coming to a decision on the candidate, the employer would need to conduct a face-to-face interview as well.

    After completing the telephonic interview properly, the employer would go on to narrow down the list of applicants, from which the most appropriate candidate is selected.


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    Tip : Learn Your Candidates Motivations Early

    The phone interview is the perfect time to learn your candidates motivations for considering a new role. You can then use this information throughout the rest of your recruitment process to sell them on your opportunity. You may even find that their motivations align with your core values, giving you a better idea of culture-fit.

    Why Companies Use Phone Interviews

    Top 6 Common Interview Questions and Answers | Indeed Career Tips

    Employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruiting candidates for employment. Phone interviews are often used to screen candidates to narrow the pool of applicants who will be invited for in-person interviews. A phone call is a relatively quick, low-effort way to determine whether a candidate is suitable.

    They are also used to minimize the expense involved in interviewing out-of-town candidates. For remote positions, a phone interview may be the only option.

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    Why Did You Apply For This Job

    This phone interview question helps the employer to determine whether youâre after this specific job, or just a job in general. Recruiters want to see that youâve understood the job description and, most importantly, that youâre genuinely interested in what the job entails.

    Research the role to inform your answer. Think about which of the job responsibilities youâd enjoy the most and what youâd like to achieve in the role.

    Listening For Active Listening

    Interjections such as mmm, mmhmm, and ok show me that the person on the other end of the line is actively listening. Interjections are different from interruptions that stop the speaker. With interjections, the speaker can continue uninterrupted while knowing that the listener is paying attention.

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    When Can You Start

    One key piece of information employers may need upfront is when you would be able to start in a new role. They might be looking to fill the position quickly, so if you cannot start for another month or two they may need to look for other candidates. Take time before your interview to carefully consider the soonest date you will be able to start. Review the terms of your current role to make sure you can leave after the standard two weeks. If you are unemployed, you will likely be able to respond with as soon as possible.

    Example answer:After getting an offer, I am able to start two weeks later to provide time for my current role to be filled.

    Read more: Interview Question: “On What Date Will You Be Available for Work?”

    Why Are You Looking For Jobs

    Pin on Complete Guide For Recruiters

    Employers might ask this question during your phone interview to see if there are any red flags about your employment situation. If you are currently employed but are looking for new jobs, simply explain why. You should make your answer focused on your career instead of personal reasons or small preferences like hours or commute time. For example, you might be looking for new jobs because there are few opportunities for growth or movement in your current role.

    If youve been let go for some reason, explain in a positive way that you and your employer decided it would be best for you to find a better fitting opportunity. You should address the ways youve been using your time to improve your skills and work styles.

    Example answer:Im looking for opportunities to start my career as a project coordinator. Working as an executive assistant has given me abundant experience in managing and organizing schedules, so Im ready to take the next step in my career. I feel especially qualified for this particular position because Ive worked in the retail industry in my last two administrative roles. Im more than ready to start my project coordination career and would be excited for it to be with your company.

    Read more:

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    Why Did You Leave Your Last Job

    This is the kind of question many candidates dread. After all, you dont want to come off like youre bad-mouthing a current or previous employer.

    Focus on answering with grace and poise, and skew things toward the positive whenever possible.


    When the coronavirus pandemic led to business closures, my employer wasnt able to maintain its full workforce. I, like many others, was laid off from my position due solely to the dip in business.

    Tell Me About Yourself

    This classic interview question serves as an icebreaker and to give the employer an early impression of whether youâre a suitable candidate. It may seem like a generic question, but the recruiter wants to hear specific information related to your professional life.

    Give the employer a brief run through of your work history, your education and why this makes you the best candidate.

    When talking about your work experience, mention where youâve worked, what the job entailed and what you learned from the experience â honing in on the experiences where your responsibilities were most similar to the new job. Make sure to emphasise any significant achievements that you may have contributed towards. This can include a big challenge that you overcame, in which case, share details of the approach that you took to succeed.

    Tell the employer where you studied and what your degree was. Then focus on a select few modules or experiences that were most relevant to the job. For example, which modules or extracurricular activities equipped you with essential transferable skills . Of course, this will be easier to do if your degree subject is closely related to the job youâre interviewing for.

    Finish by mentioning that youâre excited by the prospect of this new job and why your previous experience makes you a good candidate.

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    Have Your Job Materials Nearby

    You should feel comfortable and ready to discuss your background and skills confidently during a phone conversation. Have a copy of your resume nearby, so that you can refer to it during the interview. Also, have a copy of the job posting and a copy of your cover letter if you sent one.

    Consider creating a draft email or a new Word or Google file with all of the relevant information. That way, you’ll have all the detailsnotes on the company, key points you want to emphasize during the interview, your cover letter, the job posting, and so onin one spot.

    Ask If They Have Questions For You

    Questions Employers Should Ask in a One-Way Video Interview

    A job candidate is interviewing you just as much as you are interviewing them, so you should not be the only one asking questions. A well-prepared candidate will have at least one question for you. The questions they ask can give you more insight into who the candidate is and how interested they are in the company.

    You should allow time for the candidate to ask a question or two, Paul McDonald, senior executive director at Robert Half, told That shows how prepared they are, how curious they are and if they are a good cultural fit.

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    Why Do You Want To Work Here

    Your phone interviewer might ask why you want to work at the company to get an idea of whether or not youve researched the company, what motivates you and whether your values align with those of the business. To answer this question, research the company by visiting their company page, their website and recent press releases or news stories. Select a few key items from your research that align with the company. For example, you might be inspired by their mission, interested in their product or excited about their growth in the industry.

    Example answer:After building my career managing hospitality staff, it has been my ultimate goal to work for a hotel that not only values the growth and achievement of their employees but also maintains an exquisite, affordable experience for their guests. I read your recent press release about implementing a truly innovative rewards program for guests at all levels, even those visiting for the first time. Your company continues to set precedence for quality service and experience, and I am looking for a career working toward that kind of mission.

    Read more: Interview Question: Why Do You Want to Work Here?

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