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Qa Manual Testing Interview Questions And Answers

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Interview Questions With Sample Answers

Top 50 Manual Testing Interview Questions | Software Testing Interview Preparation | Edureka

Planning for your interview is important, but preparing answers ahead of time is vital when discussing a technical job like a quality assurance engineer. Considering your answers to these potential questions in advance can help set yourself apart from other applicants.

Here are some common interview questions and sample answers related to software quality assurance:

How Will You Conquer The Challenges That Occurred Because Of The Unavailability Of Documents During The Testing

Ans: In case the standard documents, such as Feature Description Document or System Requirement Specification are missing, then quality assurance will be based upon the following references, such as:

  • A previous version of the application

Another method could be having discussions with developers and business analysts. It will help resolve doubts and open a channel for bringing transparency to the requirements.

What Are The Different Types Of Software Testing

This question assesses whether you understand the different types of testing and how they differ from the kind of software testing you will be implementing in this role. You can answer this question as a list of standard software tests you understand.

Example:”Based on the job description, I understand I will mostly be running performance tests where I determine the software’s general level of responsiveness. However, some other types of software testing include unit testing, which is where you assess segments of code for usability. There’s also functional testing, which is the process of determining the success of input and output processes a software can complete.

Load testing and stress testing are both used to understand a software system’s response when given large amounts of input and find areas of improvement. Finally, there’s also system testing, where you assess whether the software efficiently and effectively performs the commands and functions that it’s supposed to.”

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What Are The Tools Of Performance Testing

  • LoadRunner: This testing tool contains a wide array of application environments, platforms, and databases. It is typically suitable for web applications and others.
  • QA load: This tool is used for load testing of web, database, and char-based systems.
  • WebLoad: It is used to compare running tests with test metrics.
  • Rational Performance Tester : It allows finding out the presence and cause of bottlenecks.
  • Silk Performer : This testing tool lets you predict the behavior of e-business environment.
  • Explain the concepts of Test Fusion Report of QTP.
  • Test Fusion report displays different aspects of the test run, soon after the tester runs a test. The Test Fusion report is used to display all the aspects of test run, it specifies where the application failures occurred, the test data used, and the detailed explanation of every checkpoint stating pass or failure and the application screenshots of every step by highlighting the discrepancies.
  • Test Fusion Report is a compilation of the entire testing process. It includes an overview of where the failures occurred, the test data that was used in testing, screenshots to support inconsistencies and a detailed view of checkpoints.

Want to learn about the difference between Automation and Manual testing! Check out our blog on Manual Testing vs Automation Testing.

As Per Your Understanding List Down The Key Challenges Of Software Testing

Latest Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers 2015

Following are some of the key challenges of software testing:

  • The lack of availability of standard documents to understand the application
  • Lack of skilled testers
  • Understanding the requirements: Testers require good listening and understanding capabilities to be able to communicate with the customers the application requirements.
  • The decision-making ability to analyze when to stop testing
  • Ability to work under time constraints
  • Ability to decide which tests to execute first
  • Testing the entire application using an optimized number of test cases

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Qa Manager Interview Questions With Sample Answers

Here are common questions interviewers might ask QA manager applicants and how to answer them. Your responses can tell the hiring manager whether you have the to succeed in this position. Be prepared to give examples of how you create quality standards, perform testing, meet deadlines and measure progress.

37. What quality assurance process do you use and why?38. How would you select a testing tool?39. What do you do if you discover your team is performing a test on a product even after finding a defect?40. What interpersonal skills should a QA manager have?41. A client has found a major defect in a daily status report and is upset that it has not been resolved quickly. What would you do to fix the issue and prevent it from happening again?

What Different Types Of Manual Testing Are There

There are six types of manual testing:

  • Black Box Testing: In this level of testing, testing is done without interfering with any of its internal structure and workings.
  • White Box Testing: In this level of testing the internal structure and working is tested.
  • Unit Testing: In this level of testing the individual units or parts are tested.
  • System Testing: In this level of testing the software product is completely tested
  • Integration Testing: In this level of testing the individual units and components are combined together and are tested
  • Acceptance Testing: In this level of testing the software product is tested whether it has met all requirements or not.

Taking up manual testing courses will help you gain an in-depth understanding of the concept.

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What If The Software Is So Buggy It Cant Really Be Tested At All

Frequently, testers come across a bug that cannot be fixed. In such cases, the best course of action is for testers to go through the process of reporting any flaws or blocking-type issues that arise, with a concentration on critical bugs. Because this type of issue might result in serious issues such as insufficient unit or integration testing, poor design, wrong build or release methods, and so on, management should be contacted and given documentation as proof of the problem.

How You Test A Product If The Requirements Are Yet To Freeze

Manual Testing Interview Questions for 2-3 YOE | Interviewing my Subscriber

Its possible that a requirement stack for a product isnt available. It could take a lot of work to figure out if an app has a lot of unexpected functionality, and it could suggest deeper issues with the software development process. If a feature isnt required for the applications goal, it should be eliminated. Create a test plan based on the assumptions youve made about the product if all else fails. However, make sure that all of your assumptions are adequately documented in the test plan.

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What Do You Mean By Test Matrix And Traceability Matrix

Test Matrix: It is referred to as a testing tool that is used to capture actual quality, effort, resources, plan, and time required to capture all the phases of software testing. It only covers the testing phase of the life cycle. Requirement Traceability Matrix : It is referred to as a document, usually present in the form table, that is used to trace and demonstrate the relationship between the requirements and other artifacts of the project right from start to end. In simple words, it maps between test cases and customer requirements.

What Are Stress Testing And Load Testing

Ans: Stress testing is a performance testing type where the application goes through stress or exertion, meaning the application is executed above the break threshold to comprehend the point where it will crash. Usually, this condition comes when there is too much data or too many users.

Loading testing is a performance testing type where the application gets executed above a variety of load levels to monitor the servers peak performance, server throughput, response time, and more.

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What Do You Mean By Defect Detection Percentage In Software Testing

Defect detection percentage is a type of testing metric. It indicates the effectiveness of a testing process by measuring the ratio of defects discovered before the release and reported after the release by customers.

For example, lets say, the QA has detected 70 defects during the testing cycle and the customer reported 20 more after the release. Then, DDP would be: 70/ = 72.1%

Is It Possible To Achieve 100% Testing Coverage How Would You Ensure It

QA Interview Questions and Answers

Its considered not possible to perform 100% testing of any product. But you can follow the below steps to come closer.

  • Set a hard limit on the following factors:
  • Percentage of test cases passed
  • Number of bugs found
  • Set a red flag if:
  • Test budget is depleted
  • Set a green flag if:
  • The entire functionality gets covered in test cases
  • All critical and major bugs must have a CLOSED status
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    List Some Of The Popular Software Testing Tools/frameworks Providing A Brief Description Of Each

  • Selenium: a web browser automation tool that automates the test suites you need to run on a web browser.
  • Protractor: An end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would.
  • Cypress: A modern front-end testing tool built for the modern web. Though its similar to Selenium and Protractor, its architecturally different from them.
  • Jasmine: This is an open-source JavaScript testing framework that allows you to write behaviour-driven tests.
  • State The Difference Between Bug Release And Bug Leakage

    Ans: Bug release is when a specific software version is released with known bugs. Generally, these bugs are of low priority or severity.

    Bug leakage happens when a bug is identified by the end customer and missed by the testing team when testing the software.

    Now that you have a comprehensive, in-depth list of manual testing interview questions, you can definitely prepare well. So, go through these questions repeatedly until you are ready to give correct answers without pausing in between.

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    Q18 What Is The Difference Between Manual Testing And Automation Testing

    Manual Testing

    Automation Testing

    In manual testing, the accuracy, and reliability of test cases are low, as manual tests are more prone to human error.

    Automated testing, on the other hand, is more reliable as tools and scripts are used to perform tests.

    The time required for manual testing is high as human resources perform all the tasks.

    The time required is comparatively low as software tool execute the tests

    In manual testing investment cost is low, but Return of Investment is low as well.

    In automation testing investment cost and Return of Investment, both are high.

    Manual testing is preferred when the test cases are run once or twice. Also suitable for Exploratory, Usability and Adhoc Testing.

    You can use test automation for Regression Testing, Performance Testing, Load Testing or highly repeatable functional test cases

    Allows for human observation to find out any glitches. Therefore manual testing helps in improving the customer experience.

    As there is no human observation involved, there is no guarantee of positive customer experience.

    How Will You Perform Automated Testing In An Environment

    QA Interview QUESTIONS

    Ans: Automation testing is one such process that helps execute the tests automatically. It decreases the need for human intervention significantly. Various tools can be used for it, such as WinRunner, Selenium, and QTP. With the help of testing tools, we can speed up the testing tasks. Also, these tools help us create test scripts to verify the application and generate test reports automatically.

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    Differentiate Between Bug Leakage And Bug Release

    Bug Leakage – When tested software is pushed into the market and the end-user discovers defects, this is known as bug leakage. These are bugs that the testing team overlooked throughout the testing phase.

    Bug Release – When a certain version of software is launched into the market with some known bugs that are expected to be fixed in later versions, this is known as a bug release. These are low-priority issues that are highlighted in the release notes when sharing with end-users.

    What Are Some Best Practices That You Should Follow When Writing Test Cases

    • The following are some guidelines to follow when writing test cases:
    • Prioritize which test cases to build based on your applications risk considerations and project timeframes.
    • Keep the 80/20 rule in mind. To get the best coverage, you should have 20% of your tests cover 80% of your application.

    Instead of trying to test all of your instances at once, improvise as you go.

    • Make a list of all of your test cases and categorise them according to business scenarios and functionality.
    • Ascertain that test cases are modular and that test case steps are as detailed as possible.
    • Write test cases in a way that others can easily understand and alter them if necessary.
    • Always keep end-user requirements in mind because, at the end of the day, the product is developed for the client.
    • To maintain a solid release cycle, actively use a test management solution.
    • Keep an eye on your test cases on a frequent basis. Remove irrelevant and duplicate test cases and write unique test cases.

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    What Are The Structure

    Structure-based testing techniques use the internal structure of the software to derive test cases. They are commonly called white-box or glass-box techniques since they require knowledge of how the software is implemented, that is, how it works. For example, a structural technique may be concerned with exercising loops in the software. Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and many times. This may be done regardless of the functionality of the software.

    Is There Any Difference Between Quality Assurance Quality Control And Software Testing If So What Is It

    Software Qa Analyst Vs Qa Engineer

    Quality Assurance refers to the planned and systematic way of monitoring the quality of the process which is followed to produce a quality product. QA tracks the test reports and modifies the process to meet the expectation.

    Quality Control is relevant to the quality of the product. QC not only finds the defects but suggests improvements too. Thus, a process that is set by QA is implemented by QC. QC is the responsibility of the testing team.

    Software testing is the process of ensuring that the product which is developed by developers meets the users requirements. The aim of performing testing is to find bugs and make sure that they get fixed. Thus, it helps to maintain the quality of the product to be delivered to the customer.

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    Why Do We Need To Perform Compatibility Testing

    We might have developed the software in one platform, and the chances are there that users might use it in the different platforms. Hence, it could be possible that they may encounter some bugs and stop using the application, and the business might get affected. Therefore, we will perform one round of Compatibility testing.

    What Are The Different Levels Of Manual Testing

    There are Four levels of manual testing are:

    • Unit testing Unit testing is referred to the testing of the smallest piece or the individual units of code that can be logically isolated in a system. It is mainly focused on the functional accuracy of the software product.
    • Integration Testing In Integration testing, the individual units or components are combined together as a group. This testing is used to test whether the combined units or components are working as they intend to when integrated The main aim here is to expose the faults in the interface between the modules.
    • System Testing In system testing all the components of the software are validated as a whole in order to make sure that the overall product meets the requirements specified. It evaluates all the end to end system specifications for accurate results. There are many types of system testing, including usability testing, regression testing, and functional testing.
    • User Acceptance Testing It is the last level of testing, acceptance testing, or UAT , which is performed after the software is completely tested. It is used to determines whether or not the software is ready to be released.

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    What Is A Robolectric Testing Framework

    Testing applying the Android Testing framework with a device or an emulator is challenging. It takes the teams tremendous development effort and time in building and running tests. And the Robolectric testing framework is considered as a solution to address this challenge.

    Robolectric framework allows testers to run Android tests directly on JVM without a device or an emulators need.

    What Are The Different Types Of Waits Available In Webdriver

    50 Software Testing Interview Questions | Manual Testing Interview Questions |QA Interview Questions

    There are two types of waits available in WebDriver:

    • Implicit wait: These waits are used to provide a default waiting time between the consecutive test steps across the entire test script. Hence, the subsequent test step would only be executed when the 30 seconds are over after executing the previous test step.
    • Explicit wait: These waits are used to halt the execution until a particular condition is met or the maximum time has elapsed.

    Explicit waits are instantiated for a particular instance only, whereas implicit waits are not.

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    A Defect That Could Have Been Removed During The Initial Stage Is Later Removed What Effect Does This Have On The Cost

    If a defect is discovered during the project’s initial phase, it is important that the defect is removed during that phase rather than afterwards. The cost of fixing a defect increases greatly if it is delayed until a later stage in the development cycle. Following is a diagram showing how the cost of a fixing defect increases throughout the phases.

    It is more cost-effective to eliminate defects during the design phase, but it becomes twenty times more expensive to do so during maintenance.

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