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Software Developer Interview Questions And Answers

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Question : Talk About A Complex Project That Youre Proud Of And Tell Me How You Contributed To It


Tip: Always go into an interview with a short list in mind about work or side projects youre proud of. Be ready to explain exactly why you were a valuable asset to the team. Remember to show, not tell. Instead of telling them you did a good job, show them the results of specific features you made. Instead of telling them you were valuable, show them choices that were before you and explain why you made your decision.

Its also helpful to show what you learned from experience. Nobody knows everything, especially with software engineering, so companies want people who continually learn. When you talk about projects, explain what you learned from it, or describe what you would do differently now with what experience has taught you.

Ex. Po Nent said: Half a year ago, I picked up a side gig for a company that was building an online education platform for a school. They wanted it to create more communication between teachers, students, and parents after class. It needed to have a way for teachers to submit feedback, assign homework, and for students to submit assignments.

Making A Comparison How Would You Differentiate Between Quality Assurance And Quality Control

    How to Answer

    Anyone in the quality field, be it Software , Engineering, Production, etc., should be able to differentiate between the two. Depending on what specific role you have with a quality task, it will be wide-ranging. To help you understand the difference between the two, let me give you a better idea of what they actually are and what they do. In short, Quality Assurance checks if proper processes are being followed, while Quality Control deals with maintaining the quality of a software product. If the hiring manager you are meeting with has any responsibility for QA or QC in their department, they will likely ask you to differentiate the two. Things that they might want to hear are things like…..Quality Assurance – Assures that the approach and/or method used to produce a part are designed and implemented correctly. Quality Control – A process used to test, verify and identify a defect. It also ensures that the approaches, techniques, and methods are designed and followed correctly.

    Written by Tom Dushaj on August 31st, 2021

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List Out Some Of The Commonly Found Errors In Embedded Systems

Some of the commonly found errors in embedded systems are

  • Damage of memory devices static discharges and transient current
  • Address line malfunctioning due to a short in circuit
  • Data lines malfunctioning
  • Due to garbage or errors some memory locations being inaccessible in storage
  • Inappropriate insertion of memory devices into the memory slots
  • Wrong control signals

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What Is The Difference Between Cookies And Local Storage

Cookie data is accessible for both the client and the server Data is stored only on the local browser in the client-side machine
Cookies have an expiry time, and data gets deleted post expiration There is no expiry in local storage unless the data is manually deleted

In the next set of interview questions for web developers, we have a very important question regarding HTML and XHTML.

What Do You Understand About Regression Testing Which Test Cases Should Be Selected For This Process

Software Developer Interview Questions

Regression testing is a type of testing performed to ensure that a software update wont impact how the product currently operates.

Practical regression tests may use the test cases listed below:

  • If features are apparent, users can see more of them.
  • Scenarios that examine the core properties of the product
  • Case studies of functionality that have undergone significant and recent changes
  • Every Integration Test Case
  • Examples of boundary value tests
  • A variety of failure test case examples

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What Are The Components Of The Css Box Model

The CSS box model is used to represent an entity that encloses all of the HTML content into a box or a button element.

There are four components:

  • Border: Denotes the padding and content around the border
  • Content: Refers to the actual content to be displayed
  • Refers to the top layer of the box element
  • Padding: Defines the empty space around the element
  • What Is Software Scope And What Does The Process Involve

      How to Answer

      Software scope is a set of activities and actions to be performed as part of the delivery of a software product. Software scope should be well defined with phase-by-phase milestones, functionalities, and deliverable components. A question like this will be asked regardless of what experience level you are at in software development. This is a fundamental question that all software developers should know and should know well. Let me give you some clarifying pointers that you can use for a better explanation and response. Software scope identifies a few different but important elements, including what the product will do, what is outside the scope of the project , what is the timeline for completion of the project, who is documenting the list of deliverables, goals, tasks, and what the estimated cost of the project will be. One more part should be covered because it comes up more times than not in an interview. Project Scope creep is when the project experiences changes or uncontrolled growth during the project. This is because the project was not well defined, documented, or controlled early in the project specification phase.

      Written by Tom Dushaj on August 31st, 2021

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    How Do You Come Up With Estimates

    Software engineers often come up with estimates that are entirely off the mark. Although they may want to think that they can deliver an end result within a specific time frame, new issues and bugs often come up that causes them to be late on their estimate.

    Ask the candidate how they come up with estimates to find out how accurate they are and whether they have realistic expectations about what it will take to complete a project.

    Q 74 Do Final Finally And Finalize Keywords Have The Same Function

    Splunk Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers | Splunk Security Interview Question

    No, final, finally and finalize keywords have different functionalities.

    Final is used to restrict classes, variables, or methods, the final keyword.

    Finally is used to execute the code written inside the block without handling any exceptions.

    Finalize is used to call the function of the implementation of cleaning the garbage collection of an object.

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    Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years

    This question helps the interviewer determine if you’ll stick around for a while and if your goals match what the company can provide. Answer this question as honestly as possible.

    First, you need to know what your long-term goals are. Then, find a connection between those goals and the job description. If the company has different levels of Software Developers, you might say that you want to work toward a mid or senior-level position.

    Software Developer Interview Questions

    There are few things as un-relaxing as job interviews. While theyll always be somewhat unpredictable and intimidating, preparing for your meeting can help take the edge off.

    Practicing your answers to common interview questions is one of the best things you can do to prepare.

    Youll never be able to show up to an interview with a practiced answer to every question, but having at least some idea of what you want to say will help you give more confident and eloquent answers.

    In this article, youll find 30 common questions that you might encounter in an interview for a software developer position.

    Looking for a job? These position are hiring now near you:

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    Talk About A Time When You Had To Make A Critical Decision During Production What Happened How Did You Manage It

    This question should help you judge whether a candidate is able to think for themselves, analyze and evaluate issues quickly and clearly, and recognize the most logical relationship between ideas.

    Critical thinkers often also have an explorative mindset which can lead to innovation and the improvement of production systems and processes.

    Giving candidates a simple programming challenge may seem trivial, but its useful for several reasons:

    • It gives you an opportunity to see how well they work under pressure.
    • It demonstrates their educational foundation.
    • It shows simply whether they can write code or not, and how experienced they are.
    • Depending on what kind of challenge you choose, it can help you differentiate skill sets. It also helps tease out their scientific/mathematical background and whether they are a high-level thinker.

    This question will give you an idea of the candidates programming knowledge, their level of proficiency, and whether they are a good fit for your company.

    GitHub, a code-sharing website used by developers from around the world, listed the following as ten of the most commonly used programming languages and technologies at the end of 2017:

    What Is Your Opinion On A Feasibility Study And When Should It Be Done

    TOP Manual Testing Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals ...

      How to Answer

      As a Software Developer, you need to look at things from a broader perspective to gain a bigger picture of what your internal customer or external customer really wants. In the early stages of the software development cycle, you may find that a feasibility study might be required. There are two important factors to consider before determining whether or not a feasibility study is required. A feasibility study is really broken down into two important categories. The first is Technical in nature, and the second is an Operational view. An interviewer wants to know if you follow protocol by offering a feasibility study to the client or go through the motions of your job. It’s important to mention this in your interview because it helps crystallize in the interviewer’s mind that you go above and beyond the norm to get the job done right. Again, the interviewer is asking for your opinion, so it’s important to express your opinion to explain why you think it should or shouldn’t be performed.

      Written by Tom Dushaj on August 31st, 2021

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    Don’t Miss: What Questions Do Interviewers Ask

    Briefly Explain What Does Below Code Snippet Indicate

    WebElement sample = driver.findElement) 

    It defines a variable sample of type WebElement, and uses an XPath search to initialize it with a reference to an element that contains the text value data.

    This brings us to the end of this article on Top 50 Software Testing Interview Questions. Hope it helped in adding up to your knowledge. Wishing you all the best for your interview. Happy learning.

    If you found this Software Testing Interview Questions article relevant, check out the Software Testing Training

    Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section on this Software Testing Interview Questions and we will get back to you.

    Whats The Aim Of The Daily Stand

    Scrums are very crucial in agile software development, and the interviewer wants to know whether you are aware of their purpose and importance.

    Tip #1: Briefly explain the importance of the daily stand-up meetings

    Tip #2: Be precise and straight to the point to be convincing to the interviewer.

    Sample Answer

    The daily stand-up meetings aim at keeping the team up to speed as they describe what they have done so far, and what they plan on doing next, as well as any real or potential hindrances to their progress. The stand-up meeting works in such a way that each member of the team addresses the following three parts one after the other: 1.) What I did yesterday, 2.) What I will do today, 3.) What impediments I have discovered that may hinder our progress

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    Q26 Differentiate Between Getch And Getche

    Ans: Both the functions are designed to read characters from the keyboard and the only difference is that

    getch: reads characters from the keyboard but it does not use any buffers. Hence, data is not displayed on the screen.

    getche: reads characters from the keyboard and it uses a buffer. Hence, data is displayed on the screen.


    #include&  amp lt stdio.h&  amp gt #include&  amp lt conio.h&  amp gt int main 


    Your entered character is xPlease enter another character zYour new character is z

    Entry Level Software Engineer Interview Questions:

    Software Developer Interview Questions with Answer Examples
  • What are the main categories of any software?
  • Explain computer software and its types?
  • What does the software manager do?
  • What are his roles and responsibilities?
  • Explain the difference between a computer program and computer software?
  • Which SDLC model is the best?
  • What is the difference between tags and branches?
  • Explain the difference between stack and queue in java?
  • Why do we need polymorphism?
  • Explain software reengineering?
  • Why using Catch almost always a bad idea?
  • How to Determine the size of a software product?
  • Why do you think that the maintenance of software is expensive?
  • How to execute multiple catch blocks for a single try statement in java?
  • What is the difference between object-oriented and component-based language?
  • What is the difference between .dll and .exe?
  • Explain the stages of the software development process?
  • What is the basic difference between Interface-oriented, Object-oriented, and Aspect-oriented programming?
  • How do you define the scope in software?
  • When you inherit a protected class-level variable, who is it available to?
  • What are case tools in software engineering?
  • What do you mean structured design?
  • What is the difference between a process and a thread?
  • Define cohesion?
  • When should a class be abstract?
  • How to prioritize requirements?
  • Explain level-0 Data flow diagram?
  • What do you need for testing the code quality?
  • Name a few available SDLC models?
  • What do you mean by feasibility study?
  • Explain Software configuration management?
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    What Is Verification And Validation And Why It Is Important

      How to Answer

      Verification and validation are essential in the software development process. If you can’t verify or validate a set of activities to ensure that the software is not implemented correctly, hasn’t been built to specification, or is functioning properly, you will surely have problems with your production environment. Interviewers know how important this is and will ask questions about it to ensure that you practice doing your due diligence to ensure the highest quality software development. When questions come up about verification and validation, it might score an extra point in the interview if you give the interview history of how V& V was formed. It is actually an application of Six Sigma and its principles. It was used to design products in the manufacturing and support process areas. It’s important to remember if asked that there are two important aspects of software quality management. Verification answers whether the software is being developed correctly, and validation provides the answer to whether the right software is being produced.

      Written by Tom Dushaj on August 31st, 2021

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    Describe What A Directed Acyclic Graph Is

    Through this question, the interviewer seeks to know whether you understand what a DAG is.

    Tip #1: Be precise while explaining what a DAG is.

    Tip #2: be convincing to the interviewer by avoiding long explanations that may bring confusion in your explanation.

    Sample Answer

    A DAG is a finite directed graph that has no directed cycles. It depicts the assumptions of the relationship between variables in the form of lines that join the nodes.

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    Q 42 Why Are Generics Used In Java Programming

    Compile-time type safety is provided by using generics. Compile-time type safety allows users to catch unnecessary invalid types at compile time. Generic methods and classes help programmers specify a single method declaration, a set of related methods, or related types with an available class declaration.

    Algorithms And Data Structures Questions

    50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers ...

    Many technical questions in software engineering interviews quiz you on the fundamentals of algorithms and data structuresin order to evaluate your baseline knowledge of these vital topics. This seems like a formal process and something thats designed to penalize people who didnt take a formal computer science degree since most software engineers will use libraries to abstract away efficient implementations of these data structures and algorithms. However, its an important part of the process.

    Its important for you to understand how these data structures and algorithms actually work, especially since it will come up in interview settings where youll have to whiteboard your solution. This means solving the problem with a paper and pen instead of a computer. Here are a few sample questions to get you to practice.

    Q1. What is a stack? What are the two basic operations of a stack?

    A stack is a linear data structure with three basic operations: push , pop . Some implementations of stack also allow peek, a function enabling you to see an element in a stack without modifying it. Stacks use a last-in, first-out structure so the last element added to the stack is the first element that can be removed. Queues are a similar data structure, which work with a first-in, first-out structure. Stacks are usually implemented with an array or a linked list. You might be asked to implement a stack in an interview and to implement different operations.

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    What Is Software Scope

    The scope of a software project is a well-defined boundary that incorporates all the activities involved in developing and delivering a software product. The scope defines what the product will and will not do, as well as what the final product will and will not contain. All capabilities and objects to be delivered as part of the software are explicitly defined in the software scope.

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