Friday, July 19, 2024

Free 10-minute Interview Presentation Template

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Use The Right Presentation Tool

How To Make an Interview Presentation

The tool you use to prepare your presentation is as important as the content. You’ll find tons of presentation software out there including PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, Visme, Prezi and more.

Sometimes, your potential employer may favor a particular platform for your interview presentation. But more often than not, they’ll leave you to make a choice.

In this case, it’s advisable to build your presentations using a tool that’s not only familiar but has everything you need to make your content shine. We strongly recommend a feature-rich tool like Visme.

Whether you’re a novice or expert, Visme is precisely made to help you craft beautiful presentations and nail your delivery. The tool has 500+ templates, animations, fonts, and design themes that match your style and any niche you can think of.

You can also check out our quick video on how to create beautiful and professional interview presentations in Visme.

Benefits Of An Interview Presentation

There are many advantages to a presentation-style interview. It allows the interviewer to:

  • Test the candidate’s communication style
    • Are they articulate? Can they be succinct? If you provide the candidate with 20 minutes for the presentation, can they get the message across without running out of time? Or are they rambling without a pause preventing you from finding a window to move the presentation along?
    • Can they explain a complex topic to their grandmother? Getting someone to explain something technically complex to a lay person is a great way to see if the candidate can communicate.
  • Observe their presentation skills
    • If one of the competencies required for the senior position is the ability to deliver presentations, there’s no better way to observe this skill than in real time.
  • Experience their relationship building skills
    • How does the candidate interact with the panel? Do they very quickly connect with you? Are they engaging? Do they exude confidence, passion, competence and trustworthiness? How do you feel in their presence?
    • Are they reading the room? Taking cues from panel members’ body language?
    • If the senior candidate will be leading or dealing with people – particularly in situations where first impressions matter – this is where rubber meets the road.
  • Test their persuasion skills
  • Get their perspective on an issue
  • Test their industry knowledge
  • Test drive one big area of the job
  • See how thoroughly they prepare
  • Observe how the candidate performs under pressure
  • Email Your Presentation And Keep It On A Usb Stick

    You can never be too cautious, and it would be a disaster if something happened on the day of your interview which meant that your USB didnt work properly.

    You should always have a backup copy of your presentation. This is why its a good idea to send it to yourself via email, as well as keep a copy on your USB.

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    Is Powerpoint The Best Choice For An Interview Presentation

    PowerPoint offers a software choice that is relatively easy to use and combines a number of different features to create a professional-looking presentation even if you arent the most technologically-minded individual. It is also usually transferable across different platforms.

    This is what makes it such a good choice for those looking to create a visual presentation for their interviews.

    Keep The Aesthetic Clear

    How to Research a Company Pre

    Choose an aesthetic and stick to it.

    It might be tempting to use a different color palette with each sheet of your PowerPoint. Perhaps you think that it will make each point stand out more. But, in reality, this can look rather unprofessional.

    Once you have chosen your aesthetic, you should make sure that you use this the whole way through your presentation. This helps to give it a cohesive look, which looks more thought-out and less rushed.

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    Digital Marketing Kpis Presentation

    This is the best presentation template for showing off your social media engagement, traffic and other metrics to your boss or colleagues. It has a professional color scheme that you can customize to fit your brand, statistics slides for displaying various KPIs and icons representing different social platforms.

    Is It Free To Make A Presentation With Powerpoint

    It depends on which form of PowerPoint you are using, but its possible to build a presentation for free.

    It can be expensive to take out a Microsoft Office subscription, especially if you are not likely to need to use it very often.

    Luckily, there are options that mean you can access Microsoft PowerPoint for free.

    If you have a Microsoft account, you can use the web version of PowerPoint. It is free to sign up to Microsoft online, and you will automatically have access to all of the online office suites.

    This will enable you to create presentations and save them on your OneDrive. You can also download them onto USB sticks or email them to yourself or others.

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    What Employers Look For In An Interview Presentation

    Take a moment to think about your best job interview.

    Why did your employer choose to hire you ahead of other candidates? You probably ticked all the right boxes in terms of skills, experiences, education, personality and other factors.

    But most importantly, it’s how you presented your skills, capabilities and knowledge about the role that probably blew their minds.

    At every stage of the hiring process, employers look for outstanding candidates who measure up to their expectations. These expectations may differ based on the job role, industry and organizational structure.

    However, on a general note, recruiters will readily opt for candidates who:

    • Understand the organization and its line of business
    • Know their job role and what’s expected
    • Understand the company mission and will fit into the company culture
    • Show passion, ambition and leadership qualities
    • Demonstrate the ability to use their skills and experience to drive the company forward
    • Know how to communicate and present in front of a small or large group of people

    Minute Presentation For A Job Interview

    How to Do a Presentation (or Panel Interview)

    A key part of interviews nowadays is to ask prospective applicants to carry out a 10-minute presentation. In this question and answer article, we asked our readers to see if they had any advice for these kinds of presentations.

    10 minute presentation for a job interview

    Ive just been told that I have a job interview next Wednesday. I need to do a 10 minute presentation in front of the other candidates followed by a formal interview. The topic of the presentation is What I can bring to this position and How will I adapt to make my job successful. Ive never had to do anything like this before and I just dont know where to start!

    Question by Sarah K.

    I am also preparing for an interview myself. I have to present myself and let them know what will I bring to the team. I have started my report by saying who am I, my academic background and now I am thinking of talking about my business qualifications and how my present job experience helped me be more responsible, organized, problem solver ext. I will present some cases where I was very much involved and that will show my professional attitude and mentality.

    Answer thanks to Stefan.

    I have been offered the following advice for my ten minute presentation for an interview this coming Tuesday, so Im sharing it with you. I will be given the topic and given an hour to prepare it.

    The structure:

    Tell them what you are going to tell them.

    Tell them.

    Tell them what you told them.

    Other notes of advice:

    Answer thanks to Rach.

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    What Is The 10/20/30 Rule Of Powerpoint

    Despite how many PowerPoint presentations Ive given in my life, Ive always struggled with understanding the best practices for creating them. I know they need to look nice, but figuring out how to make them aesthetically pleasing and informative is tough.

    Im sure my experience isnt unique, as finding the correct balance between content, design, and timing can be difficult. Marketers know this more than anyone, as success in the role is often marked by being able to create engaging campaigns that tell a story and inspire audiences to take a specific action, like purchasing a product.

    However, PowerPoint presentations are different from advertisements. Understanding how to leverage your marketing knowledge when creating PowerPoints can be tricky. Still, there are various resources for marketers to use when creating presentations, one of which is the 10/20/30 rule.

    First 30 Seconds Count The Most

    What you do and say in the first 30 seconds will make the most impact. Psychological research shows that listeners form opinions about your personality and intelligence in the first 30 seconds of the interview. So be sure to start with a compelling opening, framing exactly how you want to be perceived.

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    Good Reasons To Ask Candidates To Make An Interview Presentation

    This article includes an editable Interview Presentation template and an accompanying instructions document for your managers.

    Don’t want to read the entire article? Fair enough. We’ve highlighted the template in yellow so you can find and access it quickly.

    Bob is a senior candidate for a VP, Sales position and has been invited back to ABC company for his last meeting with an interview panel. Fantastic. Next step? Get out that Q& A interview questionnaire and ask him a series of standard questions. Or is there a better way?

    There is. Ask Bob to come prepared to make an interview presentation.

    Cab Service Pitch Deck

    Employee Exit Interview Questionnaire Template â Clickstarters

    This cab service pitch deck was inspired by Uber, and is just right for presenting a new app or service designed to help potential customers improve their lifestyle. This service presentation template highlights key features and stand-out differences up front, which increases your chances of scoring solid investment.

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    Have A Strong Closing

    Your conclusion is as important as the intro. It determines what your audiences will walk away with and how they will feel about you.

    Generally, it should be a summary of everything you discussed earlier. Therefore you have to bring it full circle and make it connected to the rest of your presentation.

    Most importantly, make it convincing and memorable.

    If your interviewer can remember the key takeaways from your presentation, you’ll have the edge over other candidates.

    Here’s how to end your interview presentation in a memorable way:

    • Ask your audience questions about the topic that sparks curiosity and gets them thinking.
    • End with key takeaways that highlight the main points of your presentation.
    • Double down on the problems and how you can help solve them.
    • Mention how your recommended solution can help the company grow and increase their competitive edge
    • Tie your message to an interesting quote that aligns with the company vision, mission and goals
    • Highlight intriguing milestones and figures you can help the company achieve like profit margins, growth rate, market valuation, increased productivity, revenue growth, etc.
    • Demonstrate that you are open to feedback, questions and further discussion about the topic

    Use the template below to craft a striking conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

    Practice Presenting In Front Of Family And Friends

    It can be nerve-wracking to give a presentation in front of an audience, especially if you arent used to public speaking.

    Asking family members and friends to stand in for your audience can help to build your confidence before you have to present your PowerPoint for real.

    Presenting in front of friends and family members can also be a useful tool for streamlining and polishing your PowerPoint.

    They will be able to give you feedback regarding anything they didnt understand, the areas they thought worked particularly well and anything that could be improved.

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    Keep Your Presentation Clear Unique And Impactful

    When it comes to making presentations, less is more.

    As a presenter, you want recruiters to glance at your slide, gain interest and listen to you. Hence it’s best to keep your slide short and simple, aiming for ten slides or less.

    Be careful not to load too much information on your slides or break off tangents that don’t support your topic.

    Just like you, other applicants are looking to give an impressive presentation. Make your presentation memorable and unique. This will convince your employer that you are the ideal candidate for the job.

    One way to make your presentation unique is by:

    • Creating a simulated project or demo
    • Using case studies related to the company’s operations
    • Creating a strategic plan for your intended role or department
    • Depicting how you would use your skills to achieve the desired project goals

    If you’re interviewing for a marketing position, for example, you can create a detailed strategic plan that wins the heart and minds of your interviewers using the template below.

    The Best 10 Interview Ppt Templates For Free


    A free Office suite fully compatible with Microsoft Office

    PPT presentations are made using templates. Using templates for everyday activities will make your PPT slides look more polished. Your input is used to customize templates, which are pre-made presentations. Use the existing templates or, if necessary, create your own.

    The PPT slide templates let you introduce yourself and give a job interview demonstration. In this sample interview presentation about yourself, which includes a wide range of issues like your hobbies, ambitions, talents, and occupation, describe yourself and your plans. These best ten interview PPT templates are a fantastic choice for your company. There is a list of the best ten interview PPT templates for free.

    2.Purple and Blue Resume PPT Template

    The most excellent CV for the interview is made with this interview PPT template. With these slides, you can make the most acceptable possible representation of your abilities. Professionals use this template to increase their work prospects. It is beautifully constructed in the colors purple and blue to draw attention.

    3.Business Personal Resume Introduction PPT Template

    The best Business Personal Resume Introduction is now made easy by this interview PPT template. You can get this template for free from the WPS office. It is easy to use and free to download to make the slides more professional.

    The Bottom Line

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    Will You Need To Use These Skills In The Role You Have Applied For

    Many office-based jobs will require employees to hold skills such as proficiency in PowerPoint. This is because there may be times when they are required to provide presentations during their career.

    When an employer asks for presentations to be given, they are usually looking to test two things:

    • How well you are able to give a presentation
    • How well you are able to use the technology

    If the role you have applied for is one which is likely to require Powerpoint usage in the future, then you will want to make sure that your presentation is as good as it possibly can be.

    This is to highlight the experience that you have with the software as well as your presentation-giving abilities.

    What Is An Interview Presentation

    Over recent years, it has become increasingly common practice for potential employers to request candidates to present some type of presentation as part of the interview process.

    This may be a presentation on a specific subject that is given by the recruiter.

    Alternatively, candidates can be asked to prepare for a blind presentation, which means they wont be informed of their topic until the day of their interview.

    Presentations are a useful way for potential employers to assess a variety of skills.

    They can be used to identify strengths relating to the specific role you are applying for and inform employers of any potential weaknesses.

    They will be able to consider how well you can combine verbal communication skills alongside other skills, such as how well you are able to engage with your audience and your ability to understand and interpret a brief.

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    Use Charts And Graphs To Visualize Data

    As mentioned before, sprawling text and bullets aren’t enough to drive visual appeal. You need to use visual aids to break up text and boost visual appeal.

    By using a range of formats like graphs, statistics, diagrams, video clips and images, you can easily maintain audience attention and get your points across.

    Are you looking for high-resolution visuals for your interview presentations?

    If the answer is yes, Visme’s presentation maker has everything you need. The tool has a robust library of free and premium stock images, elegant fonts, icons, graphs, charts, infographics and other visual aids.

    Arrive Early And Settle In

    Minutes Of Meeting Sample Questions

    Whether you have an online or physical interview or presentation, this is a no-brainer. Showing up late doesn’t only leave a bad impression, but it could cost you the job.

    Arriving early to your interview will give you enough time to settle your nerves and tie loose ends.

    A good rule of thumb is to arrive 15 to 20 minutes before your presentation. You’ll have ample time to get comfortable with the equipment and the environment.

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    What Slides To Include

    The choice of slides will largely depend on whether you are asked to talk about yourself or present on some task that you will be required to do as part of your job .

    Most interview presentation templates feature the following slides:

    • Case studies/examples of the problems you have solved at your past jobs
    • Your vision for your future role.
    • What exactly can you bring in as the candidate

    Cant figure out where to start? Swipe either of the following job interview presentation samples:

    What Specific Presentation Skills Do Employers Look For

    Excellent presentation skills are a must-have for most client-facing roles or high-level positions. Therefore, asking a candidate to make presentations during interviews can help companies assess whether they can deliver on the job.

    Not only that, interview presentations provide deeper insight into your abilities and skills, such as:

    • Verbal and written communication style
    • The ability to hook, engage and interact with your audiences
    • Ability to deliver the message with clarity
    • Diligence and attention to details
    • Work experience and sector knowledge
    • Ability to read and interpret the mindset of listeners
    • Use of visual aids
    • Time management and organization skills

    For a blind presentation, the employer may want to feel your pulse or perspective on issues or take notice of things like:

    • The ability to think on your feet
    • How you perform under pressure
    • How persuasive and creative you can be

    Ultimately, the recruiter is also checking to see if you meet the core competencies for the job. Therefore, make sure to revisit them during the blind presentation.

    Beyond landing the job, getting it right with your presentation can set the tone for further engagements with your colleagues and top management.

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