Thursday, July 25, 2024

Api Interview Questions For Qa

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What Are The Different Status Codes And Their Description

API Testing Interview Questions & Answers || Part 1 (Watch This Before Interview)

The Rest API responds of each request with an HTTP response code. Below I have mentioned the response codes and their description.

Response Codes
An attempt made to create an object that already exists.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred in the server. This might indicate a problem in the server side code.

These are the Response codes and their error message which we are receiving during sending HTTP request to the server.

Q2 Explain What Is Rest And Restful

Ans: REST represents REpresentational State Transfer it is relatively new aspect of writing web api.RESTFUL is referred for web services written by applying REST architectural concept are called RESTful services, it focuses on system resources and how state of resource should be transported over HTTP protocol to a different clients written in different language. In RESTFUL web service http methods like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE can be used to perform CRUD operations.

Q28 State The Core Components Of An Http Response

Ans: Every HTTP response includes four key elements.

  • Status/Response Code Indicates Server status for the resource present in the HTTP request.For example, 404 means resource not found and 200 means response is ok.
  • HTTP Version Indicates HTTP version, for example-HTTP v1.1.
  • Response Header Contains metadata for the HTTP response message stored in the form of key-value pairs. For example, content length, content type, response date, and server type.
  • Response Body Indicates response message content or resource representation.
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    If You Joined Our Company What Three Things Would You Do First

    Tailoring your answer to the specific company for this kind of question is crucial. If you are applying for a QA job at a security software company, the answer will be very different than if you are applying to QA for a medical device company.

    Consider the scope of the position, as well, when determining your answer.

    Will Automated Testing Replace Manual Testing In The Future

    Top API Testing Interview Questions and Answers Asked Mostly

    Definitely Not! Not yet, at least. Manual testing is still necessary.

    It’s difficult to tell exactly, but technology is advancing at a fast pace, and autonomy has grown more prominent in our lives. As a result, automation technologies will develop, and artificial intelligence will play a big role in the quality assurance industry.

    We live in an era where both ways of testing have a role. A good QA team requires a balance of automated and manual testing. Additionally, it may be beneficial for a tester to shift between manual and automated testing on occasion. This subject can be included in QA automation interview questions as it relates to the QA industry.

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    Q38 What Is The Difference Between Static Testing And Dynamic Testing

    Static Testing Dynamic Testing

    Static Testing is a white box testing technique, it includes the process of exploring the records to recognize the imperfections in the very early stages of SDLC.

    Dynamic testing includes the process of execution of code and is done at the later stage of the software development lifecycle. It validates and approves the output with the expected results.

    Static Testing is implemented at the verification stage.

    Dynamic testing starts during the validation stage.

    Static testing is performed before the code deployment.

    Dynamic testing is performed after the code deployment

    The code error detection and execution of the program is not a concern in this type of testing.

    Execution of code is necessary for dynamic testing.

    With this, we have completed theory questions. In the next part of this Manual Testing Interview Questions article, lets discuss some real-world scenario-based questions.

    What Are The Principles Of An Api Test Design

    Here, are the seven principles of API test design.

  • Exhaustive Testing: Exhaustive testing is not possible. Instead we need optimal amount of testing which is based on the risk assessment of the application.
  • Defect Clustering: Defect Clustering states that a small number of modules contain the most of the defect detected. Approximately 80% of the defect found in 20% of the modules. By experience we can identify such risky modules. But this approach has its own problems. If the same tests are repeated over and over again, eventually the same test case will no longer find new bugs.
  • Pesticide Paradox: Testers cannot depend on existing technique. They must have to look continually to improve the existing method to make testing more effective. But even all these hard work in testing we can never claim our product is bug free. To overcome this, test cases need to be regularly reviewed and revised add new and different test cases to help find more defects.
  • Testing shows presence of defects: Testing principle states that- testing talks about the presence of defects not about the absence of defect. Software testing reduces the probability of undiscovered defects remaining in the software but even if no defects found, it is not a proof of correctness.
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    How Often Are The Apis Changed And More Importantly Deprecated

    APIs, especially modern RESTful APIs, are a nice creation that can certainly simplify and accelerate integration efforts, which makes it more likely you will benefit from them. But APIs can and do change for various reasons, sometimes abruptly, and hence REST APIs do not differ from traditional integration methods in this respect. If an API call is obsolete and disappears, your procedure will interrupt and it is important to understand how often the APIs you depend on change or are deprecated.

    Who Can Use Or Consume Web Api

    School Of Basics | What is an API | API testing interview questions

    Any client which supports HTTP verbs such as GET, PUT, DELETE, POST etc., can use or consume Web API. Web API services don’t need any configuration, so it is very easy to consume them by any client. Even portable devices like mobile devices can easily consume them, and it is surely the biggest advantages of this technology.

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    What Is The Selenium Course

    This Selenium Certification course strives to build the fundamentals of this automation testing tool and its various components such as WebDriver, Grid, and IDE. In this Selenium training, you will learn to work with multiple web element locating strategies, perform actions on web elements, group and sequence tests, and generate reports for your test cases using TestNG. Additionally, this Selenium course will introduce you to the Page Object Model design pattern, which will further help you optimize the execution of your automation scripts by implementing Page Class and Page Factory. Hands-on experience with Automation Frameworks such as Data-Driven Framework, Keyword-Driven Framework, Hybrid Framework, and BDD Framework will make you ready for any testing environment.

    Interview Questions With Sample Answers

    Planning for your interview is important, but preparing answers ahead of time is vital when discussing a technical job like a quality assurance engineer. Considering your answers to these potential questions in advance can help set yourself apart from other applicants.

    Here are some common interview questions and sample answers related to software quality assurance:

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    What Are Advantages Of Soap

    • SOAP is both platform and language independent.
    • SOAP separates the encoding and communications protocol from the runtime environment.
    • Web service can retrieve or receive a SOAP user data from a remote service, and the sources platform information is completely independent of each other.
    • Everything can generate XML, from Perl scripts through C++ code to J2EE app servers.
    • It uses XML to send and receive messages.
    • It uses standard internet HTTP protocol.
    • SOAP runs over HTTP it eliminates firewall problems. When protocol HTTP is used as the protocol binding, an RPC call will be automatically assigned to an HTTP request, and the RPC response will be assigned to an HTTP reply.
    • Compared to RMI, CORBA and DCOM, SOAP is very easy to use.
    • SOAP acts as a protocol to move information in a distributed and decentralized environment.
    • SOAP is independent of the transport protocol and can be used to coordinate different protocols.

    Api Testing Interview Questions And Answers

    Top 16 REST API Testing Interview Questions With Answers!! (Updated 2021)

    API testing involves testing application programming interfaces directly, and as part of integration testing, in order to determine if they meet expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security. The purpose of API testing is to enable an organization to monitor the lifecycle of the interface, and ensure that the requirements of the applications and developers are satisfied beforehand. API testing tools control and automate connections between an application and the API, while ensuring consistency between different API versions and implementations. Such tools employ security procedures and policies to authorize, authenticate, and manage access to API data. API testing is critical for any organizations API approach as they have strategic importance. API testing software can be developed in-house by organizations or can be purchased through third-party providers.

    What is an API?

    Application Programming Interfaces is a specification that acts as an interface for software components. While most functional testing involves testing a user interface like a web page or a dot net form, API testing involves bypassing a user interface and communicating directly with an application by making calls to its APIs.API testing allows you to test headless technologies like JMS HTTP, databases and Web services.

    What is API Testing?
    Can you explain API documentation?
    Why is API Testing Important Now?
    What is REST API?
    What is Age Testing?
    • Slate

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    Top 50 Qa Interview Questions

    Related: Interviewing: Tips for Before, During and After a Job Interview

    Learn the steps to take before, during and after an interview to improve your chances of getting the job.

    Software quality assurance engineers monitor and assure the quality of software engineering methods and processes. While a QA position covers a lot of information, there are common questions that interviewers might ask to find out how much you understand about the field Knowing the questions you could be asked about a QA position can help you prepare your answers.

    In this article, we list 50 common QA interview questions about software quality assurance and provide examples of how to respond.

    How Do You Know A Test Was Executed Correctly

    Dont be shy when answering a question like this there are clear signs when testing plans and individual tests go awry. The best option here is to pick a specific example from your career and transition from describing generic signs to what specifically piqued your QA sensibilities in that situation.

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    Soap Api Testing Interview Questions

    What are the SOAP UI assertions?

    Assertions are used to validate the test result. There are different types of assertions are used in SOAP UI.

  • Property Content
  • For more details about SOAP UI Assertions Read this Post.

    What is Groovy scripting and where it can be used?

    Groovy is a scripting language based on java library. It supports the java methods.

    It is used in SOAP test steps.

    What Is Automated Regression Testing

    API Testing Interview Questions for Freshers – Part 1 (QA Fresher Watch this)

    Software development is never perfect. The developers are regularly adding new features and services, as well as correcting errors. There is a possibility that all of this new code may break previously functioning services.

    Regression testing is a method for ensuring that new features do not compromise existing functionality. Its purpose is to guarantee that previously written and tested functionality continues to operate correctly with the addition of new code. Automated regression testing is when a tester does regression testing automatically utilizing testing frameworks and tools.

    In automated regression testing, a tester performs the regression test suite after each product release. If the tests are successful, the tester moves on to additional forms of testing. However, it is pointless to continue testing until the developers resolve the faulty regression tests if it fails. As a result, they save the tester time and assure the software’s quality before release. When developing online apps, you never know which browsers your consumers will use. As a result, it is critical to test the web application or website across various main browsers and operating systems. Regression testing is a crucial kind of testing that may be included within the QA automation testing interview questions.

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    Basic Quality Assurance Job Requirements

    Every position has its bare minimum benchmarks that every candidate should meet. Generally, anyone who wants to be a QA engineer candidate should have:

  • A Bachelors Degree or better in a related field
  • Experience in software QA and/or understanding of the SDLC
  • Working knowledge of related tools, vocabulary, and workflows
  • But more than that, a great candidate needs to have the right kind of resume. Even if you pass the automated resume checker, youll need the right information and the right amount of information, too.

    What Is Messaging In The Context Of Rest

    Answer: In REST, messaging refers to the back-and-forth communication between the client and API. An interaction always starts with the client messaging the API with an HTTP request. The API processes this request, then sends back an HTTP response that gives the status of the request and any resources the client asked for.

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    What Are Some Main Characteristics Of Rest

    Answer: If youre asked to point out the main features that distinguish REST APIs from others, here are some points to touch on:

    • REST uses the HTTP protocol for communication.
    • REST makes server resources available via URIs. Each resource has a unique URI.
    • REST is stateless, meaning the server does not store information about past communications with clients.
    • REST uses GET to retrieve resources from a server, whereas other web service methods use POST.

    What Is The Transport Method In Soap

    API Testing + SCRUM Interview Questions for 2

    Application layer and transport layers of a network are used by SOAP HTTP and SMTP are the valid protocol of the application layer used as the transport for SOAP. HTTP is more preferable, since it works well with the current Internet infrastructure, in particular with firewalls.The SOAP requests can be sent using an HTTP GET method while the specification only contains details about HTTP POST.

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    What Are The Different Components Of Selenium

    Selenium is not a single tool or a framework. It is a collection of tools that operate in combination with one another or alone to perform various kinds of automation testing. Selenium is composed of four primary components.

    • Selenium WebDriver: A set of open-source APIs and browser-controlling code implementations that offer an intuitive and simple programming interface.

    • Selenium Grid: It allows testers to execute many tests concurrently across various browsers, computers, and OS systems.

    • Selenium IDE: IDE is an acronym for Integrated Development Environment. It enables testers to develop, record, execute, and debug test cases.

    What Are The Common Tests That Are Performed On Apis

    Some of the common tests we perform on APIs are as follows.

    1. Verify whether the return value is based on the input condition. The response of the APIs should be verified based on the request.2. Verify whether the system is authenticating the outcome when the API is updating any data structure3. Verify whether the API triggers some other event or request another API4. Verify the behavior of the API when there is no return value

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    Q19 When Should You Opt For Manual Testing Over Automation Testing

    There are a lot of cases when manual testing is best suited over automation testing, like:

    • Short-time projects: Automated tests are aimed at saving time and resources yet it takes time and resources to design and maintain them. For example, if you are building a small promotional website, it can be much more efficient to rely on manual testing.
    • Ad-hoc Testing: In ad-hoc testing, there is no specific approach. Ad-hoc testing is a totally unplanned method of testing where the understanding and insight of the tester is the only important factor. This can be achieved using manual testing.
    • Exploratory Test: This type of testing requires the testers knowledge, experience, analytical, logical skills, creativity, and intuition. So human involvement is important in exploratory testing.
    • Usability Testing: When performing usability testing, the tester needs to measure how user-friendly, efficient, or convenient the software or product is for the end-users. Human observation is the most important factor, so manual testing sounds seems more appropriate.

    Explain How To Document Each Function In The Api Document

    Top 25 API Testing Interview Questions & Answers | Rahul Shetty

    Description: Small description of what a function does

    Syntax: Syntax about the parameter of the code, the sequence in which they occur, required and optional elements, etc.

    Parameters: Functions parameters

    Error Messages: Syntax of error messages

    Example Code: Small snippet of code

    Related Links: Related functions

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    What Is A Test Framework

    In general, a framework is a collection of guidelines. An automation testing framework is a collection of standards, assumptions, ideas, and coding techniques for constructing an execution environment in which tests will be automated.

    An automated testing framework is responsible for developing a test harness that includes a means for connecting to the application under test, reading data from a file, running the test cases, and reporting on test execution. An automated testing framework should be self-contained and simple to use, update, and expand. The test framework is a commonly asked subject in automation testing interview questions.

    Q3 What Are The Common Tests Performed On Apis

    Ans: The common tests performed on APIs

    • Verification of the API whether it is updating any data structure
    • Verify if the API does not return anything
    • Based on input conditions, returned values from the APIs are checked
    • Verification of the API whether it triggers some other event or calls another API

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