Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Automation Testing Interview Questions For 5 Years Experience

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What Did You Do In Your Last Project

Testing Mock interview – 5 Years of Experience – Test Automation

There are no clear answers, only guidelines, for this one. It’s common for interviewers to ask about your career trajectory and previous projects, so make a quick list of points in advance so you can speak to the projects that you think best represent your work.

The biggest piece of advice I can give is to answer as honestly as possible. Dont exaggerate or undervalue your contribution in previous teams. Tell them what your day-to-day role was, what tools you used and how the QA testing went.

What Is Selenium What Are Its Pros And Cons

For any web application, browser automation and cross-browser testing are two critical testing activities to ensure that the software works on various browsers/devices/platforms. Selenium is a popular web automation tool that helps achieve that. Its one of the most widely used and popular tools used in automation testing.

Advantages of Selenium:

  • Open Source: Its developed in open and has excellent community support. The software is updated regularly, ensuring significant problems and bugs are fixed, and new features are getting added constantly.
  • Cross-Browser: Selenium allows you to run and test your web application in multiple browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.
  • Cross-platform: You can use Selenium on Windows, Mac OS, or Linus. This allows testing the platform compatibility of your web application.
  • Language Agnostic: You can use Selenium in your favorite programming languages, such as Java, C#, Python, Ruby, and many more.

Disadvantages of Selenium:

What Are The Different Types Of Waits Available In Webdriver

There are two types of waits available in WebDriver:

  • Implicit wait: These waits are used to provide a default waiting time between the consecutive test steps across the entire test script. Hence, the subsequent test step would only be executed when the 30 seconds are over after executing the previous test step.
  • Explicit wait: These waits are used to halt the execution until a particular condition is met or the maximum time has elapsed.

Explicit waits are instantiated for a particular instance only, whereas implicit waits are not.

Want to learn about Selenium with Python! Check out our blog on Selenium Python Tutorial for beginners.

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What Are The Most Commonly Used Http Methods Supported By Rest

  • GET is only used to request data from a specified resource. Get requests can be cached and bookmarked. It remains in the browser history and haS length restrictions. GET requests should never be used when dealing with sensitive data.
  • POST is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource. POST requests are never cached and bookmarked and do not remain in the browser history.
  • PUT replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload.
  • DELETE removes the specified resource.
  • OPTIONS is used to describe the communication options for the target resource.
  • HEAD asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body.

What Are The Benefits Of Automation Testing

Sample Resume For Automation Test Engineer Selenium

This is one of the common interview questions in any Automation testing job.

  • Saves time and money. Automation testing is faster in execution.
  • Reusability of code. Create one time and execute multiple times with less or no maintenance.
  • Easy reporting. It generates automatic reports after test execution.
  • Easy for compatibility testing. It enables parallel execution in the combination of different OS and browser environments.
  • Low-cost maintenance. It is cheaper compared to manual testing in a long run.
  • Automated testing is more reliable.
  • Automated testing is more powerful and versatile. Automation tools allow us to integrate with Cross Browser Testing Tools, Jenkins, Github, etc.,
  • It is mostly used for regression testing. Supports execution of repeated test cases.
  • Minimal manual intervention. Test scripts can be run unattended.
  • Maximum coverage. It helps to increase the test coverage.
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    Should You Be Automating All The Testing

    Although there are benefits to test automation, it is impractical to automate all forms of testing. User interface checking, usability testing, and accessibility testing are some types of testing that can only be carried out by a human tester. Another testing method where a human tester adds more significance than an automated test is exploratory testing.

    In the testing process, a tester randomly browses through the software, just as an end-user would, in an effort to discover any bugs, UI inconsistencies, or other hidden issues that developers may have missed. Large projects involving complex calculations and repeatable test cases benefit from automated testing. A human tester offers a higher return on investment than automation would for features which change frequently and test cases that are rarely executed.

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    How Can We Handle Web

    To handle Web-based alerts or popups, we need to do switch to the alert window and call Selenium WebDriver Alert API methods.

    dismiss: To click on Cancel button.accept: To Click on OK button.getText: To get the text which is present on the Alert.sendKeys: To enter the text into the alert box.

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    How To Perform Drag And Drop Action In Selenium Webdriver

    In some applications, we may face a situation to automate drag and drop an item from one location to another location. We could not achieve these using basic elements. Selenium has provided an Actions class to handle this kind of scenarios. We overcome this kind of scenarios such as drag and drop using Actions Class.

    To achieve this, we use Actions class in Selenium WebDriver.

    You Have Written An Automation Code With Both Implicit And Explicit Wait Commands However The Elementnotvisible Exception Is Still Thrown How Do You Fix This Issue Without Extending The Wait Timings In Implicit Or Explicit Waits

    SDET | QA Automation Mock Interview – 5 Years of Experience

    In this case, we can use a command called fluent wait, which is an extension of the explicit wait command. With fluent wait, we can also set the frequency with which the condition is checked before throwing the elementNotVisible exception.

     Wait wait = new FluentWait< WebDriver> .withTimeout.pollingevery.ignoring 

    While a timeout value is a time taken to wait for a condition, polling frequency is the frequency to check the success or failure of the condition.

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    Which Types Are Testing Are Important For Web Testing

    There are two types of testing which are very important for web testing:

    • Performance testing: Performance testing is a testing technique in which quality attributes of a system are measured such as responsiveness, speed under different load conditions and scalability. The performance testing describes which attributes need to be improved before the product is released in the market.
    • Security testing: Security testing is a testing technique which determines that the data and resources be saved from the intruders.

    Advanced Level Test Automation Interview Questions

    Test Automation Interview Questions section will cover tricky questions related to automation testing.

    Q31. What are the advantages & disadvantages of using Automation Testing?

    Advantages of automation testing are:

    • Improves the reliability of tests
    • Reduces maintenance cost
    • Increases amount of test coverage
    • Increases the speed of test execution
    • Improves accuracy of the software tests

    Disadvantages of automation testing include:

    • Development and maintenance time is more
    • The initial investment is high
    • Skilled resources are required
    • Environment set up is complex
    • Debugging test scripts is difficult

    Q32. Is Automation Testing a Black-box testing or a White box testing?

    Automated testing can be both black or white box type of testing depending on the scenarios in which automation is performed. It is black box testing as a tester usually tests the application without knowing its low-level design or code. But sometimes, automated test scripts need access to the database details that are used in the application. Thus, it can be a type of white-box testing as well.

    Q33. What are the attributes of a good Test Automation Framework?

    Q34. What are Test Automation Framework development challenges?

    Some of the challenges that you come across while using frameworks are:

    • Ability to understand what needs to be achieved out of test automation
    • Identifying requirements from multiple areas to design automation Framework
    • Tool identification

    Q35. What is data-driven testing?

    • Percent of defects found

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    Explain Implicit Wait Explicit Wait And Fluent Wait

    We can set the timeout for a specific amount of time for all the successive web elements. In this specified time, the web driver searches for all the web elements before throwing the NoSuchElementException.

    We can tell the Web Driver to wait for certain conditions before throwing the ElemntNotVisibleException.

    Its a slight extension for the explicit wait. Apart from waiting for certain conditions to be met, we can also set the frequency with which we check the condition before throwing the ElementNotVisibleException.

    What Does Api Testing Mean

    Selenium Automation Test Engineer Resume

    API stands for Application Programming interface details regarding how some software components must act together. In general terms, API testing is a set of procedures and functions allowing the creation of apps accessing data or features of an operating system or application. All in all, testing of such procedures is acknowledged as API testing.

    Related Article: API Testing

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    Define The Basic Difference Between Api Testing And Ui Level Testing

    UI testing means the testing of the graphical interface. Its focus is basically on the feel and looks of an application. Within user interface testing, things like how the user interacts with app elements such as images, fonts, layouts, etc are checked.

    On the other hand API, testing allows communicating between two different software systems. During this testing, a software system that implements an API includes sub-routines or functions that can be performed by other software systems.

    How To Click On A Hyperlink In Selenium


    The command finds the element using link text and then clicks on that element, where after the user would be redirected to the corresponding page.


    The above command finds the element based on the substring of the link provided in the parenthesis and thus partialLinkText finds the web element.

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    What Is Baseline Testing

    In Baseline testing, a set of tests is run to capture performance information. Baseline testing improves the performance and capabilities of the application by using the information collected and make the changes in the application. Baseline compares the present performance of the application with its previous performance.

    What Is The Difference Between Verification And Validation

    Automation Testing Interview Questions| BDD, Cucumber | 2.5 Years Of Experience

    Difference between verification and validation:

    In verification, inputs are the checklist, issues list, walkthroughs, and inspection. Invalidation testing, the actual product is tested.
    Verification output is a set of document, plans, specification and requirement documents. Invalidation actual product is output.

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    Whats The Procedure To Test Apis

    For testing APIs one must follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Make a selection of the suite you like to add the API test case to
  • Now choose the test development mode
  • Next demands the development of test cases for the required API methods
  • After this, you need to configure the control parameters of the application and then test the conditions
  • Once done with all the previous steps, configure method validation
  • Now is the time for the execution of the API test
  • After this, you can check test reports and filter API test cases
  • Last but not least, sequence all API test cases. Thats it!
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    What Does The Switchto Command Do

    switchTo command is used to switch between windows, frames or pop-ups within the application. Every window instantiated by the WebDriver is given a unique alphanumeric value called Window Handle.

    Get the window handle of the window you wish to switch to

    String handle= driver.getWindowHandle

    Switch to the desired window


    The window size can be reset using JavaScriptExecutor


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    Manual Testing Interview Questions

    Welcome to the compilation of important manual testing interview questions.

    Please consider the following note from the author –

    • Our aim is not only to give direct answers but also to make readers understand the basic and important concept of software testing, hence they can counter any questions asked during interviews.

    • In case any reader has any other questions, do leave a comment and we will try to explain the concept. Enjoy learning. 🙂

    Automation Testing Interview Questions

    SamsungDisplay recruit

    The Indeed Editorial Team comprises a diverse and talented team of writers, researchers and subject matter experts equipped with Indeed’s data and insights to deliver useful tips to help guide your career journey.

    Video: Top Interview Tips: Common Questions, Body Language & More

    In this video, we dissect an entire job interview from start to finish. We analyze everything from common interview questions to etiquette and how to follow up.

    Whether youre interviewing for a position as a software engineer or automation testing engineer, the hiring manager is likely to ask questions about automation testing during the interview. While the exact topics the interviewer covers may vary, there are some task-specific questions they may ask to determine whether you have the necessary skills to excel in the role. You can increase your chances of being selected for the job by preparing answers to these types of questions ahead of time.

    In this article, we share 38 common automation testing interview questions, provide sample answers and share tips to help you impress the hiring manager.

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    Must Watch Automation Engineer Interview Questions For 2

    Automation Engineer Interview Questions and Answers: In this series we will cover the preparation you need to take in order to clear Automation Engineer Interviews.

    The questions and answers covered are obtained first hand from real-time interviews. This will enable you to develop a better understanding of the interview process with regards to the kind of questions that are asked and how they are to be responded to.

    Resources for Selenium Training with Custom Framework.

    Have You Created Any Framework

    If you are a beginner:You can say No, I didnt get a chance to create a framework from the scratch. I have used the framework which is already available. My contribution is mostly in creating test cases by using the existing framework.

    If you are a beginner but have good knowledge of creating framework: You can say Yes, I have involved in developing framework along with other automation testers in my company.

    If you are an experienced tester:You can say I have contributed to developing framework. or You can say Yes, I have created a framework from the scratch. There was no automation process in my previous company. I designed the framework from the scratch.

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    Can We Do Automation Testing Without A Framework

    Yes, we can automate testing without the need for a framework. We just need to comprehend the automation tool we are using and implement the steps in the programming language that the tool supports.

    If we automate test cases without a framework, the programming scripts for test cases will be inconsistent.

    A framework is necessary to establish a set of principles that everyone must follow to ensure the clarity, reusability, and consistency of test scripts. Additionally, a framework provides a centralized location for reporting and logging features.

    What Is The Difference Between / And // In Xpath

    QA/Testing Mock Interview – 5 to 9 Years of Experience – By Naveen AutomationLabs

    The difference between “/” and “//” in XPath is that “/” is used to select an element based on its absolute location, while “//” is used to select an element based on its relative location.

    For example, if you want to select the first < p> element on a page, you would use “/p”. If you want to select all < p> elements on a page, regardless of their location, you would use “//p”.

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    What Are Some Different Kinds Of Testing

    Answer: Answer: Regression testing, exploratory testing, functional testing, load testing, integration testing, unit testing, cross browser testing white box testing, black box testing, volume testing, alpha testing, beta testing, and so many more.

    Website feedback has never been easier, even your clients will love it.

    For more on different testing techniques, check out our post on software testing types.

    What Are The Challenges And Limitations Of Selenium Webdriver

    As we all know Selenium WebDriver is a tool that automates the browser to mimic real user actions on the web. Selenium is a free open source testing tool. Some of the challenges with Selenium WebDriver are as follows

  • We cannot test the windows application
  • We cannot test mobile apps
  • Limited reporting
  • Read the detailed explanation on the challenges and limitations of Selenium WebDriver

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    What Are The Common Mistakes Which Create Issues

    • Matching resources to wrong projects
    • Test manager lack of skills
    • Not listening to others

    The benefits of test reports are:

    • Current status of project and quality of product are informed
    • If required, stakeholder and customer can take corrective action
    • A final document helps to decide whether the product is ready for release

    What Are The Main Components Of An Http Request

    Automation Engineer Resume Sample
    • Action showing HTTP methods like PUT, GET, DELETE, POST.
    • Uniform Resource Identifier , which is the identifier for the resource on the server.
    • HTTP version which represents the HTTP version like- HTTP V1.1.
    • Request Header used for carrying metadata to the HTTP request message.
    • Request Body describes resource representation or message content.

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    What Happen If You Mix Both Implicit Wait And Explicit Wait In A Selenium Script

    As per the official Selenium documentation, it is suggested not to mix both Implicit waits and Explicit Waits. Mixing both of them can cause unpredictable wait times.

    Implicit wait is defined only once in the code. It will remain same throughout the driver object instance.

    Explicit wait is defined whenever it is necessary in the code. This wait will call at the time of execution. It is a conditional wait.

    Explicit wait will overwrite the implicit wait where ever explicit wait is applied. So, Explicit Wait gets first preference then Implicit Wait.

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