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How Do You Answer Interview Questions

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Interview Questions and Answers! (How to PASS a JOB INTERVIEW!)

As a leader, you’re responsible for communicating your team’s goals and tracking progress to ensure they meet deadlines. This leadership questions helps you showcase your organizational and time-management skills. While answering this question, kindly explain how you manage tasks, track progress and set goals to stay on schedule.

Example: I use Microsoft Project to keep a detailed schedule and set clear deadlines. I like having one point of reference that my team can use to stay on track and see our progress. Being adaptable is key, so I’m always ready to adjust the project goals and how we achieve them to ensure we meet important deadlines.

Tell Me About Your Work Experience

An interviewer may or may not already be familiar with your background. Regardless, this question gives you the chance to detail your experiences that are most valuable to the prospective role. Employers want to know that youve reflected on their expectations for a qualified candidate and that you have directly relevant or transferable skills. Consider these tips for answering:

1. Quantify your experience:I have 10 years of experience in personal finance management, and I have assisted 45 repeat clients in increasing their capital by an average of 15% every year.

2. Illustrate connections to role:As a financial analyst, Ive used visual growth charts to show my clients how each saving plan option can impact their goals. When I became a senior financial analyst, I supervised other analysts and trained them in providing the most helpful experience to our customers.

3. End with a goal statement:“As your senior financial consultant, I aim to integrate my individualized approach to helping clients build the retirement fund they will depend on.

Read more: Interview Question: Tell Me About Your Work Experience

Out Of All The Candidates Why Should We Hire You

Since a candidate cannot compare himself with people he doesn’t know, all he can do is describe his incredible passion and desire and commitment and … well, basically beg for the job.

And you learn nothing of substance.

Here’s a better question: “What do you feel I need to know that we haven’t discussed?” Or even “If you could get a do-over on one of my questions, how would you answer it now?”

Rarely do candidates come to the end of an interview feeling they’ve done their best. Maybe the conversation went in an unexpected direction. Maybe the interviewer focused on one aspect of their skills and totally ignored other key attributes. Or maybe candidates started the interview nervous and hesitant, and now wish they could go back and better describe their qualifications and experience.

Plus, think of it this way: Your goal as an interviewer is to learn as much as you possibly can about every candidate, so don’t you want to give them the chance to ensure you do?

Just make sure to turn this part of the interview into a conversation, not a soliloquy. Don’t just passively listen and then say, “Thanks. We’ll be in touch.” Ask follow-up questions. Ask for examples.

And of course if you’re asked this question, use it as a chance to highlight things you haven’t been able to touch on.

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Question: What Is Your Greatest Weakness

I hate the greatest weakness question. Everyone knows its a trap, and everyone knows the candidate is going to say something trite .

Focus on them: Dont pick a weakness that will disqualify you for the job, but do give a real answer.

When you give a real answer, you are being genuine. You are admitting you have some growth opportunities and are not perfect. But you can include that you already have a plan to overcome this weakness through training or practice .

Some people even insert a little humor in their answerI wish I was better at tennis. You can, too, if you feel like the interviewer has a sense of humor. But, be sure to quickly follow with a serious answer. Showing you have a lighter side is usually a good thing.

How Would Your Boss Or Coworkers Describe You

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This question is pretty much the same as what are your greatest strengths, the only difference is that it should be from the point of view from your boss or coworkers.

Here, you want to focus on your traits and achievements that youve previously been praised for .

There are at least 2 ways to answer this question:

1) Describe a specific situation where you excelled at work

Sample Answer

Theyd say Im super hard working. During my weekend-off, not one, but three of my coworkers got sick, and I had to spot for them.

The weekend was peak season in Nantucket, so the restaurant was getting seriously overwhelmed. All of a sudden, we went from being very prepared for the season, to complete panic.

Had to jump between serving, bussing, and line-cooking, but overall, managed to survive through the weekend successfully.

2) Quote a performance review

If youve previously worked in an office job, youre probably all too familiar with these.

Did your boss give you a glowing performance review? Make sure to mention it here!

Sample answer:

Well, in my last performance review in September, my boss described me as someone who takes initiative.

My position as a PR manager involves constantly keeping track of our clients brand reputation, and if something goes wrong, dealing with it as fast as possible.

In a lot of cases, you need to be very proactive – if you wait for your entire team to have a meeting on how to deal with the issue, it might already be too late.

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How Would Your Colleagues Describe You

How to Answer: This question is a combination of a personality-fit and work-style question wrapped up in one. Its also an opportunity to showcase your interpersonal strengths if you have them and reflect on the way you add to the team in your current job. If you have a brief anecdote to paint this picture, now is the time to tell it.

Example: My colleagues would probably describe me as the leader in a time of crisis. After working on a stressful project to , I was able to get it together well before our deadline.

What Are You Reading

How to Answer: This might seem random, but trust us, youll probably be asked this question at least once or twice during an interview. Employers want to know that youre intellectually curious, and this question will give them a window into your particular interests.

If youre binge-watching 3 shows on Netflix and havent opened a book in a month, youre not alone but make sure you think about the last book youve read or one of your favorites.

Example: Im currently reading , which fascinates me because .

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Why Should We Hire You

This interview question seems forward , but if youre asked it, youre in luck: Theres no better setup for you to sell yourself and your skills to the hiring manager. Your job here is to craft an answer that covers three things: that you can not only do the work, but also deliver great results that youll really fit in with the team and culture and that youd be a better hire than any of the other candidates.

What Type Of Work Environment Do You Prefer


Be sure to do your homework on the organization and its culture before the interview. Your research will save you here. Your preferred environment should closely align to the companys workplace culture . For example, you may find on the companys website that they have a flat organizational structure or that they prioritize collaboration and autonomy. Those are key words you can mention in your answer to this question.

If the interviewer tells you something about the company that you didnt uncover in your research, like, Our culture appears buttoned-up from the outside, but in reality, its a really laid-back community with little competition among employees, try to describe an experience youve had that dovetails with that. Your goal is to share how your work ethic matches that of the organizations.

Example: That sounds great to me. I like fast-paced work environments because they make me feel like Im always learning and growing, but I really thrive when Im collaborating with team members and helping people reach a collective goal as opposed to competing. My last internship was at an organization with a similar culture, and I really enjoyed that balance.

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What Parameters Do You Use To Evaluate Your Team’s Performance

Leaders need to evaluate the performance of their teams to ensure they’re all working together towards a common goal. They can also use performance evaluations to identify where their team members are excelling and the areas that they need to improve. Outstanding leaders know how to use data-driven insights to track performance and improve efficiency. Your answer to this leadership interview question shows your ability to evaluate your team’s performance.

Example:Iknow how to use research-driven data to evaluate the performance of my teams. I believe my team members perform their best when they’re happy and passionate about their roles. That’s why I monitor everyone’s performance individually to see whether they need motivation or support. I hold regular one-on-one meetings to share their performance evaluations and offer guidance and tools to develop their skills**.

Why Did You Decide To Apply For This Position

Through this question, the interviewers want to assess how passionate you are for the position. And no, the answer isnt:

Well, Im very passionate about not starving to death.

Well, I needed the money, and you guys tend to pay a lot.

What the interviewer is looking for here is to see how passionate you are about the job or the company. After all, job performance is directly linked to job satisfaction. The happier you are about your position at the company, the more productive youll be.

And heres the kicker – your passion will be very evident during the interview.

When youre talking to a person thats passionate about something, you can pretty much feel them glow as they talk. And if youre an HR manager whos interviewed hundreds of people, this is a very good sign to hire the candidate.

So, use this knowledge to your advantage.

When asked this question, your answer should include 2 things:

  • What motivated you to apply for this position, specifically.
  • Why this company? Have you heard of them before?
  • Sample Answer 1:

    Im very passionate about sustainability and renewable energy. In fact, I minored in Environmental Science at .

    Ive always wanted to put my engineering degree to a good cause – and the position as a Sustainability Coordinator at is just the right thing.

    Ive been following your company for the past few years, and I love how youre changing the renewable energy landscape in America.

    Possible answer 2:

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    Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job

    Let’s start with what you shouldn’t say .

    Don’t talk about how your boss is difficult. Don’t talk about how you can’t get along with other employees. Don’t bad-mouth your company.

    Instead, focus on the positives a move will bring. Talk about what you want to achieve. Talk about what you want to learn. Talk about ways you want to grow, about things you want to accomplish explain how a move will be great for you and for your new company.

    Complaining about your current employer is a little like people who gossip: If you’re willing to speak badly of someone else, you’ll probably do the same to me.

    What Are Your Leadership Experiences

    How Do You Answer The Interview Question Tell Me About ...

    Even if youre not directly interviewing for a management role, you may face some leadership interview questions.

    Employers like a candidate who can take initiative and lead projects and tasks even if its not their main role to lead. Plus, that shows youve got room to grow and can be promoted in the future.

    So before any interview, think about one or two recent leadership experiences, ideally from work situations. Did you lead any meetings or projects? Did you train or mentor anyone? Did you spearhead a new initiative at work?

    If you have no examples from work, then look to university experience, sports, or other clubs/activities where you led a project, task, meeting, or event.

    Note that you may also be asked, what is your leadership style? but this is typically reserved for positions where youll be leading as a core part of your role.

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    How To Answer The Top 5 Tough Interview Questions

    The telephone rings and you have been invited to an interview. You are excited and nervous at the same time. Your mind starts to work in overdrive and you become worried that you will not be able to answer the questions. What do I do now? What questions will they ask me?

    There are many questions that can be asked in an interview but some questions are more popular than others or are variations on the following top 5 tough interview questions. If you think about the questions themselves they are not hard but rather need some thought and research. There are no right and wrong answers rather your strengths and abilities need to be marketed to your prospective employer and this is your golden opportunity to be the most successful applicant.

    What are your goals and aspirations? The interviewer is interested in your career direction rather than your desire or dream to become an astronaut. Focus on your career expectations and where you want to be in five years time. What personal goals do you set yourself that will make you a better employee? Consider what you like to do outside of work that can make a valid contribution as a valuable employee.

    Do You Have A Work Style

    How to Answer: First, consider what your work style really is. And then consider whether that style is suited for the job and company culture youre interested in. If youre an extreme extrovert but the job requires hours of independent, fairly isolated work, you will have a much harder time answering this question than someone whose work style does, in fact, match the job.

    This question is really getting at whether your personality is a fit for the role and the company so try to answer accordingly.

    Example: While I typically work best independently, Im absolutely a team player and appreciate collaboration with my colleagues.

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    The Importance Of Good Preparation

    It’s common for interviewers to ask difficult questions. They’re not doing it to trip you up, they just want to see how well you can perform under pressure. That’s why good preparation is essential.

    Putting the prep work in ahead of time can reduce stress and improve your self-confidence. It shows the interviewer that you’re organized, thoughtful, and capable of handling pressure all of which will help you to make a good first impression .

    Preparation also gives you an opportunity to reflect on your accomplishments, strengths and skills. These things can be hard to remember when you’re put “on the spot.” However, if you prepare effectively, you’ll have clear, impactful answers ready to go.


    Answering questions is only one aspect of the interview process. Employers will also consider other factors such as your résumé, your skills and experience, your behavior and body language, and whether you’re a good fit for the team or organization.

    to learn how to prepare for these aspects of the job application process.

    How To Prepare For An Interview

    How to Answer BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Using the STAR Method (TOP 10 Behavioral Questions)

    Use these questions and example answers to prepare for your interview by making them your own and tailoring them to fit your experience, the job and the company youre interviewing for. Its important to get comfortable with what you could be asked and understand what a good response might be.

    Much like preparing for a test in school, the best way to succeed in your interview is to study and practice. Research the company and the job, and practice your talking points until you feel confident about your answers. The more you prepare, the more likely you are to leave a lasting impression and outperform fellow candidates. Come equipped with examples of work from previous jobs, as well as ideas for the new job. Try and make the interview as conversational as possible by showing genuine interest in the job, company and your interviewer.

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    How To Answer Why Did You Leave Your Job

    This can be a challenging question to answer. Perhaps you left your job due to long hours and impossible deadlines. If you do not phrase your explanation carefully, you might appear lazy or unmotivated, which is off-putting to employers.

    Your best bet is to keep your answer short. Be honest, but frame it in a way that puts you in a good light.

    Keep your response positive , and try to pivot to discussing why the job at hand is an ideal match for your skills, knowledge, and experience.

    If you’re still working but are about to quit, then alter your responses accordingly. Every situation is unique, so be sure to tailor your response to fit your circumstances.

    How Much Do You Know About The Company

    This interview question is one of the most common interview questions asked and is essentially a test to check that youve done your research and know your stuff. If you can prove that youve dug a little deeper than the company website and refer to a company achievement, press release or recent update, youll be sure to win extra brownie points.

    Researching the company is a must, and almost all job candidates do it to some degree today. But the interview is not a test to see whether you read the company website. Instead, you want to identify opportunities and demonstrate how you can add value to the company, if they hire you. Take the information you gain through your research and prepare insightful questions and observations that can serve as discussion points during the interview. Here are some ways to do that:

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