Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Get A Radio Interview

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Talking Points For Live Television Interviews

If youre preparing for a live television interview, a producer will ask for your talking points in advance. This is rarely an extensive document. Basically, they want to know the key points you are interested or comfortable discussing in advance to prepare the TV anchor or host for the interview. In some cases, they may even ask for proposed questions and/or a few sentences that summarize your thinking on a topic. They want to make sure both the interviewer and the interviewee know what youre going to talk about ahead of time so the interview, especially a live interview, comes across as smooth and professional to the audience. That doesnt mean a journalist wont ask additional questions or that the person being interviewed cant add new information. Its more of a roadmap for an interview. This is why those three-to-five minute live television and radio interviews appear so organized and seamless even if the host only has two minutes during a commercial break to actually prepare.

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Give The Station A Keepsake Or Two

Cultivating good relationships with the media is essential to your success, even in a DIY world, because their support grants you legitimacy and a larger audience. Taking a picture with your interviewer for Instagram should be a given, but a physical token of your appreciation leaves a lasting legacy of your visit. CDs or vinyl are ideal for this, particularly because the station can then spin your music during request programs or other shows with a flexible playlist. Stickers and koozies are inexpensive giveaways that you can hand over in bunches to all the station’s employees. And if you can swing it, homemade baked goods are memorable and a key to the heart of a hungry midday DJ.

Finally Have You Any Upcoming Projects Or Events Youre Looking Forward To

How to Get a Radio Interview [Step

Loads! There’s so much stuff I’m excited about. The Student Radio Awards are coming up which to be fair is actually an awesome event every year at the o2 in London were we celebrate student radio. Plus TechCon which is the more tech side of radio and Rain Summit which is also in London , and plenty of other events.

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Have A Title & Goal For The Interview

Have a goal, aim or desired outcome for your interview. Some goals could be:

  • Educating your listeners by interviewing a medical doctor, lawyer, or nutritionist.
  • Inspiring them to believe they can accomplish big dreams by bringing on someone who has overcome great adversity.
  • Shocking your listeners to their core.
  • Making them laugh.
  • Championing a cause such as free speech.
  • Getting them excited about sports, politics, etc.

See, dont invite guests for the sake of having someone to warm that extra seat in your radio or podcast studio.

It will be much easier if you have a list of objectives you want to accomplish. Then finding the right people that will help you meet these expectations.

Here is what I mean.

Objective: I want to teach my audience about championing for a cause. So I’ll invite an activist for the free speech movement, animal rights movement, etc.

Seeits really that easy.

Tips For Making The Most Of Your On

This article originally appeared on Performer Magazine.

Congratulations! A radio station has taken a liking to your music and wants to bring you in for an interview and on-air performance! This is a huge opportunity to win new fans and gain valuable online content just look at how one NPR Tiny Desk Session revitalized T-Pains career and you need to capitalize on it. Here are five ways you can do that.

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You Managed The University Radio Bath For Several Years

Yeah I was there for a long time! I worked and studied economics for a bit before realising it wasn’t quite right for me, then moved to study mechanical engineering. As part of that I took a year out to work full-time as a contractor with the MOD and then came back and thought that’s not for me either. Eventually all of this was leading up to “I should have done radio to begin with!”.

If you’re just going into university, school, or any sort of educational part of your life then totally do student radio because it’s so much fun! Even if you’re not going into radio as a career because it is so much fun.

You get the freedom to do anything that you want, which is a privilege you won’t get in a professional work space. Even if you know you’re going to end up being a producer in commercial radio one day as that’s your ambition, student radio affords you so much more freedom to be creative and really push the boundaries. Something you can’t really get away with in the professional industry.

I should have done radio to begin with!

Is Seeking Thought Leaders Life Coaches And Mentors

Radio Guests: How to Get Radio Interviews
Show Name: * Bizemag
Show Description: * it Is a podcast and webcast where guests can market their product/service in form of an interview conducted by a high profile host.duration – 20 minutesBizemag on 10 + AUDIO PODCAST CHANNELS INCLUDING GOOGLE, APPLE, SPOTIFY & moreVideo webcast on YouTube channel LstrategyqBasic fee for only podcast & webcast – 11$Optional add-on on additional marketing fee : Social media marketing, web url and e-magazine advertcontact us
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: * more than 100000, from more than 70 nations across the globe
Show Format: *
Station Call Letters + Network + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * 5:30 pm to 10 pm Indian Standard time i.e. GMT+5:30
How many episodes have you already produced? *
  • 25-50
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request “donations”, or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? * yesBasic fee for only podcast & webcast – 11$

Posted on November 09, 2021|Permalink

  • The #1 Free radio guest, podcast, talk radio, Internet radio, satellite radio and TV talk show guest expert publicity interview booking service!

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Ask These Quirky Original Questions Have Some Risky Fun

Guests walk off due to inappropriate questions, or should we say, inappropriately asked questions and perceived rudeness from the host!

Well, as the host, you should master the art of tiptoeing on the edge of a boiling cauldron.


Ask fresh questions that guests have not been asked before! Get into the teasing game, its jolly fun.

You may be working with pre-approved questions, I know. But still, you can inject a surprise question here and there.

Milk that interesting info that the guest is stubbornly trying to keep! But remember, you always serve your listeners, and shouldnt be asking questions for your own selfish reasons.

What are listeners are dying to know right now?

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Connect With The Djs Personally

Connect and network with professionals as it’ll ensure that an interview does happen. By personally meeting the DJ or anyone who works at the radio station personally, it’ll help you in getting the radio interval.

Just be yourself and stay true to your colors.

When you allow your personality to shine, you won’t just be able to establish the interview but also potential connections with them for the future.

Spotlights Of The Week

How to Get Signed to a Record Label in the UK: Follow this ...

For anyone with a product to pitch, a case to win, or a point to make, if you follow the steps in this book, you will be heard and celebrated for who you are and that which is important to you. We all want to be listened to. Read THE TALK RADIO GUEST BOOK and people will look forward to hearing what you have to say...Literary Agent Karen GrencikA hilarious mockumentary about critique groups! DVD only $8.96--great gift for a writer friend! In beautiful San Luis Obispo, Americas Happiest Town! Anne will lead a workshop on How to Write for the Digital Age and talk about dealing with reviews and shes even doing critiques!

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Embrace Yourself And Know That It Is All About You

If you’re going for a radio interview, you’re not just a guest but you’re the star of the show for the time you’ve been allotted.

However, this doesn’t mean that you start trying to outshine the host . Instead, you should come out strong and showcase your personality, and deliver compelling answers in a confident way.

Edward T Creagan Md Faahpm Professor Emeritus At Mayo Clinic Is The Author Of Award

As a cancer doctor at this leading medical center for forty years, he understands how patients need to navigate the medical system, be smart about their diagnosis and treatment options, and understand hospice and palliative care.

He helps patients, through his books and blog, to be smart healthcare consumers and manage even dread diseases.

Interview this Expert About: *
  • Healing power of pets
3-4 Questions to ask this Expert: *
  • How do patients get the most out of their doctor visits ?
  • What do long-term disease survivors know ?
  • Can pets really keep you healthier?
  • Why should we not believe the health headlines ?
  • What do we need to know when at the bedside of a dying loved one?
  • Summary of Expert Credentials:
    • Board certified in medical oncology and in hospice and palliative care
    • Professor in the Mayo Clinic Medical School
    Expert’s Website:

    Don’t Miss: How To Nail An Interview

    Find The Right Contacts

    Once you know where youre pitching, finding the right contacts shouldnt be too difficult.

    Youre not going to go through the radio host directly. Instead, youre looking for the radio shows producers.

    Radio producer email addresses tend to be publicly available because a large part of their job is vetting pitches to be on the show. A good place to start is the website of the radio station or the radio show you want to be featured on. If you cant find the information you need there, you may want to check LinkedIn.

    If you still feel like you need tips for making yourself stand out to a producer, you can find out more about outreach in this post.

    How To Shine In Local Radio Interviews

    How to Prepare for a Radio Interview – Media Training

    Contributor –DeeBlick

    If youve got something to talk about – a new product, an event or an area of expertise – then its well worth approaching your local radio stations to see if they would like you to come in and do an interview. But how do you prepare, and what makes a good on-air performance? Dee Blick of the has ten top tips to help you tackle a live radio interview successfully

    I was thrilled when the producer and the news scout of a local radio station that had interviewed me previously asked me to go back and share on a new project that I am involved in.

    I personally find live radio more daunting than filming for television. At least with television, if you make a mistake or fluff your lines it is simply a matter of a retake or two if it’s not live. With live radio, there is no rewind button.

    You have to get it right first time.

    So, I wanted to share with you what it was that I believe led to me being invited back. When you get the opportunity to promote your business on live radio, you’ve hopefully got a starting point with these tips.

    I believe that success boils down to three things: preparation, passion and understanding the audience of listeners.

  • Dress to impress! I tend to get suited and booted for business radio interviews and I always take my business cards. It’s good to leave a lasting positive impression with the producer and presenter, especially if you want an invite back.
  • Written by Dee Blick of the .


    Don’t Miss: What To Say During An Interview

    Explore All Your Radio Options

    Most individual News/Talk radio stations have both talk shows and news programs. They also have weekend programming with specialty shows. So if a radio host passes on your query, dont be afraid to approach these other programs.

    Most people listen to radio in the morning, so five minutes on the local morning news may be better than an hour on the evening show.

    How To Get Booked On Talk Shows To Promote Your Book

    Radio DJs, talk show hosts, and podcast producers need to fill their air time. If you can offer them credible, interesting discussion that keeps their audience tuned-in, you can likely get on the air to tell their audience about your book. Based on years of experience running, here are 9 steps that can help you get on the air for free publicity about your book.

    Find Shows that Cover Your Topics

    Browse Google, Twitter, or to find radio and podcast shows that book guest interviews with authors like you.

    Pick an Angle

    Show bookers are deluged with requests for interviews, so just asking for an interview wont work. Try offering a specific story, topic, or how to discussion that can help the shows listeners.

    Send a Short, Friendly Interview Pitch

    Write up your pitch with a focus on how that shows listening audience can benefit from your interview and what they will learn.

    Make Scheduling Easy for Them

    Include your email address, phone number, Skype handle, and website address. Then be sure to respond quickly whenever a show producer contacts you. The news business moves fast!

    Make the Interview Easy for Them

    Once youre booked, or even with your pitch email, send along a one sheet of your bio that includes a list of suggested questions. This will make the interview flow more easily and encourages the interviewer to discuss your book or your other favorite topics on the air.

    Be a Great Guest

    Follow up with Thanks and Promotion

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    Think Of Some Funny Stories Beforehand

    A good interviewer will have researched you and your career beforehand and will be able to ask questions to guide the conversation in such a way that keeps it informative yet entertaining. But a great interview is a two-way street, and you need to come prepared to talk about yourself in a memorable way. The real purpose of your time on air is not only to promote your recent releases, but also to get your fans to invest more deeply in your personal brand and their investment is correlated with how well they feel they know you. Telling good, relatable stories will cultivate this connection, especially if they generate laughs, and thinking of them before you go on the air will help reduce dead time that you’d otherwise be filling with “ums.”

    Tips For Becoming A Great Radio Interviewer

    5 Tips to Successfully Book an Interview and Get Your ...

    Conducting radio interviews is not a simple job. Not only do you have to thoroughly prepare, but you also have to conduct the interview, listen, and keep it engaging. That’s not all though, you then need to be mindful of audio quality, your audience, and so much more. Despite all these challenges, there’s no denying how engaging radio interviews can be. That’s why it’s incredibly important to work on being the best radio interviewer possible. So, we’ve compiled 10 tips for becoming a great radio interviewer. Check them out below!

    10. Research Your Guest

    It is of the utmost importance that you do proper research on your guest. Your research should be extensive and you should be extremely knowledgeable about your guest going into the interview. Research your guest online and on social media, read any news, books, blogs, or articles about them or that they wrote, and watch any shows, movies, or videos about them, that they created, or that they are featured in.

    9. Do a Pre-Interview Survey

    8. Stick to a Schedule and Format

    You should communicate the schedule and format of your broadcast, including the recording date and time, whether it is live or being recorded for a later date, the expected length, segments, etc., to your guest. You and your guest should be on the same page about everything, so ensure that you clearly communicate all the details beforehand. Once you communicate the information, ensure that you stick to that schedule and format.

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