More Tips For Following Up
The more specific you can get in your follow up email subject lines, the better. So try adding details.
You can mention the exact job title or something specific you discussed in the interview, like a question they asked you, or a topic they shared information about.
You can include other details too, it depends on the situation and the person youre following up with. Dont make your subject line too long, but a bit of information is good and its okay if its around 8 words long.
Tips For Writing A Thank
Send one. You should send a thank-you letter whenever someone helps you with your job search. You should send a thank-you for a job interview, an internship, an informational interview, and any other situation where you received career assistance.
If someone did something nice or helpful at work, send them a thank-you email message or note.
Consider the format. Some people send handwritten thank-you notes, and others send typed letters. Some formal organizations might prefer a traditional handwritten note.
A handwritten note also allows you to give a personal touch to your message. However, most companies are fine with a typed letter. Think about the company culture when deciding the format of your letter.
Send as soon as possible. You want to send your letter as soon as possible. This is especially important for an interview thank-you letter you want to remind the interviewer that you are a strong candidate before he or she makes a decision. For this reason, you might choose to send a thank-you email instead of a note or typed letter.
You can also send an email and then follow up with a note.
Be concise. Keep the letter shortno longer than a page. You want to say thank you sincerely but briefly.
Proofread. Be sure to thoroughly edit your letter. It’s important that all your communications look professional and polished.
Mistakes Andjustifications For A Poor Interview
Keep your note positive, and dont use it to justify or redeemyourself after a poor interview, says Scott Ledbury,Co-Founder of Slinky Productions.
Instead of rehashing yourawkward answers, Ledbury suggests, usingthis opportunity to fill in any gaps in your interview, such as elaborating onan answer you later realized a better answer for.
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Graphic Credit: Email letter icon designed by Chameleon Design, from the Noun Project.
Editorial Note: This content was originally published in June of 2016. We’re sharing it again because our editors have determined that this information is still accurate and relevant.
Phone Interview Thank You Email Example
Not too different from the sample email earlier.
Dear Ian
Can’t thank you enough for spending time with me over the phone and discussing the opportunity at Apple, Inc. It sounds like an incredible opportunity to learn about Product Management and how technology will advance with younger demographics.
My previous work experience in the education space makes me a great fit for this role.
I’m including a few of my projects and references below. Let me know how I can be helpful in moving forward in the process. Or if you have any further questions, let me know!
Thank you so much, Ian!
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Thank You Email Length: How Long Should Your Message Be
Some samples above are more formal while others are more casual. Youll notice that theyre all relatively brief, though. In my experience as a recruiter, a short thank you email after the interview is best. On average, I recommend 85 to 150 words.
And thats true whether youre writing a thank you email after a phone interview, Zoom/video interview, or a second/third in-person interview.
Its also true whether youre writing to thank a recruiter, HR person, hiring manager, or anyone else who spent time interviewing you!
Your message could go up to 200 words if youre very far along in the hiring process and have spent multiple hours interviewing with people from the company, but Id still aim to be brief and concise, rather than sending a full page.
Use your best judgement, though. You know your industry and prospective employer, so think about what type of message theyll appreciate. The advice above is simply what works best for the greatest amount of people, on average.
How To Write A Thank You Letter After An Interview
- Post authorBy Susan P. Joyce
Although recent surveys show that most employers seem to be happy receiving a thank you by email, this is the thank you that you put into an envelope, add a stamp, and drop off at the Post Office.
For the employer, this note is a sample of your work.
Keep it short , but personalized.
Typically, as with email, you send a separate thank you to a each member of the employers staff who interviewed you. Also send a different thank you to an external recruiter, if one referred you to the job.
Jump to:
NOTE: If an external recruiter referred you, ask them which thank you is most appropriate for the employer, including whether email is appropriate and acceptable by this employer.
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What Is A Thank You Letter
Typically, a thank you letter is a brief document or email that is written to the hiring manager following an interview, usually within 24 hours, and is not more than a single page in length. However, thank you messages are not only limited to the hiring process but also should be sent to the people who helped you in a job or have helped you enhance your career in one way or another, to show appreciation and build strong relationships. Also, it is professional, courteous and thoughtful to send a letter expressing your gratitude, when and if you decide to resign from a position.
When writing this letter, regardless of the purpose or recipient, ensure it is well written, memorable and non-generic.
Given that the minority of job applicants consider sending a thank you note, it is a necessary closing act to the job hunt process and an easy way to stand out and beat your competition.
Additional Tips & Advice
You can find lots of advice on how to write a thank you email after your interview, but its important to remember that not all the advice will apply to you. However there is one rule everyone should followsend it within 24 hours.
Youll find additional recommendations and tips to help you make the best decisions for sending a thank you based on your interview situation.
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How To Write An Email After A Phone Interview:
When writing an email after a phone interview, remember to use this opportunity to consolidate your first impression. Include a strong subject line, a piece of insight gleaned from the interview, and a reaffirmation of your enthusiasm for the position.
Choose a suitable subject line.
Unless you have already been in contact with the interviewer, in which case replying to the last message in the existing email thread between the two of you is the way to go, you will need a great subject line. Replying to an existing email works best because it is instantly recognized, opened more quickly than an email from an unknown sender, and will not be mistaken for spam.
In the absence of an existing email, a great subject line is important as it is the first thing the recipient will see and it should interest them enough to open and read your message right away.
For example:
Thank you for interviewing with me
It was a pleasure speaking with you today
Your email subject line should be clear and straight to the point, relevant to the recipient, and the tone should not be too casual or too formal.
Include the correct salutation.
For example:
A Guide To Writing A Memorable Thank
Sending a thank-you letter after an interview might seem old-fashioned, but its just as important to write one as ever. One survey from TopResume showed that 68 percent of hiring managers say that a candidates decision to include or not include a thank-you note after an interview affects their final hiring decision. But while sending a thank-you note has become expected, it’s not enough to simply send a note that says “Thanks for chatting with me” you need to put some thought into it. In this guide, well show you how to write a thank-you note that will impress interviewers and increase your odds of getting a job offer.
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Include Any Details From Conversations
Sharing details from your interactions with the thank you note recipient demonstrates active listening skills and conveys interest. It can also help a new contact remember you. This is helpful if the recipient talked with several people in a short period, such as if youre sending a thank you note to someone you met during a conference or trade show.
Take a few moments to jot down some notes as soon as the conversation is over. This way, you wont forget any meaningful aspects of the discussion.
Example:Learning about how your team is working to resolve our scheduling issues was immensely helpful, as we plan on working with more clients in the new year.
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What To Do In A Panel Interview/group Interview
Take the business cards or contact information of every person in the panel interview. And send a separate thank you note to each person that attended the group/panel interview. Never send a group thank-you email to everyone involved.
Be sure to do this for any type of interview where multiple interviewers or multiple people were involved in asking you interview questions.
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When Youve Just Had A Meeting
Lucky you whoever youre emailing is invested in your relationship. They just spent their time meeting with you, and theyre probably going to read your .
But how can you go beyond opens and increase replies?
Do the work for them. Recap everything so all they do is confirm that 1) they received your email, and 2) your summary is accurate.
This is a sales meeting follow-up template that our team has great success with:
Hey team,
Great meeting with you today thank you for your time and having us . Look forward to reconvening on . Separate calendar invite to follow shortly for that.
Quick Question
How Soon Should You Send A Thank
Send a thank-you note within 24 hours of the interview. You want to still be fresh in the persons mind. The only exception is if the interview is on a Friday afternoon then, schedule the email to be sent out first thing Monday morning. We dont recommend sending an email over the weekend otherwise, itll be at the bottom of the inbox on Monday.
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Tips For Writing An Interview Thank
Here are additional tips for writing a strong thank-you email after a job interview and what to include:
- Express Why You Want the Job: In addition to thanking the person you interviewed with, your thank-you note should reinforce the fact that you want the job, so view this thank-you as a follow-up “sales” letter. Restate why you want the job, what your qualifications are, and how you might make significant contributions.
- Bring Up Anything You Wish You Had Said: Your message is also the perfect opportunity to discuss anything of importance that your interviewer neglected to ask. For example, if you didnt have a chance to explain why you thought that you would fit in well with the company culture, you might briefly state this in the email.
- Revisit Any Issues Brought Up During the Interview: Finally, use your letter to address any issues and concerns that came up during the interview, including topics you neglected to answer as thoroughly as you might have wished. For instance, if you feel that you botched an interview question, you could explain your answer in more detail here.
Thank You For Your Email Auto
When you are away from the office on vacation, sick, or any other reason, you may want to use the auto-response feature of your email program. This feature will send an automatic email back to whoever sends you an email.
Below, you will find some examples of text you can use. Including when you will return and expect to reply to emails is professional and thoughtful and should reduce the amount of follow up emails from the same person. Also, if there is someone that can be contacted in your absence, please include that information too.
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Dont Bring Up Interview Mistakes
What about if you flubbed an answer in your interview? Is the thank-you email a place to explain yourself, clarify a mistake you made, or provide a better answer than the one you gave in the heat of the moment?
In most cases, you shouldnt bring it up at all, experts say.
Dont remind an interviewer of negative aspects of an interview, Jensen said. Finish on a positive note.
Manoske thinks it depends on the severity of the flub. He gave an example of a recent client of his who gave the interviewer an incorrect number . In her follow-up email, she briefly mentioned, I meant to say its X, not Y.
That was one word, and it was so obvious, you didnt want to leave it out there, Manoske said. In general, Im 80 percent in agreement with the idea of, if I flubbed one, I dont want to bring it back.
Share Your Gratitude With Specifics
Although you likely shared why you want to establish a relationship during your initial conversation, its helpful to reiterate your enthusiasm. This shows the recipient youre serious about developing a working relationship and want to continue communication.
Example:We are thrilled at the prospect of working more with you all on projects in the future, and we hope to learn more about process efficiency from you as we grow.
Related: How To Express Gratitude in an Email
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Why You Should Send A Thank You
How Do You Start A Thank
Subject line
There is no need to get creative with the email subject line. A clear subject line that lists what the email is about, such as “thank you for the interview,” will work great. If multiple candidates are being interviewed, it may be beneficial to include your name in the subject line so that the interviewer can quickly see the email is from you rather than a different candidate.
Example:“Thank you for the interview â John Smith”
Personalized greeting
There are many appropriate ways to address a thank-you email. In today’s business culture, itâs more common to greet the contact person with a “Hi First Name,” or “Hello First Name,” rather than the more formal way of using an honorific and the contactâs last name
The best way to determine your email greeting is based on what you called the interviewer during your meeting with them. If you used their first name in the interview, address the email to their first name. If you used their last name, address it to their last name.
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Why You Might Write A Thank You Note For A Promotion
Writing a thank you note for a promotion, unlike for an interview, is not a must-do, more like a really-nice-to-do.
In fact, I think that if you do this, it will be remembered by that boss likely for a long time because today people are not writing handwritten notes or much of anything, Wascovich says. To get a note of appreciation from someone on your staff that recognizes that you may have helped them on their career path, that makes an impact anyone in a supervisory management or leadership role, who will be more likely to go the extra mile for them in the future.
Al Dea, a Muse career coach and the founder of CareerSchooled, also emphasizes that its all about gratitude and appreciation. Having been on the receiving end of such thank you notes, he says, I was super thrilled to see they got promoted it made me feel good knowing that they considered me to have played a small role in that.