Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Write A Thank You Email Post Interview

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Example Thank You Email

How to Write a Thank You Email After the Interview & WOW Them!

Use this sample thank you email to help you compose your own:

Subject: Thank you: Marketing Associate position, Alvin Demarco

Dear Ms. Alvarez,

Thank you again for meeting with me earlier today! I appreciate you taking the time to tell me more about the Marketing Associate position and to discuss my qualifications.

After learning more about Definition Marketers, I am excited about the opportunity to join a company whose core values of honesty and bold creativity align with my own. I believe that my degree in business and my previous experience interning at B& W Marketing make me a perfect fit for this role.

I was thinking about the upcoming marketing campaign for a new client that you mentioned during the interview, and it made me think of the campaign I did during my internship. I wrote the copy for that campaigns billboard ads posted in the city last spring. Ive attached my drafts to this email for your review.

If you have any additional questions, I would be happy to answer them via email or come in for a second interview. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you again.


Quick Pointers For Your Post

  • Send the email on the same day as the interview. Even if your interview was later in the day, you should definitely hit send before the day is done. Feel free to send in the evening, as business-hours rules need not apply to this particular situation.
  • Send a different message to each interviewer. Did you interview with more than one person? Do notI repeat, do not send them all the same thank-you email. Use unique details from each conversation, or a specific point of commonality as fodder for each message. Make it personal. Sincere gratitude is what makes these notes count.
  • Proofread your message. If ever there were an opportunity to improve upon a first-impression, its in a post-interview thank-you email. This can influence or even change an interviewers first impression of you, so the last thing you want to do is fire off a message that has not been thoroughly checked.
  • If you were unable to get contact information for each of your interviews, try to do a little digging online. Chances are, the email addresses for each employee at a particular organization all follow the same formula, so if you met with one person whose email address was [email protected], its safe to assume that each of your interviewers email addresses follows that same format. If all else fails, when you do send a thank-you email to one interviewer, simply mention that you didnt get contact information for her colleagues and ask her to please pass along your message.

What To Include In A Thank You Email After A Phone Interview

There are many elements you should include when constructing your thank you email after your phone interview. These can help you stand out and capture the attention of your interviewer. Some common sections to include in your thank you email are:

  • Subject line
  • Opening sentence thanking them for the opportunity to interview
  • A statement explaining why you’re the best fit for the position
  • Any additional comments regarding what you previously discussed in the interview
  • Extra information you were unable to discuss in the interview
  • A message stating you look forward to hearing from them
  • Your signature and any additional contact information

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How To Write An Interview Thank You Email/note

  • Begin with a professional or formal greeting
  • Thank the interviewer and tell them that you appreciate their time spent during the job interview
  • Mention something specific you talked to them about in the interview, that you enjoyed learning about, so they know that this interview thank you note is written specifically for them
  • Reaffirm your interest in the position and tell the reader that you look forward to hearing about the next steps in the hiring process
  • Tell the interviewer that they should feel free to contact you if they need any additional information or have follow-up questions in the meantime
  • Optional: Include something to reaffirm that youre confident you can perform well in this role and explain why
  • If you interviewed with multiple people in a single day and want to thank them all, send a separate thank you note to each for a more personalized feel
  • Note that step #6 isnt 100% necessary to include in a thank you note or thank you email after an interview, but is a nice touch to add.

    Youll see these steps in the interview thank you note/email examples below, so dont worry if youre still not sure what to write!

    As one final tip before we move on, I recommend you ask each person for their business card after an in-person interview, so that you have their email address and name saved!

    Example Of A Short And Sweet Thank You Letter After Interview

    8+ Post Interview Thank You Notes â Free Sample, Example ...

    If you want to send a follow-up email after your interview, but dont feel comfortable with sending a long message, you can try this short and sweet email template. It can help keep you front of mind for the hiring manager without feeling overwhelming.

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me about the Marketing Assistant position. After hearing about your plans for the Marketing department going into 2022, Im even more excited and confident than before about how I can contribute to XYZ Companys growth.

    As requested, Ive attached my writing samples below. Please dont hesitate to reach out with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thanks in advance,

    Joe Jobscan

    Also Check: How To Prepare For Google Interview

    Take Notes Of The Interviewer’s Name And Any Other Important Information

    As you interview, you should have a pen and paper available to take notes of important information as it’s discussed. You can note any company information mentioned by the interviewer, talking points you want to elaborate on later or an overview of regular tasks they may expect you to complete for the job. You should also write down the name of your interviewer or interviewers if there is more than one. Clarify their names and request spelling instructions to ensure you address them properly in the email.

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    How To Write A Follow

    In your interview follow-up email, start by thanking your interviewer for their time. Be sure to highlight the ways your talents align with the role. Refer back to your notes from the interview and the job description to choose words or takeaways from your conversation that will resonate with the reader. Communicate your enthusiasm for the job by restating your interest in the position and your conviction that you are the right fit for the position.

    Here is a step-by-step guide for writing a follow-up after an interview:

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    Create An Appropriate Subject Line

    Before you write your thank-you email, consider the subject line. The email’s subject line should be concise and make the hiring manager understand the purpose of your email immediately. If the subject is clear, it lowers the risk of your thank-you email being missed or ignored. The subject line should include your name, the words “thank you” and the job title.

    Example:Thank You John Adams, Marketing Manager Interview

    Short Thank You Note After A First Interview

    Interview Thank You Email

    Subject: Thanks for the interview

    Hello Henry,

    Thank you for the interview on Tuesday afternoon for the senior sales representative position. I enjoyed meeting you in person, and I appreciate you sharing details about the company’s exciting goals for the upcoming year. I think my sales experience in the software industry gives me the tools to contributeeffectivelyto the mission we discussed, and I look forward to hearing from you next week.

    Best regards,

    Also Check: How To Send A Thank You For The Interview Email

    Add Your Signature And Proofread

    You can now add your signature to the end of the email. This can be your first and last name. If you’d like your interviewer to view your online profile or any social media pages, you can share this at the end of the email as well.

    Once you’ve added the signature, you can proofread your email to ensure that it’s free of any grammatical or spelling errors. You should also reread your message to ensure it’s clear and simple for the reader to understand. After everything is reread, you can send it to the interviewer.

    Sample Printed Thank You Note

    If you are using your computer to write, print, and send your thank you, write a one-page letter .

    Adapt the text in the sample to your circumstances, and customize it as described in Sending Your Thank Yous After the Job Interview. Replace the Italicized text in the sample below with whatever terms are appropriate for you and your situation.

    Use the formal business letter format like this:

    Your street address

    You May Like: How To Write A Thank You Letter After An Interview

    Show Your Appreciation Within The First Few Sentences

    Next, show your appreciation within the first few sentences. Be specific about why you are sending your email, and explicitly thank the company and individual for taking the time to meet with you. You can also include your appreciation for learning specific details about working in the organization or having a specific question answered. For instance, thank the professional you spoke with for answering your questions about their corporate benefits or how the company handles overtime pay.

    What To Do When You Are Offered A Job Position

    40 Thank You Email After Interview Templates á? TemplateLab

    This depends a great deal on your situation. The recruiter goes through a tough process deciding to offer you a job, but you have a lot to consider as well.

    You should realize that when you are offered a job, either by phone or by email, this initiates a process of negotiation. One of the basics of negotiation is that you never want to be taken by surprise since it can lead to an irrational decision. Therefore, when you receive the good news that a company wants to hire you, follow this process:

  • Let the recruiter do the talking Have him/her share as much information as possible regarding salary, benefits, starting date, etc.
  • Ask clarification questions If there is anything that you are unsure about, try to get some clarity.
  • Dont act too fast The emotion of getting offered a job may push you to want to accept right away. However, recruiters often dont expect an immediate decision. Therefore, ask when they need you to make a decision. Chances are you will have a day or two to think it over. But if the recruiter wants your decision sooner, try to negotiate at least a couple of hours.
  • Again, its important not to overlook the importance of all the post-interview steps discussed above. And frankly, each of these steps is far less cumbersome than the amount of effort you put into building your resume, writing your cover letter and preparing for an interview. So stay focused and see the process through to the end.

    Stephen Kent

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    Sample Interview Thank You Email/letter #:

    Hello < Interviewers Name> ,

    Thank you for taking the time to speak with me < yesterday/Friday/etc.> about the < Job Title> position at < Company Name> . It was a pleasure talking with you, and I enjoyed learning more about the opportunity.

    The information you shared about < Something specific about the job that interests you> sounded particularly interesting.

    I am confident that my skills will allow me to come in and succeed in this role, and its a position Id be excited to take on.

    Im looking forward to hearing from you about the next steps, and please dont hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information in the meantime.

    Thank you again.

    Best regards,

    < Your First and Last Name>

    This example above is a little longer and more formal. You could send this as a handwritten thank you letter after the interview, or as an email.

    Note that at the end of the third paragraph, you could also add details about WHY you feel confident youd succeed in this role. Doing this will make your thank you email more convincing to hiring managers.

    Try to remind them of something you shared in the interview, like a piece of past experience, or a skill you have, that will prove to them youll be able to come in and be successful in their role.

    How To Write A Thank You Email After A Phone Interview

    As you write your thank you email, you should focus on the items discussed in your interview and highlight any skills or qualifications you’d like the interviewer to remember. Follow the steps below to write an effective thank you email once the phone interview is complete:

  • Take notes of the interviewer’s name and any other important information.
  • Create your subject line and greeting.
  • Thank the recipient for the interview.
  • Explain what makes you the best fit for the role.
  • Expand on any discussions you had in the interview.
  • Mention that you look forward to hearing from them.
  • Add your signature and proofread.
  • Recommended Reading: How To Transcribe An Interview On Word

    How To Write A Thank You Note

    When writing a thank you note, its crucial you make the most of your message by communicating the correct information. You should express gratitude and touch on relevant information critical to the relationship. For example, if youre sending a thank you letter after a job interview, you should highlight key skills that make you the best fit for the opportunity.

    Write Your Draft Immediately After The Interview

    How to Write a Post-Interview Thank You Note (Template Included)

    As soon as your phone interview is complete, you should begin typing your email while the events of the interview are still fresh in your brain. You can type out the email and return to it the next day. This helps your brain revisit this content after it has had a few moments to refresh. You should send this email within 24 hours after your interview to help the interviewer remember who you are and to show your promptness.

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    How To Write A Job Interview Thank You Email

    Leave the TO: field empty until you have completed, spell checked, and proofread the message .

    Adapt the text in this sample to your circumstances, and customize it to each individual who interviewed you.

    If you know the person who is receiving this thank you note, you can be less formal, as in Dear Mary vs. Dear Ms. Jones but err on the side of being more formal rather than less formal when in doubt.

    Dont make the mistake of sending exactly the same message to everyone who interviewed you at an employer! Emails are easy to share. Vary the details a bit, or use the second, more customizable sample below.

    Simplify Your Subject Line

    Resist the urge to get clever or wordy in your email subject line. Keep it straightforward and to the point.

    Manoske, career coach and co-author of The Job Search Manifesto, recommends people use the word appreciate throughout their email and that includes the subject line.

    Appreciated your time yesterday is an example of a subject line he suggests applicants use.

    Wendy Saccuzzo, a career coach, said subject lines like Following up, Thanks for the conversation and Thanks for the interview all work well for the occasion.

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    Always Send A Thank You Letter Within 24 Hours Of The Interview

    Always send your thank you letter the same day you interview, or no later than the following day. In todays digital age, email is the most efficient way to send your thank you letter in a timely manner.

    You can also take a more personal approach by writing a handwritten note, although its not necessary. If you do hand write your legal thank you letter, ensure that it will arrive within a day or two of your interview.

    Summarize The Interviews Highlights

    Post Interview Thank You Email â 6+ Free Word, Excel, PDF ...

    When it comes to the actual body content of the email, in addition to thanking the interviewer, you want to focus on referencing two or three high points from the interview.

    Mine your conversation for highlights by reflecting on these questions:

    • Did the interviewer make an interesting point?
    • Did something you discussed excite you?
    • Did you learn something new about the role or company?
    • Do you two have something interesting in common?

    In your email, say you enjoyed learning about X. Or that you appreciate that the hiring manager shared Y. Or, when you heard them say Z, you became even more interested in the role.

    Giving a couple quick highlights demonstrates you were an active, attentive participant in the conversation.

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    When And How To Follow Up After An Interview

    One of the questions you should ask during a job interview is What is the next step in your hiring process? This gives you an idea of when you will hear back from the company.

    Its important to respect the job hiring process that recruiters go through. If the person that interviewed you told you that a decision will be made by next Wednesday, dont contact them before this apart from your thank you note.

    You may be really interested in the position, and you want to try to persuade the company that you are the right person for the job. But dont. It runs the risk of a recruiter perceiving you as a bad listener or disrespectful of other peoples time.

    However, lets say that the recruiter said you could expect to hear back by Wednesday, and its now Wednesday afternoon. Well, in that case, its time to act. There is nothing wrong with sending a short interview follow-up note to see if the company has made a decision.

    Example of What Should an Interview Follow-up Email Say

    Dear ,

    I hope all is well with you. I am just following up to see if you have come to a decision regarding the position . If not, could you please let me know when a decision might be made?

    Thank you kindly, and please let me know if you require further information regarding my qualifications.


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