Saturday, July 27, 2024

Interview Questions On Cloud Migration

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What Advice Would You Give Someone When Embarking On A Data

Azure interview Questions and Answers – Azure Migrate – Part 1

The interviewer wants to know if you understand a few data migration best practices. Remember, your answer will convince the hiring manager of your prowess in this field. Think about some of the things that you do before and when migrating data. Show the interviewer that you are experienced in this field and perform if given a chance to.

Sample Answer

I know quite a number of data migration best practices that anyone should adhere to. First, one must strive to determine the projects scope and ensure that the migration plan is in accordance with the existing policies. Other practices include establishing a migration time frame, validating and testing after migration, auditing and testing every step.

What Is Amazon Virtual Private Cloud And Why Is It Used

A VPC is the best way of connecting to your cloud resources from your own data center. Once you connect your datacenter to the VPC in which your instances are present, each instance is assigned a private IP address that can be accessed from your data center. That way, you can access your public cloud resources as if they were on your own private network.

If I Launch A Standby Rds Instance Will It Be In The Same Availability Zone As My Primary

  • Only for Oracle RDS types
  • Only if it is configured at launch
  • Answer D.

    Explanation: No, since the purpose of having a standby instance is to avoid an infrastructure failure , therefore the standby instance is stored in a different availability zone, which is a physically different independent infrastructure.

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    How Do You Manage Your Infrastructure

    Possible Answers

    • Custom scripts to provision VMs on-premises.
    • Provisioning tools like Chef, Puppet or Ansible.

    Reasoning and Solutions

    Its a pain for developers when they must set up applications on new servers or scale up applications during peak periods. Generally, Sysadmin used to manage infrastructure tasks like VM or DB provisioning. What if developers can address their infrastructure needs? Thats Infrastructure as Code .

    • AWS Cloudformation is the native tool available for provisioning infrastructure resources.
    • Terraform is another cloud-agnostic tool that can be used for infrastructure provisioning.

    Atlassian Cloud Plans And Pricing

    Cloud Enablement

    Cloud plans are mainly differentiated by the number of features and prices, which adapt to the needs of each team and their sizes: from startups to large companies.

    The Atlassian Cloud Premium and plans outstand the others those include benefits such as IP permission lists, change management functions, and the assistance of dedicated support engineers that Atlassian has appointed to meet the needs of large and demanding teams regarding security and user management. The free and standard plans are usually the plans that most small and medium-sized organizations consider.

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    How Is Aws Cloudformation Different From Aws Elastic Beanstalk

    Here are some differences between AWS CloudFormation and AWS Elastic Beanstalk:

    • AWS CloudFormation helps you provision and describe all of the infrastructure resources that are present in your cloud environment. On the other hand, AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an environment that makes it easy to deploy and run applications in the cloud.
    • AWS CloudFormation supports the infrastructure needs of various types of applications, like legacy applications and existing enterprise applications. On the other hand, AWS Elastic Beanstalk is combined with the developer tools to help you manage the lifecycle of your applications.

    Discuss The Different Types Of Backups Available In Azure

    To maintain the high availability of your data as well as storage, Azure Backup supports three methods of backup-

    i. Locally redundant storage copies your data three times in a centralized storage unit within the same region. LRS is a cost-effective option for safeguarding data against local hardware breakdowns.

    ii. Geo-redundant storage is the standard and preferred backup mode that replicates your data to a secondary region far away from the primary location of the source data. GRS is more expensive than LRS, but it provides greater data resilience, even in the event of a local disruption.

    iii. Zone-redundant storage backs up data in availability zones, ensuring data retention and durability in the same zone. You can back up your essential activities that involve data retention and must run without disruption since ZRS has zero latency.

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    What Are The Security And Privacy Factors To Consider Before During And After Migration

    To ensure security and privacy protection, your new cloud platform needs to meet all the necessary security standards, protection and encryption. Youll also want to verify the protection of sensitive data during the migration. Specific industries, such as healthcare and accounting, may also have to address compliance concerns during and after migration.

    Amazon Web Services Overview

    AWS Cloud Architect Interview Series | SCENARIO based Questions | Part – 2

    AWS offers cloud computing and storage services that comprise of computing power, analytics, content delivery, database storage, deployment to other companies on pay per use basis for the storage and computing on their servers along with maintaining and infrastructures being looked after by Amazon.

    Cloud computing offers scalability, technical support during migration and installation of applications, reduces costs and time due to downtime, advanced secured systems for data security, mobile access for the installed applications round the clock, and disaster recovery in case of in power outages or natural disasters.

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    Explain The Security Usage In The Amazon Web Services Model

    • AWS supports security groups.
    • Access is provided to create a security group for a jump box with SSH access only for port 22 open. Later, a webserver group and a database group are created. The webserver group provides 80 and 443 from around the world, but only port 22 will be vital among the jump box group. The database group allows port 3306 from the webserver group and port 22 from the jump box group. The addition of any machines to the webserver group can store in the database. No one can directly SSH to any of our boxes.

    How Can You Speed Up Data Transfer In Snowball

    The data transfer can be increased in the following way:

    • Copying from multiple workstations to the same snowball.
    • Transferring large files or by creating a batch of small file, this will reduce the encryption overhead.
    • Eliminating unnecessary hops i.e. make a setup where the source machine and the snowball are the only machines active on the switch being used, this can hugely improve performance.

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    What Are Your Rto And Rpo Requirements

    This questions is last, but it is very important for disaster recovery.

    RTO defines the maximum application downtime you can bear case of disaster. If defined RTO is 30 minutes, then the system should be recovered by 3:30 p.m. for a disaster that happened at 3 p.m.

    RPO defines how much data loss you can bear in case of disaster. If the defined RPO is 10 minutes, then you should have all data available until 2:50 p.m. after recovery for a disaster that happened at 3 p.m.

    You can offer the following different disaster recovery solutions based on the increasing order of cost in proportion to better RTO and RPO.

    • Backup and Recovery Stores backup in S3 and recover from it.
    • Pilot Light Keeps core components of the application running at low capacity.
    • Active-Passive Keeps scaled down version of fully running application as standby.
    • Active-Active Keeps a fully functional application taking traffic in both regions.

    Customers may ask for the best RTO and RPO solution, which comes at different costs, so you should ask customers about costs associated with each of the solutions.

    When Will You Incur Costs With An Elastic Ip Address

    Partnerships are crucial for successful cloud migration
  • When an EIP is allocated.
  • When it is allocated and associated with a running instance.
  • When it is allocated and associated with a stopped instance.
  • Costs are incurred regardless of whether the EIP is associated with a running instance.
  • Answer C.

    Explanation: You are not charged, if only one Elastic IP address is attached with your running instance. But you do get charged in the following conditions:

    • When you use more than one Elastic IPs with your instance.
    • When your Elastic IP is attached to a stopped instance.
    • When your Elastic IP is not attached to any instance.

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    Tell Me About How You Helped Your Company Benefit Through A Cloud Solution

    Cloud is becoming part of a larger business strategy. Organizations want to see that their cloud architects can build a cloud with that strategy in mind.

    We always try to drive towards , said Jim Johnson, senior VP of Robert Half Technology. There is a reason companies they that you were able to increase their systems availability time, reduce downtime, and save X number of dollars on infrastructure costs. You have to be able to articulate your value to an organization beyond just the ability to code or write RFIDs and RFPs.

    Key to answering this question well, Johnson said, is being able to express your knowledge of business needs. Interviewers want to hear about a solution that benefitted the organization, instead of one that simply kept the system running.

    Sample Cloud Engineer Interview Questions For Experienced Developers

  • How does the resource agent monitor cloud usage?
  • Define the cloud usage monitor.
  • Give some reasons why Amazon is so big.
  • How can you vertically scale an Amazon instance?
  • Explain the security usage in the Amazon Web Services model.
  • What is meant by Containers as a Service ?
  • Define cloud-native applications.
  • How does the polling agent monitor cloud usage?
  • How would the Cloud Native Computing Foundation explain cloud-native applications?
  • What is meant by rate limiting?
  • As you gear up for your cloud engineer interview, remember that companies nowadays look for engineers with experience in Linux, OpenStack, Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Engine, and Microsoft Azure.

    Further, having good knowledge of DevOps, APIs, and NoSQL will only improve your chances of getting hired. So prepare a strategy that includes cloud engineer interview questions based on all these topics.

    You must also check out these Must-Know DevOps Principles to Answer Interview Questions.

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    What Happens If My Application Stops Responding To Requests In Beanstalk

    AWS Beanstalk applications have a system in place for avoiding failures in the underlying infrastructure. If an Amazon EC2 instance fails for any reason, Beanstalk will use Auto Scaling to automatically launch a new instance. Beanstalk can also detect if your application is not responding on the custom link, even though the infrastructure appears healthy, it will be logged as an environmental event so you can take an appropriate action.

    For a detailed discussion on this topic, please refer Lambda AWSblog.

    Distinguish Between An Azure Sql Database And A Sql Managed Instance

    What’s your #cloud #migration #strategy?

    Azure SQL Database is a fully managed PaaS database server that keeps track of most database management tasks like data upgradations, patching, data backups, etc., without the need for human intervention. Azure SQL Database always runs on the most recent stable version of the Microsoft SQL Server database system, and its built-in PaaS capabilities allow you to concentrate on the domain-specific database management and performance activities that play a major role in upscaling your business. It also enables you to develop a highly accessible and rich in performance data storage layer for Azure apps and solutions.

    Azure SQL Managed Instance is an efficient, highly scalable database solution by Microsoft. It is fully compatible with the latest SQL Server database system and offers a native VNet implementation that resolves basic safety issues, as well as a commercial model that is appealing to existing SQL Server users. Existing SQL Server users are enabled to migrate their local workloads to the cloud with minimal changes. Simultaneously, SQL Managed Instance retains all PaaS functionalities, including automated upgrades, automated backups, and high accessibility, thereby lowering administration expenses.

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    What Is Amazon S3

    S3 is short for Simple Storage Service, and Amazon S3 is the most supported storage platform available. S3 is object storage that can store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere. Despite that versatility, it is practically unlimited as well as cost-effective because it is storage available on demand. In addition to these benefits, it offers unprecedented levels of durability and availability. Amazon S3 helps to manage data for cost optimization, access control, and compliance.

    What Do You Mean By Azure Resource Manager Templates

    Azure Resource Manager templates are JSON files mainly used to implement infrastructure as code for your Azure solutions. The template outlines your project’s infrastructure and configuration. A declarative syntax is used in the template, which allows you to declare what you want to deliver without the use of any actual programming/coding. The template must include the resources to launch as well as their attributes.

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    Top 45+ Data Migration Interview Questions And Answers 2023

    Data migration is a complex task that requires you to be prepared for any possible scenario. This blog post will discuss the most common data migration interview questions and provide answers. Suppose you are looking for a job as a Data Migration Consultant. In that case, this article will give you some ideas on what companies want to know about your experience with data migration projects.

    The first question that is usually asked in a data migration interview is about your experience with data migration projects. It is important to describe the different types of data migrations you have worked on, the tools you have used, and the challenges you faced during the project.

    The interviewer wants to know that you have experience working with different data types and are familiar with the tools and techniques used for data migration.

    What Storage Classes Are Available In Amazon S3

    Multicloud and hybrid cloud solutions

    Explanation: The following Storage Classes are accessible using Amazon S3:

  • Storage class Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval
  • Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval Storage Class
  • Glacier Deep Archive on Amazon S3
  • Storage class S3 Outposts
  • Amazon S3 Standard-Occasional Access
  • Amazon S3 One Zone-Only Occasional Access
  • Amazon S3 Basic
  • Amazon S3 Storage with Reduced Redundancy
  • Intelligent-Tiering on Amazon S3
  • 37. How do you auto-delete old snapshots?

    Explanation: Heres how to delete outdated photos automatically:

  • Take snapshots of the EBS volumes on Amazon S3 in accordance with process and best practices.
  • To manage all of the snapshots automatically, use AWS Ops Automator.
  • You may use this to generate, copy, and remove Amazon EBS snapshots.
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    What Is The Option To Connect On Premises Database In Case User Is Not Willing To Open Up Vnet Based Connectivity

    In such case, a WCF service can be developed and hosted on premises. This WCF service will have CRUD operations specifically against the on premises database. Then Service bus relay option can be used for invoking on premises WCF service from Azure hosted web application to access the database. Use of WCF and service bus relay will avoid the option of VPN connectivity using Azure VNETs offerings.

    How Is Your Workload Variation

    You need to ask how much traffic variation customers are observing and if there are any specific patterns available.

    • AWS ASG Auto Scaling Group helps applications scale in/out dynamically based on workloads and pattern.
    • Elastic Beanstalk Automatically provisions ASG as opposed to manual provisioning.
    • ECS/EKS You can use containers/pod autoscaling features if your application is dockerized and orchestrated using Kubernetes.

    You can configure different scaling behaviors like simple scaling, target and tracking scaling, and step scaling.

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    What Is A Ddos Attack And What Services Can Minimize Them

    DDoS is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator accesses a website and creates multiple sessions so that the other legitimate users cannot access the service. The native tools that can help you deny the DDoS attacks on your AWS services are:

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    What Are The Two Kinds Of Azure Web Service Roles

    AWS Cloud Architect Interview Series | SCENARIO based Questions | Part – 1

    A cloud service role is a set of managed and load-balanced virtual machines that work together to perform tasks. The two kinds of Azure Web Service roles are:

    Web Roles

    • It is a cloud service role that is used to run web applications developed in programming languages supported by IIS like ASP.NET, PHP, etc.
    • It automatically deploys and hosts applications through the users IIS

    Worker Roles

    • It runs applications and other tasks that don’t require IIS. It performs supporting background tasks along with web roles
    • It doesnt use IIS and runs user applications standalone

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    What Is The Difference Between Table Storage And Sql Azure Table

    Deep Dive:

    Point no 3 We have seen people face difficulties in understanding the statement Schema is not enforced on table storage. Below diagram explains this scenario well.

    As you can see above the 3rd record is storing the date time in different format than first 2 records and this is absolutely accepted in Table storage. This is what we meant by No Schema enforced on the data.

    How Can You Use Ebs To Automate Ec2 Backup

    To automate EC2 backups using EBS, perform the following steps:

    Step 1. Get a list of instances and connect to AWS through API to get a list of Amazon EBS volumes that are associated to the instance locally.

    Step 2. List each volumes snapshots and give a retention time to each snapshot. Create a snapshot of each volume afterwards.

    Step 3. Remove any snapshots that are older than the retention term.

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    How Does The Monitoring Agent Go About Monitoring The Cloud Usage

    A monitoring agent is an intermediary and event-driven program created as a service agent and placed along the existing communication paths. Used for transparently monitoring and amazing dataflows, the monitoring agent keeps track of the network traffic along with the message metrics.

    Do you want to know how much a cloud engineer makes? You can check our article on AWS cloud support engineer salary in the US and see the compensation details.

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