Thursday, July 25, 2024

What To Say After An Interview Email

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Sample #: Decline The Interview Invitation

How To Write A Thank You Email After An Interview & IMPRESS THE INTERVIEWER

If the job isnt right for you, you can still take the meeting. Youll be top of mind for other, more suitable positions after the interviewer gets to know you. If you still want to , heres a sample response.

Dear Mr. Jones:

Thank you for inviting me to interview for the account executive position at ABC Company. I appreciate your interest in my credentials, but I would like to respectfully decline. At this point in my career, I am focused on manager-level opportunities.

I remain interested in employment at your companyplease keep me in mind if a management position opens up.

I wish you all the best as you seek to fill this position.


Tailor Each Email To The Interviewer

The key to any thank-you email is that it’s written specifically for each person who met with you. Sending a generic email can absolutely reduce your chance of getting hired. Recruiters and hiring managers often compare the thank-you notes they get from other candidates, so they’ll know if you send the same generic letter to everyone.

During your interviews, jot down specific things that the recruiter or hiring manager said about the job position or company, as well as anything not related to the job, such as their hobbies or something you have in common. Put these specifics in each thank-you note to show that you were listening and engaged. Also, take the opportunity to address any concerns the recruiter brought up and reiterate how your skills are well-suited for the job.

Be brilliant, but brief. Recruiters and hiring managers are busy and a short, concise email with the information above shows that you respect their time even as you sell your qualifications and continued interest one more time during the hiring decision.

What If The Company Says They Dont Have Any News Yet

This is a pretty likely scenario, they respond to your email and say theyre still waiting for something to happen. Sometimes theyll be specific on what that something is but usually not. Either way Id respond with something to keep the conversation alive and give yourself an opening to follow up again if needed.

Heres an example of an email reply you could send them:

Thanks for the update. Do you have a sense of what the timing will look like moving forward? Or when would be an appropriate time for me to check back in? Im excited about the opportunity, but I know these things take time so I dont want to follow up too often here.

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How To Follow Up By Email After An Interview:

Step 1: The Follow-Up Email Subject Line

Follow up email subject lines are important. They decide whether your email gets opened, and how fast.

Id recommend following up with whoever said theyd been in touch. Or follow up with whoever youve been talking to for scheduling, etc.

The best subject line, and the one thats going to get opened faster than anything else, is to simply reply to the latest email between the two of you.

Itll look something like this:

Re: Interview on Thursday at 10 AM

Theyll open it immediately because itll appear as part of the previous conversation. Much better than starting a whole new email for this.

Step 2: The Body Of Your Follow Up Email

Id keep it simple and straight-forward. Dont be shy or unclear. Tell them youre excited to hear back and wanted to check if theres an update or a decision yet.

Best follow-up email if you already sent a Thank You email:

Hi < NAME> ,

I wanted to follow up to see if there have been any updates regarding the < JOB TITLE> position that I had interviewed for on < DATE> . Im still very interested based on what I heard in the interview and Im excited to hear about next steps, so any information you can share on your end would be great. Thanks!

Note: This template above is best if youve already sent a Thank You email a day after your interview. Im going to give you one in this article coming up in a minute, so keep reading.

Best follow-up email if you DIDNT already send a Thank You email:

Follow Up With Salutations

FREE 4+ Thank

Next, begin your email with a salutation, preferably a formal or semi-formal salutation, depending on your experience with the interviewer. You can begin with “Hello” or “Dear,” followed by their name. In most cases, it’s acceptable to address the interviewer by their first name. Otherwise, you may want to input their full name.

Related:How To Write Salutations

Also Check: Mailscoop Io

Land Your Next Job Offer

The job hunt can be grueling. From the job application to interview questions to the , the job search is exhausting. Sometimes, the job search can be depressing. Practice self-compassion throughout the process.

But your dream new job could be just around the corner. Following up after a job interview can be intimidating. You might not know how to best check in with the interviewers. You might feel like youre imposing on your interviewers time.

But with this guide, you can feel confident in following up post-interview with your potential employer. You can make a good impression and hopefully help make their hiring decision an easy one.

How To Stand Out With Your Interview Invitation Email

An upcoming interview can be stressful and a source of anxiety for job seekers. Providing additional information solely for the candidates benefit gives the impression of a compassionate employer who values its people. It may seem simple, but its the little details that create a standout employer brand. Include the following information in your interview invitation email to engage and entice prospective employees.

Mention What to Wear

When it comes to in-person interviews, candidates want to look the part. Theres no need for the candidate to wear a suit if your office is on the casual side. Letting them know what is appropriate in terms of your office dress code helps take the pressure off of deciding what to wear. Not having to fret over how they physically present themselves allows candidates to focus on the conversation and highlighting their qualifications.

Recommend Travel Options

Candidates may come from all over the surrounding area for in-person interviews. Do not assume they will be able to grab a cab. Reference subway lines, train stations, bus routes, bike options and parking garages in close proximity to your office. Ensuring they arrive at an interview on time is a major point of concern for candidates. Providing them with the resources to plan ahead will earn you serious bonus points.

List Items to Bring

Explain What Happens Upon Arrival

Talking Points to Mention

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What To Do Right After A Job Interview

Resist the urge to go straight to the pub. Of course, you should celebrate a bit, assuming all went smoothly. However, whether you feel you aced the interview or not, you should immediately look for an opportunity to write down some notes.

I know what youre thinking, I just spent days stressing over this interview, and now you want me to spend more time thinking about!? Yes, thats exactly right. But dont worry, it will be over soon enough.

While you interview its a good idea to take notes on what the recruiter tells you however, its also easy to miss jotting something important down if you are focused on being responsive. So, when you finish an interview, whether you go home straight away or sit down somewhere else, take a moment to reflect on any important information mentioned during the interview, compare this with your notes, and write down anything you may have missed.

The reason behind is that you will capture information that may help you prepare for a second interview or to help you make a decision should you be offered a job. Salary information, job responsibilities, requested references/portfolios/work samples, and even the names of all of your interviewers are good to capture on paper for future reference.

Informing Candidate Of Interview Decision With Flowrite

How To Write an INTERVIEW FOLLOW UP EMAIL! (The PERFECT Follow Up Email after a JOB interview!)

Flowrite is an AI writing tool that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and message. No matter the industry, role or stage of the recruitment process, our product can help you to communicate with job candidates faster and better. Take a look at the example below to get an idea how you can supercharge your applicant emails with Flowrite.

Did this blog post help with informing candidates of interview decision? We hope so. The next time you are writing an email to a candidate after the interview, just keep these learnings and examples in mind and you should be good to go. Better yet, give Flowrite a change to write the email for you.

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What Is A Thank

A subject line is the information you type into the subject field of a message of thanks before emailing the hiring agent who interviewed you for a job. While the subject line only includes a few words, developing it is a key step for interviewees due to several reasons, including:

  • The hiring agent sees it first. The subject line is the first section that hiring managers see of your thank-you email, and they can see it before opening your message. If you made a good impression in your interview, seeing the subject line can be an effective reminder that communicates your professionalism and enthusiasm to the recruiter even if he or she is too busy to read your message immediately.
  • It can help you stand out from the crowd. Interviewers often have full inboxes with messages from job seekers, company emails, and messages from mailing lists. Consequently, its easy for a recruiter to miss an email in the inbox clutter. A great subject line can differentiate your thank-you email from other messages and motivate the recipient to read it quickly.
  • It can help you to build a relationship. An engaging subject line in a timely thank-you email can build rapport with the interviewer by capturing his or her attention, starting a conversation, and further solidifying the good impression you made at the interview.

Video Conferencing Interview Invitation Email

When requesting a video interview, send the interview invitation far enough in advance so they are able to plan accordingly without unnecessary stress.

Use the following template to send a video interview invitation. Once you have confirmed the date and time, be sure to include the meeting room link and any access information they will need to join the interview.

Subject Line:: Video Interview Availability

Hi ,

Thank you for applying to the position at .

After reviewing your application, we would like to invite you to interview with , our .

So we can get to know you better, the interview will be conducted over video using and last about in total.

We want you to be able to plan accordingly, so weve provided a list of date and time options over the next week. Please take a look and let us know which date is best for you.

Were looking forward to continuing the conversation.


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What Is An Interview Thank You Email And Whats In It

Interview thank you notes are emails or hand written notes sent to an interviewer, after an interview. Candidates usually send interview thank you notes within 1-2 days after their interview. These notes usually contain messages of appreciation, thanking the interviewer for giving the candidate a chance to interview for the company.

Most job advice given to candidates includes the sending of thank-you emails after interviews.

Some recruiters couldnt care less whether or not interviewers thank them after theyve been interviewed.

But others might take interview thank you notes as tie-breakers between candidates with similar backgrounds and experienceand even reject those who dont send them.

So, whether youre the type of interviewer who uses this gesture of gratitude as tie-breakers or not, they actually can be a bit more than they seem:

Aside from showing the candidates gratitude for giving them a chance to be interviewed, they can have added purpose.

Candidates can use it to:

  • include things they forgot to mention during the interview
  • as another chance to sell themselves furtherwhether or not they failed or passed the interview.
  • point out their other qualities on paper, this time.

Thank-you notes can be sent via a personal handwritten note , or through an email .


Contrast this with 80% of HR managers saying that they appreciate receiving thank-you notes from candidates.

The Benefits Of Sending A Thank


Sending a thank-you email has a couple of important advantages over the old-fashioned, paper-and-ink variety of thank-you letter.

With an email, for example, you can do more than remind your prospective employer of your qualities and skills: You can actually show them by including a link to your online portfolio, , or professional social networking profiles.

You’ll also have the opportunity to mention anything you wish you had said during the interview, but didn’t get the chance to discuss.

Sending an email immediately after or within 24 hours of a job interview is crucial if the hiring manager will be making a quick decision.

Ideally, your note will reach the interviewer prior to a hiring decision and while your meeting is still top of mind.

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Template For A Thank You Email After A Job Interview

An in-person job interview is a huge opportunity. And employers tell us that the way candidates follow up is an important indicator of their interest in the position. Candidates who go silent after the interview come across as disinterested. So if you really want the job, take the time to write a sincere, customized email immediately after you end the interview, and send it the same day.

Subject Line: Thank you from ] ]

Dear ],

Thank you, again, for the time you spent with me today. I really enjoyed meeting you and exploring how I might be able to assist ] as the new ].

After our conversations, I am even more confident that this position is a job I would enjoy, as well as one where I can be successful and make a valuable contribution.

I am particularly excited about ]

You mentioned that the decision on this position will be made in ]. In the meantime, if there is any additional information you need from me please let me know and Ill get it over to you!

Again, I appreciate the chance to interview with ] and am grateful for the time you spent with me.


There you have it! Follow these templates, and make extra sure to customize them to your own voice and situation. Before you know it, youll be perfecting your interview follow-up and hearing back after more interviews. Ill wish you luck with your next interview, because I know youve got the thank you email covered.

Writing The Perfect Thank You Email After An Interview

Are you wondering if you need to send a thank you email after an interview? The answer is always yes. A hiring manager has never said, I was considering hiring this candidate but she sent a thank you email after I interviewed her and Im no longer interested in moving forward. Its never happened. However, that is not to say you will not be judged or that it could not be used against you in the hiring process, but your thank you email would have to be egregious for it to negatively impact your hiring process.

Its very common for a thank you email to be weighed in the application process. In some cases, its a dealbreaker.

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It Helps You Stand Out

The fact that you got the interview shows that you made it further than most other applicants. For any job position especially a coveted one with a good company there are usually dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of applicants.

Most applications and resumes get thrown out pretty quickly. Thats the harsh reality when a job is in demand, recruiters just cant give everyone a chance.

Nevertheless, youre probably not the only applicant who they are interviewing, either. If it was a phone interview or an interview over Zoom or Skype, the likelihood that there are other interviewees goes up.

After all, its not that hard to schedule phone or Zoom interviews back to back.

A follow-up email gives you a chance to stand out and make yourself look better.

You might think that everyone is sending a follow-up email, but thats not true! In fact, 57 percent more than half of interviewees do not send any thank you note after an interview.

After all, you can never go wrong with a Thank You note!

Compose The Body Of Your Email

How to Write a Thank You Email After the Interview & WOW Them!

Introduce the reason for your email.

The body of a follow-up email should be kept very concise and to the point. Begin with thanking the interviewer for their time, mentioning when the interview took place to remind them.

Example: “Thank you for taking the time to interview me this morning, it was a pleasure speaking with you and learning more about the position.”

Reiterate your interest in the position.

Address specific discussion points and/or details from the interview and reaffirm your interest in the position. Address what in particular makes you the right fit for the job or how your experience and interests align with the requirements or demands of the position.

Example: “I was very interested to learn about . I am very excited about the prospect of .”

Add a closing paragraph.

End with a short paragraph addressing the next steps and asking whether any additional information is required of you . If during the interview a request for additional information was made, you can mention that this has already been sent or provided or that it is enclosed with this email.

Example: “Please advise on the next steps and whether there is anything you need from me in the meantime. I look forward to hearing from you.”

Recommended Reading: Cfo Interview

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