Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Do An Online Video Interview

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Improve Diversity In Hiring

How to do a Video Interview | Intro to HireVue

Online interviews are like virtual job auditions. These job simulations can be done at scale for hundreds of applicants simultaneously and under the same conditions. This means every applicant has an equal chance to show their talent, regardless of what their resume says. It also broadens your applicant pool, allowing remote candidates who may not have the resources to make it to your office in-person to participate in the hiring process.

What Does Customer Service Mean To You

If youre applying for a public-facing role, an employer may ask this question to determine what aspects of customer service are most important to you. . A good answer will align with the companys values, which you can glean through researching their customer service policy, understanding their products and clientele and reflecting on your own experiences as a customer. Your answer can either come from the perspective of a customer or a customer service provider.

Example answer:In my experience, good customer service involves taking responsibility when something goes wrong and doing what you can to make it right. For example, on a recent flight, I had pre-ordered my meal only to discover they didnt stock enough of my dish. Instead of simply stating the facts, the flight attendant apologized sincerely and offered me a free drink or premium snack. To me, this apology went a long way in smoothing things over. The freebie was a bonus that made me feel valued as a customer and choose the same airline for my next flight.

Read more: Interview Question: What Does Customer Service Mean to You?

What We Look For

This video interview will give us the opportunity to virtually meet you and get a sense of who you are, which is helpful in determining admissibility as our applicant pool becomes increasingly more competitive. The best way to do well is to be yourself and answer all questions honestly.

Think of this video interview as great practice for all of the co-op interviews youll be part of, should you become a Waterloo Engineering student.

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How To Prepare For The Interview

Remember that online interviews are just as important as in-person interviews. Your interview could get you to the next round or even a job offer if the company handles all the interviewing online.

Here’s how to get ready for your interview:

  • Create a professional username, such as a variation on your real name as it appears on your resume, if its available.
  • Dress professionally even if you are sitting down. Wear nice pants and shoes, as you never know when you may have to stand up. Plus, dressing the part will help you get your head in the game.
  • Clear your workspace and any clutter that is behind you so that it doesn’t show up on the screen. You dont want your interviewer to be distracted by visual noise in the room or to assume that your disorganized space is a sign of how youd perform as a worker.
  • Make sure that you are in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed by people, pets, etc. Turn off your ringer, any alarms, and electronics that are likely to interrupt. Let roommates and family know when you’ll be interviewing so they keep quiet and handle anything that comes up .
  • Have a piece of paper and a pen ready so that you are not scrambling to find them later.
  • Have a copy of your resume in your sightline in case you have to refer to dates, job titles, or numbers.

Make Sure You Have The Right Devices Available

9 Video Interview Tips to Help You Succeed

If you have no other options, you can probably use your smartphone for this interview, assuming it has a camera. However, you will very likely make the best impression using a camera connected to a computer, assuming the computer also has a microphone and a speaker

Double-check with the interviewer if you need to use your smartphone.

When possible, test the connection to be sure it works before the interview regardless of device used.

In advance, test your microphone and camera to be sure that they work. Even perfect answers to the questions wont make an impact if they cant hear your answers or see you talk.

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How Do I Start Filming Remote Interviews

Ready to get started, but arent quite sure how to record online video interviews? Youve come to the right place.

Many of the key elements of filming remote interviews are the same as shooting them in personwith a few important differences. Preparation is similar to recording other remote video productions, with a few additional considerations.

Dress Sharp For The Interview

When you dress well regardless if you’re with a large crowd or alone a funny thing happens.

You end up feeling great.

This new found confidence will become contagious even if there person is across the globe!

Showing that you pay attention to the details and respect the people on the line by dressing well will earn you some bonus points.

In conclusion

Online interviewing will only become more common as time passes.

Learn how to be an expert in conducting interviews online and you’ll be able to leverage this skill-set in meetings, managing others, and in day-to-day communication.

Want more?

Read Also: What Should You Bring To An Interview

Common Mistakes In Online Interviews

For many organizations, adopting the hiring process to an online interview platform quickly means they simply translate existing processes to virtual methods. Hiring teams need to proceed with caution in doing this.

The traditional hiring process is fraught with bias. Its not an adequate solution to avoid bias by replacing traditional face-to-face interviews with a video call. Relying on a résumé screen, phone screen, and then an online video call still opens the door for the same inherent biases it just means the process is done remotely or virtually.

Without Vervoe we would need nine times the number of staff to do the same job.

David Castro Talent Acquisition Manager, Walmart

And, while receiving video recordings from candidates may save time in scheduling, the fact is that those recordings still need to be reviewed by someone in your organization. Watching back hours of candidate videos is simply not a scalable solution.

Choosing The Best Location For A Mobile Video Interview

How To Prepare For Video Interviews

Our usual virtual interview tips still apply, even if you need to use your phone instead of a computer. Choose an interview spot that is quiet, where you wont be interrupted by a family member, pet or a neighbor mowing their lawn. Check that you have a strong signal or WiFi connectionif you do have any connection issues, let your interviewer know. Theyll have your contact information so they can call you back.

Good lighting is key so the interviewer has a clear view of your face. Phone cameras can be tricky with lightingmake sure light is shining on your face, not from behind you. You may also want to make sure the phone is focused on your face. On certain phone models, you can reset the focus just by tapping the screen. This will help the camera adjust the lighting around you as well. Make sure you pick a spot where you can prop up your phone and dont have to hold it for the duration of your interviews. You can also use on of our Zoom backgrounds for your interview.

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Why Do You Want This Job

First, you need to be able to explain YOUR priorities and goals. You need to know one or two things that are important to you in your job search. Other than I want to get hired or Im unemployed so I need a job.

Then show them that youve researched the job and know what it involves.

Finally, talk about how the things this job offers fit nicely with what you prioritized in your job hunt!

Sample answer: Something thats important for me to find in my next job is a chance to mentor and train other team members. I was reading the job description and noticed that one of the first things you mentioned was your mentoring program, so I was excited to learn more about the opportunity.

And for an added bonus, talk about how youd be effective in this area. Have you done anything in the past thatll help you succeed? What skills and experience will allow you to come in and have an immediate impact. Thats what they want. Get specific, give examples.

In my last job I mentored four new hires as a part of our training program, and helped each of them meet or exceed their goals within three months of joining us

Dont Move The Camera Too Much

Find the optimal position before the interview in a place where you know you wont be distracted. If you are using your phone for the interview, avoid holding it in your hand as it could appear shaky and distracting for the interviewer. If you dont have a phone stand, check out these 5 phone stands you can make at home.

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Tips For Acing An Online Job Interview

COVID-19 has impacted a lot of thingsincluding how we restrict face-to-face interactions. Many interviews are now taking place virtually, especially in the early stages of the talent search.

In recent years, online job interviews have become more popular and many companies, including Hilton, are regularly using technology to conduct preliminary interviews. During the pandemic, job interviews for nearly every stage of the hiring process became the norm.

While online interviews are similar to traditional, in-person meetings, they have some major differences that candidates should be prepared for.

Consider Offering An Equipment Kit

Want to Crush Your Next Video Job Interview? Be Sure to Do ...

If your organization plans to do frequent remote interviews, you might consider assembling a basic equipment kit that you can mail to interviewees to use during the call. This would be your best chance of guaranteeing high-quality footage.

Depending on your budget, you could allow them to keep the equipment as a bonus for agreeing to interview with you or have them send it back to you for reuse .

Make sure that the items you include in your kit are both affordable and easy to use as interviewees may not be tech-savvy.

Video Producer Mathew King recommends the following items for an effective remote video kit that clocks in at under $200 USD:

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What Is The Best Video Interviewing Software

The best video interviewing platforms are:

  • VidCruiter: Best video interview platform with full recruiting suite
  • MyInterview: Best Video Interview Software With Free Tier
  • SparkHire: A top interview platform for SMB and staffing
  • Brazen: Video interview + career fairs & chatbots
  • XOR: Comprehensive AI recruiting platform
  • HireVue: Great video interview solution with broader assessment suite
  • interviewstream: One of the first video interview platforms
  • RecRight: Great candidate support
  • Avature: Great Video Interview Platform Combined with CRM
  • OutMatch: Video interviews plus candidate assessment
  • Harver: Video Interviews Plus Candidate Assessmentsâ
  • Hireflix: Best for one-way interviews
The Top 13 Best Video Interviewing Platforms – July 2021

Create A Professional Profile

There are many different potential platforms that your interviewer could use for the job interview. You may, for instance, be invited to a Skype interview. Or, perhaps, you are asked to attend a Zoom or Teams interview. Either way, once you know what platform will be used, download the necessary app and, if required, make sure you create a professional profile. In most cases, the first thing that your interviewer will see is your profile photo and username, so ensure both are suitable and depict you in a professional light.

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Tips For A Successful Video Job Interview

Do you have a video interview on your schedule? As hiring becomes global and more employees work remotely, video interviews have become commonplace.

For hiring managers and recruiters, they’re a way to quickly conduct first-round interviews, save on transportation costs, and get the interview process started much faster than scheduling in-person interviews.

For some positions, the entire process may be handled virtually, while others may have a combination of video and in-person interviews.

Thinking You Can Googleyour Way To Success

Video Interview Tips: What to Wear, How to Prepare, and Example Questions

For a videointerview, youll use a computer, tablet, or smartphone to connect. This meansa powerful hunk of technology is within grabbing distance. If you get stumpedby a question, you might be tempted to hop online and look for an answer.

Similarly,you might think you can get a leg up by writing out answers to various regularor behavioralinterview questions. Then, you can just read them off when one comesup.

Sure, this might seem like a guaranteed path toward success, but it isnt. In most cases, youll get caught.


Because the hiring manager can see you and will probably notice when your attention keeps flickering around the screen, or your hands are suddenly clicking on keys.

Even if you try to be stealthy and mute your mic or fake a video feed issue to get that extra moment, thatll come across as suspicious, including if you only do it once. Hiring managers are no dummies. Theyve seen these tricks before.

Resisttemptation and dont try to use a computer or another device for an advantage.If you prepare properly for your interview, youll be fine. Resorting tosubterfuge just isnt necessary, and it could actually cause you to lose out ona job if you get caught.

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Set The Stage For A Distraction

Choose a location thats free from the distractions of children, roommates or pets. Hang a sign on the door asking mail carriers and package deliverers not to ring the doorbell.

Make sure the background is free from clutter and embarrassing items like laundry piles. Set up lighting thats bright but not glaring, illuminating your face from the front. Natural light is best.

Turn off email, text and social media alerts, software updates and other notifications that may pop up on the screen during the interview. Turn off programs that might interfere with the webcam, and close browser tabs.

Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job

There are many acceptable reasons for leaving a job. Prepare a thoughtful answer that will give your interviewer confidence that youre being deliberate about this job change. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your current or previous role, focus on the future and what you hope to gain in your next position. Consider the following when crafting your response:

1. Focus on your skills:“Ive been refining my project management skills with volunteer opportunities and side projects with other teams, and I received my PMP last quarter…”

2. Keep it positive:“…Im looking for an opportunity where I can put those abilities to work for a mission Im passionate about…

3. Relate it back to the job:…I was also excited to read in the job description that this role will require regular presentations to key stakeholdersone of my key motivators is the ability to connect with colleagues and communicate my teams work, so this is an especially exciting part of this opportunity…

4. Provide a recap:…Ultimately, Ive learned a lot in my current role, but Im looking for the next step where I can continue to grow and use the skills Ive honed to contribute to a company I love, and this opportunity seems to be the perfect fit.

Read more: Interview Question: Why Are You Looking for a Job?

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Different Types Of Video Interviews

Video interviews will predominantly take two formats: Live interview and pre-recorded.

Live interviews are very similar to face-to-face interviews. You may be asked to take part in video interview over skype or any other video conference call platform. For these you need to be as prepared as you would for a face-to-face interview. There are no second-takes or do-overs, you will need the same flow as a conventional interview.

Pre-recorded interviews differ in that you will not be faced with someone on the other end asking live questions. Instead, you will be asked a series of questions and you will be required to record your answer and submit it. With this format, you will more than likely be given around 2 minutes of recording time for each question. It’s important you are familiar with all aspects of the role and business you are applying for. Also you want to know answers to potential questions centred around your motivations, ambitions, and other common topics.

Focus On The Conversation

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On the day of your interview, do one final check of your technology and make sure your battery is charged. Sit down in your chosen location with at least 15 minutes to spare before you start the interview. Have a glass of water at hand, and a notepad and pen. It can be handy to have your resume or other documents there too but its not a good idea to read from notes. Close any programs that could affect your internet connection or distract you and disable pop-up notifications. Put your phone on silent mode if youre not using it.

Now turn your focus to the interview. Even though youll be answering questions through a screen, its important to think of your video interview as a conversation with another person. It can help to:

  • Slow down and take your time to answer. It might feel strange to hear gaps in the conversation. But pausing a second longer before you answer will help to ensure you dont speak over of the interviewer if theres a delay in the video. Taking deep breaths can help you to stay calm as well.
  • Look at the camera when you can. Unlike a face-to-face conversation it can be hard to know where to look. If you direct your gaze at the camera, rather than the interviewers face on screen, its more likely to appear that youre making eye contact. Try to do this when youre listening.
  • Think about your body language like you would normally sit up straight, and nod to show that youre listening and engaged.

Read Also: What Is One Way Video Interview

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