Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Prepare For Tech Interview

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Test Your Audio And Video Technology Video Background And Attire

How to Prepare for Technical Interviews

Leave nothing to chance. Test out your audio and video technology for virtual interviews. Make sure you have service for phone interviews. And double-check your attire if the interviewers can see you.

Consider conducting a mock interview in the same format as the real interview. Ask a friend or family member to give feedback on your video background and the connection quality.

What Skills Or Characteristics Make Someone An Effective Remote Worker

This is an important question to ask in our pandemic-changed world. Remote workers must be self-starters who can work with little supervision. They need excellent communication abilities, as well as stellar self-discipline and time-management skills. Not everyone has those qualities, and not everyone thrives working outside an office. You want to be sure your new hire will be both productive and comfortable if working off-site.

What Is The Use Of Vmotion

VMware’s VMotion technology enables you to migrate active virtual machines from one ESX-host to another without disrupting service or functionality. During this process, there is zero downtime, constant service availability, and overall transaction integrity. vMotion technology plays a key role in creating a dynamic, automated, and self-optimizing data center and provides great flexibility for virtual environments. Ensure that both hardware and software requirements are met by the cloud provider. The compatibility requirements are reduced if powered-off VMs are migrated.

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What Coding Language Are You Most Comfortable With

Interviewers are keen to know which coding languages you’re comfortable using. Remember to list specific coding languages you have worked with when answering. Lastly, select one specific coding language you favour and explain why.

Example answer:’I am versatile with a number of industry-standard coding languages, including SQL, Python, C++ and Visual Basic. I find that I am most comfortable using Javascript when completing coding tasks because it was the first coding language I learned and have developed a considerable fluency with it.’

Describe How You Tell A Candidate That They Did Not Get The Job Do You Remain In Contact

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The interviewer may ask this question as a way to understand how you deliver negative news along with your ability to provide feedback. Give examples from past experience of how you approach delivering bad news, giving feedback to support development and stay in contact with candidates for potential roles in the future.

Example:”I immediately let the candidate know that they did not receive a job offer, and then I offer feedback from their interviewing and application processes that can help them improve in their skill set and their communication during interviews. If the candidate is highly qualified and just needs coaching on interviewing or showcasing their best abilities, I provide career advice and resources to help these professionals find lasting and fulfilling roles.”

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Be Ready To Whiteboard

Whiteboarding has become standard practice in technical interviews, so you should practice ahead of time so you dont freeze, Nathanson says.

Practicing on the whiteboard and being prepared ahead of the interview can often make a big difference, especially to those for whom this kind of interaction does not come naturally, says Nathanson.

You also should take advantage of online practice resources, such as CodeSignal or HackerRank both of which offer free, anonymous coding challenges to help developers build and practice their skills.

In fact, research data from HackerRank, which measured performance of around 2,000 developers on its platform, reveals that programmers who completed 20 practice challenges on the site equating to roughly ten to 20 hours of practice performed twice as well on skills assessments as programmers who didnt take the challenges. Moreover, developers with at least two years of experience who completed 20 challenges increased their chances of getting an onsite interview by 50 percent, while junior developers who solved 20 challenges, increased their chances by at least 15 percent, according to HackerRank.

How Do You Follow Up With Candidates You’ve Placed

This is another type of question that focuses on your ability to communicate efficiently and maintain professional relationships. Show the interviewer your ability to maintain contact with new hires in regard to building your candidate network for connecting with future talent.

Example:”When I successfully interview and hire a candidate, once the company completes the onboarding process, I follow up by first congratulating them on obtaining the position and ask how they feel moving forward. I also offer resources for career development to support their success and advancement. I usually keep in contact with candidates who also have networks that I can collaborate with to find future talent.”

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Dont Forget To Prepare For Traditional/behavioral Questions

Employers often say that students are so concerned about the technical interview that they havent thought through answers to common questions like Tell me about yourself? or Why are you interested in this job? Read through our tips on common interview questions and practice behavioral questions with a CCE career counselor.

What Are The Benefits And The Drawbacks Of Working In An Agile Environment

How to prepare for your Microsoft interview: Technical Interviews

Most IT teams have adopted some form of Agile currently the favored SDLC methodology which means lots of quick meetings and a steady stream of feedback from fellow team members. A candidates answer can help you assess not only their level of understanding of this popular environment but also their attitude toward collaboration and communication.

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Explain The Different Types Of Virtualization Available

Virtualization generally enables your organization to run many processes at once with fewer physical infrastructures, leading to greater efficiency and cost savings. VMware manages different types of virtualizations, each having different uses in the industry.

Types of virtualization-

  • Server Virtualization: It is a type of virtualization where many virtual machines run on one physical server. Since you do not have to buy new servers or expand your server room, you save floor space and money. Server virtualization is offered by a few well-known providers, such as vSphere, XenServer, Hyper-V, and RedHat.
  • Network Virtualization: It refers to the process of combining all the physical network components into one virtual network. A virtual network can be composed of NICs, switches, VLANs, network storage devices, virtual network containers, and network media. This type of virtualization has the primary function of eliminating physical network device dependencies. One of its examples includes VMware NSX.
  • Application Virtualization: The process involves virtualizing and hosting applications on a server so that end users can have access to them on their devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. The app can be accessed via any Internet-connected device, so you don’t have to log in to a desktop at your office to use it. Its example includes VMware ThinApp, Citric XenApp, etc.

How Is This Repository Different

There are many awesome books like “Cracking the Coding Interview” and interview-related repositories out there on GitHub, what makes this repository different? The difference is that many existing interview repositories contain mainly links to external resources whereas this repository contains top-quality curated content directly for your consumption.

Also, existing resources focus mainly on algorithm questions and lack coverage for more domain-specific and non-technical questions. This handbook aims to cover content beyond the typical algorithmic coding questions.

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What Do You Mean By Vcloud Suite

vCloud Suite is often described as an enterprise-grade cloud and management solution. It is a collection of multiple VMware components to build and provide a completely integrated cloud infrastructure, that includes virtualization, software-defined datacenter services, disaster recovery, application management, etc.

There Are Several Features Such As Drs Smp Vmotion Etc But Why Do We Need Ha

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VMware HA is critical for us since we need uninterrupted service. Let’s suppose that one of the ESX servers in the cluster crashes suddenly for some reason. What would happen to the virtual machines running on that server? Do they continue running or are they falling? Likewise, they go down too. Thankfully, VMware HA allows you to restart these VM’s on any other ESX server in the same cluster as soon as they fail.

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Common Technical Interview Questions

Weâve compiled an assortment of technical interview questions based on both tech-heavy and non-tech heavy roles. With either focus, you can expect technical interview questions to span three primary areas: the tools you know, the processes you have experience with, and hypothetical situations that aim to better understand your problem-solving skills.

How Do You Think Technology Advances Will Impact Your Job

New technology continues to change many IT roles. How aware of that is the candidate youre interviewing? Do they know, for example, that automated testing is a major part of DevOps, which allows for faster development cycles and quicker deployment? A candidate may talk about the automation tools they use or the challenges of working with machine learning and big data. They may also discuss emerging tech, like AI, Web3, or the Metaverse. This question is a good way to start a conversation about trends and advancements in the field, and it will also give you insight into how the candidate perceives their role over the long term.

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Have A Strong Closing

Many interviews end awkwardly, but it doesnt have to be that way. Use the last few minutes to ask questions about the company, the culture, projects and initiatives the companys involved with, and especially to let the interviewer know why youre the right person for the job. If there are specific aspects about your work history, skills or experience that werent covered or that you want to reiterate this is the time to emphasize those. After the meeting, jot down any notes, thoughts or feedback you have while the memories are still fresh. You should also write down the interviewers names, roles and any other relevant information.

Get Proficient With The Preferred Programming Language

How to Prepare for Technical Interviews, Part 1 – Coding

First and foremost, you need to understand the programming fundamentals and get proficient with the preferred programming language. If youre going out for interviews for tech job roles like SDE, Software Tester, Web Developer, etc. you obviously should have a decent command of coding or programming skills. Though as there are numerous programming languages out there such as Python, Java, C++, Swift, etc. youre not required to learn and master each and every programming language, you need to pick out those 1 or 2 programming languages relevant to your career domain and goals. Just for an example, if youre looking forward to building a career as an Android Developer, then it would be better for you to become proficient with languages like JAVA and Kotlin compared to other popular languages like PHP, Swift, etc. Also, many renowned tech companies including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. often require the candidates to write code on the whiteboard hence, youre recommended to thoroughly understand the basics and syntax of the particular language.

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Describe A Time When Your Technical Expertise Helped You Solve A Problem

Interviewers may ask questions like this to thoroughly understand your problem-solving approach and the depth of your technical knowledge. In questions like this that involve telling a specific story, you can use the STAR interview response technique: Describe the situation, task, your action and the result.

Example:”Most of my work at my previous job was coding in very isolated contexts, usually controlling a unique piece of custom-ordered equipment, but once we got an order for four pieces of equipment that needed to communicate. I used what I knew from my networking courses in school, and made sure my information was current by checking with some technical articles and forums. I was able to successfully connect the equipment so that it could manufacture a large number of items at the same time, with a very low failure rate and several systems to prevent redundant item production.”

Related:How To Use the STAR Interview Response Technique

Follow Up And Send A Thank

As with any interview, you want the interviewer to remember you for the right reasons. Make sure to send a thank-you note using the interviewers names, recalling some of the high points of the interview and expressing why youre the right fit.

Now, sit back, relax, and wait for that job offer!

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Practice Your Answers To Technical Questions

Tech job interviews often come with technical questions. The specific questions depend on the role and job title. In addition, interviewers want to know how you approach problems, where you go for information, and how you work with others.

Common technical questions include:

  • How would you solve this particular tech problem?
  • What steps do you take when debugging code?
  • What’s your strongest coding language?

Brush up on technical skills relevant to the job. And don’t worry if you can’t immediately answer the question. With technical questions, your approach and problem-solving often matter as much or more than the specific answer.

What Would You Do If One Task Took Longer Than Expected And Set You Back On Your Schedule

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A hiring manager may ask this question to see how you would adjust to a busy workplace, or if the job involves visiting several clients’ homes or businesses throughout the day. In your answer, you can emphasize your time management skills and adaptability, but make sure to balance those with an awareness that quality work can take time.

Example:”**When a service call takes longer than I expect, I can take two different approaches. If the client is very talkative, I try to understand whether they’re looking for more information from me or whether they’re just being friendly. If they have questions about my work, I make sure to give them my card and point them to our customer service department.

“If the appointment is long because I ran into an unexpected problem, I’ll usually run out to my truck and check if I have the parts to fix it that day. If I do, I’ll see if I can talk to another technician about scooting our schedules around so that I can stay and finish the job, but if I don’t, I’ll schedule a follow-up with the client as soon as possible.”

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How Do You Handle Tight Deadlines

IT teams often face daunting time constraints. You need someone who can work efficiently and accurately when under pressure. Ask this interview question of a potential employee, and youll at least get a sense of how they deal with stress and whether they can keep up with the pace of projects at your company. You could also follow up by asking if theyve ever missed a deadline and, if so, how they dealt with the situation.

Internalize Key Tech Interview Question Patterns

Many coding interview solutions actually involve a similar set of key patterns – and learning them will help you solve any long tail problem that is outside the set of commonly asked coding interview questions.


Out of the resources on the internet – AlgoMonster is an excellent platform created by Google engineers. It uses a data-driven approach to condense software engineering coding interview questions into a set of key patterns, and summarized them into a structured, easy to digest course. Imagine LeetCode, but with only the key patterns you need to know.

Best of all, AlgoMonster is not subscription-based – pay a one-time fee and get lifetime access. Join today for a 70% discount

Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions

This course by Design Gurus expands upon the questions on the recommended practice questions but approaches the practicing from a questions pattern perspective, which is an approach I also agree with for learning and have personally used to get better at coding interviews. The course allows you to practice selected questions in Java, Python, C++, JavaScript and also provides sample solutions in those languages.

Learn and understand patterns, not memorize answers! Join today for a 10% discount

And that is all from me – for more detail on each step of the software engineer coding interview preparation process, do dive into each topic within my handbook through the sidebar or by navigating to the next page!

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Pick A Good Programming Language To Use

A good programming language to use for coding interviews is one you are familiar with and is suitable for interviews.

What determines if a programming language should be used for interviews? Generally, we want higher level languages that have many standard library functions and data structures and are therefore “easier” to code in.

Recommended programming languages to use for coding interviews: Python, C++, Java, JavaScript

Read more about considerations for picking a programming language here.

Master Your Programming Languages

How to Prepare for Technical Interviews

You can usually use your preferred programming language for the technical interview, and knowing its ins and outs will help you make a good impression.

Mastering your programming language will allow you to give the assignment your full attention instead of wasting time figuring out syntax. Plus, you might get the chance to wow your interviewer with a lesser-known feature or method.

It’s also worth taking the time to learn data structures and algorithms. Not only will this make your coding more efficient, but it’ll also deepen your understanding of the concepts employed in your technical interview.

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How Would You Respond If You Saw An Error In Your Work Before The Client Saw It What About After The Product Is Delivered

An interviewer may ask this question to understand how good you are at troubleshooting and taking responsibility for your work. Your answer to this question is a good opportunity to describe your own process for checking your work.

Example:”I’m always glad when I catch a mistake early because it gives me time to correct it, so I try to regularly review my own code. If my team members or supervisors point out a problem, I do some research to check whether I understand what went wrong and avoid it next time. If the problem makes it into the finished product, I make sure no one else takes the blame for it. If it’s a small contract, I might contact the client with an apology, and I make sure to fix it right away to minimize security risks.”

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