Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Prepare For Interview At Google

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Coding And Learning Platforms

Prepare for Your Google Interview: Coding

LeetCode, InterviewBit, and GFG were my leading go-to platforms for coding practice. Before the interviews, I solved around 320 LeetCode, 80 InterviewBit, and 30 GFG questions.

Medium difficulty problems are essential as most of your interview questions will fall under this category. Solving these will immensely improve your speed and problem-solving ability.

Its important to start with a mix of Easy and Medium level question at an early stage. Begin with Hard problems once you gain an adequate level of confidence. Dont get demotivated if you are unable to solve the Hard ones. These problems can take a longer time to practice and perfect. Whenever I felt overwhelmed, I came back to an Easy for a motivation boost.

Maintain a growth mindset. Every problem you are unable to solve is an opportunity to learn something new.

I did not wholly rely on a single resource for learning. Each resource provided me newer insights. I kept a journal, always aggregating and expanding my knowledge along the way.

Last but not least BaseCS articles by Vaidehi Joshi. She writes intuitive & straightforward explanations on several DSA topics.

Network By Attending Events And Conferences

If you really want to land an interview with your target company, it helps to attend events and conferences that they are in attendance at. To find out what events may be coming up, try searching the company’s website or social media pages. Once you have a list of events, start contacting event organizers to see if you can get a chance at the interviews that will be held there.

Once you get an interview, another important thing is to make sure that during the interview process, you build that personal connection with your interviewer. If you build a good personal connection with them, theyll remember your name and might make sure your resume has a second look from someone else in their department.

Here are some of the resources hackathons and events that you can attend, show off your skills and make your connections!

If you think I missed something that should be added here, be sure to mention it in the comments

As long as you do all of these things correctly, it should not be too hard for you to land an interview with Google!

Find The Perfect Company For You

One of the best ways to find the perfect company for you is to identify who your ideal job would be at that company.

For example, if your ideal job would be working on Facebooks Ads Team, you know that their ads team works in Menlo Park, California. You can narrow down your search by looking at their website to see which departments are hiring and figure out which one might be a good fit for yours.

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Prepare Answers To Some Common Questions:

Furnishing yourself with answers to the questions that they regularly ask is always a good idea. Do not assume that just because you are familiar with the principle things, you will be able to get through the interview successfully.

Often though we are familiar with answers, we find it tough to coherently get our words and thoughts across and end up using extremely unprofessional statements like you know what I mean or you get the point. The interview questions might cover anything that is on your CV. Thorough knowledge on the fundamentals of Computer Science is a must for any engineering job that you might apply for at Google.

The questions will test your knowledge on topics like-logical problems, hash tables, stacks, system design and arrays. If you answer the questions well and confidently then you have nothing to worry about.

Day 3 Putting Product Design Questions Together With The Circles Method

How to Prepare for Google Onsite Interview


Do the following product design exercises in The Product Manager Interview:

  • Disney Experience with Your Phone
  • Improving Google Hangouts


  • Like a wine connoisseur, detect and deduce how your response differs from the sample. As you become attuned to the differences, your own responses will improve.
  • For now, dont worry about response quality or speed. Getting started, by practicing, is half the battle.

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Practice Like You Play

Effective practice is realistic practice.

In the midst of an interview, you want to be focused and able to spend the majority of your mental energy on the problem given from the interviewer. You dont want to be thrown off by extraneous factors such as not being used to writing code in a non-IDE environment.

Here is a list of factors that you should be mindful of when developing your practice regimen.

Time Constraints

The phone interview is 30-45 minutes, and each of the one-on-one onsite interviews will be roughly 45 minutes to an hour each. In each of these scenarios, you will be presented with at least one question, which, in most cases, is a coding category question.

In order to effectively practice under time constraints, one strategy would be to select one specific problem.

For instance, selecting a problem from one of the book or video resources under the Additional Resources section of this post would be a good place to start. Then, start a timer and attempt to solve the problem without access to an IDE.

Following this practice for a few different categories of questions will give you some signal with respect to how you are faring with time constraints. Getting optimal solutions within the time interval of 30-45 minutes consistently for problems of varying difficulty is the ultimate goal. If you are struggling to hit this goal, use this as an opportunity to tighten up this area is something you will need to work on.


Pressure Constraints

Google Interview Tip #2 Have More Than One Answer Ready

Where possible, have more than one answer ready for the behavioral interview questions that are listed on this page. The vast majority of interviewees will have just one answer ready. However, if you can draw from many different experiences, this gives you more to talk about at your interview and it allows you to demonstrate the diverse range of skills and qualities you have that will be appealing to the Google hiring manager.

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Q2 List Out The Different Types Of Deployment Models Used In The Cloud

Where the Configuration of any servers or toolchain or application stack required for an organization can be made into more descriptive level of code and that can be used for provisioning and manage infrastructure elements like Virtual Machine, Software, Network Elements, but it differs from scripts using any language, where they are series of static steps coded, where Version control can be used in order to track environment changes.Example Tools are Ansible, Terraform.

Coding & Algorithm Interview

How to: Prepare for a Google Engineering Interview

Google software engineers solve some of the most difficult problems the company faces with code. It’s therefore essential that they have strong problem solving skills. This is the part of the interview where you want to show that you think in a structured way and write code that’s accurate, bug-free, and fast.

Here are the most common question types asked in Google coding interviews and their frequency. Please note the list below excludes system design and behavioral questions, which we’ll cover later in this article.

  • Graphs / Trees
  • Arrays / Strings
  • Recursion
  • Geometry / Maths
  • Below, we’ve listed common examples used at Google for each of these different question types. To make these questions easier to study, we’ve modified the phrasing to match the closest problem on Leetcode or another resource, and we’ve linked to a free solution.

    In addition, we recommend looking at the list of former coding interview questions and the interview tips that Google makes available. These questions aren’t used by the company anymore but are still useful for practice.

    Example coding questions asked at Google

    1. Graphs / Trees

    2. Arrays / Strings

    3. Dynamic Programming

    4. Recursion

    5. Geometry / Math

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    What Is Google Hangouts

    Google Hangouts is a platform created by Google for video calling. It is a common option for employers who prefer to meet with their job candidates virtually first. There are many benefits to Google Hangouts, such as the ability to have multiple users on one call, the ease of joining a meeting and the ability to interview from home. This is especially beneficial for candidates who live far away from the company and plan to relocate or for companies seeking remote employees.

    Day 4 To 10 Putting Product Design Questions Together With The Circles Method


    Complete one example a day for the next seven days, choosing from the list of questions from The Product Manager Interview, below.

  • Improving Google Play Store
  • Mobile App Design for Nest
  • Favorite Product
    • Easily explain why CIRCLES leads to better interview responses.
    • Understand when, how and why one should adapt CIRCLES.

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    Focus On All Aspects Of The Job Interview

    Google is infamous for asking tricky interview questions and teasing the candidates with brain teasers. As such, many people just take this aspect of interview preparation into consideration and focus more on it, leaving other topics uncovered.

    However, to succeed in the interview at Google, you need to not just prepare for the tricky interview question but also know your subject well.

    Also, you need to impress on the interviewer that you are someone accepting of ideas and differences and can do well in an environment known to host diversity.

    Acing The Google Interview: The Ultimate Guide

    How To Prepare For Google Program Manager Interview ...

    Passing the Google Interview. Every engineers dream.

    After all, why wouldnt you want to work at Google with the free food, cushy salary, and credentials that will make you set for life?

    The Google Interview is a methodology of technical interviewing that has been widely used and popularized by the tech giant, . It serves as the ultimate test to determine whether you have the coding and algorithmic chops to develop software with the best.

    It is a crucial measuring stick by which your technical prowess is assessed and arguably the most important determining factor in Googles decision to go hire or no hire.

    If you want to stack the deck in your favor when interviewing at Google you need to develop a strategy for attacking the most critical parts of what you will encounter. In this post, Ill show you how.

    As the style of interview that Google uses has been so widely emulated, this post will also help you interview at most other large tech companies. So sit back and lets dig in.

  • System Design Questions
  • Given: A vague high-level problem that involves designing a complicated system. For example, the interviewer may want you to design Gmail.
  • Output: Ability to work with the interviewer to determine what the critical components of the system are and design a solution with scalability in mind.
  • General Analysis Questions
  • Also Check: What Questions To Ask In An Interview For Administrative Assistant

    Dev Community Is A Community Of 756027 Amazing Developers

    We’re a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers.

    Landing an interview with Google is no easy task. But what about companies like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple? If you want to work for any of these companies, youll need to land that interview.

    The first step is identifying the right company to apply to. Once you find the company you want to work for, take a look at their website. What are they known for? What values do they have? How many people do they employ? Which department might be the best fit for you? After you figure out who your perfect target company is, its time to go about actually getting an interview with them.

    There are three ways to get your resume in front of their hiring managers:

    How Is The Google Interview Different From Other Companies

    Google isnt shy about sharing their hiring practices. In fact they have a whole page dedicated to exactly that.

    The interview process begins with at least one phone screen and, if successful, a series of onsite interviews. The Google phone screen and onsite portions are fairly typical across the board of technical interviewing, but the process at Google is unique in a couple specific details:

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    How To Prepare For Google Phone Interview

    Google is an all American technological organization that functions in numerous countries across the globe. This technology company is world renowned for its exemplary net related products and services. From gym facilities and slide in-between floors to a mind boggling variety of foods to choose from, Google looks into every need of its employees, and then it is not for nothing that everyone wants to be a part of the Google family.

    Here are some extremely easy tips to help you prepare for andcrack a Google phone interview those who take out time to study for their interview tend to do much better than those who do not.

    Q5 List Out The Benefits Of Cloud Services

    How to: Prepare for a Google Business Interview

    Below are the few benefits of Cloud Services:

    • Cloud services helps in utilizing the corporate segment investment, hence it is cost saving.
    • Cloud services helps in developing healthy and scalable applications. Current scaling process consumes very less time.
    • Maintenance and deployment time can be much saved.

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    Preparing For The Interviews

    I am listing all of the resources that I found helpful for interview preparation, not just for Google but in general.

    • Geeks for Geeks: GFG is one of the best places to practice because it includes articles along with questions and detailed answers with an explanation of the time and space complexities.
    • LeetCode: This is my personal favorite as it includes company-specific questions that help a lot. Also, I personally find the quality as well as the number of questions pretty nice when compared to all the interview prep sites I have practiced on to date.
    • Cracking the Coding Interview: Apart from the above two resources that majorly focus on coding, this book also gives a good guide on how to impress an interviewer, by constantly clarifying the questions and optimizing your solutions. An interview is not just about problem-solving, it is about how you approach the problem and solve it from scratch.
    • Codeforces: CF contests help a lot in improving ones algorithmic thinking, coding speed as well as accuracy which are the key ingredients for acing an interview.

    Getting Noticed By Google

    Google receives more than two million resumes but hires only around 4000 employees every year so its not easy to get noticed by recruiters for interview calls. Take the referrals through some connections working in these companies or you can take the help of LinkedIn and online coding platforms to increase your chances for interview calls. Below are some points that will help you in getting the call for interviews

  • Try to make a single-page resume and include only relevant things. Make it short, precise because none of the recruiters has more than 15 seconds to scan a CV. Write down only those things you are comfortable with, do not fake anything because the interviewer can spot that easily during the interview. If you are mentioning your project then mention the complexity of your project as well. Check the link Resume Building Resources and Tips for the guidelines to prepare your CV.
  • You can participate in or which is a coding competition hosted by Google. If you reach Round 2 in Google Code Jam, you might be contacted by Google.
  • Keep your Linkedin, Github and other profiles updated, hiring managers uses these tools like LinkedIn, alumni databases, and professional associations to find out suitable candidate.
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    Create A Google Account

    Although this step isn’t necessary, creating a Google account makes joining your interview easier. Instead of needing a link to join an interview, you access the Google Hangout video call directly from your account. Google Hangout provides you the chance to add your interview to your Google calendar, which serves as a great reminder. Customize your account by adding a profile picture and adjusting to the appropriate time zone.

    Google Jobs The Different Roles Available At Google

    Prepare for Your Google Interview: Systems Design

    There are many different job roles available at Google, and depending on your skillset, your qualities, and your educational background, theres certain to be a role that suits your careers goals and aspirations.

    For some roles at Google a degree is required, and they are categorized in the following manner: Associate, Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. and Pursuing Degree. There are also a variety of different positions you can apply for including full-time, part-time, temporary and intern. As you already are aware, there are different businesses that fall under the Google Alphabet network and you will need to apply for a role with your chosen company:

    • Google
    • Wing
    • X

    Once you have chosen your preferred company from the list above, it is now time to select your role. As you can imagine, there are literally hundreds of great jobs available at Google and the list below is just a small sample of the more common ones available:

    Program Manager Software Engineer Account Executive Marketing Executive and Marketing Manager Design Engineering Lead, Devices and Services Mechanical Engineer/Technician CAD/PCB Design Engineer Marketing Vice President, Google Play and Developer Relations Cloud Engineer Data Center Technician Business Intern Legal Trainee and Information Technology Intern.

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    Understanding Of Google As A Business:

    It would benefit you greatly to have an understanding of the various services and products that the company has to offer. Sometimes you might be asked a simple question that might make your mind go blank. One of the most common questions that people are unable to get right is- What is the color of each alphabet in the word Google on the Google homepage?.

    So make sure you do some background reading so that you are able to make a good impression. You can do your reading up from this link or even by glancing though Wikipedias Google page.

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