Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Questions To Ask An Employer At Interview

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Interview Questions You Should Ask The Employer In The Covid Era

5 Good Questions To Ask An Employer During A Job Interview

Before the interview, prepare a list of pertinent questions that you would like answered to help you … decide if this position is an excellent job for you.


Lately, several of my career counseling clients have mentioned that they have many workplace questions surrounding Covid-19. Yet, they wonder what questions they should ask an employer in an interview. Brenda and I were doing a Zoom interview coaching session, and she wanted my help to know precisely how to let the employer know she was not willing to relocatenow or ever. She felt she should be transparent. I agreed but mentioned that almost all the employers I speak with, and my clients, have said that no one is making anyone relocate right now. That doesnt mean its a permanent situation, however.

John shared with me in his interview prep session that he only wanted remote work. His wife had severe health issues, and he could not risk bringing home Covid. In addition, he was worried that most employers would like people to return to work soon. Hes not alone in his concerns. Numerous clientsmost of them executiveshave stated that they only want remote work.

Before the interview, prepare a list of pertinent questions that you would like answered to help you decide if this position is an excellent job for you. This is your chance to determine if this is the right joband employerfor you.

Gaining Insight into the Corporate Culture

  • Check out the hiring manager on LinkedIn.
  • Covid-Related Questions To Ask

    Questions To Ask About The Job

    Question 1: Can you elaborate on the day-to-day responsibilities this job entails?

    This is a good question to ask the hiring manager. The answer will be important for you to take into consideration as you determine whether or not this job is the right fit for you.

    Question 2: What are the characteristics of someone who would succeed in this role?

    Ask this question to the hiring manager or others on the interview panel who you might work with if you accept the job. Their answers will quickly give you an idea of the qualities they hope to see in the person they hire.

    Question 3: Whats the most important thing I could do to help within the first 90 days of employment?

    With this question, youre showcasing your desire and ability to contribute from day one. Its a good one to ask of the hiring manager.

    Question 4: What are some of the challenges youve seen people in this role or on this team encounter?

    During your interviews, you want to get a clear-eyed view of what this job is like why its hard and rewarding at the same time. Getting your interviewers perspectives on potential hurdles will give you a holistic picture.

    Question 5: If I were in this job, how would my performance be measured?

    Question 6: What does the career path for someone in this role look like?

    Another one for the hiring manager. This question can signal your interest in growing at this company.

    More questions to ask your interviewer about the job:

    9. What would my first week at work look like?

    ‘can You Tell Me What Steps Need To Be Completed Before Your Company Can Generate An Offer’

    “Any opportunity to learn the timeline for a hire is crucial information for you,” Hoover said.

    Asking about an “offer” rather than a “decision” will give you a better sense of the timeline because “decision” is a broad term, while an “offer” refers to the point when they’re ready to hand over the contract.

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    What Does The Career Path Look Like For Someone In This Role

    Many people hope to make multiple advancements during the course of their careers. Even if you do not plan on working for the company until you retire, you may want to understand your opportunities for advancement or career growth.

    Use this question to learn about the promotion opportunities, average time spent in the position and growth within the company. You do not have to know where you want to go in your career and what you want to learn. The purpose of this question is to make sure there are options available to you when you want them.

    What Are The Biggest Opportunities In The Company Right Now

    The best job interview questions to ask employers for ...

    Use this question to learn more about where the company is going. If you have significant experience in the industry, you can determine if the company is on top of the latest trends and expanding. If you are new to your field, you can learn more about where the industry is going based on your employers answers.

    In all likelihood, you will be working on projects related to these major opportunities. Understanding their importance and focus will help you once you start work. Additionally, the hiring managers answer may give you insight into whether there is room for growth within the company.

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    How To Prepare Job Interview Questions

    Prepare a list of power questions to ask the employer at the end of the interview before the actual interview.

    Dont be afraid to come into a job interview with your questions written down ahead of time.

    Coming prepared with power questions shows the employer that you are prepared, thoughtful, and eager to get the job.

    The Best Questions To Ask At The End Of Every Job Interview

    • Finding questions to ask your interviewer is a crucial part of preparing for any job interview.
    • Asking questions is a simple way to show that you’re truly interested in the role and the company.
    • Business Insider compiled a number of smart questions that are sure to impress your next interviewer.

    Thinking up questions to ask during job interviews is key.

    Remember: Every interview is a two-way street. You should be interviewing the employer just as much as they’re interviewing you. You both need to walk away convinced that the job would be a great fit.

    So when the tables are turned and the interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for me?” take advantage of this opportunity. It’s the best way to determine if you’d be happy working for this employer, and whether your goals are aligned with theirs.

    Plus, asking questions is a simple way to convey your enthusiasm for the role and the organization that you’re looking to join.

    But sometimes it’s tricky to think up questions to ask on the spot. So you should do your research, and come prepared with some questions for your interviewer.

    Luckily, there are plenty of great questions to pick from, no matter your job level or industry.

    Also Check: Preparing For System Design Interview

    Questions About The Company

    7. How would you describe the culture here? What type of people tend to really thrive here, and what type dont do as well?

    Sometimes hiring managers are pretty bad at accurately describing the culture on their teams in part because they have a vested interest in seeing it a certain way and in part because they have an inherently different vantage point than their staff members do. For example, Ive heard incorrigible micromanagers tell candidates that they like to give people a lot of independence and autonomy and they probably really believed that about themselves. So take managers descriptions of culture with a heavy grain of salt , but theres still value in hearing what they do and dont emphasize.

    But asking about what types of people tend to thrive versus those who tend to struggle can get you more revealing information. Youll often learn what that manager really cares about in their employees, or which traits will set you up to clash with them, or whos likely to bristle at their management style.

    8. What do you like about working here?

    You can learn a lot by the way interviewers respond to this question. People who genuinely enjoy their jobs and the company will usually have several things they can tell you that they like about working there and will usually sound sincere. But if you get a blank stare or a long silence before your interviewer answers, or the answer is something like the paycheck, consider that a red flag.

    Learn More About The Role

    Interview questions to ask an employer

    These questions are good to ask the hiring manager.

    • Can you describe a typical day for the person in this role?
    • What are some of the first projects the person in this role will work on?
    • What skills or qualities do you think are most important to succeed in this role? At this company?
    • What do you think are some challenges that the person in this role will face?

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    Interview Questions About What The Applicant Is Seeking

    6. What prompted you to apply for this job? What interested you the most about this position?

    What you want to know: You want to know what the prospective employee is most interested in related to your position. The answer will tell you about what motivates the individual and what is important to them. You can then assess whether their needs are congruent with the work environment and opportunities that the position provides.

    I applied for this job because the opportunity appeared to fit with the strengths and experience that I would bring to the position. It also offered me a promotion so that I can further develop my skills and face new challenges. I see it as a stretch role in which I can continue to grow my skills. Especially as the job is in a related industry to the one in which I am currently employed, I saw a lot of opportunities to expand my knowledge and network.

    7. Why are you leaving your current employer?

    What you want to know:The applicant’s response tells you about their values, outlook, goals, and expectations for an employer. You can determine what prompted the job search. Is the interviewee running toward a more successful future or away from a past unsuccessful employment experience? Candidates who tell you about leaving bad bosses may not reveal their own part in the story.

    8. What are the first three things you would do on the job if you were hired for this position?

    Ask For Company Culture Insight

    I always ask what the employers favorite aspect of a companys culture is. It gives insight into how the culture truly is and highlights some fun things that you may not know about in an initial interview. Plus, employers usually lighten up around this question and engage more with you as the interviewee. Company culture is very important to ask about to see if you would thrive in that business environment.

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    Work Habits And Working Style Questions To Ask Job Candidates:

    • How would you describe your work style?
    • What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
    • If you had to choose one, would you consider yourself a big-picture person or a detail-oriented person?
    • What are your strengths as an employee?
    • What are your weaknesses as an employee?
    • When were you most satisfied in your job?
    • What can you do for us that other candidates cant?
    • What were the responsibilities of your last position?
    • Give me an example of a time that you felt you went above and beyond the call of duty at work.
    • What was the last project you led, and what was its outcome?
    • Can you describe a time when your work was criticized?
    • How do you handle working with people who annoy you?
    • Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own weight? How did you handle it?
    • Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback. How did you handle it?
    • If I were your supervisor and asked you to do something that you disagreed with, what would you do?
    • Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple tasks by the end of the day, and there was no possible way that you could finish them.
    • What did you dislike about your least favorite former supervisor and/or coworker?
    • How would your previous co-workers describe you?
    • Can you give me an example of a time you worked through a conflict with a coworker?

    + Questions To Ask In A Job Interview

    5 Reasons behind Interview questions

    Job interviews should feel like a conversation, with two people asking and answering questions. You should follow the lead of your interviewer and prioritize giving them information about yourself, but know that interviewers expect you to ask questions, too. When you do, it shows that you have enthusiasm for and genuine interest in the job.

    In this quick video, Indeed recruiter Linda gives examples of questions you can ask your interviewer.

    Your opportunity to ask these questions typically comes at the end of the interview. Its a chance to learn more about the company culture, the challenges and opportunities the organization is facing, and what being in this job is really like.

    Related: 39 of the Best Questions to Ask at the End of the Interview

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    Questions To Ask So You Know What Happens Next

    Now, ask the 5 essential MUST-ASK next step in the interview process questions so that you will understand how their process works, when you can expect to hear from them, what happens next, and who will be your contact. If you dont ask these questions, you will have no idea when you will hear from them next or where they are in their process which will be very stressful for you.

    If you dont ask those questions, you also risk being in contact with the wrong person at the wrong time, looking either desperate or annoying.

    Why Asking Questions During An Interview Is Important

    Asking the hiring manager questions during an interview is important because it helps you learn about the job, establishes your interest in the position and shows your intelligence and creativity.

    Interviews help you and the company determine if you would be a good fit for their position. During an interview, ask questions that will help you decide if you would enjoy the job and work well with their team. When you ask questions, the interviewer can see that you’ve thought about the position and done research into their company. This shows the interviewer that you are a serious, dedicated candidate with enthusiasm for the position.

    Asking thoughtful and unique questions about the company and job also allows you to showcase your intelligence and ability to think independently, and it makes you a more active participant in the interview.

    Related:The Steps of the Interview Process

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    Questions About The Job:

  • Whats a typical day like here?
  • What would my first week here look like?
  • Can you tell me what the expectations are from a team player in this position?
  • What projects would be the first ones youd want me to take on?
  • Can you give me an example of what Id be working with?
  • What would you say is the most important skill your ideal candidate would have?
  • What factors determine if someone is successful here?
  • Is this a new role that youre hiring for?
  • Do you expect anything in this position to change over the next six months?
  • Whats the hardest part of this position?
  • How does this position contribute to the overall success of the company?
  • How long have you worked here?
  • What would you consider your greatest accomplishment here?
  • What do you think is the teams greatest accomplishment?
  • Why are you in this industry?
  • What goals do you have for your team?
  • Has your role changed since you started with the company?
  • What did you do before this?
  • What is your favorite part about working here?
  • Can you walk me through your typical day?
  • What do you like best about working at this company?
  • Where do you see the company going in the next few years?
  • Can you tell me anything about the companys plan for growth?
  • What are the current goals that the company has set for the team?
  • How does the company measure the goals that the team is striving towards?
  • Who do you think is your top competitor and why?
  • What are the biggest challenges the company is facing?
  • What To Ask: How Would You Describe The Companys Culture What Kinds Of People Fit Best With That Culture If I Asked An Employee What Their Favorite Thing About Working Here Is What Would They Say

    Interview Questions to Ask The Employer

    Why ask: When youre looking for work, youre usually hoping for more than just a paycheck. These questions can give some insight into the company culture and values, says Frana.

    Even if the role seems to be a perfect match to your skills, you could end up miserable if the company doesnt offer the flexibility you desire, encourages micromanagement by its supervisors, or otherwise creates a dreary and unwelcoming work environment. Its important to find a good cultural fit, so dont forget to ask about it.

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    What Is The Company Culture Like

    Asking about the culture is a great interview question for hiring managers because it gives you an idea of what it will be like working at the company. If possible, try to ask multiple people this question. You might get different perspectives depending on who you ask. While an employer might directly tell you the culture is great, you might want to do additional research by looking at their reviews online.

    You can also ask variations of this question depending on your values. Try asking questions about teamwork, work-life balance, collaboration or specific topics that are most important to you.

    Read More: Guide to Company Culture

    Do You Have Any Questions For Me

    If you pose this question to interviewees, the more interesting and more passionate ones will most likely have a wide variety of questions they wish to ask.

    The ones who are more thoughtful and are interested in the job will be the most likely ones to ask intelligent, informative questions which will enrich the interview process.

    Interested in additional interview questions? Check our post link for a list of behavioral interview questions.

    If you are about to have a second interview with a candidate, we list some significant questions you can ask during a second interview here

    Strategic interview questions are also important when speaking with potential candidates.

    As one of the leading engineering staffing agencies, we help employers recruit engineering, design, and IT Talent. Contact us about our Engineering recruiting services or IT staffing services

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